A King's Revenge: Warlords Series Book 2 (6 page)

BOOK: A King's Revenge: Warlords Series Book 2
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Chapter 12


Lea rolled over and
stretched full out in the narrow bed. Her body ached and throbbed in places
unused to the vigorous exercise from the night before. Her mouth stretched into
a broad grin as she allowed herself to remember each touch and stroke of his
broad hands. Tingles rippled down her spine.

Lingering remnants of

She wondered if he’d
be interested in round two. Although technically they’d had two and three last
night. With a grin, Lea sat up ignoring the slipping bed sheets. The empty room
put a pall on the happiness zinging through her system. She turned left then
right looking for the handsome stranger who’d held her in his arms through the


His clothes, boots and
the man himself were gone. Her stomach clenched. Perhaps he wasn’t one for the
morning after etiquette. She climbed from the bed and grabbed a clean jumper
even as she gave herself a gut check. It shouldn’t matter that he hadn’t stuck
around until she woke. They’d had a good time. Given one another satisfaction
and if Lea was honest he’d helped her stave off the loneliness that often crept
up on her during the night.

She heaved a sigh and
kicked at the crumpled shirt in her way. Programming the thermo settings, Lea
stepped into the shower and heated water instantly misted out. Since she and
Kord were leaving today there would be no time to dwell on thoughts of Tarik.

Lea dressed with
plenty of time to spare. Kord buzzed her comm as she slid her laser in the
holster around her thigh. The weight of the weapon gave her a familiar sense of
security. “Hi, Kord.”

“You’re late,” he

Lea frowned, hitting
the door release as she left the room. Kord never snapped. “I’m only a few
minutes behind.”

She hiked her duffle
further up on her shoulder and hustled to the transport lift. “Are you down in
the bay?”

“Yes. We’re cleared
for take off.”

Kord always handled
the pre-flight check and with their recent repair delays, he was extra cautious.
Lea didn’t mind since she preferred to fly. Piloting their shuttle thrilled
her. Each jaunt into a different port flooded her with excitement and

Lea attributed her
exuberance to her failed career in the military. The gap in her memory may have
made her ineligible to return but it didn’t take away the joy she got from
flying or the rush.

She braced her weight
and hit the button for the shuttle bay. The predictable drop had her gasping
and then it slid to a smooth halt and the door opened. Ships landing and
launching flooded the recycled air in this area with the smell of fuel and
engine noise. Thrusters revved and whined while the ramp down the center of the
large space lit up with red lights to signal another ship for clearance.

The door at the end of
the tunnel opened and a military cruiser launched through the outer portal.
Ship after ship in queue preceded forward, the outer bay doors hissing each
time it opened and closed.

Lea scanned the crowd
of rushing people. Kord stood taller than the others. He headed in her
direction when they made eye contact. Dressed in a navy jumper similar to hers
and a stunner strapped to his hip, her friend drew curious stares. Over six
feet in height and with a build that only hinted at the muscles she’d seen,
Kord could have any woman he wanted but Lea wasn’t sure if there was someone
special in his life. They spent a lot of time together yet neither of them
brought anyone around the other.

Kord sidestepped armed
guards, his strides lengthening the closer he got to her. Security remained on
high alert due to the Alliance gathering. Lea waited until he reached her.

He grasped her upper
arm guiding her through the area. Lea frowned. “When are we slotted?”

“Two more launches
then us.”

Their shuttle came into
view. Her heart swelled with pride. The middle class shuttle wasn’t much to
look at in comparison to some of the other vehicles around them but the offline
FX had been a thing of beauty in its day. When it was designed engineers still
cared about the beauty and symmetry of every ship that was crafted. Unlike
today’s cumbersome behemoths with their armored casing and limited

The sleek silver
finish of the FX shone brightly beneath the overhead lights. Black matte
stripes trimmed the side wings to match the black underbelly. Two mounted
canons were welded on the front extended runners. Lea loved the FX. What it
lacked in heavy artillery it made up for in speed.

Kord released her when
they stood near the hatch, the doors already opening due to the remote access
on Kord’s comm. Lea stopped before entering. “What’s the rush?”

His lips pressed
together but he stopped pushing her along with the touches to her back and arm.
“No rush.”

Turning her back on
the door, she crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot. First having
Tarik do a runner on her this morning and now Kord acting more mysterious than
usual. “Something’s up with you.”

“As always you
attribute more to my actions than is necessary.”

The familiar smirk and
dismissive words should have reassured her. They didn’t. They sounded forced.
Lea stared trying to put her finger on what bothered her the most about his
behavior. He’d been acting strange since-


Her head turned in the
direction of the transport lift. Tarik and two men dressed in black ankle
length robes edges in gold exited. She ignored the men with him despite the confused
stares they aimed her way and focused on Tarik. He alone held her attention.

Gone was the flirty
stranger she’d met in a bar. Gone was the sensuous lover she’d spent the night
with. In his place stood a ruler of men. A thin circlet of gold did its best to
hold back the gold streaked brown hair. In lieu of the simple white shirt and
black pants he’d worn the night before, this Tarik dressed as if it was his
right to lead.

The black cape was
flung carelessly over one shoulder, a large gold clasp holding it in place to
reveal the v-neck black tunic beneath that reached his knees. Around his waist
rested thick gold braided rope with the long ends dangling at his side and a
sword on his hip. The slide slits of his tunic showed teasing glimpses of black
pants tucked into the top of black leather boots with the upper flaps folded
down. Gold chains wrapped around each ankle of the boots and clinked with every
step he took in her direction.

Overhead the
controller announced the next launch. Guards bowed as Tarik passed them. Heart
pounding, Lea realized that she should have made the connection sooner. Tarik
arrived while the United Alliance was in session. She’d seen him leaving a
meeting with several members of the Alliance. Although she didn’t stay up to
date on galactic policy she had to be a fool not to have recognized what he was
if not who.

Being here during this
time and with this group meant he wasn’t an ordinary stranger in a bar. He was
important. Important enough to warrant the attention of every person in the
bay. Heads swiveled in their direction.

Kord stepped in front
of her blocking Tarik from her view when he reached them.

“Stand aside.” Tarik’s
low voice growled the order expecting to be obeyed.

Lea shivered and
peered around Kord’s side.

“Go away King of

Tarik was a King? How
could Kord possibly know the King on a planet they’d never gone to even when
she hinted at going to her home world for a visit?




Tarik sensed her
confusion. Aggression filled the air from her friend. The man was pissed. Since
he’d never met him before, Tarik couldn’t place the reason for the anger. He
tried to get a closer look at Lea but the man shifted to block his view.

She wore her visor and
Tarik wished he’d gone with his instincts and removed them while she slept. He
had a sudden desire to see her eyes. Prove that his thoughts, his hopes, were
foolish. Tarik considered his actions. The sheer impossibility of what he
imagined. Hensel and Mati on the other hand stared in shock leaving him no
choice but to follow through.

Tarik studied Lea as
she tried without success to get around her friend.

“What is going on with
the two of you?”

He deserved to know
the truth. Tarik braced himself for her shock and disbelief. “I have reason to
believe you may be my presumed deceased wife.”

Her mouth dropped
open. “What?!”

Tarik wasn’t going to
walk away without knowing absolutely for certain. “I have a favor to ask.
Remove your glasses.” She started to protest. “Please. I
to see your eyes.” Tarik hoped, no he prayed that she would
allow him the courtesy.

“Listen, Tarik. What
we shared was great. But I’m not whoever you think I am and seeing my eyes won’t
change that.”

He knew she’d refused
but she was wrong. “Seeing your eyes will change everything. I refuse to lie
and say there isn’t a part of me that wants you to be her but if you aren’t, I
can accept it. I would still be interested in having you visit Desani.”

She shook her head
again and turned to leave.

Tarik gripped her arm,
ignoring the sharp curse from the man at her side. “Please.”

Lea studied him then
sighed. “Fine.” Her hand whipped the dark visor off and she stared at him full

Tarik stumbled back
pulling her with him. He thought he’d prepared for the disappointment.

Perhaps he had.

What he hadn’t
prepared for was the tremendous relief, joy and happiness.

Eyes blazing white
pupil and iris met his gaze defiantly.

“Maliya,” he murmured,
stepping close. His free hand cupped her cheek.

When she flinched,
Tarik dropped his hand to his side but he didn’t lose his hold on her arm.

Her friend cursed.
Mati and Hensel gasped and drew closer.

“I’m not her.” Lea
tugged on her arm. Her lips quivered

She had a sexy mouth. One
he’d kissed over and over the night before and planned to kiss many more times.

“You are,” he
confirmed. “There are holo records of our union, paintings of you…no other
woman has those eyes. Surely you know that.”

Now she fought in
earnest against his hold. “Kord tell him. He’s mistaken. I’m a former officer
from the military. I had an accident.”

Tarik swallowed
hearing her familiar history. “You left the military barely a cadet. Right
after graduation. You took a small leave before your first mission to visit
Pakar. I was there on a good will visit with King Jovan. We fell in love.”

Her face drained of
color. She stumbled back. “No. No you’re wrong. Kord!”

“We were married
shortly after and had two and a half years together. Three years ago your
guards were attacked while you shopped. I thought I’d lost you.” Tarik forced
the words out hating the way she paled. Hating the tears welling in eyes he
found more beautiful every moment he stared into them.

“Kord,” she insisted.
“Tell him I’m not his wife. I had an accident. An explosion on a ship.”

The man at her side
stepped closer and wrapped a soothing arm about her shoulder. “I’m sorry.” His
head lowered to brush his lips over her hair.

Tarik wanted to snatch
his wife away.

“Very sorry, he found
you, Maliya.”

Tarik stiffened and
his wife shoved back from all of them, her head jerking side to side. “W-what.
I don’t understand.”

They were drawing a
crowd. Whispers started. Tarik hadn’t envisioned this unfolding in front of so
many. Her safety was his priority.

His Maliya. He wanted
to swing her into his arms. Hold tight and inhale her fragrance until his chest
burst from locking her scent within. This woman was his wife and yet wasn’t.
Nothing in her demeanor implied she knew who he was besides the man she’d met
in a space station bar and slept with.

“We need privacy.
Let’s go to my room.”

“No,” Maliya snapped
stepping away from all of them. “I’m not going anywhere with you. We had sex.
That’s all.”

Mati gasped and Tarik
felt his gaze on him but refused to look away from his wife.

“We can leave now, Lea.
Our shuttle is queued next.”

Tarik glared at the
grim bastard by her side. He noted with some relief that she backed away from
him as well. Choosing his words carefully, Tarik said, “My wife isn’t leaving
this station with you. Mati, contact the head of the space station. Inform
Director Trex to shut all launches down until further notice. This is a matter
of utmost urgency.”

“Contacting the
director now, Sire.”

“Y-you can’t do that.”

Tarik ignored the pain
radiating from his distraught wife

Lights overhead
flashed moments after Mati used his portable communicator. An announcement
scrolled across the many screens strategically placed overhead followed by the
loud speakers imbedded in the walls.

“All launches have been
delayed due to an emergency. No ship will land or take off until further

Groans sounded around
them followed by curses.

“If he tries to take
you off station it will be considered a royal kidnapping and I will approve
deadly force if necessary by the UA military.” Tarik wished it didn’t have to
go this way but her friend had shifted his stance and though he only wore a
stunner in his weapons belt, Tarik was sure he was capable of so much more.

Maliya, he couldn’t
think of her as Lea now that he knew for certain her identity, fisted her hands
at her side. “You’re wrong. About all of this.”

Tarik tipped his head
to the side toward her friend. “He apologized. He knows who you are.”

If anything his words
had direct impact on both of them. Maliya staggered back, one hand flying to
her chest even as she shook her head in denial.

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