A Paradise Built in Hell (53 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Solnit

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189 “A couple of young kids”:
Stanley Trojanowski, in Fink and Mathias,
Never Forget
, 179.
190 “Something else that I won’t forget is”:
Joe Blozis, in ibid., 200.
190 “I have the greatest admiration”:
Ralph Blasi, in ibid., 57.
190 “I can honestly say”:
Ada Rosario-Dolch, in ibid., 38.
191 “One of our harbor boats pulled in”:
Peter Moog, in ibid., 80.
191 A fireman remembers . . . “People were just diving onto the boat”:
Mike Magee, ed.,
All Available Boats: The Evacuation of Manhattan Island on September 11, 2001
(Bronxville, NY: Spencer Books, 2002), 40.
191 A waterfront metalworker . . . says, “Everyone did what they needed to do”:
Ibid., 54.
192 “Maybe by now I have a river view”:
The reminiscences of Ellen Meyers (November 4, 2001, and March 16, 2003) in CUOHROC, 17.
192 “get out of here”
“It seemed like a steady surge”:
The reminiscences of Marcia Goffin (December 10, 2001) in CUOHROC, 12, 13, and 16.
193 Astra Taylor:
In interview with the author, San Francisco, March 2007.
The Need to Help
195 “Movement toward the disaster”:
Charles Fritz and Harry B. Williams, “The Human Being in Disasters: A Research Perspective,”
Annals of the American Academy
(1957) (unpaginated, copy from Hazard House Library, University of Colorado, Boulder).
196 “Everybody wanted to respond”:
The reminiscences of Temma Kaplan (February 13, 2005) in CUOHROC, 7-8.
196 “By afternoon, Amsterdam Avenue”:
197 “On 9/11 I just needed to reaffirm”:
197 “From the voice of altruists”:
Deborah Stone,
The Samaritan’s Dilemma: Should Government Help Your Neighbor?
(New York: Nation Books, 2008), 180.
198 “I left there”:
The reminiscences of Ilene Sameth (October 29, 2001, and May 19, 2003) in CUOHROC, 25-26.
198 “Restaurants, cooks . . . converged in impromptu kitchens”:
James Kendra and Tricia Wachtendorf, “Rebel Food, Renegade Supplies” (Newark: University of Delaware Disaster Research Center, 2001), 15.
198 A volunteer up in the middle of the night:
The reminiscences of Daniel I. Smith (October 24, 2001, and September 20, 2004) in CUOHROC, 73-74.
199 “and at that point, we realized”:
The reminiscences of Emira Habiby Browne (August 1, 2002) in ibid., 21.
199 One of the organizers wrote me, “We in New York”:
Marina Sitrin, comments via e-mail regarding the author’s manuscript, August 2008.
200 “Many of its grand old places”:
Marshall Berman, “The City Rises: Rebuilding Meaning after 9/11,”
(Summer 2003).
201 “It was the first time that I had been”:
Jordan Schuster, in interview with the author, San Francisco, February 2007.
202 “The George Washington statue”:
The reminiscences of Elizabeth Grace Burkhart (January 30, 2002, and April 15, 2003) in CUOHROC, 33-34.
202 “people kept coming by”:
The reminiscences of Temma Kaplan (February 13, 2005) in ibid., 11.
203 Kate Joyce:
E-mail message to the author, April 14, 2006.
203 Perhaps memory of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing:
See Wayne Barrett and Dan Collins,
Grand Illusion: The Untold Story of Rudy Giuliani and 9/11
(New York: HarperCollins, 2006), 80.
205 “I began as one guy behind a table”:
Tobin James Mueller, in 9/11 journal, no longer posted online.
205 “Everyone here was rejected”:
206 “No one is turned away”:
Tobin James Mueller, in interview with the author, New York, June 2007.
206 “We grew until Friday night”:
206 “in any given ten-minute period”:
The reminiscences of Daniel I. Smith (October 24, 2001, and October 31, 2001) in CUOHROC, 56 and 62.
207 “I mean, we had security”:
Ibid., 80.
207 “the appearance of these groups”:
Tricia Wachtendorf, in “Rebel Food, Renegade Supplies,” 8.
208 “I do think however”:
The reminiscences of James Martin (October 15, 2001, and March 24, 2003) in CUOHROC, 15-16.
208 “So there’s that feeling of unity”:
209 “Osama bin Laden has done a lot to get Catholics”:
The reminiscences of Stephen Katsouros (November 4, 2001, and March 2, 2003) in CUOHROC, 21.
209 “From that day, for a month”:
Pat Enkyu O’Hara, in interview with the author, New York, 2007.
209 “The smell didn’t go away”:
Nine Hundred and Eleven Questions
211 A Rand Institute analyst . . . “Terrorists want lots of people”:
Louise Richardson,
What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat
(New York: Random House, 2006), 141.
211 “Only relatively small numbers of New Yorkers”:
Tom Engelhardt, “9/11 in a Movie-Made World,” September 7, 2006,
212 a former city detective, “If anybody kept a record of which floors”:
Barrett and Collins,
Grand Illusion
, 44.
212 “I know a lot of the firefighters were very upset”:
The reminiscences of Ruth Sergel (December 5, 2003) in CUOHROC, 16.
213 The space was leased from a landlord who afterward became a major campaign donor:
Wayne Barrett on
Democracy Now
broadcast, Pacifica Network, January 3, 2007.
213 “Giuliani, however, overruled all of this advice”:
Barrett and Collins,
Grand Illusion
, 41.
214 9/11 Commission Report . . . “Some questioned locating it”:
National Commission on the Terrorist Attacks upon the United States,
The 9/11 Commission Report
(New York: Norton, 2004), 284.
215 When journalist Juan Gonzalez:
Barrett and Collins,
Grand Illusion
, 279.
215 Seven years later, more than ten thousand exposed people:
Editorial, “Ground Zero’s Lingering Victims,”
New York Times,
September 15, 2008.
215 “I think that the nation is not going to be able”:
Camille Paglia, in Susan Faludi,
The Terror Dream
(New York: Metropolitan Books, 2007), 23.
National Review
In Faludi,
Terror Dream
, 23.
215 Feminism had “slid further into irrelevancy”:
Cathy Young, in ibid., 21.
215 “Giuliani’s homoerotic death cult”:
Anonymous, in off-the-record interview with the author, New York, February 2007.
216 9/11 Commission . . . “The existing mechanisms”:
9/11 Commission Report
, 348.
216 “In responding to the attacks”:
What Terrorists Want
, 150.
217 “A painstaking re-creation”:
Dan Eggen and William Branigin, “Air Defenses Filtered on 9/11, Panel Finds,”
Washington Post,
June 17, 2004,
218 “By the standards of speed”:
Elaine Scarry, “Citizenship in Emergency: Can Democracy Protect Us Against Terrorism?,”
Boston Review
(October/November 2002),
218 “When the plane that hit”:
219 As one British psychiatrist put it, the new diagnosis “was meant to shift”:
Christina Hoff Sommers and Sally Satel,
One Nation Under Therapy: How the Helping Culture Is Eroding Self-Reliance
(New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005), 147.
219 nineteen psychologists wrote . . . “certain therapists”:
Ibid., 177.
219 One of the authors . . . “The public should be very concerned”:
Ibid., 179.
219-20 “It’s been very interesting during my lifetime”:
Kathleen Tierney, in interview with the author, March 2007.
220 “Inherent in these traumatic experiences are losses”:
Richard G. Tedeschi, Crystal L. Park, and Lawrence G. Calhoun, eds.,
Posttraumatic Growth: Positive Changes in the Aftermath of Crisis
(Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998), 2.
220 “Often it is just such”:
Viktor E. Frank l,
Man’s Search for Meaning
(1959; repr. Boston: Beacon Press, 2006), 72.
221 Nietzsche once commented, “Man, the bravest animal”:
In Berman, “The City Rises.”
221 “Disaster provides a form of societal shock”:
Charles Fritz,
Disasters and Mental Health: Therapeutic Principles Drawn from Disaster Studies
(University of Delawre: Disaster Research Center Historical and Comparative Disaster Series #10, 1996), 57.
224 “and actually within an hour”:
The reminiscences of Mark Fichtel (December 11, 2001) in CUOHROC, 16.
225 I met one couple:
They preferred to remain anonymous.
What Difference Would It Make?
231 “And I’m screaming”:
Clara Rita Bartholomew, in interview with the author for Alive in Truth Oral History Project, San Francisco, November 2005.
233-34 Cory Delaney
“got out of their cars”:
City Pages
Oral History Interviews (
City Pages
is a Minneapolis-St. Paul newspaper):
236 Compass told . . . Oprah Winfrey, “We had little babies in there”:
Quoted in Douglas Brinkley,
The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast
(New York: HarperCollins, 2006), 573.
236 Nagin reported . . . “hundreds of gang members”:
Brian Thevenot and Gordon Russell, “Reports of Anarchy at Superdome Overstated,” Newhouse News Service, September 26, 2005.
236 “in that frickin’ Superdome”:
Ray Nagin, in Susannah Rosenblatt and James Rainey, “Katrina Takes a Toll on Truth, News Accuracy,”
Los Angeles Times,
September 27, 2005.
237 “These are some of the forty thousand extra troops”:
Governor Kathleen Blanco, quoted in
When the Levees Broke
, DVD, directed by Spike Lee (2006; HBO Documentary Films and Forty Acres and a Mule Filmworks), and in “Military Due to Move into New Orleans,” CNN, September 2, 2005, among other sources.
237 “On the dark streets, rampaging gangs”:
CNN Reports,
Katrina: State of Emergency
(Kansas City: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2005), 75.
237 “Chaos gripped New Orleans”:
New York Times,
September 1, 2005.
237 The police were captured on national television:
See NBC report, available at
. Curiously, the header on the TV report is “Stealing for Salvation.”
238 “and that really opened up the mall for us”:
Peter Berkowitz, “We Went into the Mall and Began ‘Looting’: A Letter on Race, Class, and Surviving the Hurricane,”
Monthly Review
239 “In some communities”:
Enrico Quarantelli, “Looting and Antisocial Behavior in Disasters” (Newark: University of Delaware Disaster Research Center, 1994).
240 The job of supplying buses was contracted out:
See Tim Shorrock, “Why Didn’t the Buses Come? Bush-Linked Florida Company and the Katrina Evacuation Fiasco,”
January 21/22, 2006,
241 “Reporters, even from some of the big papers”:
Jed Horne,
Breach of Faith: Hurricane Katrina and the Near-Death of a Great American City
(New York: Random House, 2007), 107-8.
241 “Katrina’s big lesson is that the crust of civilization”:
Timothy Garton Ash, “It Always Lies Below: A Hurricane Produces Anarchy. Decivilization Is Not as Far Away as We Like to Think,”
September 8, 2005,
242 “a snakepit of anarchy, death, looting”:
Maureen Dowd, “United States of Shame,”
New York Times
, September 3, 2005.
242 “Now the captain is saying, ‘Okay’ ”:
City Pages
Online Oral Histories.
243 “Then came the military helicopters”:
243 “And we were left there”:
Denise Moore, in transcript from “After the Flood,”
This American Life
(Chicago Public Radio), September 9, 2005,
244 they “got together, figured out”:
244 “I’ve got a report of two hundred bodies”:
In Thevenot and Russell, “Reports of Anarchy at Superdome Overstated.”
245 “Troops Begin Combat Operations”:
Army Times,
September 2, 2005.
245 “characterized their work”:
Jeremy Scahill, “Blackwater Down,”
The Nation,
October 10, 2005,
248 Danny Brumfield was shot in the back:
See “Autopsy: Man Killed by Police After Katrina Was Shot in Back,” CNN online, July 18, 2007,

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