A Multitude of Sins (33 page)

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Authors: M. K. Wren

Tags: #Mystery

BOOK: A Multitude of Sins
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She had made a decision, and he knew he might stop her now, but she would carry it out eventually; one way or another. It was her choice; the only one left her.

He said to Sean, “You don’t need to go up with her.”

Catharine turned without a word and made her way into the foyer. Travers followed her, but only to the door to talk to Sims. When she ascended the stairs, she was alone.

“Dore, go get dressed.” Conan was still watching Catharine. “We’re going to the beach.”

She stared at him, surprised and bewildered.

“Now? But can I leave now? I mean, the police, and—”

“We’ll come back in the morning to finish up the loose ends, and Sean can look after the house tonight.”

She sent Sean a questioning look that at her affirmative nod turned into a pale smile of gratitude.

“All right. I’ll go get dressed.”

“And hurry,” Conan added.

When she was gone, he turned his back on the foyer. “Sean, you’ll get time and a half for this.”

“At least. But get her out of here, Conan. She’s had enough for one night.”

He was vaguely startled at that. Feminine intuition, no doubt. She knew as well as he that Catharine would never leave her room alive.

Then Sean said, “Conan, someday you’re going to see Isadora Canfield on a stage with the New York Philharmonic behind her, and then maybe all this will make sense.”

He smiled at her. “I’d like to have you on my arm for that concert, Sean. Put it down in your date book.”

“Thanks, but like they say, three’s a crowd.”

“Then there’s already a crowd, and I’m the extra third.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Who’s the two?”

“Isadora and the Steinway concert grand.” Then he added: “And I hope they live happily ever after.”


M. K. WREN is a pseudonym for a West Coast writer of crime fiction and science fiction. In addition to her skills as the creator of Conan Flagg, Ms. Wren is also the author of the acclaimed science-fiction trilogy, THE PHOENIX LEGACY. As an artist, she has exhibited in numerous galleries in Texas, Oklahoma, and the Northwest. She has been lauded for her watercolor miniatures—detailed paintings with subjects tending toward Victorian houses and ghost towns. A MULTITUDE OF SINS is the second in the mystery series featuring Conan Flagg.

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