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Authors: Anna Sugden - A Perfect Trade (Harlequin Superromance)

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A Perfect Trade (Harlequin Superromance) (22 page)

BOOK: A Perfect Trade (Harlequin Superromance)
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Jenny let her hand slide down and rest against his chest. His quickened breathing and the heavy pounding of his heart beneath her palm confirmed he was as turned on as she was.

When they’d started this new phase of their relationship, Jenny had been embarrassed that the minute Tru touched her, she seemed to lose all rational thought, while he was able to maintain some semblance of sanity. But it hadn’t taken long to see beneath his game face to the truth. His passion-filled eyes, his husky voice and his unsteady hands had reassured her that she’d affected him, too.

Though it had cost him physically, he’d been prepared to do what was necessary to protect her and her babies. Few men would have pulled back from sex when it was so readily offered. How many more ways could he show her she was special?

Jenny realized she’d finally forgiven him for the past.

Not that she believed Tru was perfect, but then, neither was she. She was still cautious about trusting him fully—he hadn’t stopped trying to fix everything for everyone. Look at his stubborn refusal to tell his brothers about their father. She may not approve of his methods, but she couldn’t deny his motives. His worst fault was caring too much.

Over the past few days, she’d begun to feel ready to move their relationship to the next stage. Sure, there was a chance that sleeping together could ruin what they had and she wasn’t naive enough to expect happily-ever-after, but if she’d learned anything from the past few months, it was that if you waited for everything to be perfect, you could miss out altogether.

Besides, the window of opportunity for them could be closing. Though Tru hadn’t said anything, the rumors about him leaving the Ice Cats had gained momentum. He wouldn’t be in Jersey come October. She’d regret the missed opportunity if they didn’t explore how far they could take their relationship before he left. So, as soon as it was safe for them to have sex, she planned to tell him her decision.

But first, they had an important piece of business to deal with.

Tamping down the ardor still pounding through her veins, she said softly, “Time’s up.”

Tru blinked, momentarily confused. Then his eyes cleared and his gaze narrowed. “Then let’s do it.”

Jenny stood on shaky legs. The little white stick seemed to pulse on the edge of the sink.

She stepped forward, picked up the tester and turned it over slowly. Her stomach dropped to the floor. The result was unmistakable.

Her throat tightened as she tried to find the words. The stick fell from her nerveless fingers and tumbled to the floor.

Tru’s arms came round her, holding her tightly. How quickly she’d come to rely on him. On his solid, stable presence. On his support.

“Come on, Jenny-fair. Tell me.”

But the words wouldn’t come. Instead, she pointed to the floor.

With a sharp nod, Tru loosened his hold and bent to pick up the stick.

* * *

lines good or bad?”

Tru didn’t wait for Jenny’s response, as the answer hit his brain.

“Yes!” He fist-pumped the air, grinning, then grabbed Jenny in a bear hug.

After a few seconds, her stiff body registered.

He hadn’t made a mistake, had he? He peered down at her. “That stick thing did say you’re pregnant, right?”

Jenny nodded slowly.

“Gretzky and Orr made it through training camp.”

She stared at him. Her shell-shocked expression reminded him of a player who’d been blindsided. Tru frowned. “You’re worrying me, Jenny. Say something, please.”

“I’m pregnant.” She burst into tears.

That wasn’t supposed to happen. He patted her back awkwardly, unsure what to say or do. “Uh, Jenny. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” The tears kept falling.

That made no sense. He smoothed his hand over her hair, trying not to panic. “It’ll be all right. I promise.”

She raised her head, her blue eyes glistening. “I know.”

“Then why are you crying?”

“I’m so ha-happy.”

He shook his head, confused. “You’re crying because you’re happy?”

Jenny nodded.

Okay. He’d have preferred no tears, but whatever. He handed her a handkerchief. “Dry your eyes and celebrate becoming a mommy.”

“A mommy.” Wonder filled her voice. “Can you believe it?”

“I told you if we changed the momentum, it would work.”

“Do you think Biscuit and Basket will both make it?” She bit her lip.

“They have Jelinek genes in them. They’ll be good-looking, strong and healthy.”

She rolled her eyes. “They have my genes in them, too.”

“Yeah. They’re the perfect blend of you and me.”

“I could be having twins.” Her face fell. “What if I can’t manage twins? What if I’m a terrible mother?”

The seesaw of emotions made his head spin. “You’ll be a wonderful mother. You took care of Lizzie and she turned out great.”

“But Lizzie wasn’t a baby. I’ve never dealt with a baby. Never changed a diaper or fed one a bottle. The only time I held one, it threw up all over me.” Her voice got higher pitched as the words came faster.

Oh, man. He had to calm her down, but he didn’t know what to say. He had no experience with babies, either. “We’ll do the same as most new parents—we’ll find a way to muddle through together.”

“But you won’t be here. You’ll be playing elsewhere next season and I’ll be alone.” Her eyes widened. “What if I’m so bad they threaten to take my babies away?”

“Whoa!” He guessed this wasn’t the time to discuss the possibility of her coming with him. “I promise I won’t let anyone take our babies away from you. Besides, you’ll have plenty of help. Maggie’s close by and my mom and Aunt Tina will be glad to lend a hand. Between them they’ve handled five babies. There’s also Sally.”

That was it. The solution. “You haven’t called Sally to let her know the result.”

Jenny blinked. The panic in her blue eyes receded. “I should call Sally.”

Like an automaton, she rose and went into her bedroom. She sat on the bed and stared at the phone, as if unsure what to do.

Tru hovered in the doorway, in case she wanted privacy. “Make the call, Jenny. I’ll get us something to toast the babies with. Sparkling apple juice or ginger ale?”

His voice seemed to shake her out of her daze.

“Ginger ale, please. But first, come and sit with me.”

Tru sat beside her on the bed as she reached for the phone. Once the call was connected, she put the phone on speaker. Her head tilted toward him and rested against his shoulder.

So intimate.

Her scent wrapped around him. Heady. Enticing. Little fizzes of pleasure skipped along his nerve endings as strands of her hair whispered against his cheek. Heat radiated from the place where her thigh pressed against his, then headed for his groin. In seconds, he was hard.

Not now,
he groaned silently. What would Jenny think if her gaze strayed downward and she saw the unmistakable bulge of his erection straining against his jeans?

Tru tried to distract himself by counting the holes in her lacy bedspread. His mind focused instead on the contrast between the tough-girl image Jenny had worked so hard to foster and the pretty, almost sweet, decor.

Soft cotton sheets, with pink daisies, instead of the red satin he might have expected. Bleached oak furniture, daisy-embroidered sheers and shelves filled with china trinkets.

Surprising. Yet it suited her. Suited both the Jenny he’d known before and the Jenny he knew now. The Jenny he’d never stopped loving.

His heart tightened in his chest, so hard he found it tough to breathe.

Before he could process the revelation, Jenny said, “We’ll see you for the first ultrasound in a few days, Sally.”

Jenny hung up, then turned toward him. A genuine smile lit her face. The sparkle in her blue eyes wasn’t the result of tears.

“We should celebrate.” Her husky voice put paid to any chance of his hardness abating.

She couldn’t mean the invitation her tone suggested. Could she?

No way.
“I’ll get the drinks,” he forced out, as he began to rise.

Jenny tugged his hand to make him sit back down. There was an answering tug in his chest at the indisputable invitation heating her eyes.

“What about the toast?” he croaked, giving her a chance to change her mind. Even though he desperately willed her not to.

“Later.” Her smile turned sultry. “Right now, I want a more...intimate celebration.”

When she put it like that, how could he refuse?


, J

Why? She’d been in this situation before. Not quite true. She’d never been in
situation before. Worried about damaging a friendship or affecting her future.

Worried about not being good enough.

She’d seen sex as a game; she’d dictated who, where and when. She’d set the rules. The act itself was a mechanical process, though one she apparently excelled at. She’d never left a man unsatisfied, even if she’d experienced no pleasure herself. Indeed, she’d learned very quickly to fake her completion.

In the beginning, she’d naively hoped that eventually she’d find a man who’d make her feel something...anything. A man who’d make her body respond as she’d once responded to Tru.

With Tru, the reaction had been powerful, instantaneous. He hadn’t even had to touch her. The twinkle in his eye, the sound of his voice, even his cocky grin, had made her body come alive. She’d wanted, needed. Yearned.

After that fateful night...nothing.

Until now.

As much as that thrilled her, it also terrified her. What if she couldn’t satisfy Tru? He’d been with some sexy, confident women. What if Jenny didn’t match up?

Tru knelt beside her. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.”

Desire smoldered within her. “I’m ready. I want to.”


“I’m scared,” she admitted ruefully.

“About harming the babies?”

“No. Sally said it was okay know...” Her cheeks heated. Jeez. She couldn’t even say the words. “As long as we’re not too...boisterous.”

He grinned. “Got it.” His expression became serious. “There are many ways to celebrate without going all the way.”

“I know.” She wanted to say “former puck bunny here,” but thought that might break the mood. Assuming she hadn’t broken it already with her nervous dithering. “It’s may want more.”

“I want
I’d rather stick to kissing, if that’s all you’re comfortable with. Given what your kisses do to me, it’s no hardship.” The corner of his mouth quirked as he nodded toward his groin. “Despite the signs that suggest otherwise.”

Perhaps it was the honesty in his eyes, the conviction in his voice, but Jenny’s nervousness faded. Anticipation swept through her body. Need heated her blood and quickened her pulse.

She moistened her lips. “What if I
more than kisses?” Her gaze met his and she let her desire show.

“Let me know what you want and I’ll do my best to oblige.”

His precocious grin wouldn’t last long, if she had her way. “Then take off your shirt.”

As he pulled off his T-shirt, his muscles bunched and rippled. She intended to explore every inch of them.

Her fingertips tingled with anticipation as she traced the ridges and planes of his stomach and chest. Thrilled at the contrast between smooth skin and the crisp dusting of hair.

He rasped in a breath as she pressed a hot, wet kiss to the long, white scar on his left shoulder. A soft moan escaped him as her tongue followed its length, across the ridge of his collarbone, to the hollow in his throat.

She lingered, letting the tip of her tongue tease the pulse throbbing there. Then she continued her journey across to the right shoulder, nipping at his collarbone on the way.

Her fingers followed the damp trail left by her mouth as she sought new territory in the corded length of his neck. She nibbled her way up to his ear.

When he tried to touch her, she stopped him.

“Jenny-fair—you’re killing me here.”

This time,
smile was the precocious one. “Going too slow for you?”

He groaned. “When’s it my turn?”


“If you continue like that, it’ll be

“Those claims about your stamina aren’t true?” She couldn’t resist nibbling his earlobe.

“Ice time,” Tru forced out through gritted teeth, as she let one fingertip trail across the hard length of his jaw. “Long shifts. Double shifts.”

Jenny was mesmerized by his lips. Not too thin, not too full. Delicious.

She wanted to kiss him, but she knew if she did, she’d lose what little control she had over him. He’d take over and that’s where her satisfaction would end. So instead, she touched the tip of her tongue to the corner of his mouth. Then moved swiftly across to the other side.

A muscle twitched in Tru’s cheek.

She did it again.

“Damn it, Jenny.”

“Soon.” She swiped her tongue along his lower lip, lingering in the center, where a small scar marred the smooth surface.

“I touch you. Now.”

“All right,” she said softly, as she leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his. His groan of pleasure reverberated against her lips, then through her body to her molten core, making her damp. Making her ache.

Tru deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth. His hands moved restlessly over her body, brushing tantalizingly close to the swell of her breasts.

“My turn,” he murmured, pressing her backward.

He lay on his side, his body flush against her. His erection pressed against her thigh as he hooked his leg over hers, trapping her beneath him.

A shiver of delight raced through her at the intensity in his expression. “Bring it on.”

Tru’s hand moved across to her throat then downward, heading for the shadowy valley below. Its target, the buttons of her blouse.

“This needs to go.” He undid one button.

Jenny could only nod. The brush of his knuckle against her breast sent flaming arrows to her swollen dampness.

A second button was released.

Damn it. He was taking too long.

After the third button had slipped free, he halted.

A moan of frustration was wrenched from deep in her throat.

He chuckled. “Shortly.”

She would come up with a smart retort. In a minute. After his mouth had moved from the hollow of her throat. Had stopped tracing the ridge of her breastbone.

When the tip of his tongue dipped beneath the lacy edge of her bra, she forgot about the retort. As he licked a moist trail from one breast to the other, she couldn’t speak. When he pressed a hot kiss deep in the valley between her breasts, she lost the ability to think.

Either time stood still, or Tru finally speeded up.

The remaining buttons were undone in an instant. As was the hook of her bra. Her nipples hardened to tight peaks as her breasts were bared to his heated gaze. He didn’t keep her waiting; he zeroed in on first one, then the other. Suckling. Lapping.

The gentle puff of air across one wet bud made her womb tighten. Her aching core throbbed with need.

“Please,” she urged. “Now.”

“Your wish is my command.”

While his mouth concentrated on her breasts, his hand moved lower, caressing in circles, as it headed toward the waistband of her shorts.

Tru made short work of removing them, and her panties, pushing them down her legs. She kicked them free.

His fingers tangled in the blond curls at the junction of her legs, then smoothed their way down the inside of her thigh. As if directed by him, her legs fell open.

As if directed by her, his fingers sought her dampness.

Unerring, they went straight to the tiny nub of desire. His touch was perfect; neither too hard nor too soft.

His lips returned to capture hers. His tongue danced inside her mouth as his fingers slid inside her.

Their rhythm synchronized.

Her nerve endings popped. Her pulse thrummed. Deep within her, the pressure built. She moved against the heel of his hand, wanting more. His thumb stroked her mound and homed in on that aching bud. His fingers thrust, harder and faster. Driving her closer and closer to the release she needed so desperately.

Oh, how she wanted him buried deep inside her. The imagined length of him, hard within her, sent her hurtling over the edge.

Colors exploded against her eyelids as sensation pounded through every cell in her body. Here was that elusive something that she’d been searching for. At last.

* * *

beat his chest and let out a Tarzan yell.

He’d settle for a big-ass grin.

Propped on one elbow, he gently brushed damp hair off Jenny’s forehead and gazed at her relaxed face and closed eyes. He gave a satisfied sigh.

Satisfied? Not exactly.

Though he was content to lie there, with her cradled protectively in his arms, his body burned with the desperate need for completion. It wouldn’t take much for him to explode, but he held back. This time wasn’t about him.

His erection twitched in disagreement, edging closer to the source of heaven. The feel of her smooth skin against him challenged his shaky self-control.

You can do this,
he reassured himself. He could handle the waiting game. It had made him the player and the man he was.

Ice bath.
He willed the swollen proof of his desire to subside. It almost worked, too. But he couldn’t resist tracing a fingertip along the line of her jaw. When she stirred, the languorous look in her eyes undid him. The contented curve of her lips rekindled the marginally diminished flames, which raged full force through him now.

“Are you okay?” he asked softly.

“You ask me that a lot.” The husky note in her voice fanned those damn flames further.

“I want to make sure I didn’t hurt you or our babies.”

“I’m fine. I’m sure they’re fine, too.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Just fine?”

“Very fine.” Her smile widened. “Very, very fine. Thank you.”

“All part of the service, ma’am,” he drawled.

“I suppose you’ll want a tip for a job well-done?” The sassy twinkle in her eyes nearly sent him over the edge.

“I’ll leave that in your very capable hands,” he forced out.

Jenny grinned. “You mean you’re completely at my mercy?”

“Yes.” As he’d been from the first time he laid eyes on her.

“Oh, the power.” She tapped a finger against her lips, as if considering her next move.

He longed to take the place of that finger, to taste her mouth again.

“Where should I start?” she mused.

His body snapped to attention. His heart jolted as her finger traced the outline of his mouth. Then she teased apart his lips, dipping her fingertip inside.

His tongue darted out and swept up the slender length. His teeth nipped gently at the soft pad, temptingly within reach.

Her hand pressed against his chest, forcing him to lay back, so she was the one looking down on him. Her gaze focused on the length of him, jutting upward.

“This looks like the perfect place to begin.” Her fingers curled round him.

Tru nearly lost it. He clamped his hand on top of hers. “You don’t have to.”

“It’s only fair.”

“But...” He couldn’t speak as she gave his erection a long, firm stroke.

“Relax, Tru. I want to.”

A second stroke and his mind went blank, focusing on the pleasure she was giving him. Every inch, every fraction of an inch, hell, every cell was alive with sensation.

He strained to keep control. He wanted this to last forever, though making it through the next ten seconds would be a miracle.

There was no gentle climb to his completion. One second, he was clinging to the last thread of sanity. The next, he surrendered to the rampaging whirlpool of passion. A guttural cry was torn from him. “I love you.”

* * *


the words?

Jenny’s heart urged her to, but her mouth wouldn’t play ball.

At first, she’d been too surprised by Tru’s declaration to say anything. The emotion resonating in his cry had overwhelmed her. Thankfully, he hadn’t seemed to expect a response. Not in the quiet aftermath of their lovemaking. Nor later, when they’d raided the kitchen for snacks.

Even now, as they snuggled on the sofa, watching a popular TV crime drama, Tru was relaxed. Maybe he didn’t realize what he’d said.

Was it bad to be relieved? Especially after what Tru had done for her? How he’d made her feel? Hell, he’d achieved what she’d believed no one ever could; he’d helped her reach the pinnacle of pleasure. She’d given more of herself to Tru, both physically and emotionally, than to any other man. Yet she couldn’t say those three little words.

She bit her lip. She wasn’t ready. She wasn’t ready for what telling him would mean. How things between them would change. The expectations he’d have. The commitment she’d have to make.

You’re pregnant with his children,
her conscience reprimanded her.

That nagging voice was right.

What was she waiting for? An engraved invitation, a cosmic sign?


Great—she was no better than a fictional lion.

“That’s a heavy sigh.” Tru pulled her in closer. “Anything you want to share?”

Her conscience gave her a shove.
Tell him.
“’s just... I wanted to say... I should tell you...” Her voice faded as she struggled to explain.

“You don’t have to say it back to me,” he said gently.

Their gazes met and she could see he meant it.

“Don’t you want me to?” she couldn’t help blurting out.

“Of course I do.” He gave a short laugh. “But I don’t
you to. Just because I know how I feel, doesn’t mean you have to be in the same place.”

“How long can you wait?”

He stiffened. “Are you telling me you won’t ever love me?”

“No. But...” Jenny hesitated.

Before she could speak, Tru moved away from her. She shivered, missing his warmth.

“Are you ever going to let the past go?” He thrust his hand through his hair. “I thought we’d moved beyond the trust issues. That we’d started to build a new future.”

“I have. I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted anyone. I wouldn’t have let things go so far between us if I hadn’t forgiven you. And...”

BOOK: A Perfect Trade (Harlequin Superromance)
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