A Lady's Guide to Kiss A Rake: Misadventures of the heart (11 page)

BOOK: A Lady's Guide to Kiss A Rake: Misadventures of the heart
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“Poppy! You scared me to death! Are you all right?”

Poppy’s head wobbled as she tried to nod. “Fine… give… minute. Damn… headache.”

“Well,” Belle huffed, though the concern did not quite leave her eyes, “If you can curse, then you must be fine.”

“Of course she’ll be fine,” Willow said, embracing her sister in a hug.

“What happened?” Belle asked.

“The batch was a bit too strong.”

“A bit? It set a building on fire,” James muttered.

Jo interrupted before tempers started too exploded as well. “We will speak of it later, for now everyone should rest.”

Willow nodded and took Poppy’s hand. “Are you able to walk on your own?” Poppy’s nod was weak but determined. 

Jo stared as James reluctantly let go of her and Poppy carefully made her way forward, both her sisters coming up beside her in case she should fall.

“Thank you for saving my cousin,” Belle said to James.

He just nodded.

Watching them disappear into the house Jo murmured, “I have a bad feeling, James.”

“I know, but there is nothing we can do about it now.”

Even so, Jo still couldn’t shake the feeling that their lives had just been set on a course that could not be undone. They would have to account for what happened today. Soon.



Chapter 11

Josephine entered the theatre on Drury Lane for no other reason than keeping up appearances, and of course to see whether Cartwright would be in attendance. She was accompanied by Lady Evelyn and Lord Grey, about the only man her brother tolerated, and only because he’d married her best friend.

Neither her brother nor friend seemed to suspect her involvement in the fire, which appeared to be the topic on everyone’s lips these past two days. Speculation ran rampant along with whispers of Lady Constance’s disappearance. Though no connection between the two events had been made, it did not mean Cartwright would not make it. Many rumors of Lady Constance’s disappearance revolved around the Duke of Richmond, but the most popular theory held that she ran away because the pressure of marriage to a merchant had become too much.

Jo, however, still reeled over the events that had transpired. The Middletons had, without intending to, truly outdone themselves. The act itself not as magnificent as the events it led to, all seemingly accidental according to the papers. The papers also raved of a mysterious hero who ran into the burning building to rescue a child. Everyone speculated about their identity now as well. Even forums dedicated to uncover their identities had been formed. When no man came forward to claim the title of hero, suspicions of staged events had circled.  

But while the distraction worked better than they had hoped for, especially because of all the gossip and attention, the ramifications remained unclear. Jo’s instincts warned of an unseen danger.

Hence the reason she was wasting precious time attending the theatre. She wanted to see Cartwright’s face for herself. With Lady Constance tucked away from harm at Green Rose Cottage, one of Jo’s family estates, where could the harm be? She’d been told that the duke would take care of Cartwright, would eliminate him, but Jo would be at peace only once she attended his funeral.

A small hand touched her arm. “Are you all right?” Evelyn whispered, having taken note of her pensive expression with a frown.

“Of course, why would I not be?”

“You look kind of green,” Evelyn murmured.


“Not green as in green, but green as in a pale.”

“Pale? Would I not appear white then?”

“Oh, you know what I mean. Now stop avoiding my question. What’s amiss?”

“It’s nothing, Brahm and I argued.” Not a lie since she and her brother fought all the time. She hated withholding things from her friend, but until the consequences of rescuing Lady Constance became clear, Evelyn’s safety was more important.

“Your brother is a man of deep passions,” Evelyn remarked.

“True, but I wish he would direct those passions somewhere more appropriate.”

“We should find him a wife.”

Jo laughed, but it sounded forced even to her own ears.

“Are you certain that you’re all right?” Evelyn asked, now openly concerned.

No simpleton, her friend had always been able to sense when something troubled Jo. “All is fine. My brother is being more stubborn than usual. A wife would do him good.”

Evelyn nodded and Jo relaxed. Somewhat. She continued to study the faces in the crowd, hoping to spot one in particular. She had not seen St. Aldwyn since he came to call on her. That had been days ago. Jo wished she’d asked him to be part of their project instead of Craven. But St. Aldwyn would attempt to stop her, not assist her in her endeavors.

Yet, Jo still considered him a friend, a vital part of her life. It seemed odd to regard him as such and regretful that she could never tell him her secrets.

“Oh, we will find him someone suitable. But I daresay that won’t stop him from meddling in your life. There is bound to be something you will do to spur his temper on.”

Jo gave a low chuckle. By the way her brother danced around the Middletons to avoid their advances, Jo doubted Evelyn would have much luck.

“Just don’t let him suspect it was my idea, or he’ll send me away.”

Evelyn eyes lighted with amusement. “Your brother loves you too much to send you away. He would be lost without you.”

“He has an odd way of showing it.”

“Not so odd, I would imagine. Your brother, like most men, simply cannot fathom why any woman would wish to remain unmarried. Men cannot wrap their minds around the independent spirit of a woman. I am convinced they are incapable of it.”

“You husband has done well,” Jo pointed out.

“Has he? I very much doubt that. But I’ve learned to share my independence with him, as he is trying to do so with me.”

“My brother would never do that.”

“Of course not. You are his sister. He wishes you happily married.”

Jo only snorted.

“You can always run off with a gentleman so you won’t have to live under your brother’s thumb anymore.”

“In other words I would trade one impossible male for a lessor impossible male? I can’t say I’m comfortable with the odds.”

Evelyn gurgled as she attempted to suppress her laugh. “Oh, I don’t know. Marriage is not as bad as I presumed it would be.”

“You are in love.”

“You could always come live with me.”

Jo lips twitched. “Oh, he would drag me arms flailing out your door. He has outright refused to marry until I do.”

Her friend gaped in disbelief. “What?”

“Oh yes. He came right out and said if I did not marry, neither would he. Apparently it doesn’t matter that he has a duty to beget an heir, he is determined to prove a point.”

Evelyn shook her head. “Perhaps he’s taken his brotherly duty a bit too far.”

“I’ll say,” Jo muttered.

“What do you suppose spurred him to make such a declaration?”

“Oh, I do not suppose, I’m well aware—the Middletons. He believes they are out to trap him into marriage and that I put them up to it.”

“He’s not far off.”

“Regardless, he’s wants to back me into a corner.”

“He is determined.”

“He has lost his mind.”

“Who’s lost his mind?” The throaty male voice of St. Aldwyn interrupted their conversation. Pleasure warmed Jo’s blood. Would she ever escape this man?
Did she want to?
Her gaze traveled up to his handsome face, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him.  Memories of his lips pressed against hers assailed her. She really ought to latch onto some of his flaws, then perhaps her heart wouldn’t start to race at the mere mention of his name, her knees wouldn’t go weak in his presence and her soul would not long for something best left alone. Damn his rotten heart for being the one to produce such feelings in her. Feelings she did not wish to feel.

“Lady Josephine?” The lazy drawl came again, but this time more alert. “Or were you perhaps talking about me?” He tilted his head to the side, his eyes alight with curiosity.

“Of course not,” Jo scoffed. “That you lost your mind is old news, I was referring to my brother and his vow to remain unwed for as long as I do.”

He lifted an amused brow. “I am certain you did not take his statement well.”

Jo shrugged. “He will die holding his breath. I have no desire to marry.”

“And why is that, my lady?” 

Jo glanced over to Evelyn for help but her friend quickly lifted her hand to wave at some old fodder that stood a few feet away from her. Traitor.

“I have no use for a husband.” A husband would demand she give up her projects.

“Surely there are uses for a husband to be desired?”

Did he mean the act of seduction? It held some undeniable margin of appeal. But one may enjoy an intimate connection with a man without being married. Jo’s lips curved into a wicked smile. The prospect of being seduced by St. Aldwyn did hold delicious appeal.

She pondered teasing him with talk of seducing Craven, but disregarded the notion. She found (to her surprise) she did not wish to anger the man gazing down at her with such heated eyes. 

“Why are you smiling like that?”

The suspicion in his voice caused Evelyn to choke back a laugh. “I daresay trouble brews in her mind,” her friend murmured with a smile.

With relief, Jo caught sight of Holly bouncing toward them, a look of shock on her pixie like face. “Lady Josephine, Lady Evelyn, I’ve just learned the most disturbing news.”

“What is it, Holly?” Jo asked, aware of what news Holly must have learned as well as that the girl had no idea she’d been party to it.

“Lady Constance has been kidnapped and her husband has put out a reward of a thousand pounds for anyone with knowledge of her disappearance.”

Jo’s stomach tightened.
A thousand pounds

“How can that be?” Evelyn murmured, her expression shocked.

Jo forced herself not to react to the news of the reward, only feigning concern by crunching up her brows. “That’s awful. But kidnapping? Perhaps she ran away.”

Holly nodded. “Yes, her husband’s quite certain. I’ve even heard rumors he accused the Duke of orchestrating the entire affair.”

“But they are family?” Evelyn said, her frown deepening. “Why would he kidnap his own niece?”

Holly dropped her voice an octave, peering around to make sure no one overheard her. “There are rumors that they have never gotten along, and that the Duke did not give his blessing for the union.”

“I’ve heard rumors of that sort as well,” Evelyn confessed in a soft whisper.

A sudden grip on Jo’s arms drew her attention away from the conversation to St. Aldwyn. Suspicion clouded his features as he pulled her to the side, his face an unreadable mask.

“Josephine—” He began then broke off with a sigh. “Did you have anything to do with the disappearance of Lady Constance?”

Josephine’s smile flattened, but she kept it in place. After all, had she not expected this? It hardly mattered whether he suspected her or not, it was done. “I can’t say that I did.”

“Can’t say or won’t admit to it?”


His eyes narrowed on her. “If rumors are to be believed, Lady Constance disappeared in broad daylight. Her husband is out for murder.”

“In broad daylight?”

“Yes, she vanished into thin air after an old abandoned building caught on fire. It was ruled to be an accident, an unfortunate chain of events, I believed they called it.”

Jo widened her eyes. “Why that’s horrible! But I daresay such things happen all the time.”

“No, my lady, they do not.”

“Well perhaps not all the time, but if Lady Constance disappeared into thin air, as you put it, why is her husband attending the opera?”

“Keeping up appearances, I would imagine. Why are you here, Lady Josephine?” Suspicion etched clear in his tone. “Your lack of culture is common knowledge. You rarely, if ever, attend.”

Lack of culture? Why, the buffoon. “True, I have no love for the theatre, but Evelyn asked me to join her and I accepted. Not that I have to explain anything to you, my lord,” Jo said, her smile thin.

“I do not give a damn about Lady Constance.” He grabbed her shoulders and leaned closer until inches separated them. “This is not a game. Her husband is offering a suitcase of gold to anyone with information regarding her whereabouts. If he even suspects you had anything to do with her disappearance, he will have your head.”

Jo shrugged out of his grip. “Then it’s a good thing I had nothing to do with her disappearance. Has it ever occurred to you that she may have run away on her own? That perhaps she’d not been happy in her marriage?”

“Blast it. This has you written all over it.”

“No,” Jo whispered, shifting a little so that her body leaned toward his. Suddenly, all thoughts of the kidnapping vanished when she recognized the desire reflected in his eyes. Her gaze dropped to his lips. “It is possible that she gave up her suffocating life for a more pleasurable lifestyle with a lover, but that does not mean I had anything to do with it.”

That gained his full attention. “I beg your pardon?”

A wicked glint entered Jo’s eyes. “Or perhaps she ran away alone.”

“Lady Constance does not strike me as the sort to run away with a lover.”

“You can’t possibly know that.”

He grinned. “I have devoted a lifetime to the study of females.”

“Learning how best to get them into your bed, no doubt,” she countered with a dry voice, but she did not give him the chance to reply before she went on, “At any rate, whether she ran away with a lover or not is irrelevant, but I wager she consorted with a gypsy, and everybody knows that gypsies do not ask, they take and ravish,” she teased.

His gaze dropped to where she bit her lower lip.

“Gypsy cultures aren’t widely known, so how did you come about the information they kidnap their women and ravish them?”

“I read,” her smiled widened. “Or perhaps I’m acquainted with a gypsy.”

“Not likely, my dear.”

Jo shrugged. “Regardless, I was not involved.”

“You’d better not have been. Her husband’s a dangerous man.”

“And I’m a cautious woman.”

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