A Magic of Nightfall (84 page)

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Authors: S. L. Farrell

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Nico Morel
[NEE-koh Mohr-ELL]
A young boy living in Oldtown.
The Nahual (chief spellcaster) of the Westlanders (Tehuantin).
The White Stone
An assassin.
(by rank, then alphabetical order)
The Ca’:
Karin ca’Belgradin
[KAH-reen Kah-bell-GRAH-deen]
Allesandra’s great-vatarh, once Hïrzg of Firenzcia. Died of Southern Fever.
Francesca ca’Cellibrecca
[Frahn-SESS-ka Kah-sell-ee-BREK-ah]
Daughter of Orlandi ca’Cellibrecca, wife of Semini.
Orlandi ca’Cellibrecca
[Orh-LAHN-dee Kah-sell-eh-BREK-ah]
Archigos Orlandi I, the first of the Breznoian Archigi. Deceased.
Semini ca’Cellibrecca
[SEH-meen-eh Kah-sell-ee-BREK-ah]
(née cu’Kohnle) The Archigos in Brezno. Married to Francesca.
Justi ca’Dakwi
[JUSS-tee Kah-DAWK-whee]
(née ca’Ludovici, nee ca’Mazzak) Kraljiki Justi III, also known as Justi the One-Legged, son of Kraljica Marguerite I (ca’Ludovici), vatarh of Marguerite, Audric, and Elzbet ca’Dakwi. Deceased.
Marie ca’Dakwi
[MAH-ree Kah-DAWK-whee]
Matarh of Marguerite, Audric, and Elzbet ca’Dakwi. Deceased.
Armen ca’Damont
[ARR-mhen Kah-dah-MHONT]
Starkkapitän of the Firenzcian Garde Civile.
Sinclair ca’Egan
[Sinn-CLARE Kah-EE-ghan]
Head of the Council of Ca’ in Brezno.
Kenne ca’Fionta
[KENN-ah Kah-fee-ON-tah]
A’Téni of Nessantico within the Concénzia Faith.
Aleron ca’Gerodi
[ALH-er-onn Kah-ger-OH-dee]
Member of the Council of Ca’.
Petrus ca’Helfier
[PET-roos Kah-HELL-fear]
Once Commandant of the Holdings forces in the Hellins.
Marguerite ca’Ludovici
[Marhg-u-REET Kah-loo-doh-VEE-kee]
Former Kraljica of Nessantico, the “Généra a’Pace.”
Sigourney ca’Ludovici
[Si-GOHR-nee Kah-loo-doh-VEE-kee]
Second cousin to Audric ca’Dakwi, twin sister of Donatien ca’Sibelli, and a member of the Council of Ca’.
Meric ca’Matin
[MAHR-ick Kah-mah-TEEN]
An a’offizier with the Holdings army in the Hellins.
Odil ca’Mazzak
[OH-deel Kah-MAH-zak]
Member of the Council of Ca’.
Dhosti ca’Millac
[DOST-ee Kah-MEE-lok]
Archigos of the Concénzia Faith prior to Archigos Ana. A dwarf.
Villa ca’Ostheim
[VEEH-ahh Kay-OHST-hime]
A’Téni of Villembouchure, and a war-téni.
Ana ca’Seranta
[AHN-ah Kah-sir-AHN-tah]
Archigos of Nessantico.
Donatien ca’Sibelli
[Don-AY-shun Kah-see-BEHL-lee]
Second cousin to Audric ca’Dakwi, and twin brother of Sigourney ca’Ludovici. Commandant of the Garde Civile in the Hellins.
Colin ca’Vliomani
[KOHL-inn Kah-vlee-oh-MAHN-ee]
Son of Karl, living on the Isle of Paeti.
Nilles ca’Vliomani
[NIGH-ulhs Kah-vlee-oh-MAHN-ee]
Son of Karl, living on the Isle of Paeti.
Fynn ca’Vörl
[Finn Kah-VOORL]
Hïrzg of Firenzcia.
Greta ca’Vörl
[GREH-tah Kah-VOORL]
Matarh of Hïrzgin Allesandra.
Jan ca’Vörl
[Yahn Kah-VOORL]
(née ca’Belgradin) Vatarh of Hïrzgin Allesandra.
Pauli ca’Vörl
[PAHL-lee Kah-VOORL]
(née ca’Xielt) Husband of Allesandra, son of the Gyula of West Magyaria.
Toma ca’Vörl
Son of Jan and Greta. Deceased.
Valeri ca’Weber
[Vahl-AIR-ree Kah-VEH-ber]
A’Téni in Prajnoli, North Nessantico.
The Cu’:
A famous architect in the Holdings, responsible for the design of the great dome of the Old Temple.
Aris cu’Falla
[AIR-iss Koo-FAH-lah]
Commandant of the Garde Kralji.
Andreas cu’Görin
[Ahn-DREH-us Koo-GOHR-ren]
Ambassador for the Firenzcian Holdings to the Holdings of Nessantico.
Helmad cu’Göttering
[HELL-mahd Koo-GERR-tehr-ring]
Commandant of the Garde Brezno.
Petros cu’Magnaoi
[PET-rhoss Koo-mag-NAY-oy]
Kenne’s longtime companion and lover, an u’téni in the Faith.
Aubri cu’Ulcai
[AHH-bree Koo-UHL-kie]
Commandant of the Garde Civile in Nessantico.
The Ci’:
Edric ci’Blaylock
[EDD-reek Kee-BLAY-lok]
Maister (teacher) for Audric.
Sala ci’Fallin
[SAHL-ah Kee-FAHL-een]
Kenne’s O’Téni assistant.
Alia ci’Gilan
[AHH-lee-ah Kee-GHEE-ahn]
Wife of Mika ci’Gilan.
Mika ci’Gilan
[MEE-kah Kee-GHEE-ahn]
A’Morce (Head) of the Numetodo in Nessantico.
Edouard ci’Recroix
[EDD-ward Kee-reh-KROI]
A famous artist.
Gairdi ci’Tomisi
[GAIR-dee Kee-Tome-EES-ahh]
A Firenzcian agent in Nessantico.
The Ce’:
Sala ce’Fallan
[SAH-lah Keh-FAHL-linn]
An o’téni and aide to Archigos Kenne.
Roderigo ce’Messina
[Rod-eh-REE-goh Keh-Meh-SEE-nah]
Chief aide to the Hïrzg.
The Unranked:
Alisa Morel
[Ah-LEES-sah more-ELL]
Serafina’s sister and Nico’s tantzia in Ville Paisli.
Bayard Morel
[BAY-ardh more-ELL]
Serafina’s marriage-brother and Nico’s onczio in Ville Paisli.
Serafina Morel
[Sair-ah-FEEN-ah more-ELL]
Matarh of Nico.
Talis Posti
[TAWL-iss POHS-tee]
The lover of Serafina Morel.
A general of the army.
A well-known composer.
Niente’s wife.
A Tehuantin spellcaster who lived in Nessantico during the end of the reign of Kraljica Marguerite.
One of Audric’s bedchamber servants.
A general of the Tehuantin army.
The Tehuantin Tecuhtli (king) responsible for Mahri’s and Talis’ machinations in Nessantico.
One of Audric’s bedchamber servants.
A seller in the River Market, a Tehuantin who know Talis.
The Tecuhtli (king) of the Tehuantin people.
The river that divides the city of Nessantico.
The leader of the Concénzia Faith. The plural is “Archigi.”
Avi a’Parete
[Ahh-VEE Ah-pah-REET]
The wide boulevard that forms a circle within the city of Nessantico, and also serves as a focus for city events.
The moon-god of the Tehuantin.
A one-piece blouse and pants, usually tied with a wide belt around the waist, and generally loose and flowing elsewhere. Bashtas are generally worn by males, though there are female versions, and can be either plain or extravagantly ornate, depending on the person’s status and the situation.
Bastida a’Drago
[Bahs-TEE-dah Ah-DRAH-goh]
The “Fortress of the Dragon,” an ancient tower that now serves as a state prison for Nessantico. Originally built by Kraljiki Selida II.
“Ascension” The ceremony where a new Hïrzg or Hïrzgin of Firenzcia is officially recognized after the prescribed mourning period for the previous ruler.
The “ca’-and-cu’ ”
The term for the high status families in the Holdings. The rich.
The “Calls”
In the Concénzia Faith, there are Three Calls during the day for prayer. First Call is in the morning, when the sun has risen above the horizon the distance of a fist held at arm’s length. Second Call is when the sun is at zenith. Third Call is when the sun is a fist’s length above the horizon at sunset.
Main god of the Nessantico pantheon, and the patron of the Concénzia Faith.
The “knights” of Nessantico—men of the ca’ and cu’ families. The title of “chevaritt” is bestowed by the Kraljiki or Kraljica, or by the appointed ruler of the various countries within the Holding; in times of genuine war, the chevarittai (the plural form of the word) are called upon to prove their loyalty and courage. The chevarittai will follow (usually) the order of the Commandant of the Garde Civile, but not particularly those of the common offiziers of the Garde Civile. Their internal status is largely based on familial rank. In the past, occasional conflicts have been decided by honorable battle between chevarittai while the armies watched.
There are three primary coinages in use in Nessantico: the bronze “folia” in tenth (d’folia), half (se’folia), and full (folia) denominations; the silver “siqil” in half (se’siqil) and full denominations; the gold “sola” in half (se’sola) and full denominations. Twenty folias equal a se’siqil; fifty siqils (or two thousand folias) equal a se’sola. The daily wage for a simple laborer is generally around a folia; a competent craftsperson might command four or five folias a day or a se’siqil a week. The price (and size) of a loaf of common brown bread in Nessantico is fixed at a d’folia.
Each of the various countries within the Holdings retained their colors and flags. Here are the basic banner structures: East Magyaria: horizontal stripes of red, green, and orange; Firenzcia: alternating vertical stripes of black and silver; Graubundi: a field of yellow with black stars; Hellin: red and black fields divided diagonally; Il Trebbio: a yellow sun on a blue field; Namarro: a red crescent moon on a field of yellow; Nessantico: blue and gold fields divided diagonally. Used by both North and South Nessantico; Miscoli: a single white star on a field of midnight blue; Peati: vertical stripes of green, white, and orange; Sesemora: a field of silver with a mailed fist in the center; Sforzia: a field of white with a diagonal blue bar; West Magyaria: horizontal stripes of orange, red, and blue.
The head of a town or city, usually a ca’ and a chevaritt.
The primary theology within Nessantico, whose primary deity is Cénzi, though Cénzi is simply the chief god of a pantheon.
Concord A’Téni
The gathering of all a’Téni within Concénzia—a Concord A’Téni is called to elect a new Archigos or to make changes to the Divolonté.
A straight wind instrument made of wood or brass, and played like a trumpet.
Cuore della volpe
“Fox Heart,” a reddish flower with large white seeds. The oil of the seeds, mixed with wine, is medicinal in dilute quantities and is used for pain relief. In stronger dilutions, the extract is extremely potent and can cause temporary paralysis or death.
Days of the Week
The six days of the week in Nessantico are named after major deities in the Toustour. The week begins with Cénzidi (Cénzi’s Day), and follows with Vuctadi, Mizzkdi, Gostidi, Draiordi, and Parladi.
“God’s Will”—the rules and regulations that make up the tenets followed by those of the Concénzia Faith.

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