A Modern Day Sense and Sensibility: An Adaptation of Jane Austen's Classic (17 page)

BOOK: A Modern Day Sense and Sensibility: An Adaptation of Jane Austen's Classic
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“You’re being too critical of Jim,” Diane sighed, going around to her side of the car.

Ellie gaped at her mom, unable to believe the words coming out of her mouth. Apparently, Willoughby could do no wrong—and it wasn’t as if Ellie wanted to see the wrong, she just couldn’t avoid it!

“If I was being critical,” Ellie began with a slight smile, sliding into the driver’s seat next to her mother, “I’d also mention I don’t like the way he drives.”

“Hello, Dashwood family!” Mr. Middleton greeted as Diane, Ellie and Margaret joined the others at the designated meeting place, Brandon’s impressive hillside mansion. The ladies were speechless as they wound up the long drive past security to his home. When Mrs. Jennings told them Brandon was well off, they never believed he was
well off.

Brandon’s house was impressive, reminding Diane of a lakeshore resort the family used to inhabit during the summers. “It’s beautiful,” Diane observed, taking in the impressive two-story colonial-styled architecture.

“Isn’t it?” Mrs. Jennings answered, sharing in their admiration. “I always tell Brandon that when I retire and sell my apartments, I want a place just like it.” With its private backyard swimming pool, a music room custom-made for the grand piano it housed, and fifteen-seat theater, the party nodded their approval of her retirement plan.

Turning to Ellie, Mrs. Jennings added, “Dear, I’d like you to meet some people.” Beckoning to three individuals who quickly answered her bidding, the elderly woman’s face eagerly lit up. Approaching fast was a man accompanied by two ladies. The man was tall and his face gloomy as he walked with reluctance while the lady closest to him bounced with every step, her wavy red hair moving joyfully with the wind. Next to them was a thin, sharp-looking young woman who appeared to be around Ellie’s own age.

“Ellie, I’d like you to meet my youngest daughter, Charlotte Palmer,” Mrs. Jennings introduced her first to the freckled redhead with the joyful expression. “And this is her husband, James,” the elderly woman continued, motioning to the man who appeared never to smile before adding, “He’s in real estate.” Ellie exchanged greetings with the couple until Mrs. Jennings interrupted, “And Ellie, this little bun in the oven,” she exclaimed with glee, gently touching Charlotte’s stomach, “is due in September! I’m going to be a grandma!”

“Wow, that’s fantastic!” Ellie congratulated. “Do you know yet whether it’s a boy or a girl?”

“Oh, no,” Mrs. Jennings continued to do all the talking, “Charlotte prefers to let it be a surprise, and who can blame her—what fun! James doesn’t care too much either way, so I think the surprise might be exciting for him, too.”

While this announcement was being made, the young lady who had approached with the couple merely stood by silently, looking on and smiling when possible. It was only when Mrs. Jennings noticed Ellie observing the stranger that she gasped, “Heaven’s me! In my excitement to share the baby news I completely forgot to introduce Lucy!” The young woman blushed. “Ellie, this young woman, who I am sure will become a close friend, is James’s cousin, Lucy Steele.”

Ellie smiled, taking advantage of now being able to fully study the attractive woman without seeming too inquisitive. Although Lucy appeared sweet and kind and said all the right things, there was something in her countenance that made Ellie wary. She couldn’t picture herself trusting Lucy enough to form a close friendship, despite Mrs. Jennings’s prediction.

Interrupting her thoughts, Brandon’s cell phone rang and Ellie watched as he took the call, wandering away for privacy. Yet before he could get too far, Ellie observed the concern etched on his features and hoped nothing was wrong.

“Lucy is a senior at Stanford University,” Mrs. Jennings continued, stealing Ellie’s attention again.

Slowly assimilating this shared tidbit, it took Ellie a moment before she remembered hearing someone else mention that very school recently—and then it clicked. Edward had gone there as well.

Mrs. Jennings took Lucy’s hand and pulled her closer to Ellie, “Lucy’s on summer vacation right now.”

Taking Mrs. Jennings’s hint that she wanted the two of them to talk, Ellie asked Lucy, “What are you studying there?” Although she was actually more curious about the connection with Edward, Ellie thought she’d start at the top.

Just then, Brandon ran to Mr. Middleton. All eyes turned with curiosity to watch the men exchange a few brief words before Brandon dashed toward the house.

“Brandon, you can’t leave!” Mr. Middleton called after him. Yet his plea was pointless. The situation was obviously beyond negotiation—something required Brandon’s immediate attention.

“I have no other choice,” Brandon stopped to turn back wearily. “Please, have the picnic without me!” he pleaded before disappearing inside.

“What in the world could be wrong?” Mrs. Jennings questioned while trying to digest the scene.

Not a moment later, one of the garage doors opened and a sports car emerged. They could see Brandon in the driver’s seat as he sped off down the long driveway.

“There he goes!” Mr. Middleton declared. “We can’t have the picnic without our host!”

“I’m sure whatever it was could have waited a few hours,” complained Willoughby. “Brandon probably just wanted an excuse to cancel the picnic.” Then turning to Marianne he continued, “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Willoughby hopped into his car and motioned for Marianne to do the same. Not bothering to tell anyone where they were going, the young couple followed Brandon’s example by speeding down the long driveway and out of sight.

As Ellie watched the item with disapproving eyes, she turned and glanced at Mrs. Jennings, wary of the elderly woman’s observation. Ellie could only wonder what Mrs. Jennings must be thinking, but didn’t have to wait long to find out. Two things were on Mrs. Jennings’s mind the rest of the afternoon and
two things: Brandon’s sudden departure and what the young couple were up to!

Later that night, Ellie sat in the comfy rocking chair, letting the warm breeze from the open window softly stroke her face as she read
A Walk to Remember
by Nicholas Sparks. Although the book was one of her favorites, Ellie was tired and ready for bed. It was nearly eleven o’clock and Marianne still hadn’t returned home. Fulfilling the role of “house warden” in place of her mom, Ellie waited up for her sister’s return. Diane had attempted to stay awake and keep Ellie company, but the medication the doctor had prescribed made her sleepy and by ten o’clock, Ellie sent her mother to bed.

Diane probably didn’t need medication any more these days; she was happier than she had been in a long time. Not only was Marianne’s romance a boost to her morale, but Diane felt more content now that the apartment was more like a home than just a place to sleep at night. On top of that, Diane was keeping herself busy with a part-time job she had secured at a local florist shop. Diane loved her new position. This brought encouragement to Ellie and her sisters. In addition to the relief they felt at observing the upbeat attitude in their mother of late, things were changing again—but this time it was a good change. With summer coming to an end and many of the improvements around the apartments completed, things at the complex quieted down. Margaret started the third grade at the nearby elementary school, while Marianne scaled back her duties at the apartments to focus more
on her art work. Mrs. Jennings was eager to accommodate Marianne now that she was enrolled at the city’s art institute. Meanwhile, Ellie continued to excel at her job and was hopeful that rumors about a promotion coming down the pipeline soon were true.

Setting aside the romance novel to let her thoughts wander, Ellie found it hard to believe they had been in Portland seven months—no, eight. It was now the first of September. It would be a year that November since her father’s passing, just two months away. Ellie felt a sense of pride overwhelm her as she reflected over all they had accomplished together since that time. She knew her father would be proud.

Headlights shone through the window, putting Ellie back on surveillance detail. Once recognizing the vehicle as Willoughby’s, Ellie glanced at the clock—it was nearly midnight. As he drove the car into a parking spot, Ellie turned off the reading lamp to remain hidden and watched the couple advance toward the apartment hand in hand.

“Thank you for today,” Ellie heard Marianne say.

Willoughby smiled and squeezed Marianne’s hand, leading her to the doorstep. Taking in the improvements the Dashwoods had completed on their apartment, his look was one of satisfaction. “It’s amazing how much life you’ve brought to this place,” Willoughby began, “I had often walked by it during my visits in the summers growing up and wondered how anybody could be happy here. But now, whenever I see this place, it puts a smile on my face.”

“Mrs. Jennings doesn’t want to stop here either; she has lots more ideas,” Marianne added, thinking Willoughby would be interested in hearing how it would only get better.

But to Marianne’s surprise, Willoughby didn’t like the thought of their home being altered from its present state at all. “Now that I won’t allow!” he exclaimed with mocking authority. “What you have done so far has brought this place a thing called charm. If you improve it anymore, it will lose all of its comforting appeal. . . .”

Marianne chuckled at what she interpreted as false sincerity, but was silenced by Willoughby’s change in demeanor as he continued softly, “Some of my happiest moments have passed at this apartment.” Willoughby slowly brought his hand up and caught a strand of her hair between his fingers, stroking it tenderly as he looked upon Marianne with love. Marianne blushed and glanced down, yet didn’t shy away from Willoughby’s bold display of affection.

Ellie, observing this tender gesture, felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. It felt like she was watching a movie, yet she was uncomfortable witnessing such affection between her sister and Willoughby and not just some random actors playing out a scene on the big screen.

“Marianne, can I see you tomorrow?” Willoughby asked in a low voice.

“Sunday?” Marianne asked, to which he nodded in reply. Taking Willoughby’s hand, Marianne answered, “Of course—there’s no way I’d let you leave town without saying goodbye.”

“No, I mean, can I see you alone?” he pursued. “I have something I’d like to ask you.”

This odd request surprised Marianne—they were always alone, why would he need to ask? “Well,” she began, “my family is going fishing with Mr. Middleton tomorrow morning instead of to church. I guess I can ask if it’s okay if I stay behind.”

Willoughby smiled and touched Marianne’s face. “Sounds perfect,” he replied. Then looking at his watch and noting the time, he added, “I better let you get some sleep then. Goodnight.” As Willoughby reluctantly turned to walk away, his expression spoke volumes about how he’d rather not have the evening ever end. He looked back at Marianne every few steps to smile until he was inside his car and driving away.

Marianne stepped inside the apartment as if she were on cloud nine. Ellie almost wished she could hide under the
blankets so she wouldn’t ruin this special moment for her sister. But too late Marianne noticed her presence and her look told Ellie she was anything but pleased.

“Spying, were we?” Marianne set her purse on the counter.

Ellie blushed. Although she hadn’t meant to spy, watching them through the window had seemed so innocent at the time. “Mom asked me to stay up and make sure you got home alright—you do realize it’s way past your curfew? Where were you anyway?”

“Why does it matter? I always go places with Jim.”

“Yeah, but you always tell us where you’re going. Not to mention you’ve never missed curfew. I’m sure Mrs. Jennings noticed. I can only guess what she’ll be telling the neighbors tomorrow about you.” Though Ellie had grown to love the old lady, she wasn’t blind to her gossiping ways.

“Who cares what Mrs. Jennings or anyone else thinks!” Marianne plopped down onto the couch, folding her arms in front of her chest.

Ellie scolded herself for bringing Mrs. Jennings into this. She’d momentarily forgotten Marianne’s previous beef with the woman for trying to set her up with Brandon. “You should care what other people think about you,” Ellie reminded, “Your reputation is worth protecting.”

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