A Man to Trust (12 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Yeko

BOOK: A Man to Trust
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When she just stared at him, he grinned and quirked a brow.

She licked her lips. “Um. Thank you.”

She quickly turned back to the counter, added two tablespoons of ice water into the well of the flour and mixed it with her fingers. She glanced his way, chewing her bottom lip. He leaned one hip against the counter, arms crossed over a wide masculine chest, his dark penetrating eyes watched her with amusement, and something else she couldn’t define.

Attempting to concentrate on the task at hand, she dribbled a few more drops of ice water into the mixture. This was a delicate recipe and required her full attention, and he was distracting her. She glared at him.

“I talked to Rick today about the trial,” he said.

Angela added another drop of water and began to knead the dough. “What about it?”

“We plan to bring you in through the back. You’ll stay in one of the jury rooms until time for your testimony.”

“Okay.” She just wanted to get her testimony over with and get back to her life. A life she had just started rebuilding. Angela formed the dough into a square. “Can you hand me the container of plastic wrap?” She tilted her head to the point behind him on the counter.

“Sure.” He picked up the wrap and handed it to her, not immediately releasing it when she took it. Their eyes locked and an electrical current passed between them. His gaze darkened. She inhaled sharply and lowered her eyes to his chest. Jake released the container.

Angela turned back to wrap the dough before placing it in the refrigerator and setting the timer. She rinsed her hands, glancing back to where Jake still leaned against the counter. “Now it has to firm up.”

His lips curved into a lopsided smile and he arched a brow.

Warmth crept up her neck as her gaze dropped to his crotch. There was no denying the hard bulge in his jeans.
was plenty firm. She licked her dry lips again.

Jake chuckled and her gaze flew back to his. Heat scorched her cheeks. She’d been staring. He strode to her, stopping just before their bodies touched.

“How long until it’s firm?” His voice held amusement, although his hazel eyes held only heat.

“About twenty minutes,” she croaked.

“Not enough time.” He reached out and placed a hand around her waist, burying the other into her hair at the base of her neck. “Not nearly enough time.” He tugged her against him and devoured her mouth.

Jake knew he shouldn’t be kissing her. But she’d been driving him crazy from the moment she’d opened the door in that outfit. How could she manage to look so damn hot in nothing more than a pair of pants and Green Bay Packer T-shirt? Admittedly, the pants
skin-tight and stopped just below her knees. She looked innocent and adorable in the oversized T-shirt. Cute and sexy. He wanted to both fuck her and protect her from his own carnal intentions.

He also wanted to get the case behind them so he could woo her properly. Convince her he was different from the bastard she’d been married to. He wanted to wine and dine her. Show her how a woman should be treated, with delicate care.

But then she’d looked at him, her soft emerald eyes full of desire, and he’d lost it.

He thrust his tongue deep into her mouth and tasted her. She tasted sweet, a mixture of vanilla & cream, and the rich flavor of fine coffee, and he wanted more. She returned his kiss with equal enthusiasm. He explored her mouth until he discovered every nook and cranny of its hidden depts.

Jake lifted her up against him, turned and set her on the table, running his hands up her bare arms. He stepped between the V of her legs and she placed her hands on his chest.

He stared into her eyes and saw a matching desire. But he also saw hesitation and a little bit of fear.

Take it slow, jackass. Easy now.

With a gentle grasp on her arms, he rained soft kisses down her neck and back up to moist luscious lips . . . lips that parted for him.

“Jake.” Her voice was breathless.

“Yes,” he murmured against her ear. His hand slid beneath her T-shirt and up a flat silken belly, until he covered her breast with his hand. She moaned and arched into him.

Lust nearly took him to his knees. With unsteady hands, he shoved her T-shirt up over her breasts, until he was able to lower his head and capture a plump peak through the thin fabric of her barely-there bra.

His tongue circled a taut nipple and he wanted more. Jake moved to her other breast and gave it the same attention as the first, until she was vibrating with desire. Her breasts were small, but perfectly shaped, just enough of a handful to fill his palms.

He lifted his head to watch her as he continued to knead her breasts with a shared thoroughness. Her eyes were closed and bright spots of color stained her cheeks, her full lips plump and reddened from his kisses. He wanted her . . . wanted her bad. But he wouldn’t take her on the kitchen table. She deserved better than that.

Her eyes fluttered open and their gazes locked. Her breath came in short little pants. He watched as her awareness returned. She stiffened. He stilled, but didn’t remove his hand from her breast. Holding one firmly cupped in his palm, his thumb still pressed against the tip. She wet her lips. His thumb resumed twirling around her hardened peak.

Angela inhaled sharply and her pupils dilated as a shudder rolled through her. He mentally gave himself a high-five and pressed harder, his erection throbbing against his zipper.

“Jake,” she said breathlessly.

“Yeah, Angel.”

The buzzer went off.
He groaned.

She took a shaky breath and placed both hands over his chest, giving a soft push. “I really need to take care of that.”

Jake had no choice but to release her. His cock throbbed. He ground his teeth together.

You can’t really die from blue balls, dickhead.

What am I doing?
Angela raced to the refrigerator and opened the door to test the firmness of the dough, taking time to clear her mind from the sensual daze induced by Jake’s kisses.

Heat scorched her cheeks. If the timer hadn’t gone off, would she have let him take her right there on the table? She sprinkled flour onto the counter and placed the dough on it, forming it into a square.

“Can I help?” Jake’s husky voice drifted over her sensitive nerves as he came up behind her and heat radiated from him as he positioned himself at her back.

She pushed hair from her face and reached for the rolling pin, not looking at him. She felt like a gazelle being stalked by a lion.

“No, I’ve got it, thanks.” She rolled the dough into a rectangle, before folding the short ends over the middle to make three layers. Turning the dough a quarter turn she rolled it away from her into another large rectangle.

“That looks complicated.” Jake placed an arm at each side of her, then gripped the counter and peered over her shoulder. Effectively caging her in, his warm, minty, breath feathered across her face. “Explain to me what you’re doing. I might like to make it for my son sometime.”

Her hands trembled when she folded the short ends over the middle again to make another three layers. Normally, she’d place the dough back in the refrigerator at this point for another twenty minutes, but if she worked fast enough she could skip that step. And she wanted to get this done as soon as possible and put some space between her and Jake. Afraid she would throw herself back into his arms.

She glanced over her shoulder and met his heated gaze. His eyes smoldered with banked lust. “Seriously?”

He nodded, watching her with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

She took another shaky breath and glanced back down. “Okay. It—it’s a simple recipe really. I’m making dough for Pear-Hazelnut Tarts. I’ll write it down for you.”

“That’d be great.” His body pressed up against her.

Angela gulped. “Well—well, first you prepare the dough, then you need to wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for about half an hour.”

“Uh huh.” He leaned in and nuzzled her ear. “Refrigerate the dough. Got it.”

Her mind went into lockdown. Nothing but silence and sexual tension filled the room.

“I’m listening,” Jake brushed his thumb across her cheek. “Flour,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck.

“Oh.” Her body was wound tight and desire pooled in her belly, and her breasts felt heavy and aching with the need to be touched. A tremor ran through her.

She gave the dough another turn and again folded the ends over. “After you remove the dough from the refrigerator, you need to roll it flat, and shape it into a large rectangle, then fold the short ends over the middle so that it makes three layers.” She demonstrated it for him, although she didn’t really think he was paying attention.

“Right. Three layers,” he repeated. One hand slid to her stomach, tugging her closer.

Angela’s pulse raced. “Umm. Repeat this four times,” she managed to say. “The dough needs to remain firm, if not . . . if not, put it back in the refrigerator for another fifteen minutes before continuing.”

“Mmm, sounds like a lot of work.”

She gave her shoulders a little shrug to loosen his arms from around her. “Some space here, please,” she said, breathlessly.

Jake chuckled and the pressure of his body against her eased up a little, but he didn’t move away. His hand still rested possessively across her belly.

“You could always just buy the dough instead of making it from scratch.” She gave the dough the last turn and fold. “The important thing is to make sure the dough stays cool while you work with it.” She reached for the plastic wrap again. “Now it just needs to be refrigerated for a while, then I’ll use it to make the tarts.”

“For how long?”

“At least half an hour.”

“Half an hour?” His voice was low and seductive.

With the last turn made, she took the wrapped dough and broke from his grasp to place it into the refrigerator. When she turned back, her pulse raced wildly when Jake’s eyes raked her in a slow, sensual perusal. Her body tingled.

Without another word, he opened his arms and she went willingly into them.


Jake pressed Angela against the counter and took her mouth in a heated kiss. He slid his hand under that damn sexy Green Bay Packer T-shirt and up her soft bare skin until reaching a perfectly rounded breast, twirling his thumb around a taut nipple through her lacy bra.

The feel of her soft lips under his, the sound of her sexy mews of pleasure caused his balls to tighten, even as his conscious slapped him.

What the hell are you doing, Bauman?

He shouldn’t be kissing her. Shouldn’t be running his hands over her body as though he owned her. He needed to stop now before things got out of hand. But he couldn’t. It was already too late. His need for her like a cauldron of hot, molten lava. There was no stopping it.

Jake no longer controlled his actions, driven now by pure, blind lust, and an emotion he couldn’t quite define. He just wanted her with a fierceness that wouldn’t be denied. The desire to strip her naked and make her
, consumed him. Blinded by an overwhelming need to drive himself so far into her luscious body she wouldn’t know where he ended and she began.

His cock jerked eagerly when she buried her hands into his hair and kissed him with an equal fervor. He pulled back and stared into her dazed eyes filled with desire, reaching up to run a possessive thumb over her lips, swollen from his kisses.

Their gazes met. Jake lifted her up and set her on the counter, stepping between the V of her legs. He stripped off his shirt and tossed it to the floor.

Her eyes widened when he reached down and grasped the edges of her T-shirt and slowly slid it up her body. She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth in a nervous gesture, but her arms floated up, allowing him to tug it off and toss it next to his shirt.

His entire body tightened at the sight of her lush creamy breasts straining toward him through the flimsy fabric of her bra.

He buried both hands into her hair and tugged her mouth back to his. She gave a soft gasp, and his tongue slid between her parted lips. The combination of her beautifully formed breasts crushed against him and her sweet unique flavor acted as a potent aphrodisiac. Even as he told himself to slow down, not to rush her, his hand moved down her back to unsnap her bra. Not finding a clasp, he reached around to the front.

Lifting his mouth from hers, he leaned back to watch as he unsnapped the front clasp. He gave a groan of approval as her breasts spilled forward, soft and smoother than silk, with pebbled pink tips. A shockwave of desire crashed into him, his cock pushing urgently against his zipper.

“Jake.” Her voice a lover’s caress across his already inflamed senses.

Jake met her passion-filled eyes. Palming a naked breast in each hand, he leaned forward to flick his tongue across a pert nipple. First one, then the other, as he gently massaged her silken flesh.

“Angel,” Jake murmured, trailing kisses up her elegant neck as he caressed the underside of her breasts.

Angela tensed at the same instant his hand encountered what felt like a scar, just below the soft curve of her right breast. He paused and lifted his head, stroked his thumb across it again.

He felt her emotional withdrawal even before she attempted to pull away.

“What’s this?” He moved his hand to her hip to hold her in place, stepping back to study her.

“It’s nothing,” she said, voice strained. The color drained from her face and she avoided his gaze.

Jake scowled. He bent his knees slightly and found the spot in question.

“What the fuck.” Fury ate him alive. His mind not wanting to believe what his eyes were telling him.

“Angela.” His voice sounded rough, even to his own ears. He wanted desperately for her to tell him he was wrong. Tell him that what he was seeing couldn’t be true, that it wasn’t a cigarette burn marring her delicate ivory skin.

He lifted his eyes to meet her watery gaze. His jaw clamped tight and his lips pressed together in a hard, firm line as the undeniable proof of her abuse confronted him.

Angela lowered her gaze, shielding her face with her long dark tresses as tiny tremors shook her.

Jake wanted to curse, hit something. Make someone pay for hurting her. He fought against the tidal wave of dark emotions that were kicking his ass. He managed to rein in his fury, not wanting to scare her.

“Angel.” He leaned in and kissed the scarred area. “Did he, your husband, do this?”

She inhaled on what sounded like a sob.

His head shot up and their gazes locked. Her eyes glimmered with tears, her bottom lip trembling.

This time he did curse. Sliding one arm around her back and the other under her legs, he lifted her into his arms and strode to the living room. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his neck. Cradling her in his arms, he settled into the oversized leather chair. He held her in silence for a long time, stroking her hair.

His gut churned as she trembled against him. Dampness gathered at his chest from her silent tears. He kissed her forehead, consumed with the need to comfort and protect her.

He brushed his fingers across the scar. She tensed, but didn’t pull away. “Tell me what happened, Angel.”

There was a moment of silence, before she began to speak. At first, her voice was soft, hesitant. “He did it the first time I ran . . .”

Jake brushed another kiss to her forehead in encouragement.

She continued. “We’d been married a little over a year. By that time I was well acquainted with the local emergency center.”

He forced down the howl of rage that rose up within him.

Her voice grew stronger. She pulled back and looked him in the eyes. He was pleased to see anger and indignation there instead of fear. She was a lot stronger than she realized.

“After . . .” Her lips pressed together and she tore from his grasp and jumped up. Anger vibrated from her every pore.

Filled with conflicting emotions, Jake watched as she turned and launched herself across the room wearing nothing more than her capris.

In her anger, did she forget she was topless?

Although her long, dark hair fell down her back, shielding her, her breasts were beautifully bare when she turned and strode back toward him.

“My home became a prison after that. The only time I was allowed to leave was if Scott was with me.”

He nodded, not wanting to do anything to stop her, but trying to keep his eyes trained on her face, not on her bouncing breasts.

“He said if I ever left him again he’d hurt me real bad.”

His admiration for her grew. She was magnificent. Her green eyes flashing hot with the fierceness of her emotions, hands fisted at her sides, breasts rising and falling rapidly.

She gestured wildly. “Then he threatened to kill my grandmother.”

As though hit with a bucket of cold water, everything but his rage fell away. “Is that why you stayed?”

“Yes.” As if only now realizing her state of undress, a sweet blush crept up her chest to cover her. She reached up and crossed her arms over her breasts.

Somewhat regretfully, Jake grabbed the folded lap blanket off the arm of the couch and stood to wrap it around her, shielding her beauty from his sight. He brushed his lips across hers in a tender kiss. “Do you want to tell me about it?”

She hesitated, then lifted her chin and shook her head. “No.” She clutched the blanket shut and took a step back, breaking his hold.

He opened his mouth to argue when the ringing of his cell phone came from the kitchen. “Shit.”

She shot him a humorless smile. “You better get that.” Head high, she stepped around him and went into the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind her.

He frowned and picked up his shirt from where he’d tossed it earlier, fumbling in the pocket for his cell phone. “Jake, here.” His eyes remained glued to her bedroom door.

“Hey, Dad. We’re here,” Nick said, in an excited tone.

Jake raked his fingers through his hair. He wanted to stay and finish what they’d started. Find out everything Scott had put her through. But he’d promised his son.

“Hey, bud. I’ll be there in about half an hour. Tell Uncle J.D. I’ll meet you guys at the safari train.”

Angela dropped the blanket from her shoulders, then reached for her cell and punched in Stacey’s number. When Stacey didn’t answer after the fifth ring, she tossed the phone on the bed with a silent curse and buried her face into her hands.

God, she’d kissed him. Again
. What was she thinking?

She should have never allowed him to touch her. Not wanting anyone to know the torture she’d endured at Scott’s hands. She’d been weak. Helpless.
Filled with anger and humiliation, she made her way to the closet and threw on another T-shirt.

“Never again!” She slapped her hand against the wall. She would never again allow a man control over her life . . . or her emotions.

A sharp knock at the door made her jump. Her hand rose to her chest and her heart pounded a rapid beat.

“What?” Her voice shook.

“Angel, are you all right?” Jake’s voice was tight, filled with concern. She imagined him running his fingers through his hair on the other side of the door.

A smile curved her lips. He wasn’t Scott. Jake would never hurt her. Some of her anger eased, although humiliation still coursed through her. She didn’t want his pity.

“I’m fine.” She reached up and clasped the heart pendant between her finger and thumb, bringing it to her lips. Thoughts of her mother calmed her.

“Can I come in?”

She shook her head.
He can’t see you through the door, idiot.

“No. I’m tired, Jake. I think I’m just going to take a quick shower.”

He’s gonna know you’re hiding out in here.

She dropped the necklace and smacked her forehead with the base of her palm. She was such a coward. But even though her mind told her to run as fast as she could away from him and the unwanted emotions he made her feel, her body still burned for his touch.

There was a thud on the door and then silence. She imagined him standing with his head leaning against the door. A feeling of tenderness for Jake washed over her, and more tension fell away.

“Okay. You take a shower,” Jake agreed. “I have to run out for a couple hours anyway, but I’ll be back soon.” There was a short pause. “We’ll finish this discussion when I return.”

Angela’s stomach did a nervous somersault at the determination in his voice. Jake’s unrelenting persistence both frightened and excited her.

She was overwhelmed with an array of conflicting emotions where he was concerned. On one hand, she relied on his strengths, trusted him. He was powerfully built and handsome, confident, and fearless, as well as forceful and unwavering in his goals. She was tempted to succumb to the desire she felt.

And yet, it was those exact same characteristics that frightened her. Afraid she would lose her identity again if she allowed him into her life. Become nothing more than a shadow of herself, just as she was beginning to heal from the emotional wounds left by Scott. Besides the sexual attraction that flowed between them, they really didn’t know each other. And she could see by the questions in his eyes that he still didn’t trust her.

“Angela, did you hear me?”

“Yes. That’s fine.”

“Are you okay?” he asked again, concern vibrating in his voice.

“Just tired. I’ll see you when you get back.”

A heavy sigh accompanied the sound of Jake’s footsteps moving toward the door as he left.

Jake gave the entry ticket to the cashier and made his way to the safari train. It was a warm spring afternoon and the sun shone brightly overhead as a soft breeze flowed over him. He would have liked to have brought Angela along, but it was too dangerous. Nevertheless, he knew she hated being cooped up at the hotel all day. Maybe when all this was over?

He spotted J.D. standing near the carousel.

“Hey, little brother.”

He sat next to J.D., then glanced over to see the boys each astride a colorful carousel animal, waving at him with huge smiles as they twirled by. He grinned and waved back.

J.D. took his attention from the boys long enough to shoot Jake a quick glance. “Glad you could make it. How’s Angela?”

Images of Angela’s gorgeous, naked breasts popped into Jake’s mind. Heat crept up his neck. Shifting guiltily, he studied the carousel. “She’s good.”

“I bet she is,” J.D. said, with a chuckle.

Jake glared at his brother. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

J.D. lifted his hands up in a surrender gesture. “Nothing. Just makin’ an observation.”

“Uh huh. Well I
that you seem to be pretty taken with her friend Stacey. What’s with that?”

J.D. grinned. “Yeah, she’s nice. We’re going out to dinner tomorrow night.”

“Really. Shouldn’t you hold off until the case is over?” The hypocrisy of the statement hit him before the last words even left his mouth.

J.D. shot him an amused look. “Seriously, bro?”

Jake squirmed under J.D.’s perceptive gaze.

J.D. glanced back at the boys and continued. “Anyway, she already gave her statement and didn’t have much to offer. So, I don’t see any reason to wait.” He clicked his tongue. “Besides, Nate didn’t seem to have a problem with it.” He gave Jake a lopsided grin.

Jake chuckled. “Well, there is that.” Nate was newly married, and his wife just happened to be very pregnant. Anyone who could count knew the baby was conceived when Nate was in charge of her protection while hiding her at a safe house.

The carousel slowed to a halt and the boys jumped off. Jake stood as three little boys threw themselves at him.

“Hey, guys,” he said with a grin.

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