A Little Harmless Addiction (14 page)

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Authors: Melissa Schroeder

BOOK: A Little Harmless Addiction
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He rolled his eyes. “A couple of my friends started that rumor years ago. I can’t believe anyone still talks about it.”

She slipped her hand over his shorts, her fingers caressing his shaft through the fabric. Damn, he should have worn underwear today.

He closed his eyes again and bent his head back. He was close, closer than he expected to be after a little oral sex with her. But there was something in her, something he wanted to touch…that had him very close to the edge.

Without saying a word, she slipped the fabric of his pants down. He opened his eyes as his cock sprang free into her hands. He wanted to tell her no, that he didn’t know if he could control himself. When he saw her face, filled with excitement and lust, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He felt her breath tickle the head of his cock, the moment he felt her tongue slide over the very tip. Over and over she licked him as she moved a hand up and down, pumping him. With every stroke she pushed him closer to the edge, but he couldn’t seem to form the words to tell her to stop. It felt so damn good.

She licked down one side of his cock, then up the other as she slipped her hands down to his sac to caress him. He allowed it only for a few moments before he pulled her away tumbling both of them back on her bed. He stretched out on top of her, wanting nothing more than to dive into her. But he cursed when he realized he needed a condom. He jumped off the bed, slipped off his shorts the rest of the way, grabbed condoms out of his wallet and tossed it behind him.

He tore one condom package free and dropped the rest on the bedside table. Ripping the foil, he had the condom on in seconds and was back in bed with her. She giggled, something that sounded so young and carefree, it squeezed his heart. He’d heard her laugh since he met her, but nothing that sounded this free, this thoughtless, this wonderful.

He slipped up her body, positioned his cock at her entrance and entered her in one hard, swift thrust. She drew in a breath and he silently cursed himself. She wasn’t a virgin, of course, but she was tight, and she had said it had been awhile.

Looking down at her, Kai brushed her hair away from her face. Her eyes were closed.

“I’m sorry,” he said as he started to nibble at her bottom lip again. Damn, he loved her mouth.

She said nothing but slipped her hands up over his shoulders to his head. She pulled him down for a hot, carnal, devastating kiss.

“No reason to be sorry,” she whispered the words against his mouth.

He lifted himself off her, taking her generous hips into his hands as he started moving. God, each time he slipped into her core, tiny muscles grasped, pulling him tight, pushing him closer to his orgasm. But he wanted to see her come again. He wanted to watch as she lost herself in pleasure.

It didn’t take him long to build her back up. Soon she bowed beneath him, her breasts thrusting heavenward. He couldn’t resist. He dipped his head, taking a nipple into his mouth as he felt his orgasm move over him. With one last hard thrust, he came, his orgasm seemingly lasting forever. He collapsed moments later.

“I might be dead,” she said, her voice filled with lazy satisfaction.

“You and me both, sistah,” he said as he raised his head. Her face was flushed from their lovemaking and the scent of it lay heavy in the air. He leaned up and kissed her nose.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” she asked.

“For letting me be the first one.”

She smiled. “Thank you for wanting me.”

“A man would have to be dead not to.”

He gave her another quick kiss on her nose as he moved away and got rid of the condom. He slipped back in bed and pulled her against him.

“Rest,” he said, giving her another kiss on the top of her head. Kai couldn’t seem to quit kissing her. It was then, with Jocelyn snuggled up beside him, that he realized that he might just be in over his head.

And for the life of him, he didn’t give a damn.


Jocelyn woke up in slow degrees. She could still feel sun on her face, so she knew not a lot of time had gone by. She closed her eyes and smiled. Her body felt well used, and she couldn’t help but feel smug that she had finally stepped over the invisible line. Dr. Sawyer would be so proud.

She felt Kai run a well-callused finger down her arm. “I thought you might get a little more rest,” he said, his voice deep, resonant, downright sexy.

She opened her eyes and turned to face him. Damn, he was gorgeous. She’d had a lot of men in her time, but none of them had affected her the way that Kai had. And sadly, she barely knew him. Was that the reason he intrigued her so much?

“Why do you think I need sleep?”

His mouth turned up at one corner. “Because I know you’ve been up since O dark thirty. And you have to get up early again tomorrow.”

“It’s early. And remember, I don’t have to work tomorrow. I’ve got a lot of time for sleep.”

His smile turned carnal. “Yeah, but I wasn’t planning on letting you sleep much tonight.”

A bolt of heat lanced through her. “Yeah?” She slipped her arm over his shoulder. “And you thought I would let you spend the night?”

He leaned closer and took her bottom lip between his teeth. “I thought I might be able to convince you. I was also hoping for some dinner.”

The look he gave her was equal parts innocent and naughty. She felt her heart shiver but she pushed it aside. Or pretended to.

He skimmed his hand over her hip, then up to her breast. She bit her lip to try and keep from moaning. He kissed her chin.

“Why do you do that?”

She opened her eyes. “What?”

“You try and keep from showing any pleasure. Why?”

She shrugged. It had never been a problem before, but now, it felt somehow…wrong. She knew the psychological reasons. Her doctor had warned her about them. But she was too embarrassed to admit it. Anger flashed in the depths of his eyes, but it disappeared so quickly she thought she might have been mistaken.

“Well, I think I might have to do my best to get you to make some noise.” The mischievous tone sank beneath her skin. There was enough heat in it to have her head spinning.

She slipped up on top of him. She wanted to give in to him. It had been about a year since she had even thought of taking a man to bed, and Kai had made it wonderful for her again. Sitting up on him, she felt his cock pulse beneath her.

“How about a little fun, then dinner?”

He smiled and then groaned when she rolled her hips. “If this is an example of your ability to recover, I’m definitely going to need some food soon.”

She laughed. “You’re so easy.”

He slipped his hand between her breasts to her neck and pulled her down to him. “With a woman as beautiful as you, it is pretty hard not to be easy.”

He kissed her then, slipping his tongue between her lips. Heat that had been simmering blazed. If she thought about it, she would probably be worrying. A man had never gotten her this crazy so fast. But there was something so freeing about being with Kai.

By the time she pulled away, she was already aching, her pussy wet, needy. She reached over to the side table and grabbed a condom from the stack he’d brought. She sat there, looked at the four or five condoms.

“I don’t know if I should be impressed or worried.”

His hands were on her hips and she felt his cock twitch again.

She scooted down as she ripped the package. She decided to be mean and take her own sweet time rolling the condom down his impressive length.

By the time she had, his fingers were digging into the sheets.

“I am going to pay you back for that.”

She said nothing as she moved back up him, leaning over him, allowing her breasts to rub against his chest. There was something about him that made her feel powerful, in control. She rose to her knees and then slowly eased down on his cock. Inch by inch, she sank down, enjoying the way he filled her. Once she finally had all of him in her, she started to move. Up and down, slowly at first, just enjoying the way he groaned her name as she flexed her hips each time she slid down.

Soon though, she felt her orgasm approaching, the telltale sign of a rush of heat. Kai leaned up to take a nipple in his mouth and tugged it between his teeth. She shivered and increased her movements, frustration starting to build. She needed to come, right now. As Kai teased her breasts, he slipped a hand down to her clit and took it between his fingers and squeezed. It sent her hurdling over the edge into the hot abyss of her orgasm. He rolled them over, switching their positions and pulled himself up to his knees as he started to thrust into her. Before she was recovered from her first orgasm, he sent her into another one.

When she opened her eyes, she found him watching her with an intensity that scared her. But for some odd reason, she couldn’t seem to look away. Even as her body was recovering from her second release, she felt him building her up again. Fear and arousal intertwined in her chest. She wanted to stop it. He must have sensed it, because he leaned down and kissed her.

“Don’t. Don’t hide. Not from me, not from this.”

She wanted to. She didn’t like the loss of control. But as he slammed into her hard one last time, she felt herself dissolve into pleasure. This orgasm was more powerful than the first two and she screamed his name. She closed her eyes as he groaned her name. A moment later he rolled them over, and she snuggled against him.

His skimmed his hand down her spine and said nothing as they watched the last rays of sunlight slip away.

Chapter Ten

“This is possibly the best tasting peanut butter sandwich I have ever eaten,” Jocelyn said before taking another big bite.

Kai smiled, enjoying her happiness. They had fallen asleep after the last bout of love making and woken up ravenous. It had taken a lot for him to drag his ass out to the kitchen. But once there, he knew it had been worth it.

“I might have to have another one,” he said.

Her eyes widened. “You’ve already had two.”

“I have to keep up my stamina. You’ll wear me out otherwise.”

She laughed. Just that made his heart jerk. He couldn’t keep himself from falling deeper beneath her spell. Damn, she was something. He had known a lot of women, been with more women than he could probably count. But this one, she did something to him. Just seeing her smile, hearing her happiness, made the world brighter.

“Kai, is something wrong?”

He shook his head, trying to gather his thoughts. He couldn’t be in love with her. Nothing was settled, she was still trying to get her life back in order. And he knew for a fact that she wasn’t ready for it any more than he was.


The worry in her voice pulled him from his thoughts. He noticed she was frowning at him so he covered up his feelings and smiled.

“Nothing. Just a little more tired than I thought I was.”

She nodded but didn’t look like she believed him. She rose from the table, and he snagged his arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap.

She snuggled close to him and then smiled up at him. “Is there something you needed?”

Your love.

There was another small jolt of pain to his heart. He couldn’t ask for that when he knew he wasn’t able to promise he could give it in return. “Yeah. Another sandwich.”

She giggled as she rose and smacked his hand. “I should tell May that you are trying to order me around to get you food.”

But she went about making him another sandwich.

“What do you think your brother is going to do when he finds out?”

She shrugged. “Not really any of his business.”

She set the sandwich on the plate in front of him and then sat back down to drink the rest of her milk.

“Of course it is. You’re his sister.”

She rolled her eyes. “Ugh, you brothers are all the same, but no, it isn’t. I am an adult who can make her own decisions. Been doing it for some time now.”

He reached out and cupped her cheek. “He’s just looking out for you because he loves you.”

Her expression softened. “I know that. But it can be a bit smothering, especially since I’m used to dealing with it at a distance.”

He rubbed his thumb over her cheek. “I can talk to him if you want me to.”

“God, no. Let me handle Chris. It isn’t like he can order either of us around.”

He dropped his hand and started eating his sandwich. “It seems odd to me to have that many miles between you and family.”

She cocked her head and studied him. “I guess so and that is important here, right? I mean, I hear people talk about
and how the family is the most important thing.”

He shrugged. “It is a way of life that you probably can’t find on the mainland.”

“It was different when Chris came over here. I never thought he would last.” She shrugged again. “I don’t think any of us thought he would. We do have a very close family, but he fell in love with the island. I could see it the first time he came back for a visit. It was under his skin. A part of him.” She sighed. “I can understand that.”

He heard it there in her voice. Some people could live on the islands their whole lives and never really appreciate them. But some people, it tugged at them, at their hearts and they never left. Which would suit him just fine to have her stay.

“How do you like working at Cynthia’s?”

“I like it. I wasn’t sure if I would. I was so used to working in a high-pressure job, and while we have schedules and all that, the pressure I had in Atlanta isn’t there.”

“Along with your problems.” The moment he said it, he wanted to call back the words. Her expression blanked and she blinked at him. Dammit, he couldn’t help it. He wanted to know everything about her, the good and bad.

She sighed. “Yeah. I was at the top of my game when I tumbled down.”

“You didn’t tumble. You were pushed.”

Her eyes widened. “I guess you could say that. I guess you want to know more.”

“Only what you want to tell me.”

She laughed, but this time there was little humor in it and he hated it. He took her hands into his.

“I’m serious. I don’t have to know anything you don’t want me to. But I think you need to say it.”

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