A Log Cabin Christmas (11 page)

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Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter

BOOK: A Log Cabin Christmas
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Chapter 8

lizabeth took a seat in the spindle-backed rocking chair by the fireplace and placed her Bible in her lap. She’d arrived at her grandparents’ house in Coopersburg two days ago and had been welcomed with open arms. She was relieved that they’d accepted her excuse for being here and hadn’t questioned her about the reason for her breakup with David. All she’d told them was that she’d changed her mind and had come to realize that the two of them weren’t meant to be together. Grandma had hugged her and said, “Remember, dear, you’re welcome to stay with us for as long as you want.”

That could be indefinitely, Elizabeth thought, because as long as David lives in Allentown, I don’t see how I can return. It’s hard to think of him as my brother, and I simply can’t face him again, knowing the terrible secret that lies between us

Forcing her thoughts aside, she opened the Bible. Her gaze came to rest on Proverbs 3:5, a verse she’d underlined some time ago: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

She was trying to trust God, but it was difficult when her world had been torn apart and there was no hope of her ever marrying David.

Elizabeth heard whispered voices coming from the kitchen, where her grandparents had gone to have a cup of coffee. Her ears perked up when she heard Grandma say, “Elizabeth is so sad. I wish there was something we could do to make her feel better.”

“She’s obviously hurting over her breakup with David,” Grandpa said. “It’s going to take her some time to get over it.”

I’ll never get over it, Elizabeth thought as tears sprang to her eyes. As long as I live, I’ll never forget what David and I once had, and I’ll never let myself fall in love with another man

Unable to eat, sleep, or work for the past two days, David decided the only thing he could do was to go back to Helen’s, hoping he could convince her to tell him something. He needed to know why Elizabeth had broken up with him and where she had gone. He needed to speak with her, and he wouldn’t take Helen’s no for an answer this time.

When he stepped up to the Warners’ front door and rang the bell, Helen answered, wearing an apron splattered with flour over her long, calico dress.

“I need to speak with you. May I please come in?” he asked, praying she wouldn’t say no.

She hesitated but finally said, “Father’s in the parlor, studying his sermon for this Sunday, and I was in the kitchen making some bread, but I suppose we could speak in there.”

“That’s fine.” David entered the house and followed Helen to the kitchen.

“Would you like a cup of coffee or some tea?” she asked after he’d taken a seat at the table.

He gave a nod. “Coffee sounds good.”

She went to the coal-heated stove and picked up the coffeepot.

“Aren’t you going to join me?” he asked when she handed him a cup of coffee and moved over to the cupboard next to the stove.

She shook her head. “I have bread dough to knead.”

David blew on his coffee then took a sip. The warm liquid felt good as it trickled down his parched throat.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” Helen asked, turning her back to him as she began to work the dough.

“I need to know why Elizabeth left and where she’s gone.”

Helen whirled around, lifting her flour-covered hands. “I wish you’d stop asking me about this. I promised Elizabeth I wouldn’t say anything about what she’d read in her aunt’s journal.” She gasped and covered her mouth with the back of her hand. “I—I didn’t mean to say that. I meant to say …”

David leaped to his feet. “What about her aunt’s journal? What’s it got to do with Elizabeth leaving?”

Helen sucked in her lower lip as her gaze dropped to the floor.

David clasped her arm. “Please, you’ve got to tell me. I love Elizabeth, and I have the right to know why she called off our wedding.”

Helen moaned and flopped into a chair at the table. “I agree, you do have the right to know, but it’s going to come as a shock, and it’s going to hurt you the way it did Elizabeth when she found out the truth.”

“The truth about what?” David took a seat across from Helen and leaned forward, anxious to hear what she had to say. “What could Elizabeth’s aunt have written that would have caused Elizabeth to go away?”

David sat in stunned silence as Helen told him about the entry in the journal.

“So as I’m sure you now realize,” Helen said in a tone of regret, “Elizabeth is your half sister, which means you can never be married.”

David groaned. This was worse than he could have imagined! No wonder Elizabeth had run away. Learning that she was the illegitimate daughter of David’s father had to have been a terrible shock.

“Is Elizabeth sure that what she read is the truth?” he asked, grasping for any ray of hope. “Has she spoken to her aunt about this?”

Helen shook her head. “She doesn’t know where her mother’s sister is, but I’m sure it has to be true. I mean, why would Elizabeth’s aunt write something like that if it wasn’t true?”

“What’s the aunt’s name—do you know?”

“Lovina Hess.”

“Where is Elizabeth now?” David asked. “I really must speak to her about this.”

“I honestly don’t know. I haven’t heard anything from her since she left home, and when I spoke to her stepmother the other day, she said she hadn’t heard from Elizabeth either.”

“Will you let me know if you do hear from her?” he asked as a feeling of desperation gripped him like a vice.

Helen shook her head. “That’s not a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“It would be too painful for Elizabeth to see you again, and nothing would be gained by hashing this over with her.”

Forgetting about the coffee, David rose from his chair. “Thank you for at least telling me about the journal. There’s a small measure of comfort in knowing that Elizabeth didn’t leave because she’s in love with someone else.” He turned and walked out the door, a sense of determination welling in his soul. Despite what Helen had said, he would somehow find Elizabeth and try to offer her some comfort. Truth was, he needed comfort right now as well.

Chapter 9

t had been two weeks since Elizabeth had arrived at her grandparents’ house, and with each passing day she became more despondent. Even the delicious

Thanksgiving meal Grandma fixed for the three of them yesterday had done nothing to lift Elizabeth’s spirits. All she could think about was that Christmas was only a month away and she would not be getting married to the man she loved.

She thought about the telegram her grandparents had received from her father the day he’d returned from his business trip and discovered she was gone. His message said he wondered if she may have come here and that he and Abigail missed her and hoped she would come home soon. Elizabeth had sent a reply, letting him know she was here and missed them, too, but that she planned to stay with Grandpa and Grandma for now. She also asked that he not tell anyone where she was—especially David. Then she’d written a letter to Helen, telling her the same.

Dear Lord, please help me, she prayed. Take away the ache in my heart and the love I feel for a man I can never marry

“You’ve been sitting in that chair, staring at the fire for hours,” Grandpa said, touching Elizabeth’s shoulder. “Why don’t you put on a wrap and take a ride with me and your grandma? The fresh air might do you some good, and since we’ll be stopping at a couple of stores, you can do a bit of Christmas shopping.” He chuckled. “Your grandma always says she feels better whenever she’s able to buy anything new—even if it’s for someone other than herself.”

“You two go ahead,” Elizabeth replied. “I’m not in the mood to do any shopping.”

“You’re not doing yourself any good by sitting here pining every day. If you miss David so much, then you ought to return to Allentown and marry him.”

Unbidden tears sprang to her eyes. She wished it were as easy as Grandpa suggested. “I—I can’t. It’s over between me and David.”

“Are you saying you don’t love him anymore?”

She shook her head. “We’re not meant for each other, and I’m glad I found out before it was too late.”

Grandpa’s bushy gray eyebrows furrowed. “I’m not sure why you think that,

but if you’re in love with the young man, that’s all that counts. Your grandma and I don’t see eye to eye on everything, but our love for each other is what’s kept us together all these years.” He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “If you and David had a disagreement, then you ought to resolve it.”

She swallowed a couple of times, trying to push down the lump in her throat. “The problem between David and me is not one that can be resolved.”

“If you want my advice, the best thing you can do is pray, and ask God to give you some answers.”

“I have been praying, but there are no answers for my problem.” Unable to talk about it any longer, Elizabeth stood. “I’m tired. I think I’ll go upstairs and take a nap.” She hurried from the room. There was no way she could explain the situation to Grandpa. It was too humiliating to talk about.

David paced from one end of his shop to the other. In the two weeks since he’d learned why Elizabeth had left town, he hadn’t been able to think of much else. He was consumed with the need to speak to Elizabeth’s aunt, but no one seemed to know where she was.

His thoughts took him to the day Elizabeth’s father had returned from his business trip in New York. David had gone to the Cannings’ house, asking if Charles knew where Elizabeth had gone. Charles said he’d received word from her via a telegram, but that she’d asked him not to tell anyone where she was. Feeling more frustrated than ever, David had then asked Charles if he knew where Elizabeth’s aunt, Lovina Hess, lived. Charles had looked at him strangely and asked why he would need to know that. Without revealing what Helen had told him about Lovina’s journal, David said he had a question he wanted to ask Lovina about something Elizabeth had found in the cabin. To that, Charles said Lovina had once owned a boarding home in Easton, but after she’d sold it and moved, none of the family had heard from her since.

“I wish Father were still alive so I could ask him about this,” David murmured as his mind snapped back to the present. Someone had to know if what Lovina wrote was the truth. Had David’s father been aware that Elizabeth’s mother had been carrying his child? David knew from what Elizabeth told him when they’d begun courting that her maternal grandparents were dead, so he couldn’t ask them. He also knew that Lovina was Cassandra’s only sibling, so Elizabeth had no other aunts or uncles on her mother’s side.

“How come you’ve been pacin’ back and forth liked a caged animal for the last fifteen minutes?” Gus asked, stepping up to David with a curious expression.

David stopped pacing. “I’m pondering a problem.”

“What kind of problem? Are you havin’ trouble with one of the carriages you’ve been workin’ on?”

“No. I’ve been wondering where Elizabeth’s aunt lives.”

Gus’s forehead wrinkled. “Why would ya be lookin’ for Elizabeth’s aunt?”

“I need to talk to her about something she wrote in her journal—a journal Elizabeth found in the log cabin that was supposed to be our home after we got married.” David frowned. “The problem is, no one seems to know where Lovina Hess lives.”

Gus tipped his head. “Lovina Hess, you say?”

“That’s right.”

“I know of a woman by that name.”

David’s eyebrows shot up. “You do?”

Gus gave a nod. “Sure thing. My cousin Rosie’s a nurse, and she works for a woman named Lovina Hess who has the palsy and a weak heart. Since Miss Hess can’t manage on her own anymore, Rosie’s been carin’ for her these past five years.”

For the first time, hope welled in David’s soul. “Where does your cousin live?”

“In Philadelphia. ‘Course, the woman she works for might not be Elizabeth’s aunt.”

“Maybe not. It could just be a coincidence that they have the same name, but I need to find out. Do you have the woman’s address?”

“Sure do. Got it off the envelope when Rosie wrote to me some time ago.” Gus shrugged. “Don’t have it with me, though. It’s at home in my dresser drawer.”

“Would you get it for me?” David asked.

“I’ll bring it to work tomorrow mornin’.”

“I can’t wait that long. I need it right away.” David pointed to the door. “I’d like you to go home now and get that address for me.”

Gus made a sweeping gesture of the carriage shop. “We’ve got work to do here. Can’t the address wait till mornin’?”

David shook his head. “The work can wait awhile, and I’ll pay you for the time it takes to get to and from your house.”

Gus pulled his fingers down the side of his bearded face. “If it’s that important to ya, then I’ll head over there right now.” He grabbed his jacket and hurried out the door.

David lifted a silent prayer.
Thank You, Lord
. Now all he had to do was secure a train ticket to Philadelphia. Hopefully, the woman Gus’s cousin worked for was indeed Elizabeth’s aunt and he’d have the opportunity to speak with her about the journal.

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