A New Dream [Dreams: 1] (4 page)

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Authors: Alex C. Clarke

Tags: #Amazon.com, #Contemporary

BOOK: A New Dream [Dreams: 1]
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hapter 5 –
Final destination



avid tried to follow James’s rapid pace as he checked his watch and saw he had forgotten to adjust it to the local hour. It was 12:40p.m. now. They had landed an hour ago, the time needed to take their luggage and go through customs. As his boss couldn’t pick him up, he was relieved to share James’ ride, but he was still wary about his first encounter with the man. He felt awkward, even.

He was attracted to the man, never mind that he had only been with women, had only been attracted to women. Until now.
Perfect timing!
he thought ironically.

Well, maybe it was perfect timing, the perfect moment in his life to unveil a hidden side of his personality. He was moving to a foreign country, was going to change his job and he would have to speak a different language daily; he might as well grab the chance to dare dream about other things, to explore his sexuality and his feelings. David had always been open-minded about people around him. He had gay friends, both men and women, and he didn’t care one bit about their sexual and romantic relationships or the way they led their lives. It was none of his business anyway.

But it was different when it came to his own sexual life. As he followed James, he thought about the implications of his desires toward the man. He watched him thoughtfully, trying to stay objective. He was a good looking guy―tall, manly, muscled―he inspired authority and he was definitely sexy. He had beautiful eyes, big hands, strong and hot, yet the touch of his fingers so light against his skin…David blushed and worried his lower lip. He had to think about something else; it was driving him mad! He couldn’t think about the ramifications of all this, right now.

They were walking in a companionable silence, accentuated by the voices of bystanders, the sound of wheeled suitcases, laughs of people happy to see each other again…an airport would witness a lot of heavy emotions in one day; David had always been an attentive observer of these things.

His quiet nature had led him to his new role. He was the witness of everyone’s life, always the one to stay on the sidelines. Perhaps he was rather a witness than an active participant? It was less risky, but he would also have fewer occasions to live a thrilling life. That was one of the many reasons why he had decided to go to Boston. You need some courage to dare live your own life and get what you want. He was sick of being on the fringes of his own existence. Winning the Green Card Lottery had, without a doubt, helped him a lot in making his decision. It was almost as if Fate had decided for him.

To be honest, he was terrified of being wrong.
What if all the energy I’ve given to this project is in vain? What if I come back with my tail between my legs? Hmm, and what if I succeed? Yes, what if success waits for me at the end of the road? What if I find happiness? What if I’ve already found it?
He hastened to put the thought aside. There were no reasons to believe he had met someone decisive in his life. And it was not because they would share a vehicle for a 30-minute drive, that it was the new love of his life. They would probably never see each other again.

They arrived at a so-called 'cell phone waiting lot' where a huge man stood waving at James. His dark skin contrasted with his pearly white smile. Even from afar, he posed an intimidating figure. James waved back with an equally big smile on his face and accelerated his pace. David followed more slowly, not knowing what to expect. When James reached the huge, grey SUV, he threw himself into the embrace of his friend as they talked a mile a minute. David couldn’t understand a word of what was being said but quickly figured they were talking about him. The two men let go of each other and James introduced him to his friend.

“David, this is my friend Bo Boudreaux. Bo, David…” James trailed off to let David complete the introduction with his last name.

He had raised an eyebrow at the mention of Bo’s last name and he remembered the last email he had received from his new employer.

He held his hand out. “David Lamanne-Valois. I guess this name rings a bell?”

Bo took his hand and shook it as recognition slowly kicked in.

“Indeed! It’s nice ta finally meet ya, even if it’s a little sooner dan expected. We had planned to meet in an hour, if I’m right?” He smiled.

James frowned as his suspicions were confirmed. Bo, taking the look on his friend's face for confusion, explained. “Our friend David, here, is da manager I hired for our common investment.” James nodded as he glanced at David who nodded back. David couldn’t believe it, so he had to ask.

“Excuse me, you said 'common investment'?”

“I told you earlier that my buddy and I had invested together in a business. He owned The Black Bulldog alone before, but the manager didn’t do his job properly and it needed a complete makeover anyway. So when he kicked out the manager, he asked me to join the party. He did the makeover and here I am.”

“And so am I,” added David. “So, just to be clear, I just met my new boss on the plane, right?” He tried to look nonchalant, when all he felt was wariness.

“And your brand new neighbor as well, I’m afraid.” James completed. “I’ll be living in the top floor apartment, and, from what I understood, you’ll be living on the first floor.” He smiled but he seemed to have lost some of his usual confidence. As if David could do anything other than go with the flow right now…he could hardly take a plane back to France without even trying. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but he’d be damned if he didn’t do his best.

“All right then,” he smiled. “It’s chance that we have met this early in the game. At least we had time to get used to each other. And I’m gaining some time, since my bosses are taking me to my new home!” He saw a brief flick of relief in James’ eyes and Bo hurried them to the car. There was a lot of traffic on the road and if they wanted to arrive before the end of the day, they should go now. James and David threw their luggage into the back of the SUV and hopped in as Bo started the engine.

They chatted on the way to the bar and David learned that Bo had called it the Black Bulldog in honor of the mascot dog of the US Marines. They arrived far earlier than David would have thought. He still felt confused about the situation: the connections between the other two men, the meet on the plane, the effect that James’ light touch had brought in him, everything melting together in his head. He decided to analyze the situation when he was less tired and tried to concentrate on what was going on right now, instead.

They arrived in front of a magnificent cathedral. Before David could have a better view of its square tower and the other details of the facade, Bo turned into an underground parking lot and parked his car in a reserved space. Everyone stepped out of the car and David and James grabbed their luggage before following Bo to the exit door.

Walking up a brightly lit stairwell, they went up to the ground floor. It wasn’t one of those seedy places where you’d better be a black belt in karate to have a chance to survive; it smelled like fresh paint and it was obvious that the parking lot, as well as the stairwell, had been renovated recently.

Bo unlocked a door when they reached a little landing, giving them access to a small utility room. Bo suggested they hang up their coats and pointed James toward a closet. James opened the door, waiting for David to shrug out of his gabardine as he hung up his own and Bo's jackets. Coming from France to the US in April, his coat was a bit light for the weather. David was surprised by the cold temperatures, as he was used to a good seventy degrees at the time in the year, dropping to the low forties was pretty hard for him. All he wanted was a cup of coffee, a hot shower and settle down, but Bo and James wanted to show him the bar before he collapsed.

From the utility room you could see the long and narrow kitchen that was, like the utility room, covered in white tiles from floor to ceiling. The confined space was optimized, almost like a laboratory with the bright light glinting of stainless steel back-splashes; it was cold but efficient. From where he stood, David could see that the left wall was covered with a line of range cookers, at the far end of which were storage shelves and a small walk-in refrigeration unit. The wall on his right, lined with more shelves and a long counter, was dominated by large double doors, leading to the main room of the bar, and a serving hatch that was closed with a steel door. Nearby, a small silver bell.

Going through the double doors, it was like stepping foot in Ireland. The contrast between the clinical kitchen and the warmth of the bar was stunning. Cleanliness oozed out of every pore with its polished, blond, wooden floor. Booths had been created along the left-hand side wall by benches covered in dark green leather. The seats seemed to impatiently await the arrival of customers while a small wooden stage looked forlorn without its musicians near the front door.

An old bar ran along the right-hand wall with stools, covered in the same dark green leather of the benches, in front of it. A few, round, tables and chairs were placed haphazardly throughout the remainder of the spacious room.

The overall look created a welcoming, warm atmosphere, enhanced by dimly lit wall lamps. The blades of a ceiling fan stood still, ready to move at the first sign of heat. Behind the bar, an immense mirror reflected the lined-up bottles and colorful glasses that were artistically arranged on glass shelves. There was a door at the far end of the bar. A simple desk with a computer in the middle of the room, two chairs and hanging folder shelves covering a wall were the only furniture, clearly indicating that it was an office.

David silently went into ecstasy as he looked around his new place of work. In his craziest dreams he couldn’t have imagined a better place to start his new life.

It smelled of detergent and brand new furniture but it was friendly and welcoming. He wanted to sit with a beer in his hand, listening to live music as he hung out with friends. He couldn’t wait for the opening next Saturday. It would be the 12
of April, an important day for him: the very first day of his new career, of his new life, and, hopefully, the beginning of the realization of his dream.

But first, his bed was calling his name. He yawned loudly and Bo laughed heartily. He shut off the lights and they walked back to the utility room where James retrieved their coats before Bo locked the door behind them. They climbed the staircase to the first floor where Bo gave David a ring with several keys. He showed him the right one for the door to his new flat and David opened it.

He pushed the armored door open and entered the flat. The pristine open kitchen on the left gave out to a nice living room. A huge bay window at the end of the room looked out on to the cathedral, providing an extraordinary view. Three doors on the left wall led to a bedroom, the bathroom and a smaller room, used as an office.

He vaguely heard the guys telling him they’d let him acclimatize to his new flat and asked him to get some rest. They agreed on meeting for dinner downstairs, later on in the evening. David vacantly nodded, dropped his luggage on the bedroom floor and threw himself under the hot stream of the shower. Still damp and naked but for the towel he had wrapped around his hips, he padded to his bedroom and fell on the bed, forgetting all about the coffee he had fancied earlier on. He wouldn’t remember the exact moment he fell asleep, but the wake-up was remarkable.


hapter 6 –
Nice surprise



ames spent the next two hours tidying away his things as he talked with Bo. He caught up with his best mate’s love life and he told him about his surprising encounter with David, without neglecting any details. Bo knew everything about James and they didn’t have any secrets from each other so he told him about the aborted kiss, the undiplomatic flight attendant, and David’s unexpected tears. Bo had swiftly picked up on James' attraction to David and he warned him there was a tiny possibility his ego would be hurt soon. Or, worse than his ego.

When Bo left him to take care of his business before they met for dinner, James walked into his bathroom. The silence in the building was remarkable and the contractors had done a good job with the renovation. He couldn’t even hear the cars passing below in the street, thanks to the double-glazed windows. He enjoyed the calm of the shower as he tried not to think about anything in particular. Once showered and dressed, he couldn’t stay still. The couch in the living room was comfy but he was restless and couldn’t sit still. His new kitchen was so immaculate, he had nothing to tidy up. Bo had filled the fridge with his favorite food and drink but he didn’t have to cook since they were meeting for dinner anyway. At long last, he understood what was going on with his nerves.

He couldn’t stop thinking about David. His soft, pale skin. His discreet smile. The way he blushed delicately. His haunted eyes, the shadows under them and the tears he had shed on the plane… he couldn’t get this man out of his head. He wanted to hold him in his arms, to comfort him and it was so much unlike him to want that, it frightened him. He wanted to give him a purpose, to make him focus on a goal and to welcome him in his world. But it was far too soon for that. He knew he had to slow things down, even if the temptation was strong.

The man doesn't even know me

He had seen the signs and felt the lingering gaze on his body when David thought he didn’t see him. He had talked about his wife so David was likely straight as an arrow, but that gaze? It was definitely not one of a man coldly assessing another man. It was the troubled and concupiscent glance of a man who wondered why the body next to him was so appealing. And James wanted to show him why it was so exciting and the pleasure two same sex bodies could bring to each other.

In the shower, he had indulged himself in a bit of relief but now he was in the same state as earlier. His warm and enticing thoughts wouldn’t leave him in peace. His hardness hurt so much he decided that he might as well relieve himself again. He went to his bed, lay down and pulled his pole out of his jeans before he ran gentle fingers over it. He lifted his t-shirt, so he wouldn’t have any wet spots on it later, closed his hand around his shaft and began to slide it up and down slowly as he closed his eyes.

Behind closed lids, he saw David’s hooded eyes―his face blushing in arousal, short of breath, arching in his arms, their chests glistening with sweat and sliding against each other… James’ lips on David’s hardened nipples, his tongue playing from one tight bud to the other… His lover’s pale skin glowing in the mutely lit room…the strong sensation of their wet shafts in their entwined fingers…short breaths…moans.

James had shut his eyes so tight he began to see stars, or maybe it was his orgasm coming far earlier than planned. The pleasure took him by surprise. He had more stamina usually and he was used to taking care of his lover’s pleasure first, but he was unable to hold it this time. The hot shot of white semen creamed his stomach and chest with an amazing strength. He was dazzled by what the mere thought of his new neighbor’s hot body pressed against his own provoked.

He draped an arm over his face, trying to catch his breath as he collected himself. His other hand rested on the proof of his release on his flat stomach. He shivered as his sticky skin cooled down. He did his best to get out of the afterglow he was stuck in to clean up his mess. He sighed heavily. It hadn't solved his problem: David still occupied his thoughts. It was even worse; he wanted to make his fantasies come true.

He wasted another half an hour in his flat, wandering around like a lost little boy before he determined that he should pay David a visit.

He decided to change his clothes and he grabbed an old pair of faded jeans and a black button-down shirt that hugged his chest like a second skin. After he got dressed again, James descended the stairs and knocked once on David's door. He waited, but no one answered. He knocked again, a little louder this time. When David didn’t answer, even though James knew he was in there, he tried to turn the doorknob. It gave without any difficulty and James walked in.

He called David’s name softly in the heavy silence of the apartment. James couldn’t hear water running and the living room was untouched. He made his way to the bedroom. He was certainly not disappointed by the view he got when he opened the door. He saw the most beautiful sight in the universe. Well, by his own standards at least. The room was illuminated by the setting sun only, rays of sunlight falling slanted over David’s naked body. He lay on his stomach, a towel lay discarded next to him on the bed. His disheveled hair looked like it had dried untouched and rested haphazardly on the pillow. David was facing the wall so James couldn’t see his expression. On the other hand, he could observe at leisure the stunning body on display before him.

The light of the late afternoon etched mounts and vales on David's body, glorifying the curve of his back, two cute dimples on the top of his cheeks and the twin globes resting proudly on the white sheets. His legs were slightly spread but not enough to show his anatomy for James’ taste. He didn’t have a lot of body hair but freckles sprinkled the top of his shoulders. James wanted to kiss, lick and torment every single one. He wanted to make David his friend, his lover and a lot more, his wishful thinking to go slow long forgotten…

Once more, his hard-on was tucked against the rough fabric of his jeans. He couldn’t remember being so constantly aroused in his life, except maybe during his teenage years. He blinked and, without even realizing it, he had crossed the room to sit next to his perfect fantasy. He was afraid of being rejected but he would never know if he didn’t try. He felt like he was witnessing the scene from outside of his body.

His hand rose in spite of himself. His fingers touched David’s shoulder blades and the freckles he craved to lick. His caress felt like a butterfly’s wings to him. Barely touching David’s pearly white skin, a shot of electricity coursed from his fingertips through his body down to his groin. He grazed the prominent spine with delicate fingertips. David wasn’t well nourished; he would make a point of feeding him. James wanted to draw a protective cocoon around him and heal his tormented soul.

His fingers continued their path on the pale skin and lingered in the deep dimples. He dared to put his hand flat on David's left cheek, appreciating the curve as he tested the softness of the skin, feeling the heat under his trembling fingers. He heard a low moan as David moved leisurely on the bed. His arms still tucked under the pillow, he turned his head to James. The sleepy look on his face was adorable. A smile crept up on his sultry lips. James didn’t hesitate, he bent over unhurriedly to give David the opportunity to pull away if he didn’t want what was about to happen.

Their eyes were locked on each other when their lips first met. David had shifted a little to give James more space and he had opened his mouth, his eyes filled with pure lust. When they at last touched, fireworks exploded between them. The shock made James whimper. The sweetness and warmth of David’s mouth spread like wildfire through him. Their tongues brushed shyly at first until James tilted his head to deepen the kiss. His free hand landed on David’s stubble, holding him in place. His other hand, still on the curve of his buttocks, was trembling a little.

Their tongues gave battle, their mouths melting into each other. A wave of heat rushed down James’ veins, leaving him panting heavily. David lifted up, never breaking the kiss. Resting on his elbow, David had freed a hand and he let it rest shyly on James’ neck, where his pulse beat wildly. James flipped David over and covered his body with his own, deepening their kiss even further.

James pulled his hand from David’s lower back to run it over his rib cage, over his chest and gently pinched a nipple. He wasn’t able to think anymore, he could only feel wave after wave of heat as he slid his tongue along David’s jaw, nibbling his skin, tasting their mutual sweat; it was the purest ambrosia. David was pressed against him, disheveled, eyes bulging, mouth hanging open, glistening with sweat, his erection rubbing against James’ jeans. He had yet to touch this part of his anatomy. Exciting noises elicited from them, their short breaths echoing in the room. The setting sun was casting shadows on their joined bodies. James was so excited he was afraid to cream his pants with his release, before he had a chance to pleasure David. He had both hands on his face now, holding him a few inches away.

Their breaths mingled together, they were so close. So hot. They were so hard, so ready for what was to come.

They jumped at a sudden noise. Bo, leaning against the door jamb, chuckled softly.

“Ya didn’t waste time, rite, buddy? I kinda expected ya to leave him to settle down! Yeah, rite…I’ll give ya both thirty seconds to get over it. I’ll wait downstairs.” He snickered before he left them to it.

James sighed heavily and fell on the bed next to David, groaning as he draped an arm over his eyes. It was so awkward, he had provoked the situation and now what? Daring a glance at David, he saw him watching him intensely with a lopsided grin.

“Nothing is ever quite what it looks like, isn’t it?”

James hesitated before he answered. “Sure. But it was a nice surprise, wasn’t it?”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been woken up like that, that is certain.”

David looked hesitant but he was still smiling. James lifted a shy hand between their bodies as he observed his face closely. His own erection had diminished thanks to Bo’s intervention but David's begged for attention as James lowered his hand cautiously.

David shuddered and his smile froze, but it didn’t stop him from moving his hips against James’ hand. He moaned under the stronger pressure of James’ hand on his length and the light touch on his balls, tightening under the feather-light touch. He bit his lips, his eyes dark with desire. James stroked David’s shaft before closing his hand around the uncut cock. He set the shiny, red mushroom head free. He wanted to lick the precum and spread it out over the entire length. He wanted him. Badly.

David’s hand covered his, stopping the movement. James lifted his eyes, an eyebrow raised in question. He cursed inwardly, hoping he hadn’t gone too far. But David was just being practical. “Bo is waiting for us, we should go downstairs.”

“And continue later?” James still had a little hope but the seconds ticked by and David didn’t seem so sure. He felt the urge to excuse himself, cold sweat running down his spine. He had never felt that scared for anything in his life. As if he was to die from waiting. He wanted to withdraw his question. It wasn’t a decision David had to make just yet.

Then, a sparkle shone in David’s eyes and James knew better than to say anything at this moment. Their hands still joined on David’s shaft, David moved slightly to intertwine their fingers, without breaking eye contact. Smiling, he lifted their joined hands to his lips and brushed a kiss on each fingertip.

“Later. Now we have to get ready for dinner.” And he stood up, leaving James with one last kiss on his lips, cool as a cloud in summer. He grabbed his luggage and got out of the bedroom, naked as a newborn baby, his beautiful ass taunting him.

James collapsed on the bed, his hard-on tucked again in his jeans and nowhere near close to release.

He sighed heavily. Then he smiled. Oh, so slowly. A wolf-coming-near-the-sheepfold smile. He had hope.
This man will end up in my bed sooner or later. Even more important, in my life. Who knew life could be so beautiful?


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