A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1)
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Opening his eyes Andy looks around the room, observing it
for the first with clear vision.
He had been too tired when Chase
has brought him in here; he hasn’t noticed how feminine the room
Smiling he sits up, turns and swings his legs over the side of the
bed, admitting to himself a less confident male would be intimated
by this room.
The walls painted a pale pink, with a darker pink
border at the top; the trimming is stark white, same as the closet
and entrance door.
The curtains draped over both windows are
made of white lace.
The dresser, nightstand and bed frame is all
painted white. The only furnishing in here not white is the
wooden chest sitting in front of the window across from the bed.
Even done in rich redwood it was feminine, having hearts and
flowers carved across the top and on the front panel.

Shaking his head Andy decides to get up, he needs to take a
quick shower.
Grabbing his suitcase he searches for clean jeans, a
t-shirt, and underwear.
Hoping Chase and Stephanie don’t mind
him showering Andy opens the door stepping into the hall he begins
his search for the bathroom.

Chase hears the water being turned on in the upstairs
Knowing Andy is now up and should be down soon, he
take a look around the kitchen.
Both Stephanie and he had been
She helped him organize the supplies from the attic and the
items Johnny had dropped off when he brought the reports from
Now they are just finishing up fixing the late lunch as he
hears Andy’s movements.

Archie materializes beside Stephanie as she begins filling
bowls with homemade potato soup.
With her wrist still wrapped
she carefully ladles the soup in each bowl.
Chase moves to the
stove and takes the tray of hot ham and Swiss cheese sandwiches
from the oven.
He transfers the sandwiches to a platter and places
it on the counter.
Stephanie removes the silverware from the
drawer, then goes to retrieve the napkins from the china cabinet by
the back room.

On her way back to the counter, Stephanie sees Andy
standing in the doorway looking at the command center.
she asks, “How did you sleep, Detective?”
Stopping at the counter
with the food she places the napkins beside the silverware.

Taking his eyes from the dry erase board Andy responds, “I
slept like a log; which just goes to show I was exhausted because I
wasn’t sure I could in a haunted house.”
Smiling he looks at

Stephanie opens her mouth to defend Archie but snaps it
close when Archie begins speaking.
“I would never haunt as you
put it.
I am not a ghoul; I am a man of honor, even in this state of
being.” Archie finishes with a returning smile.

Chase clears his throat drawing their attention to him, “I
think we should eat before the food gets cold.”
Picking up a bowl
he walks to the table, setting it down, he goes back to the counter
picking up the platter of sandwiches and his soup spoon.
his seat at the table he waits as Stephanie and Andy bring their

Once they are all seated Archie turns to Chase asking, “When
do you think you will be able to review the reports?”
Chase has his spoon raised ready to take another bite of
soup, looking up he sees three pairs of eyes watching at him.
Returning his spoon to the bowl, he replies, “I will start reviewing
the files as soon as I can.”
Looking at Andy directly he continues,
“While you were sleeping, Archie had an idea for us to check the
other family members deaths, to make sure the accidents were
actually accidents and not murder.” Before Andy could interrupt
Chase concludes, “I had Karen send over all the reports on the past
relatives deaths, at least all she could locate.”
Picking up his spoon
Chase resumes eating.
Leaning back in his chair, his food forgotten for the moment
Andy asks, “When were you going to fill me in on the new
Raising his eye brows he waits for a responds.
Hating this situation, Andy is used to being in charge and making the
decisions, he admits he despises being left out of the loop.
Stephanie glances at Archie and smiles then goes back to
eating her soup.
Taking a bite of her soup, she realizes both men
are used to being in control.
An image of them ripping off their
shirts and fighting for the top position flashes through her head,
trying not to giggle, Stephanie keeps her head down as she
continues to eat.
Chase mimics Andy’s position leaning back in his chair, “I was
not leaving you out of the loop, I had the reports sent here so WE
could go over the files and maybe make sense of this mess together.
While you were sleeping, Archie brought up a good lead, I acted on
it. End of story.” Keeping eye contact with Andy he adds,
“Finding out who is responsible for these crimes is important to me,
but I want you to know my first priority personally and
professionally is to keep Stephanie safe.”
Sensing the tension between the two men Archie sits quietly.
Stephanie raises her head and regards Chase when he finishes
She sees his determination in his eyes.
Deciding to
follow Archie’s lead she remains quiet.
After a few moments she
goes back to eating.
The men will work this out, she knows from
dealing with Mitch and his friends it is never good to get involved
when male testosterones are in the equation.
Andy realizes he has missed judged Chase, he hadn’t kept
him out of the loop; Chase had just done his job as Sheriff.
where his evidence takes him, or in this case where the leads go, he
will pursue. “I understand Chase.
You’re in your jurisdiction.
am the interloper here.”
Andy rolls his shoulders to loosen the
tension. Deciding he may have over stepped his boundaries, Andy
nods his head in acceptance of Chase actions.
Chase extends his right hand towards Andy as he replies, “Its
fine, we are working together to solve what would seem multiple
As Andy grips his hand in a firm handshake, Chase
knows his first impression of Andy was right.
Andy is man
determined to find the truth, a man use to being in charge.
Deciding the men have reached a compromise; Stephanie
ask, “You two going to finish eating?
Rising from her chair she
takes her empty bowl to the sink, rinses it then places it in the
Turning she sees both men have resume eating.
glances at Archie and sees him watching Andy.
Not sure he trusts Detective Andy, Archie tries to judge his
reactions to Chase and Stephanie. Will Detective Andy hinder the
investigation here?
Is he too focused on the murder that
happened in his town?
Will he accept the evidence that all this is
Does he realize Stephanie is in danger?
The person or
persons responsible for the death of Mitch tried to kill her also.
Deciding to hold his judgment of Detective Andy for now, Archie
looks over at Stephanie and smiles, trying to reassure her.
Stephanie walks to the table and removes Chase and Andy’s
empty bowls.
Taking them to the sink she begins to rinse them,
sensing Chase behind her, she turns, seeing the sandwich platter in
his hand she takes it from him.
Before he can comment she places
it in the dishwasher then adds the bowls, closing the door and
straightens up then looks at Chase.
“Now that you two have
eaten, I think it’s time for you to fill Andy in on Archie and then to
take a look at the reports Karen sent over.”
Rising on her tip toes
she gives Chase a quick kiss on the lips. Stepping back she tells
him, “I am going to go to the living room, give you some space to
work.” Stephanie turns leaving the kitchen.

Stephanie sits on the couch looking up at the portrait of
Della and Archie.
The artist had captured the couples love for each
other, seeing it in their eyes.
Having met Chase’s Mother,
Stephanie knows the portrait had been painted with attention to
each detail.
Thinking back to the day at the diner, Stephanie had
sensed Carrie had been aware of Chase and Stephanie attraction to
each other.
Was Carrie able to see things better than most or was
it her wishful thinking?
Knowing both Carrie and CJ could see
Archie has Stephanie convinced they were “special”.

Lost in her thoughts Stephanie didn’t notice Archie until he
clears his throat.
Glancing from the painting to Archie she smiles.
“How is it going in the kitchen?”
Pulling her feet under her, she
waits for Archie to answer.

Shrugging his shoulders Archie begins to pace the length of
the room.
Stopping in front of the portrait he turns to looks at
Stephanie. She is sitting calming watching him. “I do not
understand the process in there.
They are reading reports, taking
notes, re-reading the reports and then they trade and start over.”

Laughing Stephanie confides, “I figured it would be a long
process with little for me to do; that is why I came in here.”
Looking over at the box of house ledgers Chase had brought in here
from the kitchen she adds, “I had thought about looking through the
But I got distracted by the portrait and then lost in thought.”

Moving to the couch, Archie sits by Stephanie.
Glancing at
the portrait then back at Stephanie, “I miss her so much.”
reflects in his eyes and voice.
He continues, “She was my true
I wish you could have known her.
You are a lot like her,
independent, strong, and yes beautiful.”
Closing his eyes briefly he
adds, “You look like her, you could be her sister or her daughter.”
Lifting his hand, he lightly brushes her cheek.

Feeling his touch Stephanie smiles, “I saw the pictures of her,
the younger ones.
Your right our resemblance is there.
at some of the pictures of her, I felt as if I was looking in the mirror.”
Leaning back Stephanie adjusts the pillow getting more comfortable,
“I have been reading her diary.
Do you mind?”
Picking the book
up from the side table, she turns it over in her hands.

Shaking his head, Archie divulges, “I had hoped you would
find it and read it.
I wanted you to know our love and also learn
about your Great Aunt.”
Looking again at the portrait, he
continues, “As she grew older, she was still the most beautiful
woman I had ever seen.
She kept her hair long, in her later years
she would braid it and it would still hang down to her waist.
would dream about the silkiness.”

Stephanie hears the love in his voice.
for Archie, for Della and for their situation.
respond, she remains silent.

After a few seconds Archie begins speaking again, “Her
parents didn’t understand her.
It wasn’t their fault, how could she
explain me?
They tried to send her away to school, she didn’t stay.
They tried to arrange meetings with young men, she would refuse.
After she reached the age of twenty-five they gave up trying to
make her conform to their beliefs.
The stress from her parents
decreased some, it was then she started helping her Father keep the
books for the farm.
She loved dealing with numbers and she was
good at it.
It wasn’t long before she was doing books for the other
neighboring farms.”

Smiling at his memories Archie resumes with his
reminiscence, “Della took the death of her parents hard.
brother couldn’t make it to the funeral but she held it together until
after they were buried.
At night, we would talk, she hated they
died without knowing about me, without knowing our secret.
was after we were married that she had made friends with Carrie.
Carrie was trying to help children and wanted Della to see if they
could afford to take abused children in their home.”

He takes a deep breath and releases it, “Carrie came to visit
one day and I was downstairs.
Not experiencing another person
seeing or hearing me, I stayed in the living room.
Della and Carrie
walked in, Carrie’s face turned white when she seen me.
But she
didn’t scream or faint.
Both Della and I were shocked.”
softly, “I actually think we were more scared than Carrie was.
Bless Carrie, she recovered quickly then became curious asking a
few questions.”

“After we explained she suggested her husband could help.
He was raised here too; his family farm had been around since
before the civil war.
We didn’t know what to say, than Carrie said
if he sees me, we will ask for his help, if he can’t then we would
keep quiet.
A couple of nights later Carrie and CJ came to dinner, I
waited until after they had eaten and were in the living room for
When I appeared CJ just smiled and introduced himself to
Sadness engulfs her;

Not knowing how to
We sat and talked for hours, they would visit weekly.
after several years they stopped coming.
One day out of the blue,
the portrait was delivered.”
Looking away from the painting,
Archie turns to Stephanie, “I missed my friend.
I wish I knew why
they stopped visiting.”

The sorrow in his voice over losing a friend broke Stephanie’s
“I will find out what happened to make them stop coming.”
“We think we found something.”
Both Stephanie and
Archie jump at the sound of Chase’svoice. They turn to see Chase
standing in the door way.
“Come into the kitchen, we need to
discuss this with both of you.”
Without waiting for a response
Chase goes back to the kitchen.
Stephanie quickly follows Chase walking into the kitchen she
sees Archie is already there waiting beside the table.
“What did
you find?”
She sits down on the chair she vacated earlier.
Andy stands and walks to the dry erase board, watching him
Stephanie gasps when she sees the pictures posted on it.
The one
of Mitch was taken after he died, he looked pale.
Moving just her
eyes Stephanie looks at the next picture; it’s of her, taken for her job
security badge.
The next picture is Della and the last picture is of a
car. Written under the picture of the car is the names Lee and
Rebecca Cain.
Knowing that is Della’s parents Stephanie looks at
Chase begins speaking as he walks to stand by the table,
“After going over the files of all the reported “accidents” for the
family, we have concluded that only these four are not truly
We know for a fact Mitch was murdered, Stephanie
had an attempted murder and Della was involved in a break in.
That left only Lee and Rebecca, after reading the report and
reviewing the pictures, we have come to the joint decision that they
were murdered.”
Letting them digest the information, Chase waits a few
moments before he continues.
“Wish we could see the car but
even in the pictures the damage to the back of the car is consistent
to being run off the road.
It is almost identical to the way used to
run Stephanie off the road.”
Archie raises his hand, a signal he needs to speak.
Chase nods at him, Archie informs them, “If you think you need to
check the car personally, it’s in the old tobacco barn.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Andy asks Archie. Looking at
Chase he can’t believe the car has been here the whole time.
Archie rises floating to the board, pointing at the picture of
the car, he replies, “I kid you not, Sir.
Della had the car brought
She had the men put it in the barn; it has been covered with
a drape since it was placed there.”
Stephanie asks, “Why would Della have the car her parents
died in brought here?”
Frowning she tries to make sense of
everything she has been told since coming to the kitchen.
Shaking his head Archie answers, “I do not know why she did
this, all she told me was her Father would want this.
Della was hard to figure out.”
Shrugging his shoulders he moves
back to the table and watches as Chase begins writing on his tablet.
Thinking this is too good to be true; Andy and him can
examine the car and then know for a fact if their decision was
Making a note to check it out in the morning, he asks, “To
your knowledge has anyone made any inquires about the car in the
last several years?”
Archie shakes his head no in responds.
Chase then asks, “Can you show us exactly where it is in the
Archie nods in agreement.
Stephanie interrupts before Chase can ask another question.
She has one of her own to ask.
connected to Archie or not?”
face she knows he was thinking the same thing, if this started with
Della’s parents it seems unlikely this has anything to do with Archie.
With both Archie and Stephanie looking from Andy to Chase,
it is Andy that answers, “Actually, we both think it does.
reports don’t go back to your time period, nor do they document
earlier deaths in the family.
no problems were reported.
be responsible for the murders. We are trying to connect the
dots to verify if it does.”
Looking at Archie he adds, “I know this
“So with this timeframe, is this still
Seeing the expression on Archie’s

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