Authors: Kenneth C. Davis
books by, 218, 235
California independence and governorship, 244â46
California ranch and wealth, 251
as California senator, 252
court martial, 245â47
death of, 253
exploration of the West, 218, 227, 229, 239â40
family and early years, 240â41
firing by Lincoln, 252â53
Kit Carson and, 239, 241, 244â45, 246
marries Jessie Benton, 238â39
Mexico signs treaty with, 218
as presidential candidate, xxi, 212â13, 221, 239, 252
Frémont, Lily, 226, 227, 228, 230, 239, 247
Fur trade, 81
Gadsden, James, 169
Gaines, Edmund P., 13, 101
Gaines, George S., 13
Galloway, Rebecca, 83
Gardner, George, 151
Garnet, Henry Highland, 113
Garrison, William Lloyd, 111, 140, 195, 249
Gaustad, Edwin, 200
Gazette of the United States
, 38
Gedney, Thomas, 125â26
George III, King of England, 199
Giddings, Joshua, 140
Gifford, Zephaniah, 115, 119
Gold rush of 1849, 219, 221, 224, 248â49
Gone with the Wind
(Mitchell), 141
Gordon, John Steele, 12, 248â49
Grant, Ulysses S., 241, 250
Gray, Thomas, 165â66, 166n
Great Britain
abolishes slavery, 111, 120, 145
abolishes slave trading, 109
American Revolution and, 79
in the Caribbean, 130
Federalist Party and, 36
freeing of
mutineers, 139
fur trade, 81
Indian allies, 65, 71, 81, 85, 162
Napoleonic Wars, 65
Oregon and, 177
Peace of Paris, 199
Toussaint and Haiti, 129â31
Treaty of Ghent, 66, 100
War of 1812, 66, 71, 88, 89
West Indies campaign, 131
Greeley, Horace, 208, 210, 249
Greenspan, Alan, 249
Haiti, 109, 128â31, 129n, 135, 136, 163
Halleck, Chief of the Seminoles, 175
Hamilton, Alexander, 10â11, 36, 86
bad press and, 37â38, 86
banking system and, 10â11, 40
dislike of Burr, 5, 38, 42
duel and death, xviii, 4, 43â45
as Federalist, 16, 36, 42
Philip Schuyler and
Hamilton, Philip, 44
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 250
Harrison, Benjamin (president), 84n
Harrison, Benjamin (Signer), 84
Harrison, William Henry, 84, 84n, 112, 172
Harvard University, 23
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, xvi
Hemmings, Sally, 86â87
Herman, Arthur, 24
Herr, Pamela, 230
Hewell, John, 117â18
History of the United States
(Adams), 59
Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 169
Hochschild, Adam, 130, 131
Hoover, Herbert, 214
Houston, Sam, 97
Howe, Daniel Walker, 196
Illinois, 109
Immigration, xxiiâxxiii, 182
Alien Act of 1798, 200
anti-immigration sentiment, xxiiâxxiii, 196, 198â200, 213â14
anti-Irish/anti-Catholic violence, 185â94, 210
federal citizenship law of 1790, 199â200
German, 198, 200
immigrants in the military, 211
Irish influx, 182, 200, 209â10
“melting pot” myth, xxiii
Nativists and, 185â94, 205, 210, 213
Protestant Scots-Irish, 9â10
U.S. population growth and, xvi
Indiana, 109
Indian Removal Act of 1830, 145, 155, 157, 159
, 245
Iowa, 182
immigration, 182, 200, 209â10
potato blight, 182, 209
Irving, Washington, xvi, 53â54, 54n
Isenberg, Nancy, ix, 5, 32, 34, 44â45
Jackson, Andrew, xiii, 210
Aaron Burr and, xx, 50â51, 52, 104â5
adoption of Indian boy, 94
Battle of Horseshoe Bend, 66, 96â99
Battle of New Orleans, 77, 99â100
complexity of character, 94, 95
death of, 176, 182
dueling and, 13, 65, 92â93
family and early years, 77â80
Florida and, 100â103, 110, 142, 156, 162
Fort Mims massacre and, xxi
gunshot in street fight, 91â92, 236
hatred of British, Spanish, and
Indians, 80, 89
home, the Hermitage, 91, 182
Indian fighting, 66, 67, 77â78, 91, 93â99, 102, 152, 169
Indian policies, xx, 99, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161â63, 173, 175â76
James K. Polk and, 242
letter to Seminoles, 162â63
loses presidential election, 110
marriage controversy, 92
Martin Van Buren and, 61
as Old Hickory, 93, 96, 99
political ditties about, 103
political platform (1828), 156
popular support for, 173
as president, 77, 111, 156, 172
as “Sharp Knife,” 95, 161, 162
slavery policies, 95, 166
in Tennessee, 50â51, 91
Texas independence, 111, 217
Texas purchase tried, 217
Thomas Hart Benton and, 91â92, 236
twenty-dollar bill and, xx, 104
Jackson, Rachel, 51, 92
Jacob, Richard Taylor, 228
Jamaica, 173
Jay, John, 199
Jefferson, Thomas, ix, xiv, 3, 4, 10, 134
Aaron Burr and, 7, 13, 36, 46â47, 50, 51, 52, 55
Andrew Jackson and, 91
death of, 58, 111
Declaration of Independence, 30, 232
election, xvii, 3â4, 86, 87
election tie, 16â17, 40â41, 42â43
Embargo Acts, 65, 88, 89
Hamilton and, 12
Indian policies, 157
James Monroe and, 136
Louisiana Purchase, 47, 69, 86, 133
Non-Intercourse Act, 89
press and, 87
relationship with slave, 86â87
as slaveholder, 141
Jehovah's Witnesses, 201
Jesup, Thomas, 147, 171â72
John Paul II, Pope, 233n
Jumel, Eliza Bowen, 58â59
Jumel, Samuel, 59
Junaluska, Cherokee Chief, 99
Kearny, Stephen Watts, 218, 245â47
Kennedy, John F., xiii, xxiii, 214
Kennedy, Robert F., xxvi
Kenrick, Bishop Francis Patrick, 186, 190, 193
Kentucky, 93
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 214
King, Martin Luther, Sr., 214
Knetsch, Joe, 153
Know-Nothings, 183, 210â13, 252
Knox, Henry, 3, 80, 157
Ku Klux Klan, 214
Leclerc, Charles-Victor-Emanuel, 131â32
Lee, Light Horse Harry, 24
Lee, Robert E., 141, 173, 250
Lepore, Jill, 128
Levy, JoAnn, 248
Liberator, The
, 140
Liberia, 110, 120
Liberty Party, 182, 242
Lincoln, Abraham, xiii, xvii, 158n, 250
John Charles Frémont and, 252â53
on Know-Nothings, 183
opposition to Mexican War, 243
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, xvi
Longstreet, James, 250
Los Angeles, California, 245, 253
Louisiana, 66, 109
Louisiana Purchase, xv, 4, 10, 47, 49, 69, 88, 133
Lovejoy, Elijah, 181
Lucas, Charles, 236â37
Madison, Dolley, 36â37
Madison, James, 12, 25, 36â37, 38, 40, 65, 66, 89
Mahon, John K., 152, 174
Maine, 110
Malone, Thomas, 14
Manifest Destiny, xvii, xxi, 176â77, 239, 242, 243
Many Thousands Gone
(Berlin), 113, 138
, 4, 52, 55
Maroons, 105, 167, 168
Marshall, John, 4, 5, 52, 55â56, 111, 161
Martin, Luther, 52â53, 58
Maryland, 199
Masons, 111
Mayer, Henry, 140
McCargo, Theophilus, 118â19
McCargo, Thomas, 118
McClellan, George, 250
McGillivray, Alexander, 80, 157
McIntosh, William, 80
McQueen, Peter, 73, 80
Meacham, Jon, xx, 78, 159, 175
Melville, Herman, xvi
Merritt, William, 116, 120
Methodist Church, 181
Mexican War, xvii, 241â43
Irish Catholic desertions and, 212
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 218
U.S. critics of, 243, 249â50
U.S. declares war, 182, 218
American territorial expansion into, 176
attack on the Alamo, 217
California and, 177, 182, 218, 241
Catholicism of, 211â12
independence, 251
Jackson purchase offer, 217
loses war and territory, 218, 251
New Mexico and, 218
Texas and, 111, 241 (
see also
Mexican War)
Micanopy, Seminole Chief, 152, 168
Michigan, 111
Miller, William, 201
Mississippi, 109
Missouri, 110, 236â37
Missouri Compromise, xvii, 110
, 236
Mobile, Alabama, 90â91
Monk, Maria, 183, 205â6
Monroe, James, 66, 102, 110, 136, 155, 157, 159
Montalvo, Garci RodrÃguez de, 230â31
Montéz, Pedro, 125â26
Montgomery, Richard, 28â30
Morgan, Daniel, 27, 29
Morning Chronicle
, 53â54
Morris, Elijah, 116, 117
Morse, Jedediah, 203
Morse, Richard, 204
Morse, Samuel F. B., 181, 183, 203â5, 237
Mühlenberg, Henry, 198
Napoléon, 88, 130, 131â33
Napoleonic Wars, 65, 88
Narváez, Pánfilo de, 150
Nast, Thomas, 201
Native Americans.
See also specific tribes
alliances with African Americans, 95, 102, 142, 166â69
Andrew Jackson and, xx, 66, 67, 91, 93â99, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161â63, 169â70, 175â76
assimilation of, 70â71, 81â83, 158, 159, 162
Battle of Horseshoe Bend, 66, 96â99
betrayal of Osceola, 169â72
Black Hawk War, 158, 158n
as British allies, 65, 71, 81, 85
in California, 232â34, 233n
Civilized Tribes of the Southeast, 71, 81, 83, 159â61
confiscation of land and removal, 99, 104, 145, 153, 155, 156â57, 158, 159, 161â63, 170â71, 175
Creek Wars, 76â77, 84, 94, 96â99, 104, 169
Dade's Massacre, 145, 149â55
Fort Mims massacre, xxi, 66, 70â76
genocide against, 67, 155â56
“Indian question,” 157â58
Indian Removal Act, 145
Muskogee nation, 70, 81, 104, 161
Seminole Wars, 103, 104, 142, 145
Spain and, 51, 71, 81
Tecumseh tribal confederacy, 65, 82â85
Tocqueville on, 160
Nativists, 185â94, 205, 208â9, 210â11, 213
Nat Turner's rebellion, 111
New Jersey, 33, 35, 44â45
New Mexico, 218, 245
New Orleans, 48, 49, 90, 115, 137
Deslondes rebellion, 113, 137â38
Newspapers and pamphlets anti-Catholic press, 200â201, 204
anti-Federalist, 38
antislavery, 140, 181, 194
Burr and, 38, 53â54
Callender sedition trial and, 45
Federalist, 38, 87
Hamilton scandal and, 37â38
Jefferson scandal and, 86â87
trial of Frémont and, 246
New York Burning
(Lepore), 128
New York City, 30â31, 39â40, 128, 253
Irish and politics, 210
Richmond Hill house, 30, 35, 47
rumored slave revolt, 1741, 128
Tammany Hall, 39, 210
New York Observer
, 204
New York state, 35â46, 199.
See also
Burr, Aaron
New York Tribune
, 249â50
Nicollet, Joseph, 238
Nicolls, Edward, 100â101
Nixon, Richard, xix, 60
Non-Intercourse Act, xvii, 89
North, Oliver, 48
Northup, Solomon, 121â22, 123
Oates, Stephen B., 163, 164
Obama, Barack, xiii, xv, xxvâxxvi
“birthers” and, xxiii, 213
O'Brien, Sean Michael, 73, 75, 104
Ogden, Matthias, 27
Oregon, 177, 239, 242, 249
Osceola (Asi Yolah), Seminole Chief, 171â72, 153â54, 169â72