Read A Lifetime to Find Love Online

Authors: Ava Riley

Tags: #Erotica

A Lifetime to Find Love (19 page)

BOOK: A Lifetime to Find Love
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Cade knew by the disappointed expression on Tessa’s face that she thought he was done with her, but nothing was further from the truth.  Without a word, he swept her up into his arms, carried her to the bedroom, and gently placed her in the middle of the bed.  He kept his eyes locked with hers as she lay on her back. He relished the fact that she watched him as he unhurriedly crawled in next to her.  He lie down beside her and let his arm drape across her waist, his leg intertwined with hers, and took possession of her mouth once again.  He couldn’t get enough of the feel of her body close to his or the exquisite taste of her on his tongue. 


“I’m sorry I woke you.  I know you have an early morning tomorrow,” he whispered against her delicate lips.


Tessa turned so that her body faced his, her thigh pressed in between his legs, surprised at what they had just done and was even more amazed that this man was laying next to her.  The longer she looked into his remarkably blue, compassionate eyes, the more she had a sense of belonging.  For the first time in her life she felt like she belonged somewhere outside of Rowan.  For the first time in her life, she felt like everything was right in her world.  What dumbfounded her even more was that he couldn’t keep himself away from her anymore than she wanted to be away from him and that he wanted her just as urgently as she wanted him. 


“Mmmmm, you can wake me up like that any time you like.  That was definitely better than any wakeup call I’ve ever received, not to mention the most amazingly gorgeous wakeup call!  When I’m dragging my ass tomorrow, I’ll think of that mind blowing orgasm you just gave me and it’ll keep me going.  Or more likely slow me down.”  She found herself laughing just out of the sheer joy of lying next to him, encased in his warm embrace.  Cade laughed as he bent down and gently kissed her lips.


“So, why didn’t you tell me you got on birth control?”


“At what point would you have liked me to tell you? We haven’t seen each other lately and it wasn’t really something I wanted to text you.”


“Yeah, I guess not.  I’m glad you did it though.  Although, I wasn’t opposed to using a condom you know.”


“I know that, , but I’m just as responsible with this as you are.  Besides, nothing feels as good as skin to skin and baby, you’re skin is amazing.”


Cade couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he leaned in for another taste from her mouth.  He felt more at peace in this moment than he had his whole life and he never wanted this feeling to end.


“You should get some sleep.”


“You really expect me to sleep after what you just did to me?”  She turned so that her back was to Cade and he pulled her closer into his body. 


“By the way, you must have been extremely busy at the office today to not have called me back.”


“Called you back?  I didn’t even know you called.” He couldn’t help himself, he had to have his lips on her silky smooth skin so he pressed kisses to her shoulder as he spoke.


“That little bitch.” She murmured under her breath.


Cade turned her in his arms.  “What?”


“I should have known.  I left a message with Erin to let you know I called.”


“Well, we were pretty busy.  It probably just slipped her mind.”


“Cade, you know she is a vindictive little bitch and will do anything to piss me off.  She loves getting under my skin.”


“Well, of all people, I would know she’s vindictive, but I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt since we really were busy today.  Why did you call?”


“Oh, I see how it is, so I need a reason to call now?” she asked as she pulled his mouth to hers.  Pushing him to his back, she straddled him.  “Actually, I was tired of just text messaging and wanted to hear your voice.”  Immediately Cade’s body responded and Tessa felt his shaft grow harder.  She reached between them, grasping a hold of his well endowed manhood as her other hand rested on his well defined chest, and slipped his cock inside her.  She began slowly riding him, watching his expressions.  Reveling in the way he responded to her every movement.  Enjoying not just the feel of his body inside hers, but the look of pleasure on his face.  She could watch him like this for all time. 


“You never need a reason to call and had I known, I would have called you back,” he finally ground out, his voice barely audible. 


He reached up and grabbed the nape of her neck, savoring every moment of the torture she dished out. 


He could barely focus on what they were talking about.  Tessa took his breath away as she sat atop him, his hands caressed from her breasts to her hips, gripping as she rode him slowly.  With each movement of her hips, Cade’s shaft grew thicker and harder inside of her. 


She’d intended to torment him with slow strokes, but her own desire sparked a heat in her that she couldn’t contain.  She began to ride him fast and hard, leaning back to take him as deep as she could until Cade flipped her over to her hands and knees.  He grabbed his cock, guiding it into her wet folds while she pushed her ass back towards him.  She felt his hands grab hold of her hips, as he rocked back and forth, getting deeper inside her core than he ever had.


He wanted to fuck her slowly, but her pussy was so tightly wrapped around his cock that he couldn’t hold back his orgasm.  Placing one hand on her shoulder for an anchor, the other buried in her long dark hair pulling just enough to bring pleasure while he took her hard and fast.  With every stroke of his cock inside her tight pussy, he was bringing them both closer to release.  He felt her bring her feet up to his waist an invitation to grab hold and pound her like this was the last fuck either of them would experience.  He released both her shoulder and hair, grabbing hold of her ankles and pounding her beautiful pink, wet pussy harder and faster, bringing them both to an earth shattering release.  Cade fell to the side of her as Tessa collapsed on the bed unable to move, unwilling to try.  Grabbing at the mangled bedding, Cade draped it over the two of them as he pulled her body closer to his.  He was spent and was sure she was also.


Tessa lay next to Cade, allowing her gaze to linger on his face, wondering if she was ever going to be able to get enough of him.  It wasn’t just hours she could spend making love to him, but days or weeks.  It wasn’t even just the crazy wild sex they enjoyed, but it was Cade and how he made her feel complete.  It was a completeness she never felt before.  If they never left her bed she would be one physically sated woman.  If he never left her side, she would die with a heart full of love.


Chapter 19




Tessa rolled over to the sound of her alarm going off to find Cade sleeping peacefully next to her.  She quickly turned off the blasted thing so it wouldn’t wake him.  As she turned back to him, she found it hard to pull her gaze from him.  She’d not thought it possible for him to look any more handsome, but here he was in her bed looking sexy as ever.  He was lying on his back, hair sticking on end in every direction, and his mouth slightly open. His shallow breaths a sure sign of his peaceful sleep.  The man was absolutely sinful whether he was awake or asleep.  Her body stirred from just laying next to him watching as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took.  She felt her pussy get wet just with a thought of what lay beneath the deep blue comforter that matched the color of his eyes.  He was absolutely perfect.  And he was absolutely perfect for her.  It wasn’t even just the physical with Cade.  He made her feel things no one ever had.   She felt beautiful and smart and worthy now that he’d become an intimate part of her life. 


She’d thought she saw Cade move his hand under the sheet, but as she watched the movement, she felt the brush of his knuckles on her cheek.


“I can feel you watching me.”  His voice was sleepy and sexy, his eyes still closed.


“Guilty as charged,” she replied her eyes still fixated on the sheet that seemed to continue its rise. Heat crept into her cheeks as she realized what the cause of it was, yet she was fascinated by it, by his body’s reaction.  She leaned in, her lips lingering just over his.


“I love how your body responds to me and without even a touch”


He opened his eyes, a spark in them, he gently wrapped his fingers around the nape of her neck. “It happens often and I love it also.”


“That’s good to know,” she said seductively.  She pressed a quick kiss to his lips, gave him a wicked smile, and hurried out of bed. 


Cade rolled to his stomach to try and grab her to pull her back in bed, but she was already across the bedroom.


“I’m thinking you should get back in bed with me.”


His voice was still husky from sleep causing her insides to catch fire.  She really did love the affect she had on him and the affect he had on her.  Her body trembled with desires like the branches of a tree during a thunderstorm.  And what a thunderstorm she had going on inside her.  Cade didn’t affect her just physically, but every day that passed she realized that without even thinking about it, she laid her heart at his feet.  Her chest tightened and a lump rose in her throat at the emotions that were swirling around in her head and her heart.  At that moment, she realized she wanted all of Cade, not just the physical, but his heart also.  She wouldn’t ask for it or offer hers to him without knowing how he felt.  Rejection was something she didn’t deal with well and she had no intentions of taking a step in that direction.  She intended to keep her emotions in check until she was certain of how Cade felt, but she would enjoy every inch of his scrumptious body without hesitation.


“No way,” she shook her head adamantly as she grabbed clean clothes.  “If I get back in that bed, I won’t want to get out and then I’ll be late for my first shoot.  I’m going to take a shower.”


“Is that an invitation?”


“No. It is not, Cade McCarthy.”


“I just thought I should come in and help you.” 


She glanced back at him, giving him a look of reprimand.  He laid on his stomach, his bare ass exposed to her and it took every ounce of self control that she had to keep moving away from him.  She kept her back to him, turning her eyes towards the bathroom knowing that if she took one more look she’d be throwing her clean clothes to the floor and in no time at all be straddling that cock she so enjoyed last night.


“Just to help you with those hard to reach places, that’s all.”   His laughter filled the room.


“It’s not happening mister, so just stay where you are.”  And with that she closed the door. 


Cade found himself laughing out loud when he heard the click of the lock to the bathroom door.  Rolling to his back, he stared up at the ceiling trying not to focus on the fact that Tessa was just behind that closed door naked, wet, soapy and hot. He could just picture her skin glistening as the water caressed her body, clinging to every luscious curve she has to offer.  He’d give anything to be in there with her right now, but she was right, she would be late if he joined her.  When he woke and felt her gaze on him, his body came to life immediately.  He thought for sure when she had noticed how he had woken up that he would get to spend at least a few minutes feeding that hunger and dishing out pleasures to her she’d never known before.  Unfortunately for him, that didn’t happen.  So, he lay still for a few moments trying to calm his body.  He needed to get up and get moving, otherwise he was definitely going to make her late no matter the consequences.  Although, she would be sated, she most certainly would not be happy with him messing up her schedule.


Twenty minutes later, Tessa made her way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and a quick bite.  The sight of Cade leaning over looking into her refrigerator with only his jeans on would forever be burned into her mind.  She really was getting used to having him around.  She liked the idea of seeing him in her kitchen on a daily basis.  The thought of making love to him nightly and waking up next to him every morning sent a shiver down her spine.  She let out a gasp at the thought.  .  She could see her life unfolding and Cade was in the center of it at her side.  And she was scared out of her mind for the deep emotions that she was experiencing for him. 


Cade turned his head when she let out that gasp and just that simple motion sent liquid heat pooling between her thighs.  She was going to have to go back down the hall to change her panties if she couldn’t get her mind elsewhere.  She had been amazed by his body’s reaction to her, but even more so, she was surprised at the way her own body responded to him.  And it wasn’t just her body, but her heart stuttered at just the sight of him.  It was as if her mind and heart were finally listening to what her body had been saying all along.  They belonged together.  He always made her feel special, intelligent, talented and beautiful, even though she didn’t really see those things in herself.  She realized quickly that while she was holding her own conversation with herself in her mind, she was standing there gawking at him.  She walked to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup of coffee before he thought she’d gone crazy on him.

BOOK: A Lifetime to Find Love
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