A Monster of a Mystery (2 page)

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Authors: Franklin W. Dixon,Scott Burroughs

BOOK: A Monster of a Mystery
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Chet looked worried. “Um, I don't think so,” he said. “But I have a better idea. Let's make you a Morph Spork!”

Joe nodded. Morpho's trademark tool was the giant spork that he used to eat brains. It was a combination of a fork and a spoon. Chet had a plastic spork at home, but he hadn't brought it today. So the two of them looked around until they found a branch that was about the right size and shape.

“This should work,” Joe said, waving it around like a sword. “I wonder why Morpho uses a spork, anyway.”

“Nobody knows,” Chet said. He was the expert on everything about Morpho. “Just like nobody knows his original human identity.” He grinned. “Hey! Maybe you and Frank should investigate and try to solve the mystery!”

Joe and Frank were known around town for solving mysteries, even though they were only eight and nine years old. Everyone said they were following in their father's footsteps. He was a successful private investigator who'd solved lots of tough cases. But right now Joe wasn't really thinking about that.

“Frank won't be able to solve anything once I eat his brains,” he told Chet with a grin. He waved his Spork, then aimed his bike down the trail. “Come on, let's go get them!”

A Horrifying Plan

OAAAAAAAAR!” Chet yelled, running toward his sister Iola.

She screamed and ran away. “Help! Save me from Morpho!” she cried.

Frank grinned as he watched them goof around. The five friends were in Bayport Park. Chet and Joe had caught up to Frank, Iola, and Phil in the woods. Once Morpho and Morpho Jr. had eaten all their friends' brains, the chase was over. Chet was tired of riding his bike, so they'd
come back to the park to play there.

“Beware the wrath of my Spork!” Joe yelled, waving around his spork-shaped tree branch as he chased Phil. “It's coming for your brains!”

Frank was about to join in the game when he noticed someone coming toward them.
It was Adam Ackerman—the biggest bully in Bayport. Adam was in Joe's class at school but was bigger than most of the kids in Frank's grade.

“What are you dummies doing?” Adam asked as he walked toward them. He spotted Chet's Morpho mask and smirked. “Are you in kindergarten, Morton?” he said. “I didn't know people your age still played dress-up like little girls.”

“What's wrong with little girls?” Iola challenged Adam, putting her hands on her hips. She was one of the only people who wasn't afraid to stand up to him.

He ignored her, still staring at Chet. “Didn't you hear me?” he said. “I asked you a question, Morton.”

“Leave him alone, Adam,” Joe said with a frown, clenching his fists at his side.

Frank stepped forward. He could tell that things were getting tense. “It's not a big deal, Adam,” he said in a calming voice. “We're just having some fun.”

“Yeah,” Chet blurted out from behind his mask. “We're getting ready to meet the real Morpho!”

Adam laughed. “The
Morpho, huh?” he said sarcastically. “I hate to break it to you, but Morpho is a fictional character. So you can turn
off your night-light and stop worrying about your brains. He's not real.”

Iola rolled her eyes. “Duh. Chet just means we're going to meet the Morpho crew at Bayport Comix this weekend.”

“Huh?” Adam turned to stare at her. “What are you talking about?”

“Are you just playing dumb?” Joe said. “The actor who played Morpho in the movie and the artist who draws him in the comics are both coming to Bayport Comix on Saturday.”

“Yeah! We'll be able to meet them and get their autographs,” Chet put in, so excited that he seemed to forget he was talking to Adam.

Phil nodded eagerly. “And don't forget about the special Spork photo booth,” he added. “We'll be able to pose with Morpho and the real Spork from the movie. Then they'll do special effects on the photo so it looks like he's really eating our
brains! It's going to be really cool—I hope they tell us how the special effects work!”

Frank wasn't surprised to hear him say that. Phil was one of the smartest kids he knew. He loved knowing how things worked, especially technology and anything scientific. In fact, Phil loved that kind of thing just as much as Chet loved Morpho!

“Wow!” Adam said loudly.

Frank glanced over at him. He was sure Adam was about to start making fun of them all more than ever.

To his surprise, though, Adam looked really excited. “Are you guys serious?” he exclaimed. “The real Morpho actor and artist are coming here to Bayport? This weekend?”

“Yeah, the posters have been up at the comics store all week,” Joe said with a shrug. “Where've you been?”

“My family was away visiting my grandparents
this whole week,” Adam said. “Oh, man—it's a good thing we got home in time for this! I love Morpho!”

He spun around and raced off without another word. Chet lifted off his mask and watched him go, looking surprised. “Wow,” he said. “He seemed really excited. So excited he forgot all about bothering us!”

Frank chuckled. “Yeah,” he said. “I guess Morpho is the one thing
can agree on.”

At dinner that night Frank couldn't stop talking about Morpho. Neither could Joe.

“The next Morpho movie is coming out soon,” Joe said. “I can't wait to see it!”

“Me neither,” Frank agreed, reaching for a piece of bread. “I heard Morpho goes time traveling in this one and tries to eat Abraham Lincoln's brains.”

Joe snorted. “Figures you'd like that part,” he told Frank. “It probably reminds you of social studies class!”

Mr. and Mrs. Hardy traded an amused look. “Sounds like Morpho isn't just gross, he's educational, too,” Mr. Hardy quipped.

“Definitely,” Frank agreed with a grin.

“Who cares about educational? He's just awesome!” Joe waved his fork in excitement. Unfortunately, there was still a pea stuck on it. It flew off and landed on Aunt Gertrude's plate.

Aunt Gertrude was Mr. Hardy's sister. She'd lived in an apartment in a nearby city for years. But recently she'd grown tired of city living, so Mr. and Mrs. Hardy had invited her to live with them. She'd moved into the spare room above the garage not long ago.

She frowned as she picked Joe's pea out of her food. “Settle down, please, Joe,” she said sternly. “This Morpho character sounds rather silly, if you ask me.”

Frank took a drink of water to hide his smile. He got along with Aunt Gertrude pretty well most of the time, so he liked having her live with them. She made great cookies and helped him with his school projects. But Joe wasn't so sure about having her there. Aunt Gertrude scolded him a lot.

“He's not silly at all!” Joe protested. “See, Morpho was once a human just like you and me. But then he got hit in the head by a meteor and morphed into Morpho the Morph Monster, with a huge appetite for human brains! And once he eats your brains, he can morph into your body so your friends and family won't even see him coming!”

“Is this really what passes for entertainment these days?” Aunt Gertrude looked down her long nose at Joe. “I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. But Frank—I'm disappointed that you're interested in something so ridiculous.”

Frank shrugged. “It's just for fun, Aunt Gertrude,” he said. “Anyway, the event on Saturday should be interesting. Maybe they'll talk about the new movie.”

“Saturday?” Aunt Gertrude raised an eyebrow. “You won't have time for that silliness on Saturday. I'm planning to get the whole family tickets to the new exhibit at the art museum that day.”

Waiting in Line

can't believe your aunt was going to make you go to some dumb art exhibit instead of seeing Morpho!” Chet exclaimed.

Joe nodded. It was Saturday morning, and he was standing in line outside Bayport Comix with Chet, Frank, Iola, and Phil. There were tons of people ahead of them in line, even though it was only nine thirty and the store didn't open until ten. And more people were arriving all the time. Everyone in town seemed to be excited about the Morpho event!

“I know,” Joe told Chet. “It's a good thing Mom and Dad talked her into going to the museum next weekend instead.” He made a face. “I just wish they'd talk her out of going at all!”

Frank laughed. “The museum won't be so bad,” he said. “Anyway, it's a good thing Mom and Dad know how much we love Morpho.”

“Yeah,” Phil agreed. “It would stink to miss this!”

“Stinky stinky!” a high-pitched voice sang out.

Joe glanced behind him. He'd almost forgotten that Chet and Iola's little sister, Mimi, was with them.

“Hush, Mimi,” Iola said with a frown. “You said you'd be good if we let you come.”

Joe and Frank traded a doubtful look. Mimi was four years old and kind of weird. She was always trying to tag along everywhere with Chet and Iola. Today she'd begged her parents to let her go to the
comic book store even though she was scared of Morpho. She wanted to look at the Giggle Girlzies comic books.

But Joe didn't waste much time worrying about Mimi. “I can't wait to see Morpho!” he exclaimed.

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