A Mate for the Beta: (3 page)

Read A Mate for the Beta: Online

Authors: E A Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: A Mate for the Beta:
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Chapter Four


Alec sniffed the air. 
The scent from the boarding house.  The scent of vanilla.  The scent that had been driving almost wild was here. 
His scent

His wolf danced around wagging his tail.  He immediately dropped the file he was reading and
strode out of his office almost ploughing into Gabe in the process.

“Whoa man where’s the fire?”

Alec ignored him but forced himself to walk more slowly.  He followed the exhilarating scent through to the front desk and that’s when he saw her...
an angel

The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen stood before him.  His heart and his wolf stood still
at the sight of her.  It was her scent, it was her that had been driving him crazy.  His wolf howled with happiness. 
His woman

Their mate

He don’t know how long he stared at her but he wanted to drink in every single detail of her, to ingrain her in his memory so that the moment he met his mate could remain with him forever.
  His whole body was alive with need and desire for her.

She was tiny.  Barely even five feet tall
.  She was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a t-shirt that hugged but didn’t cling to her generous curvy frame, accentuating her rounded hips and ample breasts.  Her skin was creamy and smooth.  Her light blonde hair fell in large curls to her shoulders.  She smiled at him, dimpling her pink cheeks and making her sapphire blue eyes sparkle. 
God, but she truly was an angel.

Liv gulped. 
She’d felt nervous coming here anyway, given that her aunt had specifically told her, well screamed at her, not to.  But now the Sheriff was staring at her with a hard look on his face.  The object of her desire, and literally the man of her rather x-rated dreams was staring at her.  She tried to smile to set him at ease, but he seemed to tense up even more at that.  She took a moment to really take him in, she’d only ever seen him from afar but up close he truly was a work of art.

His eyes w
ere even more beautiful than she thought, they were a honeyed brown colour and so deep.  His broad shoulders and wide chest were packed full of muscles barely contained by his brown Sheriff’s uniform.  She could just reach out and trace every single muscle.  She held onto her purse strap tightly in case the urge to do so became too much to resist.  He must have stood at least six feet three tall, more than a foot taller than her.  He had thick light brown hair worn just long enough for a woman to rake her fingers through... 

Suddenly he thrust out his hand in Liv’s direction and she almost darted backwards in surprise.  “Alec Hart, Sheriff, and you are?”

Numbly she put her own hand in his, which seemed to swallow it up.  “Ummm Briers, Livia Briers, but my friends call me Liv.”

“It’s nice to meet you... Liv”, his voice rumbled through the station, there was an odd smile on his lips.
  The touch of her hand made his body hum.

“Umm, you too Sheriff”.


“You too Alec.”  Her cheeks almost burned bright red as Alec gave her an appraising look from head to toe.

She bit her lip and Alec groaned inwardly.  “I’m really sorry I didn’t come to see you sooner.”

He looked at her confused. 
Did she know she was his mate?
  “What do you mean?”

To talk to you about Iris.”

Alec mentally slapped himself round the head.  Of course that was why she was here.  She had seen Iris shortly before she disappeared and Liv had come to make
a statement.  Which also meant his woman, his mate, was Emerald Cole’s niece. 
And also a witch

“Of course.”  Said Alec brusquely.  “Let’s go to my office to talk.” 
Yes, get her alone, get her somewhere private, tell her she’s your mate and ask her to bond...

Liv giggled.  Alec finally noticed he was still holding her hand.  He dropped it swiftly
.  She was a little disappointed, the rising warmth that swept through her at his touch abated.  Although she had feared that if he had held on for much longer the warmth would have kept rising and then exploded into something much more pleasurable and extremely embarrassing.

Alec glanced at the reception desk and was pleased to note that Carrie was absent.  He ushered
Liv back to his office, his hand lightly pressing on her back.

Gabe looked at her with some interest as they passed but quickly got back to work when Alec glowered at him.

Alec directed her to a chair and then sat behind his desk.  He figured the desk was a good safety precaution, she couldn’t see the embarrassing bulge in the front of his trousers and it could act as a barrier if he tried to pounce on her. 
Although his wolf thought that pouncing might actually be a good idea.

Her scent wrapped itself round him, teasing, tempting him.  He wanted to rub himself over her, to bathe in her scent. 
He inhaled deeply; the vanilla was intermingled with desire. 
Her desire
.  He could smell the honey starting to weep from her sex.  Both man and wolf felt insufferably smug at that thought. 
She desired him

She watched his
indifferent expression closely, trying to sense what he was feeling.

He had called her Liv.  She said that was what her friends called her, well it was true all five of them do.  He had immediately called her Liv.  She was happy, but she couldn’t silence the nasty little voice inside her completely. 
So what?  He’s friends with just about everyone in town, including a lot of other women...

She felt the happiness that had been blossoming wilt, although
that didn’t abate her rising lust. She could feel how wet she was getting between her legs under his intense gaze and was worried he would notice.  Liv shifted nervously and crossed her legs.  She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and licked her lips.  He eagerly tracked every movement of her body.

He tried to sound comforting, to put her at ease,
but he was afraid of losing control and his tight control made him sound cold.  “So, why don’t you tell me what happened with Iris?”

She explained that Melody had been volunteered by Emerald to help Iris
bake some pies.  Iris provided pies for the Honeypot Diner.  Liv had wanted to give Iris some cuttings for her garden and so had offered to drive Melody there.  They arrived about 3pm and Liv left at about a quarter past.

No, Iris had seemed the same as normal.  No there was no indication that either Iris had planned to leave or that she might be in danger.

“I don’t know what else I can say, it was just a normal day really.”  Alec nodded and jotted down what she had said. 

shuffled in her chair.  “Do you have any idea what might have happened to her?”

He stared at her for a few moments before leaning back in his chair and exhaling.  “Honestly no, we’re completely stumped.”
  He considered his normal spiel, telling her that they were pursuing leads, but it was too much like a lie and he couldn’t bring himself to lie to her. 
His mate

She gave him an encouraging smile.
  “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, I have total faith.”  She almost rolled her own eyes at how sappy she sounded.

God she was adorable.
He smiled tightly at her.  Every movement cost him.  His wolf was determined to break free, to push forward and claim their mate.  But Alec kept him at bay.  The wolf would have jumped her and ravished her there and then if he had his way.  Alec was most worried by the fact that it was starting to sound like a good idea and he might also enjoy that.

I just need a few details and then I’ll get you to sign your statement, just for the record.  Full name?”

Livia Mildred Briers... I hate my middle name.”  His jaw muscle ticked. 
He’s probably annoyed that I’m taking up his time, she thought.


Is it really necessary?
  “Oh, umm, 21... it was my, umm, birthday a couple of days ago.”

Fuck she was young
, he was 35..
.  “Happy belated birthday.”

Her cheeks
pinkened even more.  “Thanks.”

“How did you celebrate?” 
Did your boyfriend take you out?

  “Oh I didn’t, I never celebrate my birthday

“Why not?

“We just never have in my family, besides I’ve never been much of a partygoer.” 

, parties lead to drinking, drinking leads to the loss of inhibitions, which leads to sex..
.  “No, me neither.”

“I’d rather stay at home and curl up with a book.”

He almost groaned. 
She was perfect for him.  So utterly perfect.
  His jaw ticked and he felt a drop of sweat slide down his forehead.  He wanted her.  He wanted this woman right here and now.  He wanted to claim her and take her to his house and never let her go. 
Starting to sound like kidnapping...

His gaze was
cool, but she still felt herself melt underneath it.  She needed to get out of there before she turned into a puddle or worse clambered over his desk and tried to molest him.  “Are we finished?”

Yes sadly they were
.  Alec hesitated, should he tell her she was his mate now?  His wolf was urging, no demanding, that he do so but... he didn’t want to scare her.  He was a bit tightly wound at that moment, so it might be better if he waited until he had calmed down a little.

“Yes, I ju
st need a signature and then we’re done.”

He purposefully didn’t get
up, she was forced to come round the desk and lean down to sign.  He held painfully still as one of her breasts brushed over his shoulder.

She needed to get out quick, being so close to
him was making her vibrate and she was worried that her legs might just buckle at any moment.  He smelled lovely.  Like a spring morning, fresh and earthy . 
She wondered how he tasted...

She stepped back with a sigh
.  Being so close to him was shredding her last nerve.  Even his cold detachment turned her on. 
What was wrong with her?

Alec rose, towering over her.
  She thought his height and bulk would be intimidating, but he was just breathtaking.  He made her feel so petite and delicate. 
Not something she was accustomed to

Alec didn’t want her to leave but couldn’t think of a real reason for her to stay.
  “Thank you for coming Liv.”  He said lamely.  “It was really a pleasure to meet you.”  His voice was laced with genuine warmth.  He put his hand out to her again.

She placed her little hand in his and gifted him with a sweet smile. 
“You too Alec.”

clinched their hands together for an inordinate amount of time.  Both worried the other found it weird but neither wanting to lose each other’s touch.

With his other hand Alec pulled a card out of his
shirt pocket.  Briefly letting go of her hand he pushed the card into it and quickly clasped both of his over it.

“If you hear anything about Iris, or if have any other
problems please call my number... any time.  Call me.”  His voice was almost pleading.  At last, with a small tormented groan, Alec dropped her hand. 

“Thanks.”  She pushed it into the back pocket of her jeans, unconsciously drawing attention to her rear. 
It really was lovely he thought, his manhood swelling painfully
.  “Will you let me know if you hear anything about Iris too?”

“I will
, I promise.”  He gave her a lopsided smile and her insides did flip flops.

“Thank you.”  She considered hugging him goodbye but thought that might be a bit much.

“I’ll walk you out.”  He placed his hand on her back gently.  She gave a satisfied little shiver and allowed him to lead her back out to reception.

Alec tensed as he looked round for Carrie.  Thank god she was still absent. 
For once he was sincerely thankful that she was crap at her job.

Gabe looked up and smiled at
Liv but didn’t say anything.  Alec narrowed his eyes at the handsome young Deputy. 
He didn’t like other men, other wolves, looking at his mate, he felt anger course through his body at just the thought of her being ogled by another, which worried him a little...

When they reached the front door he dropped his hand
.  She lingered, a nervous expression on her face.  She opened her mouth to speak but at that moment the door burst open and was filled by the Alpha Adam.

started.  He was certainly an imposing male,
but then again so was Alec
.  Alec didn’t intimidate or scare her though, he made her tremble for a completely different reason. 

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