Read A Little Harmless Submission 6 Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

A Little Harmless Submission 6 (26 page)

BOOK: A Little Harmless Submission 6
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Before Dee could say anything, Keisha turned and worked her way through the crowd again. Without looking, she knew Micah was there, knew he was pretending not to pay attention to her. The fairest whisper of his gaze would move over her from time to time. She could feel it as if his fingers moved over her flesh. Dammit, she didn’t need this.

One way or another, she would have to ignore him and every enticement he represented. Keeping entanglements to a minimum made her a smart girl. Smart girls stayed alive.

She glanced over and noticed he was talking to one of the regular that used to be his favorite. Her heart dropped to her stomach and she turned around. So what if it hurt? It was the way it had to be.

She pushed aside her foolish yearnings and started to shut down for the night. She’d learned years ago not to regret what she’d lost. There was nothing to be gained from it.

Enjoy this excerpt from new author Lexi Blake.

Sent to steal her secrets,
he soon craved her submission.

The Dom Who Loved Me

Copyright 2011 Lexi Blake

A routine mission...

Sean Taggart is hunting a deadly terrorist, and his only lead is the lovely Grace Hawthorne. She’s the executive assistant for an employment agency Sean suspects is a front for illegal activities. To get the truth, he is going to have to get very close to Grace, a task he is all too eager to undertake when he discovers her deliciously submissive nature.

...turns into a dangerous seduction

Soon, Grace Hawthorne is living a double life. By day, she is the widowed mother of two college- aged sons. By night, she submits to Sean’s every dark desire. She’s living out her wildest fantasies of pleasure—intimate acts of trust she’s only read about. As passion engulfs her, a murderer strikes, and Grace learns that Sean has a deeply hidden agenda. Will Sean choose his mission and break her heart or be the Master of her dreams?

Enjoy the following excerpt for

The Dom Who Loved Me

What was he doing? He’d thought that he could charm Grace and get the information he needed, but one little encounter with her had Sean panting and thinking in the long term. He’d so much as told Grace he wanted a relationship with her. And he did. God help him, he was crazy about her. It was just one more reason to back off the intimate relationship with Grace.

Sean felt infinitely more in control as he dried off. He shut off the water and stepped into Grace’s delicate, little bathroom. It was a confection of feminine frivolity. He was surprised by it since Grace always dressed so austerely. This was a little peek into her soul, like those hot shoes she wore. Sean smiled at the neatly organized bath salts and bubble bath oils she kept in an antique bin next to the clawfoot tub. There was a stack of paperbacks on the window sill. He could tell from the flowery-looking covers that Grace enjoyed lying in her tub reading romance novels. He looked through the books and quickly figured out they mostly featured BDSM. She would be very interested in what he could teach her. He looked at that tub and pictured her there.

Of course, a tub that big was really built for two.

Not going there. He didn’t need to get his brain caught on the image of lying back in that tub with Grace cuddled up between his legs. He could wash her hair and then allow her to bathe him. Nope. He wasn’t going there.

Sean wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the bathroom door. He’d ask Grace if maybe one of her sons had left behind something he could wear. Anything would be easier than sitting around her kitchen almost naked trying to explain that he didn’t want to have sex with her when his cock so obviously did.

The sight that met him when he opened the door made him stop in his tracks. Every single thought of leaving Grace further untouched suddenly fled as his cock firmly took command.

Grace sat in the middle of her queen-sized bed. She was completely naked and on her knees. Her palms were up, lying on her thighs, and her lovely head gazed to someplace on the floor in front of her. Her eyes were submissively down, and long, auburn locks flowed around her shoulders like a silky waterfall. It was the graceful position of a sub waiting for her dominant partner’s command. Everything inside Sean responded to it. He’d seen submissives waiting for him in this position countless times, but his heart leapt at the sight of Grace. This wasn’t some nameless sub looking for a good time. This was Grace. She’d never sat in this position for anyone else. Just for him.

“Not on the bed, Grace,” he heard himself saying. “When you greet me, you do it on the


She moved quickly and found the position again. She never looked up at him, merely followed his command. Her red hair flowed freely down her back. It was wild and wavy from the humidity. It went well with her nude body, making her seem primitive and tempting. He took in every inch of her lovely, feminine form. She was petite, but curved in all the right places. Her breasts were large and natural. Her waist flowed gracefully into full hips he could grip while he fucked her. She was the most desirable woman he had ever seen. As though he hadn’t just had an orgasm, his cock fought the cotton of the towel, trying to break free.

He placed a hand on her head and gave up the fight. He would regret it. He knew he would. And he also knew he couldn’t walk away from her. He let the towel drop. “Your form is next to perfect. Straighten your spine a little. Those novels you’ve read seem to have the right idea. Look up at me.”

Her chin came up. Her lovely face was placid. Those big, hazel eyes were perfectly calm, but the slight curve of her lips gave her away. She was thrilled with his response. She’d known what she was doing. His little one was going to try to top from the bottom. It would be an intricate dance between them for power. He was looking forward to many, many years of such

a struggle. This was what you didn’t get from a slave, this fire and passion. She would always surprise him. Perhaps it was time to surprise his little sub, too.

“Did you do as I asked?”

She nodded, though a little wariness entered her expression now. “I opened the wine, Sir. It’s on the table.”

Sure enough, she’d followed the letter of his command, but not the intent. The bottle was chilling in a little, silver bucket with two wine glasses beside it on the bedside table. “Grace, I told you I wanted to talk. Did you have any intention of talking to me?”

“Oh, yes.” Her response was bouncy, as though she was happy he’d phrased it in a way she didn’t have to lie about. “I think we should talk.”

He would have to be more direct. He hid the smile that threatened. He was supposed to be in control. “Grace, are you trying to seduce me?”

Now her face fell, and her teeth sank into her full bottom lip. “Can I seduce you?”

He sighed. That was what this was about? Did the woman not have eyes? In the week he’d known her, he’d always had an erection around her. She was his fucking Viagra, and he’d gone way over the “erection lasting four hours” point. He didn’t need a doctor. He needed her. He was far past thinking about the job. He was thinking about Grace.

And he needed to teach his little sub a lesson. “I believe you’ll find you can seduce me, but first things first.” He sat down on her bed. “Over my lap.”

He didn’t miss the hitch in her breath. It wasn’t nervousness. “I won’t ask again. Right now, it’s a count of five. Every second you delay, I add on to


Grace’s gorgeous, heart-shaped ass was across his lap in no time. Her stomach pressed against his cock. She wiggled a little, trying to get situated. Sean steadied her with his left hand. “Do you know why I’m going to spank you, little one?”

“Because I was trying to manipulate you?”

“No, darling. I’m going to spank you because you’ll like it.” He brought his hand down in a short arc, the sound cracking through the silence of the room. Her skin was so pale it immediately pinkened, and her breath came out in a sweet, little squeal. She squirmed slightly. His hand came down again, on the opposite cheek. “I’ll allow your sounds this time. Know that in the future, I will tie you down and gag you if you disobey me.”

He planted a little slap to the center of her ass then let his fingers slip underneath to make sure he hadn’t misjudged the situation. Sure enough, his Grace was sopping wet and getting more

aroused by the second. She liked her spanking. He wasn’t cooling off any either, though. He could feel his cock pulsing against her heated flesh.

He shoved two fingers straight into her cunt. She was so slippery that he slid in unencumbered. He watched her back rise and fall, uneven with every jerky breath. His sweet sub was trying so hard to follow his orders. Her skin was perfectly pink and hot to the touch. She responded so well to his discipline. He would have to be careful when he used a cane or a whip on her. He couldn’t wait to tie her down and put his mark on her. He pulled his fingers out and smacked her ass again two times in quick succession. He was past the point of waiting. He needed her. He lowered her down so she knelt between his legs. Her face came up. She flushed with need. Her tongue darted across those full lips of hers, and Sean’s cock throbbed.


She didn’t hesitate. She opened her mouth and allowed him to thrust his aching dick between her lips. Her tongue came out to swirl around his head, making him groan. He thrust his hands into her hair. Later, he promised himself, later he would spend an evening instructing her on just how he liked his cock sucked, but for now he was overwhelmed with the need to simply use her, to know that she was his.

Why this woman? Why now? He couldn’t lie to himself. Grace did it for him. She was smart and funny and challenging. She was so sexy that he couldn’t think about her without getting hard. How had he ever thought he could play games with her and walk away?

“Wider, Grace, you can take me all the way.” He held her ruthlessly, shoving his cock in and out. He peered down. The sight of his erection disappearing between her lovely lips was just about enough to undo him. When he pulled out, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked furiously trying not to lose him. Her tongue rolled over and over his turgid flesh. He let his cockhead just brush her lips before burrowing back in to that soft place at the back of her throat. One more thrust and he would spill his come down her throat. Sean’s cock came out of her mouth. He wasn’t coming down her throat the first time. He wanted to be buried deep in that wet pussy of hers.

“On the bed. Spread your legs.” His voice was harsh even to his own ears, but Grace didn’t seem to mind. She scrambled up onto her clean, quilt-covered bed, and her legs were splayed in seconds. She was gorgeously spread out for his pleasure. His fist found his cock and stroked it as he prepared to climb on the bed and claim her. He suddenly wanted to punch a wall. “Goddamn it. Grace, I have to go out to the car for something.” He hadn’t intended to make love to her. His condoms were in the car.

She smiled a little weakly at him and pointed to the bedside table. “I’ve had college boys in my house for a couple of years and no desire to become a grandmother. I made sure there were condoms in their bathrooms.”

And she’d thoughtfully brought them down. She’d manipulated him, and he couldn’t resist her. He reached over and grabbed one. He regarded her with his most menacing stare as he rolled the condom over his grateful cock. “I should have spanked you more.”

“Later. Right now, please fuck me, Sir.”

Table of Contents

A Little Harmless Submission
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
About the Author
Other Books by Melissa Schroeder
Infatuation: A Little Military Harmless Romance
Harmless, Book 4: A Little Harmless Lie
The Dom Who Loved Me

Table of Contents



A Little Harmless Submission

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

BOOK: A Little Harmless Submission 6
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