A Mother at Heart (20 page)

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Authors: Carolyne Aarsen

BOOK: A Mother at Heart
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Dear Reader,

When he was young, Jake Steele felt he had nothing to give Miriam Spencer because he was just a foster child. But because of the love of his foster parents, his life is different when Miriam comes back into it. I wanted to show, in this book, how vulnerable foster children can feel, even in a secure home. I also wanted to show that for some children, there is indeed a happy ending. I know, we have seen it in our extended family and in other foster families.

Foster parents give much to their kids, and in many long-term situations end up adopting them or making them a permanent part of their family in other ways. The foster child/parent bond can be as strong as the natural one.

I thank the Lord for the many people who open their homes to children who are not their own, and I pray they may receive the strength they need to do their work.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-2917-4


Copyright © 2000 by Carolyne Aarsen

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