A Lady Most Lovely

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Authors: Jennifer Delamere

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Historical / General, #Fiction / Christian - Romance, #Fiction / Historical

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A Preview of
An Heiress at Heart


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For Jim

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour…
And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.





Chapter 1

London, August 1852

ren’t you the man who rode a horse twenty miles to shore after a shipwreck?”

Tom Poole grimaced in irritation. This had to be the twentieth time tonight that he’d been forced to answer some inane question. He turned to see who had addressed him.

The man looked about the same age as Tom, but he was much shorter and a good deal more rotund. His weak, watery eyes were focused on Tom with complete fascination. Apparently everyone in London had heard his story—or some wild, exaggerated version of it. Tom had been answering questions like this all evening, trying to set the record straight for dozens of questioners who had been buzzing around him like mosquitoes. “It was only seven miles,” Tom told him pointedly. “And I didn’t
the horse.”

With a vain hope that this would satisfy his inquisitor,
Tom turned away. He no longer cared if his answers were too brusque. He’d done more than his share of socializing tonight, and in any case his real attention was elsewhere—held captive by the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

She was breathtaking—tall and stately, with every feature that Tom had always found desirous in a woman: gleaming dark brown hair, high cheekbones, and a full, sensuous mouth. A generous portion of her smooth, ivory skin was displayed to great advantage by the low-cut neckline of her emerald-green gown. Tom had spotted her the moment he’d come in. Although he’d been introduced to just about every other person in this overcrowded ballroom, somehow she had remained far away—unreachable, like a star or a distant planet.

Since no introductions had been forthcoming, Tom had decided to ask James Simpson who she was. James, who was the cousin of Tom’s half sister Lizzie, was an affable roué who seemed to know everyone in London. Tom had been just about to ask him about the woman when they’d been interrupted.

James now looked askance at the man. “Carter, hasn’t anyone told you to obtain an introduction before butting into a conversation?”

“Oh, I beg your pardon,” Carter returned in an exaggerated tone, not looking the least bit contrite. He gave Tom a showy bow. “Bartholomew Carter, at your service.”

Tom replied with a brief nod. Carter’s lack of protocol revealed he was just like so many men Tom had met at this party: self-indulgent, self-important gentlemen who would not have given him the time of day before
he’d left England. Now that good fortune in the Australian gold fields had elevated Tom from a poor farmhand to a wealthy man, he was suddenly on everyone’s list of people worth knowing.

His sister Lizzie’s social status had also risen dramatically. Last year she’d married a baron, and now she was Lady Somerville, a member of London’s elite social circle. For her sake Tom had done his best to endure the lessons on deportment and all these irritating interactions that passed for conversation with the upper classes. He knew it was an unavoidable duty, given his new station in life, but his patience was growing short. Especially tonight. Tonight he wanted only to meet the woman who had kept him spellbound.

Once more Tom’s gaze strayed in her direction. She’d spent much of the past hour speaking with a very slender, rather shy-looking young lady—one who might have been pretty, but whose features seemed to fade into her pale, peach-colored gown. On the surface these two women could not have appeared more different, yet they were chatting with the air of close friends. For some reason Tom found this intriguing. He’d seen plenty of so-called friendships that were nothing but two people pretending to like each other in order to gain some social advantage. Tom wondered if perhaps this one was genuine.

“You mean, you didn’t ride to shore on a wild stallion?”

stallion? With great effort, Tom turned back to Carter. “It’s a
. A champion racehorse. Took first place three times at Homebush.”

“That’s not the way I heard it,” Carter persisted. “I
heard he could barely be contained in his stall during the voyage to England.”

Tom frowned. “The horse is, understandably, leery of ships.”

That wasn’t the half of it, of course. It was a wonder the creature had survived the voyage at all, given its constant restlessness that verged on panic whenever the seas were rough. But now that the stallion was on dry land, it was easily controlled by any competent rider. But this information would be lost on Carter. No doubt the only time he got near a horse was when he placed his generous rump into a finely appointed carriage.

Irresistibly, Tom glanced at the woman again. She looked so poised, so cool and collected, as though she didn’t realize that the horde of people in the room had sucked all the air out of it.

It was hot, and Tom’s collar chafed. Every part of his attire, from his elaborately knotted cravat to his trim-fitting coat and trousers, was too confining. He was still adjusting to the sheer volume of clothing that custom dictated for gentlemen. In his humbler days he’d rarely needed more than a simple shirt and trousers. He tugged at his cravat in an attempt to loosen it, even though he could imagine the look of disapproval this would bring from his new valet. Stephens was not just a servant but a mentor. He was teaching Tom how to dress and how to allow others to do dozens of things for him that any man should be able to do for himself. Being waited on hand and foot chafed Tom even more than the cravat. He would never forget that hard work alone brought his success. He would never become like the buffoon who was still questioning him.

“What was it like to be captured by savages?” Carter prompted.

“The Aborigines didn’t
me,” Tom said sharply. “They
me washed up on the beach, half dead. They took me to their camp and helped me recover.”

This drew a look of disbelief from Carter. He evidently preferred to visualize Tom pinned down by the point of a spear. That alone illustrated the vast difference between them. Tom had lived for weeks among the Aborigines, but it was only now he’d returned to England that he found himself among a truly different race. He had been excited about returning to London—he’d always loved the energy of its noisy, foggy, bustling streets. But he was seeing a new side of the city now. He’d been dirtpoor when he’d left for Australia seven years ago. He had lived in parts of London that nobody in this room was aware even existed. Or at least, they did not acknowledge it if they did. He’d only seen these grand homes from the outside, only observed their inhabitants from a distance. Now he was one of them. Well, not exactly
one of them
. Perhaps
among them
would be a better way to describe it.

Despite his joy at being reunited with his sister, Tom had begun to question whether coming back had been a good idea. Only now, as he watched the statuesque brunette gracing the room with her sweeping gaze, did he think all his pains had been worth it. It had been a very long time since a woman had taken such complete hold of his attention. Longer than he could remember. He
to get James to introduce him. “James,” he said, “who is that woman?”

James looked toward the place where Tom was indicating, but Carter cut him off before he could answer.
“Tell me, Poole, is it true the Aborigine women walk around all day without a stitch of clothing?” His mouth widened into an ugly leer. “I should like to see that.”

This remark swept away the last shred of Tom’s patience. He took hold of Carter’s coat, bringing the smug idiot close enough to sense his anger. “Do you think they are no better than animals? There are far worse savages in England, I assure you.”

Carter’s mouth actually fell open in shock. But then he collected himself and shook free of Tom’s grasp, sputtering, “How dare you handle me like that, sir!” His right arm came up, as though he was foolishly considering taking Tom on—something that Tom, God help him, would have relished. His fists clenched, and he might actually have taken a swing if James had not stepped in and smoothly steered the man several steps away.

“Carter, you’ve plied Tom with quite enough questions,” he admonished. “Why don’t you go find the billiard room or something.”

Carter straightened his coat. After throwing an icy glare at Tom, he turned and stalked off.

“Thank you for rescuing me from that fool,” Tom said.

“I had the impression I was rescuing Carter from
,” James countered with a smirk. “I could see you were ready to throttle him. Not that I would have blamed you. He is an insufferable bore.”

Tom waved away James’s well-meaning words. “No. It was my fault. I should not have allowed him to anger me. I should not have used force against him.” He shook his head ruefully. “I keep forgetting all those things Lizzie has been trying to teach me. Not to mention—” He cut himself short.

James lifted an eyebrow. “Not to mention what?”

Again, Tom waved him off. “Never mind.” There was no point trying to explain; James probably would not understand. Despite the multitude of resolutions Tom had made over the past year, there were still far too many times when he lost his temper. Why was it so hard for him to act with the patience he was supposed to have if he was truly a Christian?

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