A Major Connection (6 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Contemporary romance, military romance

BOOK: A Major Connection
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He’d never been so taken out of himself, so lost in ecstasy as he was while joined to her—against the wall for fuck’s sake.

He came down off his sexual high and knew just once wouldn’t be enough.

She nuzzled his chest, and his heart continued to hammer, this time for a different reason than desire. He wanted to fuck her all over again, to claim her. She belonged to him. This was no casual hookup. Sex with April would mean more; he could tell it already did. At least, to him. Did she feel the same way? Could she after so short an acquaintance?
What if she didn’t?

A soft kiss over his heart gentled fear of the future right out of him, and he sighed. “Ah, baby. You destroyed me.”

Her soft laugh filled him with joy, adding an emotional element to his orgasm and jerking a shudder out of him all over again.

“I can’t believe I came twice,” she said dreamily. “You feel so good inside me.”

“Yeah, about that.” He didn’t want to withdraw, but he had much more planned for their afternoon, evening, and late night. “We didn’t talk about it, but I’m clean.” He pulled out of her and set her back on her feet, already missing her warmth.

“Oh.” She blushed, and he couldn’t get over how beautiful she looked. “Me too.”

“Two years. I heard.” He smiled.

Her shy smile back undid him. He kissed her softly, with feeling. She kissed him back, and the carnal element of their sex gentled with an emotional pull that tugged at the heartstrings he’d buried for so long.

“You’re so strong,” she said on a sigh as she stroked his arms, his chest, and ran her hands down his belly to grip his cock.

His shaft twitched, and a pulse of fluid slid over his tip. She smoothed it over his cockhead with her thumb.

“I wonder how you taste,” she murmured. “Like candy? Are you salty-sweet?”

His pulse hammered. “You really do need to find out. But not like this, with us all hot and sweaty.”

“Oh? You have something else in mind?”

“Yeah, I do. How do you feel about bathing your master?”

“Master?” She started laughing. Not the reaction he’d hoped for, but… “It just figures you’d be into the same kinky shit I am.”

“Have I told you how sexy you are when you swear like a Marine?”

“No, tell me…Sir.” She batted her eyelashes at him and continued to hold his dick.

“Pump me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

She had magic hands. He’d come hard, and she’d already roused him to semi-hardness again.

“I’m all dirty,” she said.

“I made a mess in you.” He kissed her while she primed him, and the foreplay had him fully erect in no time. He licked past her lips, flicking his tongue over her teeth and penetrating her mouth as he mimicked what he’d soon be doing with his cock. “Before we clean you up, let’s get me all clean.”

He gripped her by the hair and pushed her down.

She went to her knees without protest, and the view of her breasts and thick nipples aroused him like crazy. Knowing she knelt, submissive, brought the monster inside him out in full force.

“Good little slave.” He stared at her, seeing her gaze glued to his cock. “Lick me up, girl. Clean your master up with that tongue.”

She watched him as she leaned forward and stuck her tongue out. Seeing her pink flesh slide along his, feeling her stroke his dick, was better than any fantasy, and he’d had plenty of those.

“Take me inside. I’m thick, so you’re going to have to stretch wide. It might hurt a little.”

The magic words, because her moan and subsequent sucking of his cockhead brought him to his toes.

Then she grazed his balls with her hands, and he shoved harder than he’d meant. She gagged on his cock, so he withdrew until only the tip of him remained inside. It didn’t escape his notice that by now his come must have spread down her pussy and inner thighs, marking her with his seed.

“So good, baby. So good.” He pushed back between her lips and watched himself slide inside. She took half of him before choking. “Breathe through your nose,” he ordered and gripped her hair while he gave her more. Another inch. Then another. Finally, he seated the whole of himself in her mouth.

Her eyes watered, but she continued to stare up at him.

“You’re fucking
.” He withdrew then thrust back in. Her tongue caressed him, and she sucked harder when he started fucking her mouth.

He lost track of the need to go slowly as she watched him with those big blue-green eyes. Her intensity furthered his pleasure, until he took her with the single-minded purpose of binding them as one.

Bobby pulled out of her mouth in a rush and nudged her to the floor. “Turn over, on your hands and knees,” he rasped and mounted her. In one smooth drive, he took her. So wet, she accepted him with ease. He let go of everything but the need to claim her, trusting his pleasure to her alone.

“You’re mine. Say it.”

“I’m yours. Bobby, please,” she pleaded as she rocked under him with each passing thrust.

“Touch yourself. Come around me,” he growled and clenched her hips while he rode her.

She readjusted her balance and fingered herself, her body tightening around him. “Oh, oh yes.

He felt her squeeze him, the pulse of need overwhelming. He thrust twice more and exploded. “
” He made another mess, loving the thought of marking her.

The endorphins gave him a high like nothing else, but it was the woman he was buried inside that brought his heart back to life in a big, scary way.

He remained a part of her while they recovered. When he withdrew and stood, he found himself on shaking legs. That April was just as unsteady when he helped her to stand only slightly relieved him.

“You okay?” He sounded gruff, even to his ears.

“I don’t know. Am I still alive?”

He chuckled. “I think so.”

“Oh wow. If I’d known how amazing you and your wonder dick would be, I’d have hopped on board the Thorn-train a long time ago.”

He laughed harder. “Next stop, domination-ville?”

She flushed.

“Come on. You can’t be embarrassed about that.”

“About what, exactly?”

“About the fact you came all over me because you get off on being dominated.”


“So I about lost it when you called me
. Don’t worry, April. You’re my kind of girl.”

She smiled, and he lost himself in her eyes. “That’s Major Soames to you…Bobby.” She brought his face down to hers and kissed him. “You’re a good kisser too. Now you seem like a Bobby. Before you were definitely a Thorn.”

“There’s a difference?”

“Oh yes.” She caressed his shoulders, and he swore if he’d been cat, he’d be purring. “But don’t worry. I like both Bobby and Thorn. A lot.”

His heart warmed, and it seemed to beat faster as he watched her. She liked him—a good thing, because Bobby thought he might be falling for her. And loving someone who didn’t love him back wasn’t something he wanted to go through again.

Hot sex, not love, moron,
he tried to tell himself. Yet as he drew April with him toward the bathroom for a shower, he had a bad feeling he no longer knew the different where she was concerned.

Chapter Five


Monday afternoon, April dragged her forearm over her brow to wipe away the sweat. As promised,
had reverted back to
and remained a pain in her ass. They’d spent all day yesterday together doing things that had made her body pleasantly sore. She hadn’t been so well-used in years, and God willing they’d get to bumping and grinding again.

Last night, between orgasms, he’d picked up Lobo, who now sat next to Thorn as the pair of them lazed outside in the shade, watching her put the plant bed to rights.

“I wish I knew why he was so fixated on this thing.” She knelt on the grass and rolled her neck on her shoulders. Thorn, that bastard, had insisted she repair the sprinkler.

Instead of just doing it himself, he’d stood over her while instructing her on what to do. Since she actually liked getting her hands dirty, she’d pretended to hem and haw about fixing it, while enjoying the heck out of repairing something with her bare hands.

Thorn gave her a sly smile. “I know why
fixated. Two very special things captured my attention.” He stared at her breasts, barely contained by the bikini she’d once bought on a lark. Figured he’d snagged the skimpy suit out of all her bathing suits to choose from. “Just yesterday you refused to wear your bikini. But a few orgasms and you’re putty in my hands. I’ll have to remember how to bend you to my will.” His evil chuckle made her want to laugh.

“I’m not even going to argue with that, because I’m feeling too good to complain.” She tugged at her bottoms digging into her ass beneath her jean shorts. “You know, you might have picked something a little more flattering for me. Like my black and blue striped bikini.”

“Are you kidding? Compared to this suit, that one was like wearing granny panties and an old lady bra. This is totally you.” He eyed her up and down. “Smokin’ hot. Your tits look amazing. And your ass—if you weren’t such a downer by covering it up—is bitable. Just…wow.”

Her cheeks felt hot. “Thanks, I think. It’s not every day I’m told my tits are amazing.”

He laughed. “You’re so red right now.”

“I can’t help it. I’m not used to you and me being…”

“Being what?” He left his lounge chair and crossed to her as she rose to her feet.


“Hmm. Friendly. Good word for it, I suppose.” He took her chin in his hand and studied her.

She frowned. “What? Do I have dirt on my face or something?”

“Or something.” His smirk annoyed and aroused her. So weird. “I knew you were good-looking, but I never figured you for a closet kinkster. Little sub.”

“Would you stop?” He continued to bring up yesterday’s bed play, as if daring her to contradict him. Which she wouldn’t, because he spoke true. It still made her a little uncomfortable that she’d been so open with him. Sure, she’d known Gunnery Sgt. Thorn before Lobo had messed up his yard, but mostly by reputation. To have been so honest with
after only really knowing him a few days, made her nervous.

She liked Thorn—more than she should. In another few weeks she’d be taking off for parts unknown. Why would any smart woman involve herself with a man when she had the world at her feet?
Oh boy, it’s like I’m suddenly channeling Mom. Stop the insanity!

“I’m not in the market for a man,” she blurted to stave thoughts of Mona Soames. “I’m only here until my sister comes back.”

“Sure thing, Major.” He kissed her.

“I mean it. I’m not shopping around for a relationship.”

“I get you.” Thorn kissed her again, this time bringing her in for a full body hug.
And oh my God
, he felt so good against her. She lost herself in the embrace before he pulled away, looking satisfied.

“I,” she paused to clear her throat. “I’m having fun with you, and I think you’re having fun with me. I mean, this, us, it’s great. The sex is amazing. Just, really, really good.”
Ramble much?

His slow smile did odd things to her stomach. Butterflies took up residence and fluttered all over the place. April didn’t understand how he made her feel so uneven. Hot and cold, annoyed and elated, aroused and…well, aroused. Had to be the sex. Yet she’d been with other men before and never felt so close to them. Even the ones who’d been good at sex had never made her feel so warm and protected, so thoroughly taken. Thorn had an intensity to him that made her feel like the only woman in the world when he watched her.

She realized he was stroking her shoulder. His hand crept down her front while he watched her, and he brushed against her breast twice before she understood he’d done it on purpose.

“Not out here.” If only she could control her body the way he apparently could. She felt wet and needy, and they’d just made love—
had sex
—a few hours ago.

“Why not?” He nodded behind her. “My fence is high enough that no one can see us. Besides, my neighbors are at work.” Thorn had taken the next three weeks off for leave.

She loved and hated the fact, because she had no reasonable excuse to ignore him. She too was on leave and planned to enjoy every minute of it. If she could keep her feelings for the man limited to physical attraction and friendship, she’d be more confident around him. But he made her want things for her future she hadn’t been considering. And her life was confusing enough.


“But what, sexy?” He palmed her breast and squeezed, rubbing deliberately over her nipple.

“Stop.” She tried to glare, but her moan did her in.

“Yeah, you like that. You’re so sensitive here.” He covered both breasts with his hands. “I love touching you.” He stared into her eyes and slowly untied her suit from behind her neck.

She put her hand up to stop him. “What—”

“No. Don’t move.”

He loved his dominance games. And so did she.

“But we’re gardening,” came out shakier than she’d intended. “I told you I’m not about being your sex toy twenty-four/seven.”

“Then why are you just standing there, shaking, while I do whatever I want with you?” He leaned closer and whispered, “Because I can. I can fuck you, bend you over, make you drop to your knees and suck me off. And you’ll do it, won’t you?”

She really wished she could grow a backbone right now, but since they’d both shared a few truths about their fantasies last night, he knew she wanted this. He wanted it as well, which shot her control all to hell.

“Won’t you?” he growled and released the tie on her suit, then hurried to untie the string at her back. It dropped between them, then he stood back and nodded. “Get back to work.”

She wanted him now, and he knew it. The only good thing about playing with him was knowing how much he wanted her too, as the impressive erection tenting his nylon shorts attested.


He shook his head. “You’ll pay for that later. Now tend to my plants while I train your hopeless dog.”

“He’s not my dog,” she muttered and went back to the garden, secretly thrilled at being topless. She didn’t think anyone else would see her, but that Thorn could made it all so naughty.

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