A Life for a Life (4 page)

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Authors: Eliza DeGaulle

BOOK: A Life for a Life
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"My god, Rena," he spoke as he gently petted my head with his approach. "You do this like an angel. A dirty, filthy angel, but an angel nonetheless."

I giggled, and continued my worship. The perspiration that leaked off his body tasted wonderful somehow. It was from his own adrenaline, and he was quick to share such a thing with me.

"Truly, that man didn't deserve you. In any way I can think of. Your rescue from his clutches was so very worth it."

As gratitude, I suck on him a bit harder, forcing his cock down my throat. I struggled with the girth, but it was worth it. My hero, my hitman, I'd never forget what he did. It'd be quite hard to do so. A slight taste of his seed escaped out of the tip of him, and I greedily gulped it up. It tasted wonderful - if I wanted to go cheesy, it tasted like freedom.

"My Rena, I must have you now. I cannot wait any longer." In a rush, he pulled his rod out of my lips, and pulled me to my feet. He picked me up, his hands cradling my ass. "Are you ready for me?"

My pussy watered so severely. If anything him eating me just made me hornier, more in need of him. "Fuck me, Guy. Please, give me everything." In his arms, I kissed him, our tongues meeting again.

It wasn't for long, though. Slowly but surely he began to lower me onto the girth of his cock. It spread my folds with an intense nature. The penetration spread through my body, electricity surging. I moaned in his face as he filled me so completely with his cock. My nipples rubbed against his chest, the friction adding another element of sensations between us.

I couldn't keep my mouth off him, even though the desire to scream his name. His strength forced a rhythm as my weight pushed him around the room. A steady, pounding feeling of him pushing through my slit. Our weight crashed into a dresser, tossing aside photographs, knocking things off walls. One such picture was of me and Lester in happier times. The glass shielding it had cracked. My tongue dug deeper into Guy's throat - my mind knew that it was all lies.

There was something so very real about Guy as he fucked me. Something in his eyes. After years of a relationship that seemed engineered by a bastard, fake illusions to enrapture me as arm candy, having a real, strong man who wanted me, fucking me was so refreshing. His naked cock pounding me again and again. My body was ready for him and anything that he was going to bring to me.

Guy struggled with his own building orgasm, the muscles he had so tense as I gripped them. He carried me back to the bed, and fell on top of me, only briefly ceasing his penetrations. He kept it up, our embraces continuing through my moans. Our heartbeats found sync. Something true between us.

"So fucking beautiful. I've been wanting this for so long, ever since I found out you existed," he said. I tried to respond, but the kisses continued. My legs simply wrapped around his deft body, encouraging him to stay inside of me.

I felt him push through my channel, his cock nearly nudging my cervix. Every roaring bit of pleasure surged through me. I needed him so bad.

"Our child will be as beautiful as you are. Our child will spread their beauty through the world through your wisdom. Oh, Rena." His thrusts entered me stronger. My arms clasped around his neck, and held him closer inside of me.

He was close - and I was approaching another orgasm as well. Together we worked as one, to bring a life into the world to replace the one lost. The child I always wanted - with a man worthy enough to be called a father.  His arms pulled me closer, penetrating me deeper. The rising climax inside me began to dominate me so completely. Our embrace broke, and he let my moans be a symphony to his ears. He deftly stroked my clit, keeping his hand tenderly between us, only seeking to make me find greater paradise.

I couldn't hold on any longer. My body shuddered in bliss, head to toe. I screamed his name, I screamed for his seed. Down deep within, my body did its part in pleasing him. My pussy shook and gripped him, milking him of all of his seed. His hot breath rushed past my ear.

His groan preceded the rush of seed inside of me, warming my body even more. The cream tickled my insides so much, urging me to greater bliss, to greater orgasm. His cock continued to pulse, pumping more and more of  his sperm into me. My head fell back in utter ecstasy.

Guy held himself inside me. He was a man of economizing his actions, and now was no different. He wanted to make sure this counted, that he received his payment for a job well done. 

He ran his hand over my hair, as sweat drenched as he was. A good sweat to go with a good ache. We shared another gaze into one another's souls.

Slowly, his hardness faded, and forced him to withdraw from my slit. Small bits of cream began to leak out of me, tickling my tender parts.

"Magical. It was greater than I ever imagined, my love."

I was exhausted. It was after midnight, and I was starting to doze even before the massive orgasms. His thick arms curled around my body, and held me close to his own. It was comforting to be in his grasps, something I don't think I have ever really experienced before. Protected, someone who would guard me and our family.

My hand grazed his skin, and I found myself accepting sleep. It was a sweet, wonderful sleep, a restfulness that would be hard to top in the years to come.








Light shone through the open window. I pulled myself up, the covers keeping me warm, for the body I had fell asleep with was no longer there.

He was now sitting on the edge of the bed. He had put his pants back on, and was holding his shoes.

"Guy," I said, placing my hand on his shoulders, "good morning."

He let out a depressed breath. "I had hoped to be gone before you awoke. I guess I'm not as good as planning as I thought I was."

"You have to go?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Rena. I should have departed last night, even."

"What, why?"

"Your husband drove into a lake. The only witness is a fired driver. It looks like an accident, yes, but with a man of his status, foul play will always be investigated. If they catch me, they will be quick to seek out any link to accuse me. A world class assassin and a dead billionaire? Far too convenient to be a coincidence."

I let out a breath. So this is how it had to be? "I guess I'm naive then, thinking you wanted me for more than sex."

Guy stood and turned to face me.

"Excuse me?"

"You do this all the time, don't you? I thought it was because I was special, but no. What you do is kill off bastard husbands. Make up some spiel about goodness and beauties so you can get off on bareback sex with the loveless wives who will jump on anyone who says something nice to them. Hope they get knocked up because that's how you get your jollies."

Guy took a deep breath. "No."

"Why are you so quick to ditch me, then?"

"I don't want to, Rena."

"Then why?"

He leaned down, and looked me in the eyes. "I am a hired killer. The offer I made to you, though, is unique. I've wanted Lester Helmsley dead for awhile. I research him, his family. I watch from afar. I saw you sulk outside on to a balcony much like the first time I met you. The depression in your eyes was crystal clear."

Guy raised his hand, and caressed my cheek, never breaking his gaze.

"I fell in love. A beautiful woman, being mistreated by an utter monster. As I did more research on you, and I fell deeper in love. I want nothing more than to stay at your side."

"Then why, Guy?" A tear formed in my eye. I had answers to the question stewing in my mind.

"I'm a wanted man. I  told I didn't break from former employers in the best way possible. I can't put a woman in danger like that. I can't put you - " his other hand went down to my naked abdomen, "and our child in danger like that."

Of course, I told myself.

"I wanted you. I ached for you, Rena. I can't have you. So I chose a method that would allow me to form an eternal bond. Something that will keep us together in some way no matter what happens."

My eyes closed with a deep breath.

"I will be watching, Rena. Perhaps some day we can be together. Perhaps I will need to strike again."

A knock rapped on the front door of the penthouse.

"The police, they're coming," Guy looked toward the penthouse's front door. "I knew the risk when I stayed the night."

My eyes sulked down to the floor. He raised my chin back up.

"It was worth it, just to be with you through the night."

We shared another gaze into the soul of one another. It felt like it should have been an eternity, but another rapping of the door broke our bliss.

"Get dressed, answer the door. Act concerned. They're going to tell you your husband is dead. He came in last night, made a mess of your bedroom in a drunken rage. You tried to stop him, but he went out driving completely smashed and drunk."

I nodded in acknowledgment.

"I was never here. When you fall pregnant, tearfully declare it's the last thing you have to remember Lester by."

My face drooped. "I hate the idea of even pretending to have a child by that bastard."

"Not much of a choice with the way your nuptials are worded. You know, I know, and some day you will tell our child. That is all that matters, Rena."


In a rush, Guy finished dressing himself. He was near the window that he entered from. I shouted out to the front door. "I'm awake, I'm coming, hold on!" I found my panties and nightgown and tossed on a robe. I psyched myself up to face them.

"Rena." Guy stood at the window.

My face turned toward him. In the blink of an eye, he rushed across the room, and shared yet another kiss with me. Long, passionate, we kissed like we weren't sure we'd ever get to embrace like this again - because we weren't.

As it broke, a tear dripped ran down his cheek. "Always remember this, no matter what happens, I love you, always."

He took a deep breath, and ran to the balcony. I watched as he stepped over the side, and forced one last smile for me as he dropped down. Once more, I wondered if I would ever see a man I loved again. This time, though, I felt no joy at the prospect.








The elevator ticked up the floors. I was one to use the stairs to get a little exercise in, but when you're four months pregnant, you use it as a justification to take shortcuts.

I was the new Chairman and CEO of Helmsley Enterprises. All of Lester's estate was transferred to me, seeing that he lacked a will. I guess he believed himself immortal. It was hard to shed tears for him when the police told me, but I reminded myself that I may not ever see Guy again. It got the waterworks flowing easily enough.

The doors to the board room were opened, a sense of chivalry or misogyny making one
of the young men get them for me.

"Miss Helmsley." A series of hands shot out to greet me with handshakes all around.

I evaluated the rest of the board. Balding old men, slick looking younger men filled the chairs. Cruel, cold ambition united all of them. Unsurprisingly, not a single other woman. Something in the pit of my soul, though, called out to me as my eyes met theirs.

When you're married to evil, you get to know it so very well. You gain almost a sixth sense for seeing it - and with the way these men looked at me with disdain and disgust, I knew that I was in the presence of it.

"First order of this meeting," one of the elder businessmen began, "is what we are doing with the lot we've just acquired, and plans for a new AllMart Ultra Center. There is currently an animal shelter there that is on the agenda for demolition."

"We're keeping the shelter open," I said, in a plain, matter of fact manner. "We will also refuse to collect rent from the people there, and see that they receive proper funding to continue their business as usual."

"Excuse me? How will that increase our profits?"

"Why the hell would we do that?"

"Figures a woman thinks that's a good idea."

"The shareholders will have our heads!"

My ears were filled with the sound of angry men's complaints.

I rolled my eyes. Guy told me he'd always be watching. My husband was an evil man, but he wasn't the only evil man - everything told me that I would be requiring Guy's services in the future.

I had hoped the fee would remain the same.




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