A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (20 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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With their
late lunch out of the way the two of them left the hotel again. Dressed in
bikinis, Carla didn’t have the nerve to wear either of the two she had bought;
they went for a swim in the pool, though only after spending the proscribed
hour lounging at the side of it soaking up the sun.

Once they
had worn themselves out in the pool, and sunned themselves for a while longer,
they headed for the spa.

helped them relax, and then they indulged in a series of beauty treatments
designed to make them as desirable to their men as it was possible to be.

The entire
day was like living in paradise, Carla thought as they returned to the hotel
again. She had believed she knew how the rich lived after a few days with Jason
at his mansion, but after six hours at the resort she truly knew what she had
been missing all her life, and wasn’t sure she would be able to give it up. She
was as relaxed as she could remember being and was sure her body glowed from the
way it had been treated by the ladies in the spa.

still hadn’t called by the time she made it back to her room so Carla called
room service, while Scarlett went to her own room to shower and change out of
her bikini. When she spoke to room service it quickly became apparent to Carla
why there was no menu, there was no need for one; room service was prepared to
supply her with any food she could ask for.

decadent, and for once not thinking about the cost, she ordered foods she had
always wanted to try, but had never had the money or the opportunity to sample
before, and rounded her selection out with a dessert she was sure she and Scarlett
combined wouldn’t be able to finish.

With the
food ordered Carla made her way into the shower to cool off briefly. As she
stood beneath the jets she couldn’t help thinking about the offer Jason had
made to her; a slave with everything, surely that was better than being free,
and having nothing.


Sighing in
satisfaction Scarlett put down her spoon and sat back, the huge dessert Carla
had ordered barely two thirds eaten. “I think I may never eat again,” she
commented looking over the huge meal they’d eaten. “It’s a good thing we both
have one hell of a metabolism. Even so I think we’re going to pay for this treat.
Whatever else we do tomorrow, we’d best spend some time in the pool or the gym
to make up for it.”

laughed, knowing she had never before eaten so sumptuously, and if she chose
not to take Jason up on his offer she was unlikely to do so again. “I wonder
what the rule is about getting fat,” she said, thinking that even if she didn’t
eat that well again, she would like to enjoy better food than she was used to
as a student with debts.

“I don’t
think either of our men would allow us to get fat, honey, they’re both pretty
unmovable on the subject of fitness in a submissive.” She knew Daniel had
worked with submissives to help them lose enough weight so they fit the ideal
he demanded.

that’s kind of judgmental, don’t you think?” Until then she’d never thought
that she might have to maintain a perfect body for Jason, and that not doing so
might be a problem.

shrugged. “It’s part of their whole, I’m in control thing. They know what they
want, and aren’t prepared to accept anything else.”

it’s kind of degrading.” Carla was a little unsettled by the discovery; she
hadn’t expected that if she gave control of her life to Jason it would extend
that far. She believed in keeping herself healthy, but for it to be a condition
of a relationship that she keep herself in a level of shape that was defined by
her man, that was just a bit disturbing to her.

you either play in their world, by their rules, or you don’t. No-one forces us
to stay here; we stay because we want to.” Scarlett yawned then. “I really need
to get some rest, honey; will you be okay here until Jason gets back?”

“I don’t
know, Scarlett, I’ve never stayed by myself before. What if the bogeyman gets
me?” Carla laughed, diverting her thoughts away from what they had been talking

Scarlett shook her head before giving her friend a hug.

hugged Scarlett back. “Night, Scarlett, love you.” She kissed her friend on the
cheek and then turned to watch the ocean as Scarlett made for the door. It was
so peaceful she felt her mind drift away, taking her worries with it, leaving
her to enjoy the peace and the view.







Carla was
still relaxing on the veranda when the iPhone rang. Reluctantly she turned away
from the view and picked the phone up from the lounger, where she’d dropped it.

we’ll probably be in these meetings until late,” Jason said as soon as she had

Sir, Scarlett just went back to her room so I guess I’ll just go on to bed.”
She did her best to keep her disappointment from her voice. She knew he was
there for business, but she’d hoped they would at least have the evenings

“Make sure
you fall asleep with nothing on, sweetheart, I’ll wake you when I get back to
the room.” He could hear how upset she was and hoped to placate her, at least a

Sir.” The thought of him waking her up to make love to her made her feel a
little less unhappy.

girl, I need to go now, sweet dreams, sweetheart.” He hung up before she could

her head at the abrupt end to the call she yawned. It had been an exhausting
day and sleep seemed like a good idea, her legs especially were tired. Closing
the doors to the veranda Carla made her way into the bedroom, where she removed
the new dress she’d bought earlier that day.

She had
hoped to show off the dress to Jason, but it was clear that was not to be, so
she hung it up carefully in the closet with the rest of her clothes. For a
moment she admired the beautiful items she’d purchased, and then she turned
away, slipped off her underwear and slid between the sheets of the king-sized
bed that dominated the room.

The moment
her head hit the pillows she was asleep.


or possibly hours, later Carla was woken by the sound of laughter, female
laughter. Glancing over at the clock she saw that a little over two hours had
passed since Jason’s call; she checked the iPhone briefly but there was no
message or missed called from him so she assumed he was still in his meeting.

returned the phone to the small table at the side of the bed and then dropped
her head back onto the pillows. Closing her eyes she attempted to drift back
off to sleep.

Sleep was
not to be hers however, the laughter that had woken her continued. Even putting
a pillow over her head in an effort to block out the noise didn’t help, the
laughter grew louder and seemed to get closer.

in annoyance Carla threw back the light sheet that covered her and got to her
feet. She crossed the room to the door and had it partially open when she saw Jason,
and the beautiful island woman he was with, the woman who was the source of the
laughter that had disturbed her.

Angry, Carla
turned away from the door and walked quickly into the bathroom, where she
pulled on the bathrobe that hung on the back of the door and went to confront Jason.

“Who is
this?” she demanded, hands on her hips, her eyes shooting daggers as she
stopped just inside the main room of the suite. If he thought she was just
going to sit back and allow him to sleep with some other woman he didn’t know
crap about her, she thought, fuming.

smiled at the woman and patted her leg before rising from the couch where they
sat. “I thought I told you to be waiting in bed for me with nothing on.” His
voice was cold; he was not pleased by her behavior, or by her failure to call
him by his title.

“And I
thought you were working, not hanging out with whores you found on the mainland.”
She wanted to rip the woman’s hair from her beautiful head and started toward
her, only to be stopped by Jason, who took a firm grip on her arm.

please forgive my companion, she is in need of a quick lesson in manners, we
will be back shortly. Make yourself at home.” He smiled warmly at the woman and
pulled Carla into the bedroom, shutting the door behind them. “You forget your
place, girl,” he said angrily in a low voice, he was not at all happy with her
just then and knew she needed to be taught her place.

you’ve forgotten yours; do you think I’m just going to stand by and watch you
screw some other woman? Are you out of your mind?”

“For your
information, Aleshia is for you, as part of your ten nights,” he told her, “but
perhaps I’ll fuck her now, instead of you, you aren’t pleasing me very much,”
he said, needing to show her who was in control.

“You’re a
bastard,” Carla snapped and without thinking she slapped him across the face.

reaction to being slapped was instantaneous. Taking her arm again in his strong
grip he dragged her over to the bed. Despite her efforts to stop him he had her
naked and across his lap in seconds.

While he
held her down with one huge hand the other fell on her bare ass, over and over
again he spanked her until she was sobbing uncontrollably and had given up any
attempt to evade his blows. “You will never raise your hand to me again, do I
make myself clear, girl?” Her gorgeous ass was covered in red handprints and he
rubbed over the tender areas.

“Go to
hell, SIR!” she screamed loudly, not caring if Aleshia in the other room, or
indeed anyone else, heard her. She hated him in that moment. With the blows
ended she squirmed in his lap, attempted once again to get away.

“Oh no,
baby, if you want to keep your smart mouth going I’ll keep giving you a reason
to scream.” His hand came down again. “Still want to be a smartass?”

“Fuck you,
Sir.” Her ass wasn’t hurting that badly, not compared to the last time he had
punished her, and until the pain became too much she was determined to defy

His hand
lifted in prepared for the next blow Jason paused; he had played that game with
her before and knew just how stubborn she could be. A different tactic was
needed if he was going to subdue her, he realized, and he made a quick
decision. “If you can’t be what I need, Carla, I’ll find someone who can.” He
stood abruptly, dumping her unceremoniously on the floor, where she landed in a
heap, as he left the bedroom.

Her mouth
opened, but no words escaped her lips as she pushed herself up into a sitting
position, dumbfounded by his words and his actions. He was going back to that
woman, she couldn’t believe it.

Well, if
he wanted that whore over her then so be it, she thought, crossing her arms
over her breasts. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of thinking she
gave a damn who he fucked.

A short
while later moans reached her ears from the other room, making it clear that Jason
was making good on his words. Carla saw red and had to fight to control
herself. Jason was her man; she couldn’t believe he was making that whore feel

She wasn’t
prepared to let that happen, not after everything she’d done to please him. Stomping
across the room she threw open the door and stormed through it, ready to give Jason
a piece of her mind, no matter how he punished her for it afterward.

The words
died on her lips though when she saw the woman sitting half way across the room
from Jason, pleasuring herself.

looked from Aleshia to Carla, a knowing smile on his face. “What’s wrong,
little girl; did you think someone else was getting what you wanted?”

Seeing the
smile on Jason’s face Carla felt like a fool. He’d known just how to get a reaction
from her. “I didn’t want…” She balled her hands into fists at her side and
turned her head away childishly.

In one
quick move Jason was on his feet and across the room to her. He took hold of
her around the waist with one hand so she couldn’t get away and forced his
other hand between her legs. She was wet, just like he’d known she would be.
“You can lie to me all you want, baby,” he told her, “but your body tells the
truth.” He stroked her slowly, while the woman on the couch continued
pleasuring herself. “That should be your body about to explode, baby. See how
good she’s making herself feel, don’t you wish that was you?”

hated to watch the woman but found she couldn’t look away. Her tanned legs were
spread wide as she slowly inched her fingers in and out of her drenched core. Jason’s
fingers methodically stroked her with the same rhythm the woman was using on
her own body, building her up to breaking point.

Just when
she was about to explode Jason withdrew his fingers, drawing forth a moan of
disappointment. He drew her in front of him and slid his hands up to cup her
breasts. “Watch her come baby, see how it makes you feel,” he whispered in her
ear as he pinched and tweaked her nipples, which were stiff as erasers with her
arousal. “She’s going to do it now, baby, look at how her legs are tensing and
her hips are arching off that couch.”

couldn’t stop watching; the sight made her heart race and her body ache. She
wanted to touch herself, to have Jason touch her, better yet, to have him take
her. She even thought of the woman tasting her; anything to find the release
she was aching for.

It was
overwhelming how the simple act of watching another woman find release filled
her with such a need to do the same. As the woman’s orgasm exploded through her
and her body trembled desire surged through Carla’s body, leaving her with a
burning ache.

“Go to
her, baby, tell her to touch you,” Jason insisted softly, sensing how turned on
she was.

“Sir, I can’t,”
she whispered, though her mind was screaming at her to do just that.

“Do it! I
want to see her pleasure you.” His voice turned cold, knowing she needed a push
to make her follow her own needs.

his command she left the comfort of his arms and walked over to the woman on
the couch. Her knees shook with every step. Carla looked down at the woman
before her when she reached the couch; she was so beautiful she could have been
a model, her tanned skin contrasting with the paleness of her own.

For a
moment Carla didn’t speak, she couldn’t, but then she looked over at Jason and
the expression on his face made her turn back to the woman. “Please touch me,”
she whispered the words so quietly she wasn’t sure if she’d actually said them,
or if she’d just thought them.

The woman
stood and motioned to the couch. “Lie down and spread your legs,” she told Carla,
smiling as her cocoa eyes roamed over her body.

didn’t argue with the woman, she simply did as she was told; she set one foot
on the floor, while the other she draped over the top of the couch. A part of
her said what she was doing was wrong, but it was so exciting. She had wondered
before what it would be like to be touched by a woman, and now was her chance
to find out.

At the
first touch of the woman’s fingers on her clit Carla bucked off the couch. Her
touch was gentle, not like the roughness of Jason’s fingers, and it felt
incredible. It felt even better when the fingers slid inside her. Where Jason
was all muscles and steel, the woman touching her then was silk and lace; even
the smell of her was appealing.

Aleshia’s mouth took the place of her fingers Carla clenched nervously, but as
a woman the islander knew just how to please another woman and it wasn’t long
before Carla sank back, her eyes closed, and gave herself over to the pleasure.

his beautiful girl’s face Jason was pleased with how she responded to Aleshia.
He already knew Carla was an incredibly sensual woman, but now he knew also
that he would be able to include her when he trained other submissive’s and she
would find pleasure in that.

His cock
strained against his pants as he watched his girl move ever closed to orgasm,
and he knew he could deny himself no longer. “Thank you for your help this
evening, Aleshia, you may go.” The submissive wasn’t his, but he’d known her
Master for many years, he’d been allowed to borrow her on the agreement he
would not use her sexually himself.

you, Sir; I hope I have pleased you.” Getting to her feet Aleshia bent and
surprised Carla by kissing her passionately, letting her taste her own juices
as she tugged on the piercing in her clit hood gently. “I enjoyed you, honey;
it’s a pity we don’t have longer to play together.” She pulled her dress down
and left the room.

“Over the
arm of the couch, baby,” Jason said the moment Aleshia was gone. “I want to
fuck you now!” He watched as she scrambled off the couch, still unfulfilled. He
had purposely stopped the other woman before she made Carla cum, wanting him to
be the one that brought her to orgasm. He pulled his pants and underwear down,
but didn’t waste time taking his clothes off before he walked over to her.

her over the couch he slid into her with one long, hard thrust. “Reveal what
you truly desire, and you’re a whore; deny what your body craves, and you’re a
lady. That is what society thinks of women.” He slowly pulled himself from her
clenching folds, only to thrust forward again quickly. “To want is shameful, to
desire is wrong. Society has come a long way, but it is still not truly ready
to accept women as sexual beings.” Pumping quickly in an out of her he allowed
his words to trail off.

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