A Lost Memory (4 page)

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Authors: Lizzy Stevens,Steve Miller

BOOK: A Lost Memory
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                            Chapter Six


              The sun was setting. It was time for Evan to go to the portal.

“Father, you make sure nothing happens to him,” Alley said as she dropped her hand to her stomach. Her nerves were shot.

“I will, dear. Don’t you worry. We will be back before you know it.”

Evan grabbed the bag full of potions and pulled the strap over his head. He approached Alley and gently kissed her lips as he laid his hand on her stomach.

As planned, Mathew stepped through the portal first so Esmeralda wouldn’t see him.

Evan waited until he heard the evil queen walking up behind him, and then jumped through the portal.

Esmeralda followed Evan through the portal coming through the mirror on the other side at the farmhouse.

Evan yelled, “Now!” He threw the glass bottle containing the vanishing potion at Esmeralda. “You are finished. You messed with the wrong King.”

As Esmeralda melted in front of their eyes, she grabbed the mirror and pulled it to the ground. Glass shattered as she screamed, “If I can’t go back then you can’t go back.” Within seconds she melted away to nothing.

Evan and Matthew didn’t expect that turn of events.

“What do we do Mathew? She destroyed the portal.”

Mathew scratched his head for a minute. “There must be another portal.”

“We have to get a message to Alley.” Evan was more concerned with Alley at the moment than his own predicament.

“We‘ll get out of this mess. Don’t worry. “

Evan paced back and forth across the floor. He had to get back to Alley and his unborn child.

“Alley didn’t get a chance to tell you. She’s pregnant. You’re going to be a grandpa.”

Mathew stood there in shock. A grin came across his face. “A Grandpa? We will get back. Some way or another we will get back.”



Alley could feel in her heart that something was wrong. Evan should have made it back by now. Something must have gone terribly wrong. She approached the round crystal on the table.  Rubbing it with both hands, Alley watched as the image solidified.  She could see her father and Evan in the bedroom of the farm house.

Evan, what happened?

Alley. I’m sorry. We’re trapped. Esmeralda destroyed the portal. We threw the potion on her and as she died she smashed the mirror. I’m not sure how we can get home, but I promise you, I won’t stop until I make it back to you and our child.

Alley felt her knees tremble. She heard Evan’s voice as she did before. Their souls had always been able to talk to each other. They were meant to be together. She’d just made it back to Evan and now he was trapped in the mortal world. She had to do something to fix this.

Alley ran down the stairs to the study where she found Catherine reading a book. “Mother! Something went wrong.”

“What is it Alley?” Catherine jumped up and ran to her daughter.             

“Esmeralda destroyed the portal right after they hit her with the potion. We have to find a way to get them back to us. Please have somebody find out who the most powerful warlock of Majestic Falls is and send for him immediately. We must figure out what we can do about this.”

Catherine ran off to find help.

Hours later the butler came to Alley’s room. “Queen Alley, Master Parker is here to see you.”

“Thank you. Please see him to the study. I’ll be right there.”

Alley sat down the book of spells that she had been staring at for over an hour and hadn’t read a single word.  She stood, dusted her dress off and made her way to the study. As she walked into the study she saw a man standing by the book shelf. He was unique looking with straight black hair, with matching mustache and goatee.

Alley approached holding out her hand. “Thank you for meeting with me today, Parker.”

He accepted her hand and kissed it. “I’m at your service.” He said with a smile.

“Please have a seat,” Alley said as she pointed to the brown suede couch on the other side of the room. “I need to discuss something with you that I trust you would keep in confidence.”

Parker joined her on the couch. “Yes, of course.”

“Thank you.  I need your help with something as I’ve been told that you are the most powerful warlock in all of our land.”

Parker sat up a little straighter liking the fact his reputation had made it all the way to the queen. “What can I help you with, Your Majesty?”

“King Evan is trapped in the mortal world. He fought Esmeralda and won. She is no longer a threat to our people. However, she destroyed the portal in the process and now King Evan is trapped. I need to create a new portal for him and my father to use to get back to Majestic Falls. Can this be done?”

Parker was on the edge of his seat, an intrigued expression on his face. He stood and paced back and forth for several minutes rubbing his goatee. He turned to Alley. “Queen Alley. This can be done, but it will take some time.”

“What do you mean?” Alley stood and walked over to Parker. Parker exhaled a sigh before beginning. “Queen Alley, this can be done, and yes I can do it, but it can only be done one time of the year...December 21
at Winter Solstice. It’s the only time I can summon a new portal.”

Alley’s breath left her body in a whoosh. Her eyes welled with tears. She chewed her fingernails, as she thought. “December? Are you kidding? I am your Queen” She picked up a notebook and threw it across the floor.

Parker stepped back and bowed his head.

Alley looked over at Parker, shame causing the color to rise in her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me. That won’t happen again.”

“Yes, Queen. I’m sorry to say, but if it gives you any comfort it will be done...in time.”

Alley’s hand dropped to her stomach. The thought of Evan missing the birth of their child saddened her deeply. She wiped a tear away from her eye and squared her shoulders. It wasn’t the time for tears. She must make arrangements for the creation of the portal. “Thank you Parker. If we must wait until Winter Solstice then so be it. Please begin preparing for it.”

Alley stood there alone in her room trying to wrap her mind around everything that had happened over the last several weeks. She’d found her way back to Evan and was carrying his child, but he wouldn’t come back in time for his or her birth. Tears poured down her face. She let them come.  She’d tried desperately as Queen to control her emotions, but this news was more than she could bear.             

After a few moments, she sucked in a ragged breath and drew in the boundless emotions overtaking her.  She had work to do. She uncovered her crystal ball and ran her hands back and forth above it for a few seconds, thoughts of Evan entering her mind. Evan could send his thoughts without any devices, but Alley never was as strong as Evan. She needed to channel him through the ball.

Moments later Evan and her father appeared in the ball. She watched them pace back and forth for a few minutes. Through the crystal’s power, she reached out to her husband with her mind.

Evan, we can reopen the portal but it can’t be done until Winter Solstice. It will be months before you come back to me.

She watched Evan fall to his knees.

Mathew ran over to Evan. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
              Evan stood up and kicked at the pieces of shattered glass from his battle. “We can’t go home until Winter Solstice. That’s months away. We won’t be there for the birth of your first grandchild.”

“Oh Evan. I’m so sorry.” Mathew said as he laid a hand on Evan’s shoulder. “We’ll get back to them though. We will.”

                            Chapter Seven


              Alley awoke early. She sat up and stretched her arms above her head. Her body ached with lack of sleep.

She pulled the covers back and started to get out of bed when a wave of nausea struck. “Oh no.” She covered her mouth with a hand and ran to the bathroom. Morning sickness. She thought she wasn’t far enough along for that, but apparently she was wrong.

When the heaving finally stopped, she rinsed her mouth out with mouthwash, brushed her teeth and then ran a bath. She thought maybe a hot bath would help calm her jittery stomach.

She filled the bath to the top with steamy hot water. Letting out a deep breath she sank into the water. She leaned her head against the fluffy pink bath pillow that lay against the back of the tub. The hot water flowed back and forth across her as she enjoyed the peace and quiet. She gathered her thoughts. The first order of business was to meet the townspeople who’d been affected by Esmeralda’s rage. She must create a plan of action to help rebuild their homes. Hopefully, this project would help take her mind off of Evan’s absence.

Begrudgingly, Alley stood up and reached for the towel hanging on the rack behind her. She wrapped it around her body and then stepped out of the tub. As she combed through her hair, her mind drifted back to Evan. She missed him more than anything.

Her hand went to her stomach. “It’s okay, baby. Your daddy will be home soon.”

She finished getting dressed and went to meet her mother to begin her work. The townspeople had to be reassured that everything was going to be alright.

Alley ordered her top advisors to gather as many townspeople as they could and gave letters to messengers to deliver to those who were far away. 

That afternoon she appeared before her subjects.  She hugged every child she could, and laid comforting hands on their parents, trying to ease their pain

Once she’d roamed through the crowd, Alley climbed to the platform that had been erected on the town square.  She raised her hands and the crowd quieted out of respect for their beloved queen.

“I know everyone is scared and you have lost much because of Esmeralda’s wrath. But she is gone now.  Your King, my beloved husband, destroyed her!”

Cheers erupted through the crowd. Alley raised her hands and again the crowd settled down. “Let me assure you that plans are already in place to begin rebuilding. I promise you I’ll do all I can to erase from our memories the damage Esmeralda has caused.”

More cheers warmed Alley’s heart.  Her people were good and kind and did not deserve all they had suffered.  She would take care of them.

“Every able-bodied man who wants to help with this project line up over here and you will be paid for your services. I will pay your wages out of my own personal coffers. We will rebuild every house destroyed. If those of you with undamaged houses could be so kind as to take in some guests that would be of great help to us. The palace will house the rest. I promise to get your houses rebuilt as soon as we can and we will start today.”

The cheering of the town’s people was deafening. Excitement filled the air.


* **

              Over the next several months, Alley remained true to her word. The town’s people re-built their lives and things returned to normal. The people were happy and that pleased Alley, but her own loss of Evan weighed on her daily as she grew with child. Rising from her bed on a cold November morning she walked to the bathroom and gazed into the mirror. She rested her hand on her growing stomach.

“Not much longer, little one,” she said.  She swiped at the tear that slid down her cheek.  “You will arrive into this crazy world and then shortly thereafter we can bring your daddy home.”

After readying herself for the day, Alley joined her mother in the nursery.  They’d worked hard to prepare the room for the baby’s arrival.

As they painted the walls a pale yellow, Alley turned to her mother. “Thanks for all your help with the baby stuff. I know how hard it is for you to be without Dad. I miss Evan more than words can say.”

“Oh, Alley.” Catherine put her arms around her daughter. “It will be okay. We only have a few more days to go, honey.”

“Oh!” Alley grabbed her stomach.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh. That hurts. I think it’s time, Mother. You better get the doctor. I think your new grandbaby is ready to make an appearance.”

Catherine ran to get the doctor. Alley smiled and rubbed her belly.  She pulled a cord and one of the house servants helped her to her room.

For hours Alley labored to bring her child into the world with her mother by her side. With every push she cried out for her husband and longed for him to be with her. At last she heard the cry of her child as her baby was born.

The doctor handed Alley her beautiful baby boy.

Alley pulled him in close to her. “It’s okay Evan Mathew. Your daddy will be home soon.”

Alley saw Catherine wipe the tears away from her eyes. She knew her mother missed Mathew as much as she missed Evan.


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