Read A Little Bit Sinful Online

Authors: Adrienne Basso

A Little Bit Sinful (24 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit Sinful
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Bianca’s frightened voice shattered something inside Eleanor. How could she have been so foolish? This was precisely what she had feared, what she had worked to prevent. Eleanor thought she had been so careful, so clever. But clearly she had underestimated the earl’s desperation and now Bianca would be the one to suffer.

“When do you have to give your answer?”

“By this evening. Papa wants to make the announcement at the Sinclairs’ ball.”

That gave them very little time. Eleanor gulped down the panic surging through her. “What about Lord Waverly? He appears to have a great affection for you.”

“He said he loves me.” Bianca’s eyes filled with tears. “As I love him.”

Eleanor stared into her sister’s anxious face. “Chin up, Bianca. We are not going to sit idly by like a pair of half-wits and allow this to happen. If Waverly loves you as he should, he will move heaven and earth to prevent that announcement.”

“How?” Bianca asked, laying a trembling hand upon Eleanor’s arm.

Eleanor drew in a shaky breath and forced herself to think this through calmly. “You must write to Waverly at once. If he can match Farley’s offer, the
earl might be persuaded to let you refuse Farley and accept Waverly as your husband.”

“Lord Waverly has not spoken of marriage yet.” Faint color suffused Bianca’s cheeks. “How can I possibly broach the subject with him? A lady cannot propose to a gentleman. It just isn’t done.”

Eleanor’s eyes flashed fire. “Hellfire and damnation, Bianca, this is hardly a time to be considering the etiquette of the situation! If you do nothing, you most assuredly will end up as Farley’s bride.”

Bianca’s mouth began to quiver. Eleanor felt a stab of regret for her harsh words, but there was no help for it. They had to act quickly and decisively to have any chance of thwarting the earl’s marriage plans for his youngest daughter.

“Oh, Lord, I know you are right, Eleanor.” Bianca lowered her voice. “Yet even if I could find the words to ask for Waverly’s help, how will my letter reach him? He could be any number of places at this time of the day. I can’t send one of the servants all over London looking for him.”

On a long, shuddering breath, Eleanor turned to stare at her father and Lord Farley. Maybe she could reason with the earl and get him to postpone the announcement. If Lord Waverly’s feelings were as strong as Bianca’s he would not allow her to be taken from him. They just needed a little time.

Eleanor saw the earl lean in and whisper a few words into Lord Farley’s ear. Farley nodded, then smiled broadly, showing several gaps where his teeth were missing. The earl looked up then and met Eleanor’s eyes, his own glowing in triumph.

Eleanor’s shoulders fell and a dark shroud of reality settled over her. The earl was not going to wait.
And even if Waverly could be reached, he’d have to offer a great deal more money than Farley to secure Bianca’s hand in marriage.

Still, she refused to so willingly accept defeat.

Eleanor set a determined hand on her sister’s arm. “Write the letter, Bianca. I know a way to ensure it will quickly reach Lord Waverly.”

Sebastian had not expected to hear from Eleanor so soon after taking his leave of her, but the brief note her footman delivered was short and urgent.

I must see you. Meet me in my rose arbor as soon as you can. ‘Tis imperative that you avoid detection by anyone except the servants. Please hurry.

Intrigued, Sebastian did as he was commanded, arriving within the hour. It was relatively simple to slip unnoticed through the back gate and locate the spot Eleanor had designated. She arrived a few minutes later, breathless.

As she drew near, Eleanor started to speak, but Sebastian slid his arm around her waist and covered her lips with his. She didn’t kiss him back but instead pulled away. “For pity’s sake, I have no time for this now.”

Sebastian frowned. “I believe I’ve just been insulted.”

A dark spot of color burned her cheek. “Your kisses are simply too distracting and the matter too urgent. I need you to find Lord Waverly as quickly as you can. Give him this letter and make certain he reads it immediately.”

“Shall I quiz him afterward to make sure he understands its contents?” Sebastian asked, smiling to
himself. Why was it that women always thought affairs of the heart were of the utmost urgency? Lifting the note Eleanor pressed into his hand toward the sunlight, Sebastian tried to peer inside. “What exactly does it say?”

“Sebastian, please!” She snatched the letter back, her bosom heaving. “This is not a joke.”


Eleanor’s mouth narrowed in hesitation. “Forgive me. I know I’m acting—”

“Like a lunatic?” he offered.

“Oddly,” she said at the same time.

Sebastian peered down at her. He had never seen her so rattled. “So, you have summoned me here not for my kisses, but rather to deliver a note to Waverly. From Bianca, I assume?”

“Yes. Her future happiness is in great peril.” Eleanor’s mouth tightened. “The earl is pressing her to marry Viscount Farley.”

“That old goat? No wonder you’re worried.”

“Lord Waverly must be informed immediately. Bianca has explained it all in her note, along with what needs to be done to prevent this catastrophe.” Eleanor’s expression turned serious. “You are the only one I can turn to, the only one I can trust, Sebastian.”

Good Lord, wasn’t that a pitying thought? He waited to hear more, but her distress was so heightened it was clear she wasn’t going to elaborate. Instead, her eyes were boring into his, pleading for help.

Strange, how he never hesitated, just wordlessly reached for the letter. “I am, as always, your devoted servant, Eleanor. I will not fail you.”

Her features visibly relaxed. She hugged him briefly, then anxiously sent him on his way. Sebastian left the garden the same way he came, all the while wondering why this sudden, impulsive need to chivalrously come to her rescue made him feel so damn good.

Later that night, in the Sinclairs’ crowded ballroom, Sebastian stood with one shoulder propped against the wall and watched the Earl of Hetfield announce the betrothal of his daughter, Lady Bianca, to Lord Waverly. The newly engaged Waverly made a heartfelt speech praising the many virtues of his future bride that had half the women in the room reaching for their handkerchiefs.

Sebastian would have felt better about his role in this affair if the outcome had angered the earl, but that clearly was not the case. Still, his actions had elevated his standing with Eleanor. The moment he got her alone he would discover exactly how high.

That opportunity arrived far sooner than he expected. Eleanor had been standing near her sister as the announcement was made, but when Lord Waverly finished his speech, Eleanor made her way through the crowd and slipped out to the terrace. Sebastian followed.

The light from the strategically placed torches illuminated his way. He waited until she stopped, then approached.

“So this is where you have hidden yourself. I’m surprised you are not huddled with the rest of the women, waxing elegant over the upcoming nuptials.”

Eleanor smiled. “I suspect that is all we shall speak of until the deed is finally accomplished.”

“Waverly seemed a bit dazed.”

“A burst of female emotion can be unsettling for any man. Added to Bianca’s excitement were Lord Waverly’s two sisters and his mother, though I fear that dear lady has already taken charge of the wedding arrangements.”

Sebastian’s mouth curved. “Let me guess, she hopes for a grand wedding at St. George’s in Hanover Square.”

“Actually, you are wrong. They will be married at Lord Waverly’s estate a month from now. ‘Tis part of his lordship’s family tradition, from what I understand.”

“I imagine it will be a large crowd.”

She gave a light shrug. “Probably.”

“Dare I hope for an invitation?”

Eleanor made a face. “You courted the bride.”

“Very briefly.”

“I have a feeling Lord Waverly’s mother will find that in bad taste. She is rather high in the instep.” Eleanor’s expression held a touch of skepticism. “I hope you won’t be too disappointed if you aren’t included.”

“I shall endeavor to survive. However, I shall send an appropriately gaudy gift, just to tweak Lady Waverly’s nose.”

A glimmer of amusement entered Eleanor’s eyes. “That’s the spirit.”

“I could never be married in front of a large crowd. I remember what a crush it was at Atwood’s wedding, so many people it made your head spin. “
He slanted a speculative glance at her. “I caught the bouquet, you know.”


“The wedding bouquet. Lady Dorothea tossed it right at me. ‘Twas her idea of a joke.”

A teasing smile touched Eleanor’s lips. “I’m sorry I missed it.”

“It was comical,” he admitted. “First Lady Atwood’s bouquet and now playing Cupid for Waverly. It appears that my matrimonial roles are continually expanding. I confess, it makes me nervous.”

She laughed softly. “Take heart, Sebastian. In aiding Lord Waverly you were not really Cupid, but rather more like Mercury, the winged messenger.”

“Good point. And I was successful.”

“Yes, it’s turned out far better than I had hoped.”

“I suppose now that Bianca is settled, it’s your turn.”

Her hazel eyes glittered in the moonlight. “To marry? How ridiculous. Who would want me?”

“I do.”

It was frightening for Sebastian to realize that he spoke the truth. He truly did desire her, more than he ever expected, more than he could adequately express.

She was different from any woman he had ever known. He couldn’t put a name to it, yet there was something unique and special that set her apart. Something that caused him to feel things he normally wouldn’t. If she were anyone else’s daughter, this might have a very different ending.

If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.

Sebastian took Eleanor’s hand in his, lacing their fingers together. He needed to convince her to run
away with him in order to achieve her ruin and his revenge. Yet as he looked into her eyes it was the spark of hope that almost made him stop, that made his stomach roil in a wave of guilt.

It tore at his soul, but he ruthlessly pushed it aside. Instead, he pictured the anger on the earl’s face, the shame when he learned of his daughter’s disgrace. When he realized he would have no choice but to defend her honor.

“I share Waverly’s desire to be married at home. The vicar who resides over my ancestral estate has said several times he would be deeply honored to perform the ceremony. But I would insist that it be done immediately and privately, without fanfare or family.”

“That sounds ideal.” Eleanor’s tongue darted out nervously and she licked her lips. “However, one would need a special license to carry off such a feat.”

Sebastian patted his coat pocket and held his breath.

The long silence that followed made him uneasy. He almost hoped she would refuse, but if she did, he knew he would merely have to devise another plan, one that would involve a more public disgrace.

Then suddenly she smiled and said in a quiet tone, “What are we waiting for, my lord?”

Chapter 13

The practice of not encountering her father for days at a time served Eleanor well for once, making it laughably easy to rendezvous with Sebastian. Two days after her engagement was announced, Bianca left for the Waverlys’ estate very early in the morning, protesting mildly when Eleanor deemed it best that she not accompany her. This was the perfect time for Bianca to get to know her future in-laws. Besides, his lordship’s mother and two sisters had experience planning a wedding at the estate. There was no need for Eleanor to tag along.

After seeing Bianca safely off, Eleanor packed a small overnight bag, hiding it in the back of her wardrobe. To avoid arousing any sort of suspicion, she kept to her usual routine for the next few hours. When the appointed hour arrived, Eleanor retrieved her bag and sauntered out the front door, informing Harrison she would not be back until late the following day. She noted an almost imperceptible raising of the butler’s brow, but naturally he did not challenge her remark.

Eleanor made her way quickly to the secluded section of Hyde Park that Sebastian had designated as their rendezvous point. As he predicted, she saw no one she knew at that unfashionably early hour. Her anticipation grew with each step and she firmly tamped down any misgivings she had over these clandestine arrangements, telling herself that no matter what happened she was prepared to face the consequences.

She didn’t see him, or the carriage, when she first arrived. Heart thundering in her chest, Eleanor anxiously searched the tree line. The small rim of her bonnet barely blocked the sun’s rays, causing her to squint. Tension knotted her stomach and then suddenly she spotted Sebastian pacing behind a copse of oaks. The sunlight poured over him, surrounding him in a golden halo. Yet she was very aware he was no angel.

As if sensing her presence, Sebastian turned. He smiled at her, his face shining with such delight her heart skipped a beat. Eleanor worked to recover her poise as he approached, his stride long and sure. When he reached her, he tossed her small portmanteau to the ground, grasped both her hands, and brought them to his lips. “You came.”

Eleanor let out a nervous laugh. “Were you worried?”

“Yes.” He let out an oath under his breath and drew her into his arms. The palm of his hand flattened against her back, pulling her fully against him. Then he lowered his head and kissed her, capturing her mouth fully with his.

At the feel of his lips and tongue, a shudder rocked through Eleanor’s body. He kissed her a
second time, then pulled back. Their gazes locked, their short, rapid breaths mingling. “‘Tis good to see you too,” she whispered.

He groaned, tightening his hold on her. “Did you encounter any problems leaving the house?”


“No one will question your disappearance?”

She gave him a dubious look. “I haven’t precisely disappeared. I informed the servants that I would be out until late tomorrow afternoon. No one is expecting to see me until then.”

BOOK: A Little Bit Sinful
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