A Love Worth Saving (Forever Yours Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: A Love Worth Saving (Forever Yours Book 2)
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Chapter 19

Ashley ambled into the cozy, bright kitchen at Max and Nicole’s high-rise apartment on Saturday morning. Quiet chatter came from the rooftop deck. She poured a cup of coffee, added milk and sugar and then went outside to investigate. The warm summer sun blazed high overhead.

“Morning.” Ashley ambled over to join Max and Nicole seated at a round, wrought-iron table with a fire-engine-red canvas umbrella, a matching tablecloth, and seat cushions.

Nicole glanced up from the newspaper spread out before her. “More like afternoon. You slept late.”

Yes. That happened when you were up most of the night

“Come and join us.” Max tapped the chair beside him.

“Did you sleep well?” Nicole asked.

Ashley sat and placed her cup on the table. She’d been looking for a way to begin the conversation they needed to have. This was as good as any. “No, but not because your spare bed wasn’t comfortable. It was. Has been for the three days I’ve been here.” They’d insisted she stay and she’d agreed because she didn’t want to be alone.

Max flashed one of his dazzling smiles. “You're always welcome.”

Ashley grinned and then gave him a quick hug. “You actually mean that.”

Max’s eyes turned serious. “You’re family. Despite my idiot brother.”

Ashley shook her head. “Have you talked to him yet?”

Max rolled his eyes. “No.”

She sighed. “I don’t want to be the reason you two aren’t speaking.” When he only stared, a mutinous expression on his face, she added, “You can’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to do. Go and see him. Please. He needs you. He’s all alone.”

Max’s eyes widened. “How can you be sympathetic?”

“Don’t get me wrong. I still think he’s a total shithead.”

Nicole snorted, and Max chuckled.

Ashley smiled. “But shithead, or not, he’s your family, too. And despite what he thinks, he’s going to need both of you to get through this. Please don’t cut him out of your lives.”

“What about you?” Max asked. “I can’t imagine you’re going to want him around when we’re all together.”

She couldn’t have asked for a better opening for what she had to say. “That won’t be a problem because I won’t be around.”

Nicole gasped. “What?”

“I finally heard from Harvard. They accepted me. And I’ve decided to go.”

Nicole sucked in a quick breath. “You’re going to Harvard?”

Ashley nodded. “Yes.”

“But that means leaving Chicago and—” Nicole didn’t finish the sentence.

Max placed a hand over Nicole’s and squeezed. He gave her a loving smile and then turned to Ashley. “I think that’s great. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, Max.” Ashley scooted closer to her sister. Unshed tears shimmered in Nicole’s eyes. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” She’d known Nicole would be upset by her leaving. Not just leaving. Moving to the East Coast. Clear across the country. Alone. Nicole may be her older sister, but she’d been both mother and father to Ashley and Kate since their parents died almost seven years ago.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Nicole asked.

“I was up all night going over the pros and cons. The truth is, I never thought I had a chance at Harvard. It’s always been my dream school. Now I have an opportunity to turn the dream into reality. Boston is only a two hour flight and I’ll come home for summers and holidays.”

Nicole sniffled. “I know. But I’m going to miss you.”

Ashley flung her arms around her sister and held her tight. “I’m going to miss you, too. But I want to do this.”

Nicole eased away, but didn’t release her.

“My little sister is going to Harvard Law School.” She gave a wide watery smile. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Oh, Nicole.” Ashley sniffed. “Thank you.”

Reed sat at the round, Cherrywood table in his office at Paradise and McNamara and tried to focus on the brief in front of him. He needed to review it before his meeting with Zoning and Planning tomorrow morning.

No matter how hard he tried, concentration eluded him. His eyes drifted to the large manila envelope with the Abrams, Bachman, and Kline letterhead lying on his desk.

His divorce papers. Marsh had sent them over by special courier earlier in the day.

Ashley had signed them. He needed to do the same.

“Hey, little brother.”

Reed jerked his head to the man standing at the door. “What are you doing here, Max?”

Max shrugged. “What? I’m not allowed to stop in and see how you’re doing?”

Reed snorted. “Such care and concern and for a dumb-ass, no less.”

“I call it like I see it.” Max strode over to the table and took a seat. “But, seriously. How are you doing? The last few days must have been difficult for you.”

Understatement of the year.
“I’m handling it.”

“Good. Is there anything you need?”

“Why the change of heart, Max?”

“Oh, come on Reed. You didn’t even tell me you and Ashley were splitting up. I had to hear it from my hysterical fiancée.

“I didn’t—”

“Have an opportunity?”

Max’s brow arched up and he cast an arrogant glance down at him.

Reed folded his arms across his chest and glared back. “We didn’t want to ruin your engagement party.”

“And after that? We spent the whole day golfing together and you said nothing.”

He hadn’t been able to bring himself to say the words, and then, he’d hatched the absurd plan of seducing his wife. What had made him believe they could go back to a fun-only, nothing-serious affair?
Desperate times called for desperate measures.

Bottom line, he’d wanted his wife. Back.

“I should have guessed what was going on when Ashley canceled out on dinner the other night.”

“No, she was really sick.” And when she wasn’t sick any longer . . . The memory of her shuddering in his arms as he brought her to climax floated through his mind. It wasn’t just sex. They’d made love that afternoon.

I love you, Reed, she’d said.

And he’d . . . panicked, because yes, he loved her too. More than he thought possible, but love didn’t last.

Wrong, dumb-ass!
He sighed. Yes, he’d been wrong about love not lasting, at least as far as his parents were concerned. But still, hundreds of marriages ended in divorce each year.

You’re just like your father.
Stubborn pride had stopped him from going after his mother when she walked away. It had also been the reason she’d left in the first place.

His father couldn’t handle her success when fate stepped in, and their roles were reversed. She’d become the breadwinner and provided for the family after he’d lost his job when his company downsized. Four years of unemployment, then settling for a position far beneath his paygrade had been a significant blow to his ego.

Ashley had walked away, the same as his mother.
Did you ever ask her why?

He didn’t need to ask. He already knew the answer. Like his father, Reed had been an unmitigated bastard and a class-A chicken shit to boot.

Ashley had taken a risk and confessed her love to him.

And he’d been afraid she’d leave again. He didn’t think he’d survive it a second time. So, he’d left her.

“I guess I should get going.” Max stood. “Maybe we can grab a burger and play a round of pool next week.”

Reed nodded. “Sounds good. Give me a call.”

Max’s cell phone buzzed. He glanced down at the caller ID. A faint smile curved his lips, then he connected the call. “Hi, honey.”

Max waited a beat then said, “Shredded carrots. Okay, got it. A can of crushed pineapple. Right. I’ll be home soon.” He nodded. “I love you, too.”

“Going shopping?”

“Nicole needs me to pick up a few things for the carrot cake she’s making.”

Ashley’s favorite.
Nicole only made it on special occasions. “Having a party?”

“Not exactly.”

His brows furrowed. “Then why is Nicole making it?”

“It’s her way of sending Ashley off in style.”

“Ashley’s leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“Where is she going?” Reed asked.

“Boston. Harvard accepted her and she’s decided to go.”

Reed’s heart pounded like a jackhammer. Perspiration beaded on his brow. Ashley was leaving. His Ashley. His wife.

Chapter 20

Ashley walked into the grand ballroom at Chez Francois and peered around at the quiet elegance surrounding her. An hour ago, the room hummed and buzzed with almost three hundred people. Jake’s campaign fundraiser dinner had been a huge success.

She sat at one of the empty tables and sipped cool water from a crystal goblet while the efficient staff cleared the room and Jake bid farewell to the last of his guests.

She was going to miss this, planning and executing lavish events for others. It sounded crazy, considering this job had never been part of her long-term career plans, but it was true.

A lot of work went into coordinating an evening like this, more work than most people realized, but the weeks of preparation were worth it when everything came together as it had tonight.

But as much as she’d miss this, she couldn’t quell the sense of excitement bubbling inside at starting the next phase of her life. She placed a hand on her still-flat stomach. Boston would be an adventure.

The last patrons left. Jake approached, a broad smile on his face, and joined her at the table.

“You did a great job this evening, Ash. You were right about the location. Making it easy for people to attend insured an enormous turnout.”

“I’m glad you're pleased.”

“We make a great team, you and me.”

Ashley let out a snort. “All I did was organize the event. You schmoozed the masses.”

“Exactly. You coordinate. I hobnob. We’re unbeatable together. Like we used to be.”

Oh crap.

He held up a hand to stop her protest. “We’re good together, Ashley. Always have been.”

Renewing her friendship with Jake had been a big mistake. Another one. Why hadn’t she seen it before? His feelings for her obviously ran deeper than hers for him. “I’m pregnant,” she blurted.

Jake’s brows furrowed. “You’re what?”


“But I thought—”

“Reed and I were getting divorced?”


Ashley sighed. “We are. Did.”

“I don’t understand. Are you involved with someone else?”

“Of course not. Reed is the father.” She didn’t sleep around.

“I, ah, see.”

Heat scorched her neck and cheeks. Once again, neither had given contraception a second thought. Still, she couldn’t regret conceiving this baby, although she wasn’t foolish enough to believe the pregnancy didn’t complicate matters.

How Reed would react to the news was anyone’s guess.

“Are you two back together then?” Jake asked.

“No.” She wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice.

“I’m glad you finally left the jackass. He isn’t good enough for you.”

Jake sat quietly for long minutes, then reached over and grasped her hands in his.

“I want you back, Ashley.”

“Not gonna happen, Delaney,” Reed growled.

He’d exploded into the banquet hall like a hulking warrior with a ‘take no prisoners’ attitude. Ashley’s heart swelled.
Idiot, idiot, idiot
. “You have no say in this. We’re divorced. Remember? I signed the paperwork last week.”

Reed flashed one of his irresistible grins. “But I didn’t.”

Chapter 21

Ashley stared at him, her mouth gaping open.

Reed raked a hand through his hair. This wasn’t going according to plan. He was going to take her in his arms and tell her how much he loved her, how sorry he was for hurting her and how he couldn’t live without her. Hell, he’d been prepared to get down on his knees and beg for her forgiveness if he had to.

Instead, he was behaving like a Neanderthal. He couldn’t help it. Delaney wanted Ashley back. And she hadn’t told him no. Just the opposite, she’d told Reed it was none of his business.

His heart started to race. Was he too late? Or maybe he’d been wrong?
Jake was the love of Ashley’s life
, Nicole had said all those months ago.

“You heard her,” Jake shouted. “Now get the hell out of here.”

Reed shook his head and didn’t move.

The silence thundered around them, then Ashley spoke.


She peered up at him, a host of emotions churning in those gorgeous green eyes, a flash of hope followed by confusion and fear. He concentrated on the hope. “I don’t want a divorce.”

Anger flashed in Jake’s eyes. “This is bullshit.”

Ashley didn’t speak, she only stared. At
. Waiting for him to say more. Reed took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I love you, Ashley.”

“This is crazy,” Jake shouted.

Ashley turned. She grasped Jake’s hands in hers.

Blood roared in his ears.
He’d been wrong. She didn’t love him.

“I’m sorry, Jake.” Compassion shone as she gazed down at him. “I don’t want to hurt you, but—”

Reed held his breath and prayed. She may not want Delaney, but she hadn’t said she wanted

Jake shook his head. “You’re a fool, Ashley.” He strode out the door.

Ashley turned to face him, and glared, no, glowered up at him.
Oh, hell.
His admission of love had done nothing to sway her.
Max had been right. “I’m so sorry, Ashley.” He walked toward her slowly, needing to close the cavernous space between them. “I know I hurt you.”

“Hurt me?”

She let out a hysterical laugh and shoved him. Hard.

“You made sweet love to me. Gave me hope, then ripped it away.”

Tears filled her eyes and she pushed him again, but with much less force. His heart lurched.

“And if that wasn’t bad enough, you tore my heart out and stomped all over it.”

He pulled her into his arms.

She buried her head in his chest and sobbed.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. So very sorry.” He tightened his arms around her and held on for dear life. “I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m asking for another chance. I meant what I said. I love you.”

Sadness filled her eyes when she gazed up long minutes later.

“I don’t want to lose you, Ash. Please.”

“I’m going to Boston.”

Relief flooded through him. He grinned. “I know. Harvard Law School. I’m so proud of you.” He kissed her soundly. “I’ll come with you.”

She crossed her hands over her chest and scowled. “Oh really? What about Paradis and McNamara? Your life is here.”

He kissed her again. Slowly, tenderly, and with infinite care. She groaned. “My life is with you, wherever that might be, and as for the company, I made Daniela my partner. She’ll take care of the day to day things here in Chicago, and I’ll come back when needed.”

Her eyes widened. “You’d do that?”

“Yes. Being with you is what matters most to me. You mean the world to me. I want to grow old together and have a houseful of kids. That is, if you want to try again. If not, then that’s okay too.”

She gave him a slow smile. It started as a tiny curve of her lips and then grew into a wide grin that reached all the way to her eyes.

“No, I want more kids.”

He hugged her tight. “We’ll wait until you’re finished with law school. We have plenty of time and I want you to be able to concentrate on your studies.”

She laughed. A warm, happy sound that came from deep within. It melted his heart.

“I’m afraid that’s not going to work.”

She wanted to wait longer? He’d do whatever she wanted. “You’re right. You’ll need time to get your career going. I can wait.”

She shook her head and smiled. “No, honey. You don’t understand. You don’t have to wait.”

He stared at her. It took a minute for her meaning to become clear. “You’re pregnant?”


Dear God, he’d forgotten to protect her. Again. How could he have been such a careless idiot? “I’m sor—”

“I’m thrilled. Absolutely, one hundred percent, over the moon ecstatic.”

He gathered her close and held her tight. “Are you sure about this?”

She eased away and gazed up at him. Her eyes sparkled. Love and happiness radiated from her. “I’m positive. It’s what I’ve wanted. You and me, and this baby, together.”

It’s what he wanted too. More than anything he’d ever wanted in his life. “I’m sorry it took me so long to finally come to my senses.”

Her smile lit up the room.

“Better late than never. I love you, Reed.”

His Ashley, his life. “I love you too.”

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