A Path Toward Love (28 page)

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Authors: Cara Lynn James

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BOOK: A Path Toward Love
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They all fell into companionable silence until they reached Loon Island. Aunt Letty clapped her hands with delight. “Yes, let's explore. I don't believe I've gone hiking in years.”

Andrew wasn't sure the elderly lady was up to the physical challenge, but since Katherine seemed game, he was too. They walked up the path to the other side of the island and then paused to view the lake and the mountains on the opposite shore. Unlike the last time they'd come here, the sun shone in a clear, azure blue sky.

It was perfect, really. Being there, with them. Impulsively, he slid his arm around Katherine's tiny waist and smiled when she didn't edge away. She just smiled enigmatically and continued to gaze out over the lake beside him. What did it mean? He resolved to appreciate the moment and not rush ahead.

They returned to the boat at a more leisurely pace, not breaking their silence. Aunt Letty dragged a step or two behind, but her spirits seemed invigorated.

On the way down to the beach, Katherine turned her gaze on Andrew. “I'm a little puzzled by Randy. When I explained I was going back to Florida, he became quite agitated. I'm sure his mother pressured him to court me, but he normally doesn't let her opinions influence him. Do you think there's another reason why he was upset?”

Andrew swallowed the truth before he blurted it out. She had a right to know Randy was pursuing her in order to avoid working at the family bank. But since she'd turned him down, Andrew wouldn't betray his cousin's secret.

He shrugged. “You'd have to ask Randy.”

“No, I think I'll just let it drop. I was merely curious.”

They soon boarded the guide boat and shoved off. Andrew rowed back toward Camp Birchwood, feeling better than he had in a long time. But when they approached the dock, he noted Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright treading down the pier to meet them. Had Randy run directly to them? The weasel . . .

He heard a soft gasp from Katherine. “I knew this was coming. Thanks for granting me an hour's respite, you two.”

“Stand your ground, Katherine. I have faith in you,” Aunt Letty said.

“I'll do my best, Auntie.”

Chapter Seventeen

ello, Mama, Papa,” Katherine greeted them, a false cheer to her voice. “What brings you down to the pier? Are you going yachting today?”

“We had a delightful time over on Loon Island,” Aunt Letty volunteered in a relaxed tone as Andrew helped her out of the boat.

“I'm so glad you enjoyed yourselves,” Mama said dryly. “But I'm afraid we have bad news, Katherine.”

Katherine stiffened, preparing herself for what might lie ahead. “What's the matter?”

Papa pulled a telegram out of his pocket. “This is from Stuart Osborne. ‘Fire destroyed Buena Vista and all outbuildings. Complete loss. Crops fine. Letter to follow.' ”

“Oh no,” Katherine murmured, slamming her hand over her mouth. Her legs wobbled and her body weakened.

“I'm so sorry, princess,” Papa said, folding her into his arms. “This must be devastating for you.”

Buena Vista—burned to ashes. The loss was more than she could comprehend. She'd lived in the beautiful old home for eight years. Even though it held sad—even bitter—memories, its craftsmanship and beauty were rare. She loved the grand old house. And now all her memories had gone up in flames, both the good and the bad.

“How dreadful, my dear,” Aunt Letty murmured.

With his hands clasped, Andrew murmured his condolences too. She wished she could take his arm and draw strength from him.

Seconds later Katherine found her voice. “The only thing to do is to rebuild.” She took a big gulp of air. “I might need another loan from you, Papa, but under the circumstances, I hope you'll see the need.”

Mama's eyes narrowed and she held up her palm, her fingers spread apart. “I'm sure Aunt Letty and Andrew will excuse us. This is hardly the forum for such a private discussion.”

Abruptly chastened, Katherine nodded and followed her parents toward the lodge. She glanced over her shoulder to her great-aunt and friend, wishing they could be with her for what was to come. Katherine walked to the end of the dock, her knees still knocking against the thin fabric of her white skirt, and dropped onto a wooden bench across from her parents, who had settled in two chairs.

“Papa, is there a problem loaning me money to rebuild?” Katherine knew the funds weren't the real issue. It would be no more than pocket change to him.

“Your father and I have discussed this loan, Katherine, and he knows I am vehemently against it.” She pursed her lips. “Nevertheless, we're very sorry about the loss of your home and buildings, and wish to give you our very best guidance. You've suffered a terrible shock, my dear.” She hesitated for a moment. “But might this not be the perfect opportunity for you to sell the property to Stuart Osborne and be done with it? Papa told me Stuart seems eager to purchase it.”

Katherine shook her head. “I cannot make such an important decision when I'm so upset. My home and my outbuildings, gone. This is too much for me to absorb all at once.”

“Please, take a day or two to think it over,” Papa soothed.

Katherine sighed. “My first impulse is to return to Florida immediately and see to the rebuilding.”

“But as you said, you'll need the funds to do so,” Papa reminded her.

“Yes,” she said, leaning forward and looking to him, her mother, then back to him again. “I'm depending upon you both. Don't you see what the citrus groves mean to me?”

Papa's face puckered, and his chin melded into his neck. Mama's lips pursed, and her forehead creased as if she was struggling with a knotty problem. Mama reached for her hands. “My dear, your distress is painfully obvious. You have my heartfelt sympathy. I know how horrid I'd feel if we lost Birchwood Lodge.”

Katherine nodded, appreciating the rare moment of empathy from her mother. “Thank you.”

“Papa and I spoke about the fire while you were out on the lake, dear. We want to offer you any assistance we can.”

Tears burned in Katherine's eyes. “Oh! Thank you both so much.” She'd hoped they'd come through, but she never expected her mother would show real generosity.

Papa cleared his throat. “I'll provide the funds so Stuart can supervise the construction of the outbuildings. If you're certain you want to return for the harvest, then I'll also have him put up a small house for you. You'll need a place to stay. We can talk about a larger home later on, if you decide to return to Florida permanently.”

Katherine nodded, fearful of saying anything that might ruin this perfect answer to her dilemma.

Papa's mouth tightened. “How much fire insurance do you carry?”

“I'm afraid the buildings were underinsured. My resources are quite limited, so I had to set priorities. I spent most of my money covering the citrus groves.” Her voice dwindled off.

He tapped his thick fingers against the armrest. “If you'll give me the information, I'll write to the insurance company for you.”

“Thank you, Papa. I have the information in my cabin.”

“Good. I'll handle all the details of rebuilding, all the financing, regardless of what the insurance company pays out.”

“Thank you,” she breathed, immensely relieved.

“There is one caveat.”

Her eyes moved to meet his again. “We must insist you allow Randy to court you for the remainder of the summer.”

Katherine glanced from one parent to the other. The shock of the fire had completely erased the problem of Randy. Katherine lifted her chin. “You must know by now I have no intention of stepping out with Randy—and I probably never will.” She met her mother's stony gaze. “It's unfair to give him—or you—false hope.”

Mama's jaw jutted and she shook her head. “Yes, Randy told his mother and me you turned him down.”

Papa spoke softly and raised an eyebrow. “Remember, Katherine . . .”

The agreement. Yes, she remembered, and his willingness to cover the aftermath of the fire merely heaped more burning coals of guilt upon her head. But spending her life with Randy wasn't part of their original deal, at least in her mind. Getting along with Mama was one thing, attending social activities as she directed, spending time with Aunt Letty . . . but truly courting? With an eye toward an engagement? That was hardly what she had signed on for.

No one spoke for several long seconds, and it became gradually clear to Katherine her parents wouldn't fund the construction unless she agreed to this. Her heart squeezed shut and then pulled open, threatening to rip apart.

“All right. I need the rebuilding to begin as soon as possible. It seems I must let Randy court me, at least to the end of the summer. But I need a few days to get used to the idea before I speak to him about it.”

“I don't suppose a few days will matter,” Mama agreed with a resigned shrug. “Although I don't know why you're procrastinating. There's no point to it.”

Papa's face eased into an affable smile. “That's fine, princess. Now, fetch me the insurance information and I'll get started. There's much work to be done.”

Andrew kept an eye out for Katherine, but she withdrew to her cabin for the remainder of the day and evening. How much more could the poor woman endure? With loans, Harriet asking for money, growing indebtedness to her parents, pressure to be wooed by Randy, and now the fire, Katherine carried a heavy burden on her delicate shoulders. But he knew Aunt Letty would comfort her. He only wished he could as well.

As he worked at his desk the following morning, he waited for his boss to reprimand him for taking Katherine out on the guide boat the day before. After warning him to avoid her, Mr. Wainwright couldn't ignore his disobedience. But his boss was absorbed in the mail and undoubtedly had more weighty problems on his mind. Finally, Mr. Wainwright turned toward him. Andrew held his breath.

“I've just learned that the owners of the California trunk line will be returning to the States earlier than expected. I've also learned that another group is interested in buying. We cannot let a competitor slip in ahead of us. So I'm advancing the date of your departure to sometime in the next few weeks. Are you ready for a month-long sojourn, the moment I send you?”

Andrew hesitated for a split second. “Uh. Yes, sir. I think I have all I need.”

“Andrew? What is it?” Mr. Wainwright peered at him over the rims of his spectacles. It was then that Andrew realized he'd remained awkwardly frozen in place.

“Nothing, sir.” But this was the worst possible timing with Katherine on the verge of making such crucial decisions. “Thank you again for the opportunity,” he managed to say.

Mr. Wainwright nodded vigorously. “I'm sure you'll make the most of it.”

He hoped he wouldn't be leaving for California before Harriet got in touch. Surely the woman would arrive soon and contact Katherine with her demands. At least he could assist Katherine through that . . .

Andrew shuffled the papers in his stack, but had difficulty concentrating. As much as he wanted to leave for California and prove his worth to Mr. Wainwright, he might have to ask for a delay if Harriet didn't come forward soon or if she resisted a quick settlement. He'd have to talk it over with Katherine.

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