Read a Night Too Dark (2010) Online

Authors: Dana Stabenow

a Night Too Dark (2010) (20 page)

BOOK: a Night Too Dark (2010)
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going to give him everyone’s Social Security numbers and tell him to get me everything he can on them, too.” He didn’t say anything. “A screwup doesn’t have to stay a screwup forever, Jim.” She thought of Petey Jeppsen.
“He’s not going to break any constitutional amendments, is he?”
She knew she’d won then. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
He recognized and admired the determination in the square set of her shoulders, the stubborn jut of her chin, the militant look in her eye. She was pissed off at Lyda’s death, and she would not rest until she knew what had happened in every detail, and the perpetrator, if there was one, had been brought as near to justice as possible.
It didn’t matter that she’d liked Lyda. She would have reacted the same way to any wrongful death. Lancelot, that’s who Kate reminded Jim of, and while she might not be able to swim a moat in a coat of heavy iron mail, she was sure as hell blessed with an iron will. God help anyone who got in her way in this mood.
It wasn’t going to be him, that was for sure, and besides, she was making enough sense for him to let her run out the string and see what was there. “I suppose you’ll be billing the state for the work.”
She grinned. “You suppose right.”
“You taking Mutt?”
Kate glanced out the window, where Mutt lay beneath the wide branches of one of the few healthy spruce trees left in the Park. “No.”
“She won’t like that.”
“I’ll be back before she knows I’m gone. I’m going to go see Brendan, too. He might be able to dig up something we can use, too.”
“Are you now.” He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into a long, thorough kiss. “Just marking my spot.”


Calm and clear had followed the previous night’s brisk blow, every pilot’s dream weather conditions, and every passenger’s dream ride. Kate sat up front, riding shotgun next to George, and admired the way he flew as if he and his craft were one being. She always felt safer in small planes, anyway, with pilots and mechanics she knew on a first-name basis. She adjusted the muffs over her ears and pursed her lips to make sure the mike would pick up her voice. “A regularly scheduled airline. Who’d a thunk it?”
His grin was wry. “The bank is who. I got loan payments to make every month now, Kate.”
At five hundred dollars round trip Niniltna to Anchorage, running full most flights, chances were he’d have no trouble making them. “How long is the flight?”
“Little over an hour.”
She was impressed. It would have taken two hours in the Cessna. “She’s a beauty,” she said, looking around at the spotless interior. There wasn’t a speck of caribou blood or a tuft of beaver fur anywhere, no duct tape as yet holding up the interior fabric or holding on the exterior shell, all the buttons and levers on the instrument
panel still buttons and levers instead of clips and grips scavenged out of the toolbox. The GPS mounted to George’s right on the dash mimicked in electronic pixels the landscape moving beneath them. The sun was high and north, throwing the isolated peaks of Mounts Sand-ford and Drum into stark relief, and the sky was a gold-washed blue.
“You should start giving out frequent-flier miles,” she said.
She was shocked into near speechlessness when he replied, “Way ahead of you. We’re in talks with Alaska Airlines about a code-share agreement.”
Her mouth opened and closed, and the most she could muster up was, “Who’s we?”
“Bruce O’Malley. He figures it’d be a nice perk for the mine workers, plus something else he can offer prospective Alaskan employees. You know we like our mileage.”
She thought about this. “You’re going to need more pilots.”
“I know. Bobby Clark’s going to pick up the mail route, for the summer anyway.”
“He going to be able to unload the mail?”
“He said he’d put his legs on for the duration. Course, he’s charging me the equivalent of highway robbery for a salary, and Dinah’s not feeding me because I stole her husband, and Katya’s pissed ’cause I stole her daddy.”
Good for Bobby, Kate thought. “Bet he’s just happy he doesn’t have to deal with passengers.”
George laughed. “Always the worst part of the job. And I found a guy who spent the winter in Prudhoe Bay, flying supplies and crew to drilling rigs out on the ice. I put him on the Niniltna-mine run, turnabout with the other new guy, Bud Schaefer.”
“Flew over with Schaefer yesterday. Haven’t met the other guy yet.”
“Her. Name’s Sabine, for crissake.”
“Can she fly?” Kate said.
“Wouldn’ta hired her otherwise. Oh. Sorry, my sarcasm button kicked off there for a second.” He made a minute and probably unnecessary adjustment to the trim. “Doesn’t mean Sabine ain’t no name for a pilot.”
Kate made a silent vow to introduce the name “Sabine” into every conversation she had with George from that day forward.
It was quiet in back, and Kate looked over her shoulder to behold all ten passengers sound asleep in uncomfortable positions. Holly Haynes was sitting in the seat behind her, her jacket jammed between her head and the window. Ferrying paperwork into the Anchorage office, she’d said on the strip. Her expression was bleak and there were shadows under her eyes.
Probably reporting in person on Lyda’s death, too. Kate thought less of Truax for handing off that job.
She faced forward again and George spent the rest of the flight in Park gossip. She heard all about Gene Clauson getting caught with a case of beer and a fifth of whiskey in his plane on the ground at King City, a currently dry town. “Plus,” George said, relishing the story because it wasn’t about him, “all three of his passengers had booze in their luggage, including airline bottles stuffed in their shoes, a suitcase full of whiskey and rum, and three bottles of Kahlua in a Dora the Explorer knapsack.”
“Not feeling his pain,” Kate said.
“Fifty-five-thousand-dollar fine,” George said. “Twenty days in jail.”
“Still not feeling it,” she said, and retaliated with a libelous description of Randy Randolph, heartbreaker to the Park, and his career approach to marriage. George had been so busy he’d missed the story entirely, and by the time he’d stopped laughing they were on approach to Merrill Field. He put them down in landing that was a runway paint job and taxied over to a hangar Kate remembered from past arrivals. This one seemed bigger somehow. Possibly because it
had a brand-new coat of paint, a new sign, and the old gas pump had been replaced by a new one, shiny in chrome and red enamel. When they rolled to a stop a young woman in Chugach Air colors came trotting out with a step stool, and a young man in like colors whizzed out on a four-wheeler hauling a trailer for the baggage and freight. The door popped open, the stairs were let down, and passengers and pilot were on the tarmac marching toward the office attached to the hangar mere moments later. Slick.
Kate didn’t like it at all.
“When you coming home?” George said, waving the waiting crew on board.
“Tonight if I can, tomorrow if I can’t.”
He nodded. “I’ll keep a seat open for you every flight until we’re ready to button ’er up. You be careful out among the English.”
It was his favorite line from his favorite actor from his favorite film. Kate laughed and waved him off.
She called a cab from the office and fifteen minutes later was unlocking the door to the Westchester Lagoon townhouse.
The townhouse had belonged to Jack Morgan. Kate now held it in trust for his son, Johnny. They’d talked about renting it out or even selling it off, but Jack had carried an insurance policy that had paid off the mortgage when he died. Monthly fees, annual taxes, and occasional maintenance came to less than what they would spend on a hotel room every time they came to town, especially in the summer, and besides, she liked the idea of Johnny having some property of his very own.
An unoccupied condominium was also less at risk of break-in than an unoccupied house would be, and Kate made sure to bring smoked fish in for the neighbors on both sides at the end of every summer in hopes that they’d keep an eye on the place. It came very well furnished, including the Forester in the garage. Seven years old, hadn’t been driven in months, it started on the first turn of the key
that was left in the ignition. As she always did, she took a moment to enjoy the electric garage door opener before putting the car in first and heading out.
The crime lab was a square gray building on Tudor Road that looked as all business on the outside as it did on the inside. Kate handed over the holster and Gammons’s file and told Brillo what she wanted. He kicked when she said she wanted it by that evening (“Do you know the backlog we’ve got already, Shugak?”) but he’d worked with her before and he knew it would be easier to make her go away if he just gave her what she wanted. She left him yelling for someone from ballistics to get their ass in there.
Kurt and Brendan’s offices were downtown and Providence on the way there, so she turned off Tudor on Bragaw. As expected, she found a parking space in the hospital parking lot in the row nearest the door, because during an Alaskan summer no one had time to be sick. Inside, she asked her way to Dewayne Gammons’s room, and found him a building over and a couple of floors up, on a small, hushed ward which, if brief glimpses through open room doors were any indication, seemed to cater to silent, unhappy people who didn’t get a lot of visitors.
Gammons himself was sitting in a chair, clad in hospital pajamas and robe and those horrible hospital slippers consisting of a thin sole and a wide band over the instep that were guaranteed to either fall off or, worse, trip you at the first step. He was staring out the window at the Chugach Mountains, green and lush in the bold, brash light of an Arctic summer day. There was more animation in the still scene on the other side of the glass than there was on his face.
“Mr. Gammons?” Kate said. “Dewayne?”
He didn’t look around, didn’t twitch, didn’t react in any way.
She knelt down next to him. “Dewayne, I’m Kate Shugak. Do you remember me? You walked out of the woods into my yard. Do you remember? It was the Fourth of July, and we had salmon on the grill.
I was there with my auntie Vi and my uncle Old Sam, and you remember Holly Haynes from the mine, she was there, too.”
Gammons was silent.
“We found your truck,” Kate said. “It’s back in Niniltna, safe with the trooper. You can pick it up any time.”
“Did you go into the woods alone, Dewayne?”
“Did you go with a friend, maybe? Rick Allen, did he go with you?”
His chest moved up and down with his breathing. Otherwise, he didn’t move.
Kate bit her lip. There was no other way to put this. “We have your note, Dewayne. We know what you meant to do. Did your friend Rick maybe come after you, to stop you?”
He stared out the window. There was a stubble of beard on his chin, his hands lay loosely along his thighs, and he looked somehow weary, drained of any energy for life, love, or laughter. His wounds were healing, and the bug bites, the ones he hadn’t scratched into infection, had shrunk to dark red spots. He almost looked like the photograph in his personnel file. Of course, he almost looked like the one in Richard Henry Allen’s, too.
Not without a twinge of conscience, Kate said, “Do you remember your friend Lyda, Dewayne? She worked out at the mine with you? You were friends, remember?”
For the first time she saw something in his eyes that might have been a flicker of awareness.
“Dewayne?” she said, pulling herself up by the arm of his wheelchair so she could look directly into his eyes. “Dewayne, do you remember Lyda Blue?” she said, her voice urgent. “You liked her, didn’t you? She liked you, too. She was very upset when you went away.”
But it was gone, that flash of intelligence, and she had to admit that it might never have been there in the first place, but for her wanting it to be so very much.
A movement caught the corner of her eye and she looked around to find a doctor in the doorway. He was a heavy, balding white man in his midforties who smelled of cigarette smoke and antiseptic solution. He looked like he’d been on his feet for days with no sleep. He was wearing a white coat with the inevitable stethoscope around his neck and carrying a chart, which he opened to scan and then closed it again, shaking his head. “He eats if we feed him. He’ll wet the bed if we don’t put a diaper on him. He hasn’t said word one since he got here.”
“When is he going to come out of it?”
The doc shook his head. “My official diagnosis, Miss Shugak? Beats the hell out of me. He’s retreated so far inside himself that I don’t know if he’s ever going to see the light of day again.”
“You know me,” she said, rising to her feet. “Have we met?”
He shook his head. “We’ve never met. I’m Dick Lempe, Mr. Gammons’s default attending physician. We haven’t met, no, but we’ve all heard the stories. You cut quite the dash when you were working for the DA’s office. The ER staff speak of you with”—he paused—“great feeling. You are remembered as being good for business.” He looked around. “There is supposed to be a dog.”
“She stayed home this trip,” Kate said. “You’ve been told that Dewayne Gammons was in a depressed state prior to his disappearance?”
“Yeah. We’re only just now finding out about depression, what causes it, what we can do about it. We know that—”
“What causes it? You mean something physical? I thought it was a psychological thing. A state of mind.”
The doc shook his head again. “There are a lot of identified causes, family history, pessimistic personality, illness, trauma.” He
looked at her. “Stress. I understood he had been found in pretty severe conditions.”
Kate remembered the starving, gibbering scarecrow who had burst into her clearing on the Fourth of July. “You could definitely say that.”
“Well, that would tend to aggravate an already depressive condition.”
“So he was depressed before, and his adventure in the Bush pushed him into catatonia.”
“You diagnosing my patient, Ms. Shugak?”
“Sorry, doc,” she said. “Just trying to get a handle on his condition. A body was found where we think he went into the woods. We thought it was him, until he showed up a month later. There was only one vehicle at the scene, his, so we’re guessing they drove out together, but it is just a guess. I really need to talk to him, get him to tell me what happened.”
The doc yawned hugely, jaws cracking. “Sorry, I’ve been up all night with another patient. Mr. Gammons is not talking, Ms. Shugak. I don’t think he’s going to talk until he’s good and ready.” He looked across the room again at the silent man. “And I think you’d better be prepared for that to take a long time.”
“Why do you say that?”
He smiled his tired smile again. “I’ve been doing this a long time. Oh, I almost forgot.” He pulled out a buff file folder and handed it to her.
“What’s this?” she said.
“A picture of one of the wounds he came in with.”
She opened the folder and stared down at the photograph. She looked up, a question in her eyes.
He nodded. “We think he was shot. It was low on his abdomen and to the right. It didn’t hit anything important and it went right through. It had actually healed up pretty well by the time he got to
us, nice healthy scabbing, one of the few wounds he had that wasn’t infected.” The doc shook his head again, too experienced to question the vagaries of the human body. “We flooded him with intravenous fluids and antibiotics. I swear he fought back. It was like he was willing himself to die. We only let him up today.”
Kate closed the file with a snap. “Was he shot from the front or the back?”
“The back. Bigger hole in front where the bullet exited, as is generally the case. Pretty sure you show that to a forensic pathologist, they’ll tell you it was caused by a small bullet. Not my area of expertise, but I have seen a few gunshot wounds in my time and that’s my guess.”
And back to Brillo she would go. “Something else.” She pulled Richard Allen’s blood workup from her daypack. “Can you tell me if this is his blood type?”
He looked first at the name. “But this isn’t—”
“Never mind the name. Is it the same?”
“Yes, but—”
“I need to know if the blood sample from that file is from Dewayne Gammons. If I have to I can take it to the crime lab, but they’re pretty backed up and it’ll take time.”

BOOK: a Night Too Dark (2010)
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