A New World: Taken (16 page)

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Authors: John O'Brien

BOOK: A New World: Taken
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“What’s the plan, Jack?”
Lynn asks after situating herself and I take a look at the gifts they brought.

The ladders are extendable and fold down to about twelve inches.
The extension ladder is a monster and will take some doing to get it through the woods quietly but it won’t be taken all of the way inside so it’ll work.
I gather everyone around and give a basic layout of the area, both inside and out; drawing a diagram of the camp in the dirt.

“They number their towers in order starting from the southwest corner,” I say pointing to the rocks I put to designate the towers.

“They’ve separated the men from the women.
The men are being held in the main gym and the women in the first six classrooms of the middle classroom building.
The far end classroom building is being used for a barracks as far as I could tell.
The office is manned and lit at night,” I continue outlining guard positions and describing my observations in detail complete with night runner activity.

Lynn stares at the twigs, rocks and lines in the dirt.
Well, we all do as if a magic answer will appear.
I see the cogs turning in her head to the point I’m surprised wisps of smoke don’t appear from her ears.
She rubs her chin in contemplation.
“Day or night?”
She finally asks.

“You know, I have a plan in mind but I’m not really sure to be honest.
Day will eliminate night runner risks but will definitely make it harder.
If I knew what their reaction on their ‘guests’ would be, it would be an easier choice.
They keep them covered pretty well so collateral casualties are a real possibility if we go in during the day.
That’s something we avoid at all costs,” I answer.
Everyone gathered nods in understanding.

“So it’s a night op then,” Greg states.

“I think so but the night runners being in the woods last night have me worried.
We’ll have to infiltrate quickly and our timing will have to be spot on,” I reply.

“You said you have a plan?”
Lynn asks looking up.

“Well, it’s not much of one but it’s the only plan I can think of without truly knowing their patterns and I’m not leaving the kids in there long enough to find each and every one of them.
I think the location I went in is the best place to infiltrate.
We’ll have to minimize our time in the trees and make it a bit quicker than last night.
The last thing we need is to be trapped between the night runners and the camp.
We’ll approach the camp toward dusk and wait for deep twilight.
Two of us will creep up to the fence and gain entry.
Once inside, who are the two best shooters here?” I ask looking around.

Everyone looks at everyone else.
“I’m a pretty decent shot, sir,” Henderson finally speaks up.
“And Denton is pretty damn good.”

“Okay, you two are it.
Those 110’s are sighted in but I want everyone with a 110 to head off tomorrow and get them sighted in,” I say turning back to describe the plan using the diagram etched in the dirt.

“Yes, sir,” Henderson responds.
“What distance are you thinking?”

“100 yards but test your bullet drop compensators out to 250 yards,” I answer.

“Hell, sir, I could throw a rock with deadly accuracy at that range,” he says.
“But okay.”

“Once inside,” I continue, “and by tower 5, Henderson and Denton will take out the two guards.
They need to be further back in the trees to minimize noise but with a good line of sight.
We’ll be packing one of the tactical ladders and once the guards are down, one of us will scale the tower and take over the guard functions.
We’ve monitored enough of their radio traffic to fit in.
The rest will then hurry through the gap in the fence.
I want Henderson and Denton on tower 5 replacing the initial team member there.
We’ll then make for the trees between the gym and tennis courts.
Everyone clear so far?”
I ask.

“Who are the initial two in?”
Lynn asks.

“Myself and Greg,” I answer.
“The tower transmissions we’ve picked up so far have all been male so we need a male voice in the tower in case they notice the spotlight not conforming to its usual search pattern and call to find out what’s going on.”

Lynn nods and I continue.
“Last one through closes the fence.
Henderson and Denton will keep an overwatch but make sure you also watch the perimeter.
We don’t want any night runners interfering with this flawless plan,” I say with a chuckle.
Lynn shakes her head.
Yeah, I don’t know why she puts up with me either.

“Once in the trees, we’ll split.
I’ll take McCafferty and we’ll head into the gym.
Lynn, you and Greg will head into the second classroom building with Black and Echo Teams.
My thinking is to take the rooms with the women at once.
Rush in together by twos, take out the guards and calm the captives.
There’s just enough to take on the six rooms,” I say.

“Do you want us to start taking out the guards in the towers?”
Henderson asks.

Here’s the funny part.
They’ll be helping to keep the night runners at bay if they show up so we need them in place for the time being,” I answer.

“And you two will be taking on the gym all by your lonesome?”
Lynn asks.

“Yeah, it’s not really guarded well and we should only need two.
I would like more but it’s more important to hit the classrooms at once.
The suppressed shots shouldn’t be heard outside of the building but they definitely will within it,” I answer.
“Now, we’ll have to clear the gym first because you’ll then bring the women into the gym so I want you to wait under the cover of the trees until we finish and then head in.”

“Why don’t we just bring the women out the way we went in?
We’ll have the exit covered with Henderson and Denton,” Greg asks.

“Night runners,” I answer.

“Ah, yeah,” he says with a nod.
“Okay then, how do we get everyone out?
And what about the other guards?”

“Well, here’s where it gets a little quirky,” I answer.
Lynn bursts out laughing and it takes a little time until she can get herself under control.
By the end, she has all of us smiling.
Laughter is contagious that way.

With more people and the lack of night runners, this would be a piece of cake.
Well, nothing like this is a piece of cake but it sure would make it easier.
Go in, take the immediate guards out and extricate the captives.
The night runners throw a real wrench into the works.

“How many slabs of meat did you bring?”
I ask Lynn.

“You’re kidding right?!?”
She asks in return.
“I thought you were just joking about that.”

“But you did bring them right?”

“Yes, Jack, I brought six big steaks but really?!”

“I’m afraid so,” I answer.
I now have everyone’s attention.
Heck, I even have my own which has to be a first.

“Henderson and Denton will carry two of them, Lynn, you will have the rest.
When we’ve cleared the rooms, Lynn, you and Black Team will proceed to the barracks and block the doors open.
Take one steak and set it in the hallway.
Drop another outside on your way back.
Greg, Echo Team will escort the women to the gym.
Henderson, Denton, once we’ve extricated the women and they’re safely in the gym, one of you will then open the fence and toss one into the woods and leave the other by the opening,” I say having a hard time holding back a grin.
“Black team will hold up in the woods to cover you as you both quietly make your way there and link up.
Once you’re linked up, leave another steak in the woods.
Once everyone is in the gym, we’ll seal it up with the chains and wait the night out.
The night runners will be drawn in by the steaks and take out the guards for us,” I finish almost out of breath.

There is a stunned silence as I complete telling my plan.
I let the silence settle for a moment.
I’m once again having a difficult time keeping the laughter inside.
“Any questions so far?”
I ask close to not being able to contain myself.

The stunned silence continues.
“Yeah, um, I have one,” Lynn says finally.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?
I swear, Jack.
If I didn’t know you better, I’d swear you carried around a paper bag full of paint fumes.
Does this just come naturally to you or do inner voices speak to you?
Did they really used to let you out to play during the day?
Please tell me you are kidding!?”

“Yes, I’m kidding.
I’m just letting off some tension,” I reply and see other shoulders sag in relief with my answer.

“You do know you aren’t funny right?
So what are the steaks really for and what’s the real plan?”
Lynn asks.

“I am going to leave early and drop them off in the trees on the other side of the compound in an attempt to draw the night runners off,” I answer.
“Okay, for real, the plan is the same up to the point of getting to the trees, clearing the gym, and then the classrooms.
The women will be escorted into the gym by Echo Team with Black Team maintaining a defensive line between the gym and barracks close to the first classroom building.
Echo provides escort.
We’ll bring them through the pool entrance so they won’t become exposed to the guards by the outside lights.
Clear so far?”

Nods indicate they are still with me.
I continue, “Okay, once we get everyone in the gym we’ll move onto phase two which will be the tower guards.
At this point, we’ll start taking out all of the perimeter guards.
We’ll be packing the 110’s.
Black and Echo team, along with Henderson and Denton, will start taking out the tower guards.
Work out amongst yourselves exactly which towers you will take, two guards to a tower so two guns per tower.
Move quickly onto the next towers.
That will leave the perimeter unguarded so Henderson and Denton, head to the gym as soon as the towers are clear.
McCafferty and I will be conducting phase three which consists of the guards sleeping it off in the barracks.
We’ll place the claymores with the fuse pencils in the guard rooms and meet you in the gym.
Once we’re all in the gym, we lock it down with the chains, C-clamps, and 550 cord on the main gym interior doors and wait til morning.”

“That’s much better, Jack,” Lynn says.

“Yeah, I have to say that’s a much better plan than your, um, first one,” Greg says.

“So, I won’t be taking any meat with me?”
Henderson asks.

“No, you won’t be packing around steaks,” I answer chuckling.
“Questions so far before we move on to contingencies?”

“How are we going to keep the ‘guests’ quiet?
They’re not exactly going to react well to fancily clad people strolling into their rooms in the middle of the night shooting,” Greg asks.

“That’s up to each team pair to do.
Quiet them down immediately and let them know you are there to help but they have to be quiet,” I answer.
“Ask for help from the older women if there are any young girls, or anyone else, who can’t control themselves.”

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