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Authors: Ceri Grenelle

Tags: #Holidays; Contemporary; Menage; Multicultural

A New Resolution (21 page)

BOOK: A New Resolution
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Kieran gripped her hips and pushed her back down to lie chest to chest with Nolan, who was far too interested in kissing and sucking her neck and breasts to pay attention to what Kieran was doing. But she was all too aware. He vanished for a half a second before coming back to squirt the cold lube against her hole. She clenched her ass, knowing what she wanted, anticipating the brutal yet tender loving she would receive from Kieran.

Kieran could be as gentle as a song, but for the most part—what people would never guess—was that he liked to take charge, and he liked to do it with a ferocious strength, letting the person he was taking know they were completely and unequivocally his. She loved the barbaric nature of it.

But Kieran wasn’t the only one with the will to take. Lore looked down at Nolan, naked and wide-open for her and Kieran. His strong legs were spread, his heels digging into the ground to support her as she rested on his abdomen. His hands trailed up and down her arms as he waited for her to do as she pleased. It was intoxicating, being the center of their attention. She’d thought it would frighten her, but now she knew she’d never be able to live without it.

Lore looked down at the dark and thick length of Nolan’s cock just as a drip of precum slid from the crease and along his shaft. Lore was panting just from visual temptation of Nolan and the anticipation from feeling Kieran prep her for his lengthy cock. Kieran held himself above her body, only allowing incidental touches besides the fingers that finally penetrated her hole after a minute or two of rimming, driving her crazy until she thought she would come from a single touch. He bent over her body and bit her back, forcing her focus to drift from the burning stretch of muscles to the sharp nip of his teeth. She pushed her ass up higher, silently telling him she was good for more.

“You sure you want to make your ass look more tempting for me when you’re not even on his cock?”

“Do what you need to.” She grunted as Nolan moved his cock up inside her, inch by devastatingly thick inch. “And I’ll do what I need to.”

“As you please, love.” Kieran chuckled, thrusting a third well-lubed finger inside her, picking up the pace.

“I’m so full,” Lore cried, feeling stretched beyond capacity as Nolan’s unbelievably thick cock pushed slowly inside and touched her womb, Kieran’s three fingers doing their fair share of work from behind. But she knew she could have more, and she wanted it desperately. Nolan gripped her hips, stilling her writhing body as Kieran pulled his fingers away, making her cry out from the loss.


“Hold still.” Kieran grunted, lining his cock up with her ass and gently probing her hole, pulsing his cock against it, harder and harder with every thrust, begging for entrance from the one place no man had ever been. “Relax,” Kieran whispered as he pulled her body up to rest against his chest, then licked and nipped the spot just below her ear. She shivered from the touch.

“Relax and push out,” he said again, and his cock pressed past the rings of muscle. She cried out at the agonizing stretch, feeling the burn radiate from her ass and up her spine.

“Are you okay?” Kieran asked through clenched teeth, holding back for her, waiting to make sure she was all right. That fact alone made her relax, let him intrude on her untouched hole with better ease.

“Oh, yes. Kieran, I feel you,” Nolan moaned, gripping her hip harder before reaching with the other hand to cup her breast and squeeze it, teasing the pointed nipple to a stiff peak.

“I feel you too,” Kieran answered, resting his forehead on her shoulder. She was so full it nearly felt like too much, having the men share her body as they were. She’d never done or felt anything like it before in her life. It was miraculous, and she needed to feel them thrust. Now.

“Move,” she whimpered, brushing Nolan’s remaining hand off her hip and placing her hands on his chest. “Move now, or I will.”

And with that sexual threat, she thrust onto Nolan’s cock and backward onto Kieran’s. It was excruciating. It broke her down and reformed her into someone or something new. Whoever or whatever she was, she was theirs, as Kieran proved by pressing her back down on Nolan’s chest, then gripping her hips, thrusting his cock in and out in short little pulses, testing to see how much she could take.

“More,” Lore demanded again, needing all of them, needing everything they had and more.

“Fuck.” Nolan dug his heels into the ground and thrust up into her as Kieran retreated.

And then, as Lore adjusted to the seesawing of their cocks in and out of her ravaged body, the men took over, and she let them. She put her faith and trust in the hands of two men she adored and who she knew adored her back. They needed her and would take care of her, and for the first time since Lore could remember, she knew it was okay for her to want to be taken care of.

Kieran’s thrusts guided them, instructing Nolan when to advance or when to retreat. She didn’t care who was in charge as long as she could let go of everything she’d ever known and just become the wanton creature she was as she writhed between them. She wasn’t Lore anymore. She was the woman Kieran and Nolan loved, and for that singular moment in time, as she felt their paces quicken and their cocks expand inside her body, she didn’t need to be anything else ever again.

She came suddenly, crying their names into the endless blue sky, wrapping one hand behind her along Kieran’s face and the other in front of her, cupping Nolan’s cheek. Her body contracted, then expanded in a fast yet vast orgasm, encompassing the entirety of her flesh and soul.

“I can’t hold it much longer; fuck, she’s so tight. Her ass is squeezing me. I’m gonna come,” Kieran panted with each thrust, the steady rhythm he’d created disintegrating into an animalistic taking. Nolan answered in turn, his thrusts up and inside her primal and bruising. They were dominant and protective and territorial and she loved them. They loved her back. They

“Lore!” Kieran moaned, his body tensing and his arms moving from her hips to encircle her waist, his own hips now pumping in short bursts. The insane heat from his cum filling her up was only made more fantastic by the heat from Nolan’s cum as he joined his lover.

She bent over, gasping for breath, lying on Nolan’s chest and feeling Kieran along her back, his diminishing cock slipping out of her back passage in an odd yet pleasant sensation. She felt free. She felt more like herself than she’d ever felt in recent years. Even before her father’s arrest, she’d never felt so at peace. She loved these men. She trusted them with her mind, body, and soul. It was time to trust them with her past. It was time to take back control of her own life—something she’d lost without even realizing it—and give them what they wanted.

“My father was an infamous crime lord,” she blurted as Kieran rolled off her back. They both stared at her for a second before responding in confusion.


“Come again?”

Chapter Fourteen

Lore removed herself from the mass of sweaty limbs she and the men made and pulled the blanket around her shoulders. She’d never felt so fearless before in her life and at the same time had never been so scared. While listening to Kieran confess the dark truth of his past, she’d witnessed true bravery. She saw conviction and surety that he could trust his lovers with this terrible secret and they would still love him. Of course he’d been nervous of what they would think, but he still told them, placing his heart in their hands, and depended on them to hold on tight. She trusted Nolan and Kieran in that way, and it was time to let them hold her heart as well.

She faced Kieran and Nolan to tell her story.

“When I was around six, my dad took me to what he liked to call a five-fingered double feature. He conned the movie theater manager into believing he’d lost the tickets he just purchased and that I was a special needs child about to have a fit if I didn’t get in to watch the movie we came to see. They let us in, gave us a free slushy and popcorn to keep me placated. I thought it was all a fun game, and when we sneaked into another movie right after that one, it just added to the silly adventure. We did it all the time. When I was old enough to understand that what my dad was doing was wrong, I was too blind with love for him to question it.

“He used to leave on business trips, would be gone for weeks at a time. The longest was when I was fourteen. Gone a month, he didn’t get back until New Year’s Eve, 1996. My mom, who I had a rough relationship with, became increasingly hostile toward me during that time. She was drinking, and whenever she spoke to my dad on the phone, she would become even more anxious and hostile, taking out all her worries on me.”

“How did she take her worries out on you?” Nolan asked, playing with her fingers, entwining their hands like a simple dance.

“That doesn’t matter now. What I’m trying to tell you is when my dad came home that New Year’s Eve, the police and FBI arrived and took us all into custody. Nobody would tell me what was going on; they just kept questioning and asking what we knew about his criminal activities. Criminal activities… I thought my dad was a salesman. What he was, was an arms dealer, trading stolen technology and weapons to hostile countries. He was one of the reasons children in villages got gunned down, and he had no regrets doing what he did. Said he made a lot of money doing it, not that we ever saw that money.”

“What do you mean?” Kieran asked gently. “I thought you got a lot of money after your folks died. Didn’t they have money when you were a kid?”

“No, I mean, not that I saw. We lived in a nice house and had clean things, but it was the rare day we were ever able to purchase anything new. Heaven forbid I get any mud on a piece of clothing or my mother would flip. Everything in my house was treated like spun gold no matter how old it was. When we did get new things, it would make my father mad like my mom had spent his hard-earned money for no reason. There were few things he got mad about, but that was one I never forgot. When he was away for that long month before his arrest, my mother bought a new TV. Later I heard it was from spite. I thought it was because we were getting fuzzy porn channels on our old set. I should have known better; everything she did was about my dad, never about me.

“Anyway, eventually, during a meeting with my dad’s lawyer I learned all his many crimes and that there was this list, a list of his clients and the people he worked for, who supplied him with the guns. The FBI wanted the list, said they would give him some sort of immunity, maybe place us into protective custody so we could start a new life. I was so happy, thinking the three of us would be able to get a new start.” She laughed, chilled by the cold bitter sound of her own voice. Telling this story was akin to bleeding a wound. “But my father refused, said he would never give up his people.” She pounded her hand on the ground, hating the burning sensation of tears welling behind her eyes. “But what about his
He gave us up fast enough.” She waved away Kieran’s offer of comfort, dabbing at her eyes to make sure nothing was streaking down her cheeks.

“About ten years ago I went to see him in prison, my college friends convinced me I needed some sort of closure to what had scarred me so deeply in my youth.”

“Psych majors?” Nolan asked sarcastically.

“You betcha.” Lore laughed, teary-eyed. “They always seem to find me. Maybe I find them. Does that mean I need therapy?”

“Nah, baby,” Kieran said with a refreshing smile. “The only therapy you need is sexual healing.”

“You’re a tool,” Nolan said as he pinched Kieran’s arm in reprimand. “What happened when you went to see your dad?”

“He seemed okay. Tired. He told me they kept asking him about the list, even years after his trial they asked him about it, thought it was the key to this weapons crime ring. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole. All that time and he could have come back to us if he just gave up this stupid list.” She shrugged. “But he still refused. He told me—the asshole told me that marrying Mom was part of his cover. He never really loved her the way she loved him, just needed to find someone desperate enough to need him beyond measure, beyond rational thought. My father was clever and charming enough to get away with it too. My mom followed that man around like a little lost puppy. Although, how can I judge? I probably did the same thing.”

“You were a kid who idolized her father; there was nothing wrong with that.”

Lore was a little shocked with how fast Nolan was to defend her. “Well, the sentiment wasn’t returned so…”

“So fuck him,” Nolan said vehemently. “You turned out beautifully without him.”

“Emotionally stunted?”

“An intelligent and giving woman who has enough love in her heart for two idiots like us,” Kieran said, cupping her face with a sad smile.

“Lore, I have to ask,” Nolan started, looking as though he were about to step on some of her toes. “The money you inherited…”

“Oh!” She smiled, at the realization there was something she’d forgotten to say. “That was from my mother’s side. I thought it was my dad’s secret stash or something but turns out my mom had inherited a crazy amount of money that she kept hidden away. In the end, they were perfect for each other, hoarding their money.” She sniffed, remembering her fine-boned mother as she had wasted away over the years, pining for her husband even though she knew their marriage had been a lie the whole time.

“She died a month after him. All that time, through the lies and the unrequited love, she still loved him. She was such a lonely woman. I need you to know I would have never taken it if I thought that money came from weapons dealing.
. I swore to do everything within my power to be the opposite of what he was. But that also meant hiding a part of who I am. Sometimes I have this itch to just let go and fall into this pit of mischief and badness I feel inside me.”

“We’ll catch you,” Kieran said confidently. As if it was that easy. “We’ll always catch you. Don’t be afraid of letting go.”

She loved them, she did, and for the first time she felt as though she may be able to let go and explore that darker side, trusting Kieran and Nolan to pull her back and keep her safe.

BOOK: A New Resolution
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