A New Resolution (8 page)

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Authors: Ceri Grenelle

Tags: #Holidays; Contemporary; Menage; Multicultural

BOOK: A New Resolution
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The instructor finally told the class to roll into a fetal position and slowly maneuver their bodies into a cross-legged, seated pose, signaling the end of the session. Thank the Lord. She didn’t think she could handle much more of the torture.

“Inhale deeply, and take this calming feeling with you into your day.

“Namaste,” the class echoed back to the waifish instructor. As Lore opened her eyes, she saw the instructor focus on Kieran with the same predatory stare she took on whenever the class ended and arrow in his direction for a chat without pausing to roll up her mat. This would be Lore’s cue to come to his aid and act as though they would be late for some innocuous plans if they stayed behind to chat for too long. Lore never understood why he didn’t tell the instructor he was gay. That would turn her away right quick. After asking him that question one Sunday a few weeks back, he’d smiled, his dimples standing out against his tan skin highlighting his boyish charm, and simply stated that it would be a lie as he was bisexual. The way he’d smiled when he told her that little tidbit was almost like an invitation, a coy little dare as he waited to see how she’d react. She’d smiled politely back, as she usually did when trying to hide an overwhelming emotion, and asked why he didn’t say that. He refused to tell the instructor that information as well as it sometimes spurred the lusty women to pursue him with an even greater fervor, thinking they could persuade him back toward the fairer sex.

These women wouldn’t think themselves the fairer sex after seeing Kieran’s hot lawyer boyfriend. Good gracious, Lore had trouble stopping herself from drooling on him when they last spoke at the coffee shop, his eyes nearly yearning for her to say yes to their dinner invitation before she’d left. She’d wanted to say yes; everything inside her heart and disorderly body had begged her brain to just let her say yes. But where would it have gone? They would have had a nice dinner, and then it would have been over, the men going home with each other and Lore left alone, craving them even more. No matter how much they seemed to like flirting with her, Nolan and Kieran were in a committed relationship. It was clear as the dimples on Kieran’s face that they loved each other with their whole hearts and souls. That fact alone made them more appealing to her, yet at the same time all the further out of her reach. No, she couldn’t let herself spend any more time with them, as with each encounter she felt her heart expand and tighten with that knowing, that special ache telling her soul she had a crush…or heaven forbid, something more.

So this week Lore decided she wouldn’t help Kieran, no matter how guilty she felt about it. She was too off balance, especially after the exertion of the class, which only helped in crumbling her barriers. She needed to back away from Kieran. Maybe even stop coming to the classes altogether or find a new studio. A sexy bisexual artist and his sexy bisexual lawyer boyfriend were not part of her plan. She needed to stick to it. If she did nothing else worthwhile in her life, she needed to do this one thing to prove she was nothing like her father. It was all she had.

Kieran set his big brown eyes on her expectantly, waiting for her to rescue him from the instructor. Instead of running over to chat, she quietly rolled her mat up and sent an apologetic smile his way. He frowned and opened his mouth to ask a question right as the instructor swooped in to make her move. Lore used it as the perfect escape. She walked briskly toward the locker room, quickly showering to wash away the sweat and changing into a simple jeans-and-cami casual outfit. It was Sunday; she wasn’t too worried about what the shoppers at the local supermarket would think of her ensemble.

Weaving her damp black hair into a tight braid, she peeked outside the locker room door to make sure the coast was clear and made her way to the parking lot. To her confusing mix of disappointment and excitement, Kieran was there, leaning against her car with his arms crossed. He looked a bit put out.

“You are in big trouble, Lore Beyer.”

Oh, yes, she was in trouble. He’d showered as well and changed into a perfectly fitted pair of jeans and a simple green cotton T-shirt. His curly brown hair was the same dark chocolate color of his eyes, and it had taken on a sort of wispy, frizzy quality after the quick wash. He looked even more handsome than usual. Men always looked better with the least amount of effort put into their appearance. A fact she found inherently unfair.

“I’m sorry, Kieran,” she said, finally gathering her wits. “I have somewhere to be and couldn’t wait around. I’m sure you handled her just as well without me.” She couldn’t make the quick getaway she wanted to as he was blocking the driver’s side door. She had enough pride left to feel the need to not crawl across the passenger seat and access the wheel that way. But it was tempting.

“You’re sorry?” He placed his hands on his slim hips with an arched eyebrow. “That harpy asked for my number three times, Lore. Three!”

She mirrored his position, not letting her weakness for him cow her. “Did you tell her no?”

“You think that stopped her? I told you, telling these women
only makes it worse.”

“You should just bring Mr. Roscoe with you to your classes and have him act as a bodyguard. They’ll take the hint, then.” She reached around him to toss her yoga mat into the backseat, hoping he would take the hint that she really did need to leave.

Kieran smiled at her use of the formal tone. “Stop calling him that. Nolan, his name is Nolan. Say it with me. Sexy, sexy Nolan.”

“Kieran, who cares what I call
Mr. Roscoe
?” she asked with an exasperated huff, exhausted by the class and even more so by his refusal to leave her alone. “We know each other in a professional capacity, aside from the times we’ve bumped into one another.” She leaned against the car and looked up into his eyes, knowing she would need the support of the vehicle to keep her knees from melting. Damn him. “It wouldn’t be appropriate. Especially since I will most likely have to meet with him again regarding the case.”

“How is becoming friends with someone inappropriate?” He shook his head, clasping her shoulders and beginning a slow and methodical massage. Oh hell, she was gonna come just from his touch in the middle of a damn yoga studio parking lot. “How are you this tense after a yoga class?”

“I’m always tense.”
Don’t close your eyes. Don’t close your eyes.

“I can see that.” His head tilted curiously to the side as one hand rose to her nape, rubbing it with the same, sensual rhythm.

“You’re not the first person to tell me I’m tense.” She pushed his hands off, knowing she was about to break and attack him with a fervor that would put the yoga instructor’s advances to shame. “Now if you don’t mind, I really need to get going.”

He grasped her hands, his warm and roughened skin encompassing her smaller hands with ease. “Come over to our place tonight. I’ll cook you my famous butternut squash lasagna rolls. The sweet yet savory flavor will make you feel so sated you’ll loosen up instantly.”

“Thank you, Kieran. That is very sweet of you. Like I said, I really do have plans for this evening.” At least she wasn’t lying about that. She had been putting the upcoming challenge off for far too long.

He bit his bottom lip playfully, detrimentally bringing her attention to his supple mouth before asking, “Well, how about we take you to dinner sometime this week, then?”

She had to laugh at that a little. His persistence was impressive if confusing. “I don’t understand this need you clearly feel to feed me. You and your partner both, apparently. Do I look like I’m starving?”

“Not partner, boyfriend, and we just want to get to know you,” Kieran said with a well-meaning shrug.

“Just your boyfriend? Skirting the commitment line, hmm?”

“Oh, no, you wicked minx!” Kieran chuckled with a poke to her ribs. “Don’t go turning the conversation around. This is about you coming to our place for dinner or letting us take you out. Yes or no?”

“Why are you so keen to know me better?”

“You fascinate us.” As if his explanation was the most natural response in the world, he smiled down at her, a simple smile that could have fed the hearts of lonely souls for eons. She straightened her posture, after realizing she’d been slouching against the car and staring at his mouth. She needed to regain control of the situation, and if this persistence was a hint of things to come, they weren’t going to surrender anytime soon. She’d give in but on her terms. She couldn’t let herself get carried away with the fantasy these two men stirred in her mind. Lord, but it had been a long time since she’d felt a naked body against hers.

“Fascinate you? Please, your charmer lines won’t work here.” She paused before giving her answer, wanting a moment to think the consequences of this choice over. On the one hand, she was being completely ridiculous, making such a big deal out of dinner with guys who just wanted to be friends. On the other hand, would going out to dinner and risking her emotional safety go against the personal edict she’d committed herself to? The attraction she felt for both men was prodigious and odd enough, but it was currently fostered in her mind alone. What would voluntarily spending hours with the men in reality do?

No. It was just dinner, and these were men who could possibly be her friends. They didn’t seem intimidated by her distant demeanor, although, if she was being completely honest with herself, she was much friendlier with Kieran and Nolan than she acted toward anybody else of her acquaintance. She looked back up to Kieran, thinking she could perhaps muster the willpower not to faint in front of the two gorgeous men if they were in a public setting.

“Fine.” She pushed against his arm to move him out of the way. Her abrupt answer seemed to have disarmed him enough to finally deactivate the human barricade.


“We’ll go to dinner.” Lore unlocked her car and opened the driver’s door, her hand resting on the frame. “Not at your place. Somewhere else and during the work week.”

“Did you find another job?” His genuine pleasure at the prospect was heartwarming. To have this man as a friend would be delightful—and dangerous for her self-control.

“No, not yet. But I’m not looking at the moment. I have a decent amount of savings to just—”

“Explore? Create? Cultivate?”

“Perhaps nothing so…artistic, Mr. Famous Photographer.”

“Not famous, just kind of known. I think you’ll benefit from an evening out with Nolan and me.” Lore recognized his attempt to deflect the conversation away from himself, but she let him get away with it.

“Why is that?”

His large hand rested over hers atop the car door. The nail beds were caked with red and green paint, making her imagine what a wonder it would be to stumble on Kieran in an artistic mood. She didn’t think he would be the type of artist who withdrew and shut himself in a studio for hours without any contact with the outside world. No, he would share his talents and express his marvel of the world through wild colors and passionate bouts of artistry.

“We’ll show you how being artistic is not as out there as it’s made out to be.”

If only he knew how much she admired his artistic sensibilities.

“Is Nolan an artistic type?” Lore asked as Kieran took a step forward. She tried to remain relaxed, not wanting to give away how his proximity made her heart spin like a propeller. “I never figured him as such.”

He leaned down to whisper in her ear, his stubbly cheek brushing against hers. “Let’s just say there was an incident not too long ago with paint and naked bodies that proved he could be powerfully artistic when he chooses to.” With that tantalizing image, she felt lips brush her cheek and a wisp of breath grace her jaw. “I’ll call you later for the whens and wheres of our date, okay, sugar?” He backed away, removing his hand from the car to tuck into his jeans pockets, making him look like a fiendish rogue, the kind of man you wanted to hop on a motorcycle with and do bad things to.

“Not a date,” she corrected matter-of-factly, getting into the car and starting it up. “A get-together.”

“As you please, Lore.”

NOLAN WATCHED FROM across the parking lot as his lover leaned over to give Lore a perfectly innocent kiss on the cheek. To his immense delight, he could have sworn he saw her shiver. No doubt she craved Kieran as most women did; the man’s inherently jovial and loving nature paired with a body that could make the straightest man fall to his knees in supplication was a powerful love potion to have at his disposal. But Lore actively tried to keep her emotions inside. Unwilling to let even a small kiss on the cheek give her any sort of outward pleasure, no matter how innocent. He had never met a person with such a tight leash on their emotions. She probably even knew how to control a blush.

It was with an unbound glee that Nolan watched her perfectly woven composure loosen just an inch of the constricting corset of control she kept herself leashed with, and all with a simple kiss on the cheek.

Nolan took a big bite out of the breakfast sandwich he’d snagged from the diner across the street while waiting for Kieran’s class to end. Bacon, egg, and cheese greasy goodness dripped down his chin to create a mess that made the sandwich all the more delicious. Rumbling laughter nearby made him look up from his attempt to contain the messy breakfast mishap. Kieran was leaning against a lamppost, his curly wet hair slightly frizzy from his quick after-yoga shower.

“You’re disgusting,” Kier said with a smile, holding out a napkin.

“Hey, a man’s gotta eat his breakfast.” Nolan took the napkin with a nod of thanks and wiped the excess grease off his mouth.

“You missed a spot.” Kieran’s hands rested against his chest as Kier leaned in to lick the remaining grease off his chin. Kier’s tongue reminding him of the crazy sexcapades they’d been having since introducing little Ms. Lore Beyer into their lovemaking fantasies. Nolan tilted his head to steal a quick and greasy kiss before pulling back.

“Thanks,” he said to Kieran, never happier than when his lover had that lazy, indulgent smile on his face. “So, what’s the verdict?”

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