A Matter of Honesty (9 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Morris

BOOK: A Matter of Honesty
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dated one person, if I think about it. My father was strict and very protective. He

chased off anyone brave enough to come around. Plus, there‘s the height factor. I‘m

not supermodel tall but I do tower over most men.”

Steve leaned forward. “Can I tell you a secret?”


“I think your height is sexy. I won‘t even get started on how hot your legs are.”

Lauryn knew without having to look in a mirror that a flush was beginning to

make its way up her throat. “Thank you, I think.”

Steve‘s grin was full of wickedness. “Oh yeah, it was definitely a compliment.”

She was glad the remainder of their conversation lagged while they finished up

their desserts. He had given her enough to think about. When her ice cream was gone,

Lauryn looked up at the clock then flinched. They had spent more time over dessert

than she‘d thought. It was almost midnight. She truly was going to have nightmares

from eating so late. “Oh my goodness, it‘s late.”

Steve turned and looked at the clock. “You‘re right.” He held out his hand to her

and led her upstairs until they reached her bedroom door. Lauryn‘s heart rate sped up

as Steve stepped closer to her. This was the moment she had been looking forward to.


Hopefully, she could make it through without passing out.

She tried to relax as Steve pulled her close. Her eyelids fluttered closed as he

lowered his lips to hers. It took her a few heartbeats to get over the initial shock and

respond, but when she did she responded fully. She liked the feel of his lips against

hers. They were nice and full, and very kissable. Steve deepened the kiss even more,

teasing her bottom lip with his tongue and she emitted a small sigh before she parted

her lips to allow him entry. She felt the tip of his tongue enter her mouth with a

strong, deep stroke.

His tongue continued to assault her mouth with confidence, and her hands

slowly slid upward around the back of his neck. Steve Mitchell definitely knew how

to kiss. His demanding mouth sent a tremor through her so intense if his body hadn‘t

been pinning her against the door she would have slid to the floor.

A heat she had never felt before shot through her. He slid his hands down to her

rear end and cupped it in his hands. He arched into her, bringing her more snug

against him. His taste was different, unique, in a way which made her crave more. He

drew her tongue into his mouth, sucking gently, passionately, sending desire rushing

through her entire body. She couldn‘t recall ever feeling this way before. She moaned

when Steve lifted his head. The look that she saw in his passion-filled gaze shocked

her. No man had ever looked at her the way he was right now.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. She leaned forward, resting her head


against his chest. Her body felt tingly, excited, and she didn‘t know what to do. The

sensations she was experiencing were foreign to her. She felt Steve‘s hand sliding up

and down her back.

“Wow,” she whispered.

Steve released a deep breath. “I second that and I think I‘d better go to my room

before I forget I‘m a gentleman.”

“I think so too. I had a wonderful time tonight.”

He smiled. “So did I.”

He placed another brief kiss on her lips before stepping back. “Goodnight,


“Goodnight, Steve.”

Lauryn backed into the room, using all of her inner strength to close the door

behind him. What she really wanted was to pull him in with her. But she couldn‘t.

Not tonight, not when there was so much left unsaid between them. She leaned

against the door, sighing heavily as she heard his footsteps fading down the hallway.

Her heart rate slowly returned to normal. Once her hands were steady she reached

behind her to unzip her dress, imaging what it would be like to have Steve doing it

instead. Her eyes widened at the thought. What was she doing? These thoughts

would lead to nothing but trouble. She changed into her nightclothes and climbed

into bed, staring at the ceiling. Tonight had been wonderful but she had a feeling that


Pandora‘s box had just been opened.


Lauryn exhaled deeply as she stopped in front of the house. Even though she‘d

barely slept a wink last night after the kiss she and Steve had shared, she had still

been able to get up and go for her early morning run. The meal from last night

guaranteed her extra pounds that would be split between her butt and thighs if she

didn‘t get up and work out this morning. Her butt jiggled when she ran as it was.

The coffee maker had been set to brew the coffee because she knew Steve

would come downstairs to get a cup then take it back up to his room.

Glancing down at her watch, she saw she had enough time to complete her cool

down, catch a shower, and have breakfast ready by the time Hannah was up.

Smiling to herself, she thought about how much she enjoyed working out. It

not only kept her in shape but it started her day off right. She felt like she had energy

for the rest of the day. Moving on to the next stretch she felt a muscle tighten in

resistance and moaned. She might have overdone it today. She bent over and grabbed

her ankles, hoping her muscles would cooperate. She didn‘t have time to waste today.

Steve walked by just as Lauryn moaned and almost scalded his tongue on the

hot coffee he was sipping. Lauryn had never realized he saw her running, and she

probably wouldn‘t have if it hadn‘t been for his admission last night. Still, he enjoyed

how relaxed she looked when she was running. As if she didn‘t have a worry in the



Sometimes he felt like a Peeping Tom, but it was moments like this that made

him glad he sneaked a look. Lauryn was wearing a workout outfit they sold at his

store. It had never looked that good on the rack. Attempting to take another sip of

coffee, he ended up pausing as she bent over. A grin came to his face as he thought

about the things he could do to her while she was in that position. Her bottom was

round and full, his every dream.

Not being able to help himself, he placed his cup quietly on the counter and

walked up behind her. Just as she straightened up he ran his hand across her bottom.

He smiled as she shrieked, jumping up in the air before whirling around to look at

him. She narrowed her eyes and glared at him as she held a hand to her chest.

“You just took ten years off my life.”

He winked at her. “Sorry, but I couldn‘t help myself.”

He watched her try to slow down her breathing. She looked more shocked and

surprised than scared and upset. He could imagine the last thing she expected was to

feel his hand caressing her butt. She had no idea how many times he had watched her

go through this same routine daily. How many times he had to take a cold shower

afterward. He let his gaze roam over her body, unable to keep his eyes off her. When

his gaze finally met hers he saw the budding desire there. He slowly pulled her into

his arms.


“You know, you look extremely sexy.”

Her eyebrows arched high on her forehead. “You have to be delusional. I‘m

dripping sweat and probably a little smelly too.”

He smiled wickedly. “Actually, I think it‘s sexy. I also plan on making you a

whole lot sweatier.”

He moved closer to her. She tried to step back, but he held tight. Yes, she was

perspiring, but he was aroused to the point that he wanted to take her upstairs and

throw her on the bed. But he knew that she wouldn‘t go that far, at least not right

now. Lauryn still had reservations. Something he was hoping to get around, and soon.

He lowered his head and inhaled her scent. His chest brushed hers. He looked

up as she gasped. He saw the signs of arousal on her face. Her nipples had hardened

and were peeking through the sports top. Wanting to feel her lips against his again,

he slowly lowered his head, hoping she tasted just as sweet as she had last night.

Brushing his lips against hers, he almost moaned in pleasure. Even though she had

been up for a while and gone for a run her mouth still tasted minty from the

toothpaste she‘d used earlier.

He deepened the kiss. At the slight pressure of his tongue she opened her

mouth a little. She moaned as he gently began to explore her mouth with his tongue,

pausing to lightly suck on her lower lip. Her lips were soft, gentle, and he could feel

himself getting lost in the kiss. He lifted his head, drawing in a much-needed breath.


“Do you have any idea how much I want you right now?”

Before she could respond he lowered his head again, cupped the back of her

neck, and brought his mouth to hers. His heart pounded hard in his chest the moment

their lips touched. And when their tongues began mating with an intensity that

shook every nerve in his body, he had to fight the urge to break the connection for fear

of losing control. In that moment he wasn‘t aware of anything but the feel of her

tongue stroking his, the feel of his stroking hers, the rush of sensations flooding and

overpowering him. He also became aware of the growing erection between his legs,

the way his body was beginning to ache with need. Slowly, he pulled back, their lips

reluctantly separating, and he felt a tremendous sense of loss. He had to stop before

this got out of control.

Lauryn wasn‘t having it. She grabbed the back of his head and pulled his mouth

back down to hers. He groaned and let her, opening his mouth so her tongue could

duel with his again. He tightened his grip on her curvaceous bottom, pulling her up

into his erection and moaning in the process. Lauryn didn‘t make it any better by

assisting him. She pressed herself against him, practically sealing their bodies


Fighting the need to lay her on the floor and undress them both, he slowly

eased back from the kiss again. “We‘d better stop before we end up getting ourselves

in trouble,” he rasped. He put more distance between the two of them. “I don‘t think


that either of us is prepared for this.”

He meant it literally. It had been a long time since he‘d needed condoms and

with her lack of experience with men he doubted she was protected. He exhaled

harshly. It was a problem he planned to take care of before he came home tonight.

After the kiss they‘d just shared, it was only a matter of time before he and Lauryn

would feel compelled to give in to their desire. He brushed her flushed cheek with the

back of his hand. She looked adorable, sexy as hell, and he told her so.

“You‘re breathtaking.”

“Thank you.”

He pulled back, dragging his hand down the side of his face. “I need to get ready

for work.”

She nodded but remained silent. Steve gave her one last look before walking

away. He didn‘t know what he‘d been thinking of, giving into his sexual urges this

morning, but he was glad he had. There was no doubt in his mind that once he had

Lauryn underneath him the results would be explosive. He looked forward to it.

Lauryn watched Steve walk away before leaning down to pick up her discarded

towel. She was glad Steve had backed off. He was right; she wasn‘t prepared for

complete intimacy with him. Not mentally, anyway. Physically, she was going to need

a long, cold shower to get herself together. Her body was overheated in a way she‘d

never imagined it could be.


She made her way upstairs, unable to keep her mind off of what just happened.

Who would have guessed the chemistry between Steve and herself would be so

strong? There was going to come a time when they finished what they started. She

just hoped they could survive the explosive results when they did. She shook her

head. Hopefully by the time she came back downstairs, she would have herself

together and ready to face the rest of the day in an unaroused state.


Steve sat down at his desk in his home office to make a phone call. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hello, son. How are you?”

He smiled as he heard his mother‘s response on the other end of the line. She

was a wonderful woman. When it came to advice about Hannah, she had been a huge

help. “I‘m fine and yourself?”

“I‘m wonderful now I hear your voice.”

There was a pause as he heard his mother sit down. He leaned back in his chair.

“And my granddaughter?”

Steve smiled as he eyed the picture on his desk of Hannah and him horseback

riding. “She‘s doing great. Can‘t wait to see you guys of course. How‘s Dad?”

His mother laughed. “Same as usual, but no trips to the emergency room, so all‘s


Steve chuckled. His parents were a riot, kept things lively. He didn‘t want to


think about the antics his father had been up to lately.

“So, son, I‘m sure there‘s a reason you called.”

He rolled his eyes. “Leave it to you to get straight to the point.”

Just to let his mother stew in her curiosity he paused a moment before

continuing. “Actually, I was calling to let you know that I‘ll be bringing someone with

me to the reunion.”

He didn‘t miss his mother‘s sharp inhalation. “Male or female?”


He held the phone away from his ear as his mother let out a screech of joy. It

took her a few moments to calm down but when she did she was in full investigative

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