Read A Little Bit Scandalous Online

Authors: Robyn Dehart

Tags: #Romance, #Historical Romance, #romance series, #entangled publishing, #Robyn DeHart, #scandalous

A Little Bit Scandalous (15 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit Scandalous
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His eyebrow rose. “Do I want to know what you were just thinking about?”

She released a slow breath. “Probably not. I think I might need to suspend the game for a moment.” She set the cards down and picked up her glass, padded her way across the room to refill her drink.

She took a sip, then turned to face him. “Do you want some?”

“You have no idea.”

She was ridiculously seductive. He watched her saunter back to the table, padding over in her bare feet, her long glorious legs, that linen shirt hanging down just passed her bottom. Her
bottom, he knew because she’d lost her drawers already. He never would have thought a woman could look that attractive in a man’s shirt, but she did. She looked utterly irresistible.

He’d intended to simply tell her about his plans once they returned tonight, but then she’d wanted to play. And her delicious idea about playing cards for clothes.

He knew he should have refused, should have been stronger and done things the right way, but, hell, a man could take only so much. If he was going to marry her, he might as well let her seduce him. He’d wanted her in his bed since the moment he first kissed her.

“Does it not concern you that I dallied with another woman while I was supposedly wooing Penelope for marriage?” he asked abruptly.

She sat back down. “Not particularly. You weren’t married yet, you weren’t even engaged, so it doesn’t seem like the gravest of sins. And you did not bed her, you merely, what kissed her?”

Her words were like balm to his burning skin providing just enough hope for him to grab onto. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps he wouldn’t turn out like his father, though that certainly seemed unlikely. In any case, he needed to get his mind back on the cards before he admitted any of his other sins.

“You need a pause? I was just warming up,” he said.

Challenge flashed in her eyes. “Intermission is over.” She nodded toward the cards. “Deal the hand.”

His lips quirked in a smile. She was fascinating, he couldn’t deny that. Sweet, smart, and lovely Caroline, and she would be his. His want for her surged through his veins. He needed to keep his desire in check. She wanted to seduce him, and he would allow her to do so. He dealt the cards, then checked his own hand. He flipped both cards over to show her.

“Perfect hand. Guess I win,” he said with a grin.

Her lips parted, then she looked from his cards to his face. “I don’t have much else to take off.”

“The shirt.” He knew it would leave her in nothing but the linen binding her perfect breasts.

Her pink tongue darted out to wet her lips and his abdomen tightened in response. She took a deep breath and stood to her feet. With painfully slow precision, she undid each button. The shirt gaped first at her shoulder, then down to her flat stomach, and then it slid off her and fell in a heap on the floor. That scrap of linen hid her breasts from his view, but the rest of her was gloriously illuminated by the firelight behind her.

“This might be my favorite way to play this game.”

She tilted her head. “I’m not certain it would go over well at Rodale’s.” She gave him a grin, but made no move to return to her seat. Instead she stood before him, a goddess come to life.

“Yes, and I have no desire to see those men without their trousers.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Lord Drake seemed as if he might have a nice pair of legs,” she said.

“Come here,” he said, holding his hand out to her.

She walked to him, and her beautiful brown hair fell down her back in a cascade of silk. It framed her face, teased at her shoulder, and no doubt tickled the top of her bottom. She took his hand.

“Take that off,” he said motioning to the linen covering her breasts.

She did as he bade, slowly unwrapping the fabric. When it fell away, he could clearly see the indentions in her flesh from the tightly wrapped material.

“This simply won’t do,” he said. He pulled her to him and she straddled his lap. He smoothed a finger over the mark on her skin. “Promise me you’ll never bind your breasts again. It is such a pity to hide such beauty.” He leaned forward and kissed the mark. He followed it across the top of her breasts.

He grabbed her legs and pulled her forward so she was further on his lap, his erection pressed against his trousers, and he knew she could feel the hard ridge of him beneath her. She moved against him, her eyes widening, her lips parting.

She leaned forward and kissed him. He could turn away from her, hurt her once more and prevent himself from hurting her again and again as his wife. But damn, she felt so good pressed against him and frankly he’d never been much for convention. Perhaps he would disparage his father’s memory by becoming a good husband. With that thought he threaded his fingers through the back of her silky soft hair and pulled her closer. He deepened the kiss. She opened her mouth to him, and their tongues molded against each other.

Lust forged through him.

Her fingers dug into his arm, and she released small sounds of pleasure as she continued to grind herself against him. Still they kissed, their lips melded together, their tongues intertwined. She drove him wild. Her touch, her taste, the feel of her on top of him. He wouldn’t be able to stand her sweet torture much longer.

He left her mouth and kissed the column of her throat, her pulse leapt beneath this tongue. She moaned again. He slid his hand up her torso and cupped her breast. Her nipple beaded between his fingers. Caroline arched into his touch. He kissed her again. Her hands gripped at his shoulders, pressing herself further onto him. She wanted him. The notion was heady and intoxicating. He reached down between them. He brushed lightly across the apex of her legs, and she released a primal groan of desire. His own need poured through his veins and settled heavily in his groin.

He found his way to her entrance, where her flesh was hot and slick with her need, and she trembled when his fingers brushed against her. She continued to moan softly. He continued his exploration.

He slipped one finger inside her and slowly began his rhythm. Her pleasure mounted as he moved his finger within her. He found the nub beneath her folds and stroked across it. Her mouth fell open, her eyes squeezed shut, and she arched toward him giving him perfect access to her breasts. He leaned forward, put his mouth on her, and kissed her breasts, laving his tongue across her nipple.

Closer and closer he brought her to the edge, then he would pull back. She was fascinating to watch. Undoubtedly, she was the most passionate woman he’d ever touched, and he longed to be inside her. His own desire was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. So he kissed her deeply, then he leaned back as best he could to watch her climax.

His finger dipped in again as he flicked across her folds. She tightened around his finger as the pleasure shot through her. “Roe,” she whispered. “Yes.”

Quickly he unfastened his trousers and guided himself into her before her climax subsided. She sucked in her breath and opened her eyes. He found himself lost in their chocolate-brown depths as he pushed himself deeper into her. Oh God, she felt good. Hot, tight, and so slick.

Her climax started again, and her walls squeezed around his shaft as he increased the depth of his thrusts. And then as his own release rocked through his body, he released a primal moan that matched hers and collapsed against her.

Caroline hadn’t even realized she’d fallen asleep until she woke to the feel of Roe’s hands on her body. She smiled and stretched, a contented cat after a nap in the sunshine.

“Such scandalous things I want to do to you,” he said, his voice deep and seductive.

Her heart beat an uneven rhythm. “Is that so? Such as?”

“This,” he said. Then he put his mouth to her breast and tortured her tender skin with scandalous kisses. She clutched his shoulders.

“Yes, that is quite scandalous,” she managed to say.

“And this.” He moved one finger and slid it around the nub hidden between her folds. He made wickedly slow circles until she cried out.

“You are a wicked man, Monroe Grisham.”

“But even more than those things, I want to do this.” He slid down her body, leaving a trail of heat with his tongue and then he found her center with his mouth.

Oh, good heavens, what his mouth was doing to her. It was hard to determine precisely where his tongue was as the pleasure was too intense and spreading through her so rapidly. She arched against him and lifted one of her legs to brace it on his shoulder. That simple movement drew his mouth closer, his tongue deeper, and she thought she’d go mad from the torturous pleasure.

As his tongue laved across that little nub, his finger slid back inside her and her muscles contracted in response. The feelings intensified and she knew her release was near. She could feel it rising and building until she was certain she would explode into tiny pieces at any moment. And then it crashed into waves and waves of pleasure that rocketed through her as she clutched at his hair. He kissed her tenderly on the thigh, then slid up her body. He looked up at her, a wicked grin on his face. He waggled his eyebrows at her. “I’m not quite done with you yet.”

There was so much promise in that one statement and it filled her heart with so much hope. She knew it was futile, still for tonight she’d cling to it, to the hope that there might be a tomorrow for her and Roe.

He knew before he’d decided to bed her that he would marry her. He couldn’t
marry her. He’d ruined her. But more than that, it had come to the point where he wouldn’t trust her safety and care to anyone else. He supposed there were worse things that could happen, but for the first time since Caroline had become his ward, Roe was nearly thankful that Christopher was dead. They’d been good friends, but he felt certain he’d never intended for Roe to marry Caroline himself.

Now Roe needed to let his mother know so she could begin making the preparations. Caroline deserved the big wedding with the big party, not a quiet ceremony meant to hide her. She was to be his duchess, so she should be introduced as such.

After the first time they made love, Roe brought Caroline up to his room, to his bed where he thoroughly scandalized her. Two more times. He left her sleeping soundly in his bed and now was in search of his mother. He found her in the dining room eating her breakfast. “Good morning, Monroe. I was not aware that you arose this early.” She frowned. “Imagine, two breakfasts together since I arrived in London. I was not even aware you ate breakfast.”

“On occasion.” He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat across from her. “Well, Mother, you shall finally get your wish.”

She chewed thoughtfully and then took a sip of her tea. “And which wish is that?”

“You have a wedding to plan.” When she said nothing but merely raised her eyebrows, he added, “My wedding.”

Her smile nearly blinded him. She clapped her hands together. “You finally asked Caroline? I am so very pleased.”

“Wait, how the devil did you know it was Caroline?”

She waved her hand dismissively. “Roe, you’ve had eyes for that girl for years. Hell, you even courted a girl who looked like Caroline.”

. Damn if she hadn’t haunted his life lately like an unwanted ghost. Had that been why he pursued her to begin with? Certainly he’d noticed the similarities between the women. They favored one another, he recognized that.

“I know she’s been sweet on you. About time you two realized how you felt. A better match I haven’t seen in years. This is just positively splendid.”

“Feelings have nothing to do with this. I’ve taken liberties with her.” He took a deep breath. “I’d really prefer not to discuss the specifics with my mother, but suffice it to say things have transpired that cannot be undone. A wedding is our only recourse.” And he wanted to make certain he could protect her, keeping her here with him was the only way to do so.

“Is that how you proposed to her?”

He sipped at his coffee. “I haven’t asked her yet.”

She frowned. “Oh for heaven’s sake, Monroe, I should think I raised you better than that. I will not plan one single thing until you talk to Caroline herself.”

“Talk to Caroline about what?” His would-be bride stood in the doorway looking fresh-faced and far more rested than he knew she was. She was beautiful. “Tell me what, Roe?” she repeated.

He scowled at his mother who blinked at him innocently. “We shall marry.”

Caroline’s eyes narrowed. “I suppose you think I should be thrilled that you’ve demanded I marry you.”

“I thought it was what you wanted. To be my duchess.”

She rolled her eyes, looking exasperated. “Apparently what I want means nothing to you.”

“We have no choice, Caroline, I have ruined you. It is what must be done.”

“That’s why my efforts last night,” she eyed Millie, then swallowed. “That’s why I succeeded last night. You’d already decided on this, hadn’t you?”

“Caroline, it matters not. It is done. Now, there is no time for a proper courtship and wooing. Besides certainly you realize that I would be dreadful at such things.”

“I’m not asking you to court me, Roe. And since when do you give a fig about the right thing to do?” She practically stomped her foot. “You revel in defiling your title and doing as little as possible. Seducing an innocent shouldn’t be too far out of the expectations of the ton.” Then she glanced at Millie who sat at the table looking thoroughly entertained. “My apologies, Millie.”

“Don’t mind me,” his mother said. “Carry on. I’m merely here eating my breakfast.”

“Caroline,” Roe said. “I made promises to Christopher to take care of you and though I don’t think he meant this particular scenario, I will not go back on that promise. We will marry and you and Mother can plan everything.” He looked at his mother again. “Spare no expense. Caroline deserves the very best wedding since she’s getting me as a husband.” He stepped out of the room.

Well, that had gone splendidly.


Chapter Fifteen

That was most assuredly the worst proposal I’ve ever heard,” Millie said once Roe left the room.

“Indeed.” It was the only thing Caroline could muster. She had longed to hear those words come from Roe. She’d had one imagining after another about how he would propose, how he’d get down on one knee and tell her that he’d finally come to his senses, realized that he couldn’t live without her. She’d imagined plenty of romantic scenarios like that, but never once had it gone like that. There were no declarations of love, only talk of practicality and duty. And she knew that she was doomed. She would never forget about her feelings for Roe being his wife. She’d only grow more and more in love with him, and it would be her demise. After all, she was the daughter of a
mere baron

Millie covered Caroline’s hand with her own. “How are you feeling?”


“Of course,” Millie said, inclining her head. “I would expect nothing else from you.”

“I’m furious.” So angry she truly wanted to scream. To go and find Roe and pound on his chest and demand he take it back. She’d wanted to marry him, she still did, and she couldn’t deny that. But not like this, not as a duty. She wanted him to love her. She hated that about herself, but it was the truth. When he looked at her, she wanted him to see the woman he’d chosen, not the woman he was responsible for.

Millie inclined her head knowingly. “I would be angry, too. In fact, I shall be furious on your behalf.” She nodded once more. “Most indignant.” Millie sighed. “I suppose you are going to refuse him.”

Caroline looked up. “Of course not. Why ever would I do that?”

Millie smiled. “Good girl. Very practical of you. Now then, what shall we do about it?”

“I haven’t any notion.”

“I do.” Millie leaned her head closer as if they were conspiring on a most dangerous secret. “I suggest we spend a great deal of his money. If you are to be a duchess you will need an entirely new wardrobe, not to mention you probably want to redecorate some of the house. It hasn’t been changed in so long.”

Caroline tried to smile, she did, but found it impossible to pull off. “It sounds like a magnificent plan, Millie, and I suspect that tomorrow I shall be delighted to do that very thing. At the moment though, I need to be alone.” She paused before leaving the room.

Millie smiled warmly. “I know it does not seem so right now, but trust that all will be well. I do wish my dear son had been a little more tender with his words, though I couldn’t be more delighted to have you as a daughter-in-law. You know I already think of you as a daughter.”

Caroline kissed Millie’s cheek and then left the room. She couldn’t say anything else. She was already dangerously close to breaking down into tears, and though Millie had seen her cry before, she’d never seen her cry about Roe. At least she hadn’t and known that Roe was the cause of her tears.

Caroline grabbed her cloak and reticule, slipped out the front door, and hailed a hack. She gave the driver the address, then sat back and looked out the bare window. London bustled about around her as if nothing had happened, as if she hadn’t had the best night of her life in Roe’s bed only to wake up to find everything had turned upside down. He’d been so tender in bed, whispering naughty things to her. They’d laughed and touched until the early morning light, at which point she’d fallen into a very sated and exhausted sleep.

She thought that night had meant something to him, something other than duty or responsibility or consequences. She didn’t want to be anyone’s consequence. She felt as important as a tea kettle, something to be passed along from one family member to the next.

She was a burden and it was all she’d ever be. Of course, now everyone would call her Duchess. But she’d know the truth. She’d know why Roe had actually married her.


Caroline stood in the entryway of her family home. The men Roe had hired to do the repair work here were off work for the day, so she was able to be alone with her thoughts. They had done an excellent job repairing the stairs; she couldn’t even tell anything had ever been wrong with them. They looked lovely.

What would she do with this house now? She wouldn’t need to live here as she’d live with Roe. But this was hers, truly the only thing she owned in the entire world. Certainly there was something she could do with it. She made her way around the house, checking each room and hoping the solution would pop into her head.

In a way, she felt relieved she wouldn’t have to live here. She’d been uncertain about it, nervous, perhaps a little frightened about the entire ordeal, but she’d been in such a hurry to get away from Roe and this perpetual feeling that she had no real place in this world, that she’d only ever be a burden on the people closest to her. Now it would seem that would always be the case for her.

The work the men had done upstairs was equally as impressive as the fixes downstairs. Roe certainly knew what he was doing when he hired them. She could at least thank him for that.

A door slammed downstairs, and for a moment Caroline’s blood ran cold. She shook off the feeling. She was distracted and the noise startled her. Perhaps the men had returned to work today. She made her way down the staircase, and she could see from the shoes that two people stood in the entryway. As the bulkhead cleared, she saw that it was Mr. Lamb and one of the girls from Dover House. Upon closer inspection she saw that it was Gretchen and that Mr. Lamb held a pistol in his hand. It was pressed firmly against Gretchen’s side. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she made no sound.

Caroline frowned and stepped off the last step. “Mr. Lamb, what the devil do you think you’re doing? Remove that pistol from Gretchen this once.”

He smiled, showing his pointed teeth. “It’s her own damned fault she’s here. This was supposed to be you and me, alone. But somehow she was here when I arrived, and I knew she’d tell the authorities if she saw me leave here with you.”

“Gretchen, love, what are you doing here? How did you find me?” Caroline asked. Not that it mattered now because she was here and Mr. Lamb had a gun. Fear surged in Caroline’s throat, threatening to choke her, but she did her best to ignore it. Showing her own fear would only make things worse for Gretchen.

“I followed him. I knew he was up to something and I wanted to see what it was. He’s been making us steal, me and Fiona and I don’t know. I thought I’d find out where he was hiding all the money. If I could take some of it, then me and the girls could leave and get a house somewhere. But he came here. I didn’t know it was your house.”

“It will all be well,” Caroline said, looking straight into the girl’s pretty green eyes.

“Enough talking,” Mr. Lamb said. “It is time for us all to go for a ride. Come along, ladies,” he said, bitterness clinging to the last word.

Caroline stood firm where she was. “I will not go anywhere with you.”

“Is that so? Get out to the carriage now, or I’ll shoot this girl right here in your front entry.”

She stood there for a moment considering the situation. Instinct told her she could not let him have the upper hand, that she could let him take her and Gretchen away from here, but what could she do? She couldn’t allow him to harm Gretchen. And she couldn’t overpower him. She was half his size. How was it that she had no weapon? Of course she wasn’t in the habit of carrying weapons with her, something she would obviously need to remedy.

She walked to the front door. “I cannot imagine what you want with me. Am I to discover the rest of the board of directors tied up in this carriage of yours?”

“No, just you, I only want you,” he said. The sinister meaning of his words snaked chills through her body. Did he intend to ravish her? Certainly not while young Gretchen was with them. Good heavens, it would seem Caroline had gotten herself into more than a bit of trouble. She climbed into the carriage and the girl followed behind her.

“Sit over there,” he said as he too climbed inside. He had them both sit across from him and aimed the gun at both of them, alternating who would get the barrel of the pistol. “Now then, Miss Jellico, or should I call you Mr. Grey? I don’t appreciate what you’ve been doing. I received notice this morning that I was no longer welcomed to play at Rodale’s. What do you suppose that is about?”

“I really couldn’t say. I have no notion of what you’re talking about.” So Roe had been right. Lamb had recognized her.

“Don’t play daft with me, girl. I know you’re not that stupid. What I want to know is how you became such a damned good player?”

She leveled her gaze to his watery eyes and suppressed a shudder. “I rely on skill rather than luck.”

“Oh, touché.” The carriage rumbled down the street and she tried to reach for the curtain on the small window to catch a glimpse at where they were, where they were going, but he lifted the gun. “You’ll see soon enough where we’re going. I have something very important for you to do.” He moved the gun back and forth. “Not certain yet what I will do with this one.”

What was he to have her do? Caroline reached over and grabbed Gretchen’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Whatever else happened, she would do everything she could to keep the girl safe.


The carriage rolled to a stop and Mr. Lamb opened the door and climbed out. “Come along, you two, we’re here.”

Caroline climbed down the steps and found herself standing on Tilney Street, the row of brown brick townhomes stood in front of her, tall soldiers guarding the castle. Mr. Lamb poked the pistol into her back and pushed her forward.

“This one,” he said. “Number 234, up those stairs.”

She did as he bade, Gretchen holding tightly to her hand. Perhaps this would be her moment to escape? Surely, he wouldn’t want the residents of this house to know he’d taken hostages. Then Mr. Lamb stepped around them and slammed the big knocker into the door. It opened and a small, round man stood there, spectacles covering his eyes. “Ah, Mr. Lamb,” he said in a voice too deep for his stature. He didn’t so much as glance in the direction of the pistol. “Her ladyship is in the yellow parlor. You and your guests…” He eyed Caroline and Gretchen with suspicion. “Can go and see her in there.”

“Very good,” Mr. Lamb said. He moved them toward the last door of the corridor that opened to the right. “Lady Winguard, I’ve come to discuss our arrangement.”

“It is about time, Nigel, my patience wears thin.”

Caroline recognized the voice and looked around Mr. Lamb to find Lady Winguard sitting there. “Sweet Hildy” as she’d introduced herself to Caroline at the board meeting.

“Hildy, I’m so pleased to see you,” Caroline said. “It would seem Mr. Lamb has seen fit to kidnap me and Gretchen, and I would greatly appreciate your assistance.”

Hildy looked at her and smiled sweetly, but there was nothing kind about her eyes. She said nothing to her, rather looked back at Mr. Lamb. “What is Miss Jellico doing here?” she asked, ignoring Caroline’s question.

“She is the answer to my problem. Mother, she is the best card player I’ve ever seen. She can beat anyone. I will earn the money I owe you back, plus more,” he said with a grin.

“I’ve told you on countless occasions never to call me that,” Hildy snapped.

“Yes, of course, Lady Winguard, my apologies.”

Caroline swung around to look at Mr. Lamb in shock. “She’s your mother?” That was why Hildy had been so against them investigating him, she had been trying to protect her son.

Hildy shrugged. “A youthful discretion. Our relation is not a well-known fact.” She turned back to Nigel. “Even if she is that good, how many nights will she have to play to earn back that money? You are in so deep, Nigel.”

“One night. Tonight,” Nigel said.

“You kidnapped me! You must be mad if you think I’ll play for you!” Caroline said.

Hildy patted her on the arm in a reassuring manner and smiled. “Now, dear, there’s no point in throwing a temper tantrum.” Then she looked at Nigel. “How do you suggest we do that?”

“There is a high-stakes game later today at Pollard’s,” he said. “We buy her in, let her play, and then enjoy her winnings.”

“I will not play!”

Hildy tilted her head thoughtfully to the side. “My dear, as women we do many things that are distasteful.” She looked at Mr. Lamb, frowning. “But I’m afraid I must agree. She is a lady. You can’t drag her into a gaming hell. They won’t let her play.”

“She’s been playing at Rodale’s for months, dressed as a man. We’ll dress her up and no one will be the wiser.”

“How very peculiar.” Hildy smiled benignly. “Well that does change things.”

Caroline’s heart thundered in her chest. “And if I refuse?” Though she feared she already knew the answer to that question.

“Then we’ll kill Gretchen and her two sisters. That enough incentive for you?” Mr. Lamb asked.

“If she’s as good as you say, I won’t want to let her go,” Hildy said with a devious grin. “I could use a new source of steady income.”

“That’s ridiculous. Monroe will find me,” Caroline said.

“He won’t know where to look for you, my dear. No one in London knows of my relation to Mr. Lamb. That isn’t even his real name,” Hildy said.

Caroline didn’t argue. The woman was quite clearly mad so there would be no point in discussing this any further. But Caroline knew Roe would find her. He’d have to, he’d proposed, certainly that mean he cared somewhat for her.

Hildy glanced at Caroline. “Are you good?”

“I am.” Caroline looked from one of them to the next. This conversation was absurd. How could they calmly discuss this? “I can count the cards, figure out the probabilities, make my plays based on that,” Caroline said.

Hildy waved her hand. “I don’t care how you do it. I just want you to do it.”

“So if she earns back your money, then you shall give me my inheritance?” Mr. Lamb asked. “Allow me to purchase a decent house. I tire so of living in that tiny, dirty flat.”

“We shall see,” Hildy said.

Later that evening when Caroline still had not returned home, Roe’s mother came to him quite concerned.

BOOK: A Little Bit Scandalous
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