A Marquess for Christmas (16 page)

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Authors: Vivienne Westlake

BOOK: A Marquess for Christmas
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he pulled her hair and kissed her neck, she sighed. Then his hot mouth
whispered in her ear, “Ride me.”

His hand slipped under her and then his
cock was at her entrance, inching its way in. It was a tight fit and she
inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to relax and accommodate him.

velvety tongue licked her earlobe. It delved into the opening, penetrating her
ear as he penetrated her body. A ripple of pleasure coursed through her and she
wanted more. Slowly, she eased her body down to take more of his hard length.

solid hands were on her rear, guiding her up and down. The pressure built
inside her again and she knew she would come soon.

she slid up and down over his shaft, he kissed her. Their mouths fought in a
frenzied battle that could only end with both of their surrender.

braced her arms on his shoulders, unable to grip him the way she wished to because
her hands were still tied. She used her arms as leverage to bear down harder.

they rocked up and down, his hot cock thrusting deep inside of her, she knew
that tonight would never be enough. The need she felt went beyond the friction
of their bodies, beyond the desire that welled up inside of her, begging to be

took his mouth, letting her tongue say what she could not yet speak aloud. She
wanted him, now and forever. But could she find a way to keep him?

breaths matched the hard mating of their bodies. Kit impaled her over and over
and Violet reveled in each movement. Each thrust took her past the point of
sanity until she was only a puddle of pulsating need.

pushed her onto her back and pulled up her thighs. She couldn’t see anything,
but she didn’t have to. He gave her everything she wanted with each stroke of
his cock, each press of his lips to hers.

thumbs fondled her nipples, squeezing and rolling. She couldn’t take anymore.
Her whole body tightened and she cried out as an orgasm twisted through her,
wringing her out like a towel after a vigorous wash.

followed her over the edge, cursing as he found release.

fingers caressed the side of her face and the kiss he gave was deep and tender.
His hands freed hers and one hand threaded through hers as the other pulled off
her blindfold.

are nothing like I expected,” he whispered. “And so much more than I ever
thought was possible.”

stroked her fingers into his hair. “You are everything I expected. Everything I
never thought I could have, but wanted anyway.”
Just stay the way you are now. Stay until the past no longer matters
and all we need is each other.

fingered her eyelid, wiping the single tear away.

will never forget you,” he whispered, kissing her again.

wrapped her arms around him, holding on tightly, her legs still enveloping his,
their bodies twined together.

* * * *

awoke to the sound of geese in the pond outside and the steady breathing of the
man with his arms wrapped around her. Kit’s hand lay possessively over her
breast and she looked down to see his other arm wrapped around her waist.

closed her eyes for a moment, wanting to savor this warm memory for the wintry
days ahead.

his hand in hers, she lifted it to her lips and kissed it. In the bright light
of morning, she could see the tiny nicks and scars. There was an old one on a
knuckle, bigger than the rest. Was it from some boxing match years ago?

,” he murmured, squeezing her. “What a nice way to
wake up in the morning.”

wrapped her arms over his, hugging him back. The light was brighter than she’d
expected as a hint of sun peeked through the window. While there was snow
outside, from her vantage point, it looked low to the ground. The warm sun
would melt it before the afternoon.

she wanted to get up and adjust the curtains, Violet was afraid to move. His
hard body behind hers reassured her that he was real, that for this moment at
least, he belonged only to her.

touch of his hand was feather-light on the side of her face. “Good morning, my

turned toward him, even as he pulled her into a kiss. Solid hands gripped her
and she slid her leg over his. Belatedly, she realized that she had clothes on
while he did not.

do I have my underclothes on?”

were exhausted. It got cold and windy last night, so I dressed you back into
your chemise.”

I don’t remember.”

kissed her forehead and grinned. “You were

was tied up and ravaged by a very insatiable beast.”

hands roamed over her body, squeezing her tighter, and he shifted so that his
legs were wrapped around hers. She could not move if she wanted to. When he
nipped her
then bit her earlobe, she laughed.


I said, insatiable.”

are too delectable to resist.”

kissed him before he could speak another flowery phrase. Why did it make her
nervous when he complimented her? She had no such trouble if a neighbor or the
vicar paid her a sweet laudation. Even with Avery, she would have smiled. With
Kit, it was different.

phrases rolled off the tongue like a rivulet of water down the window glass. He
could speak them in his sleep, she suspected. In fact, he had. His kiss, his
touch was enough for her. The charming words were unnecessary.

you like to tour the house today?” Violet asked.

thought you said I needed to remain in my chambers until Doctor Littleton

seem quite fit to me.” She kissed his bare chest, circling her finger over the
fine hair there. She tickled her nose over it and when he chuckled, she smiled.
Could she ever get enough of him?

I am. Reach down and you will see exactly how fit I am.”

ran her fingers down his abdomen, taking her time, before cupping his manhood.
His cock came to attention as she pressed her palm into it.

. I think you will do quite nicely.”

His voice was a thick molasses spreading over her. “Were you planning on
‘doing’ someone else?”

should I shop for a new stallion when I have a beautiful thoroughbred already
in the stable?”

started to retort, but she cut him off by pinching him on the derrière.
Surprised, he loosened his grip and she shimmied down to lick his cock. She
suckled him softly at first, then took him deep.


throbbing in his head competed with the throbbing in his cock. A headache was
on the rise, but she felt too good and he didn’t want to stop. The stabbing
pain was worth it to have her hot, wet mouth on his skin.

sucked him until he couldn’t breathe, until the pain became almost pleasurable,
blending with the searing heat running through his body.

he tried to loosen her grip, to pull her away so that he could spread her legs
and fuck her, she clamped down and dug her nails into his thighs.

hold of her head, he held on as she pumped and licked him into oblivion. Her
tongue flicked the tip of his cock in teasing little taps as she squeezed up
the length of his shaft. An orgasm ripped through him, tearing into his body
like a crack of lightening and splitting him into pieces.


licked her lips. “Now what were you saying about breakfast?”

are worse than me today, and that is saying something.”

She rose up and kissed him, taking him into her and ravishing his mouth.

Spread your legs for me.” Another sharp pain sliced through his skull. “I am
going to take you so hard you will not be able to walk straight for the rest of
the day.”

fingernails scored the back of his neck. “Is that a promise?”


sharp teeth bit his lip before she wrapped her arms across his back and slid
one leg around his thigh.

much as I would love to make you fulfill that promise, I have something else in
mind today.”

cupped her behind and squeezed. “What is that?”

think you have earned your freedom. You have been abed long enough.” She
grinned. “Well, you have been locked in this room long enough,” she corrected.
“There is still yet to do in this bed—later.”

mean I can leave this room? Walk the halls? Go outside?”

is still a bit cold yet to roam the countryside, but otherwise, yes.”

much as he wanted to get out of this room, he suddenly did not want to leave.
This was the first morning he’d spent with her in his bed, and he was loathe to

cannot believe I would even utter the words, but what if we stayed in the room
all day? I am still too green and need a good strong lady to break me in.” He
traced a finger down her cleavage.

should think you would want to be free of these walls. We’ve caught you trying
to sneak out often enough. I think we should take a walk through the house and
then perhaps we can go down and sit in the drawing room, next to the warm fire.
Perhaps I shall play a song for you on the pianoforte. Doctor Littleton might
come today and I would not wish him to catch you—” She coughed.
“—Overexerting yourself.”

kissed the spot where her neck joined her shoulder. “The quack can be kept
waiting. He has certainly taken his time with coming back. I’d rather spend the
day wrapped so tightly against your skin that even a sword couldn’t separate

* * * *

his words, a flush ran through her limbs, and every place where his skin
touched hers tingled. She wanted the luxury of lying in bed with him, of being
his lover for more than one night.

could stay a little while longer. But what if the doctor did venture to
Park today? The old man was odd, but not an idiot.
She saw the way he’d eyed her up and down on the last visit when Kit began to
flirt with her.

duty was to ensure that Kit was well-rested, not to work his every muscle for
her pleasure. What the doctor didn’t understand was that Kit was impossible to
resist. His perfect lips and molten brown gaze eroded all her defenses and
ignited the embers of desire that she’d thought long dead.

she felt guilty about shirking the day’s duties and lounging with him in bed.

will you give me if I let you keep me here?” She looked at him through her

me your darkest wish, your deepest desire and I will fulfill it.”

a promise. But the thing she wanted from him, her deepest desire, was one she
could not voice aloud. She wanted him to forget about his past, to tell her
that he wanted more of this, that he wanted to stay.

do love to bargain.
.” An idea formed in her
mind. “I heard about your illicit games with Adam.” Avery had caught Kit
gambling with one of the footmen. He’d warned Violet, but she decided that if
it meant Kit remained in bed as he was supposed to, she would allow it. She
even instructed Avery to give the footmen a few extra shillings, just for the
purpose of playing with Kit.


looked at him, wondering at his tone of voice. She could not tell if he was
angry or surprised. “Of course.” She wiggled her finger over his nose. “I
propose a wager.”

luscious tongue swept over his lips. “I am listening.”

shall play three rounds of hazard. If I win, then we will have breakfast,
bathe, and meet in two hours downstairs. After a tour of the house, we shall
have a proper afternoon tea.”

face leaned close to hers, stopping before their lips touched. “And if I win?”

will stay abed with you and see to my affairs after tea.”

you will stay abed with me until I tell you otherwise.” His smile gave her

cannot ignore my responsibilities, Kit. What will the staff think if I while
the day away in bed with a man like some harlot?”

hand covered her lips. “You have never been, nor will you ever be anything less
than a lady, Violet. Your staff has known you far longer than I. Do you think
they will suddenly spurn you for taking a day to yourself? When was the last
time you allowed yourself to relax?”

could not remember. The only time she truly relaxed was in her steaming bath or
when she took a ride on one of her favorite horses. She spent much of her time
managing the household, visiting neighbors or elderly friends in the village
who could not travel to see her.

often sewed or embroidered items for friends who could not afford the same
luxuries she had. When she’d first lost John, keeping her hands busy was the
only thing that distracted her from the ache in her chest. And in the war, it
was what kept her sane. She cleaned, she cooked, she sewed, she nursed the ill.
If she stopped, then her mind would wander onto the battlefield, remembering
all of the soldiers they’d lost.

do not remember,” she admitted. “Idle hands are the devil’s playthings.” Her
father often repeated that to her in her childhood. He embraced economy,
modesty, virtue, and practicality. His ministry bordered on puritanical.

scoffed. “Nonsense!” He kissed her collarbone, trailed kisses down to the swell
of her breast. He rotated it in his hand. “Now
are the devil’s playthings.” His gentle kiss made her rotate
her hips in response.

you spend every waking minute being useful, how will you ever enjoy the sun?
The stars? God made beauty for us to enjoy, Violet. Do not forget the words of
the good book. ‘On the seventh day, he rested.’ That was not merely to entice
sinners into church once a week. It was to remind us that there is a time for
toil, but also a time when we must set our labors aside and take pleasure in
simple things.”

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