A Kingpin Love Affair (11 page)

BOOK: A Kingpin Love Affair
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Chapter Eighteen

Memories from just
hours ago filtered into my mind, the force of them wrapping me in a blanket of warmth. Her moans and pants for more and the sweet nothings that fell from her plump lips reminded me of how much I didn’t deserve her, but how much I craved her. Being with her was like heaven and even if I knew I would be sinning a thousand times over by being with someone as great as she was, I would still do it.

 She had a way of making my chest swell with feelings I had never felt in my entire life. She was attempting to heal old wounds, ones that had formed and scabbed over, again and again until a scar formed. She wanted to be my saving grace, and looking at her right now, I knew I would let her. She would be the person to piece me back together.

I glanced down at her sleeping form, her hair a wild disoriented mess of darkness, similar to my soul. I pushed some strands away from her face, tracing the contours of it with my finger, my nose gliding against the side of her cheek. Taking a deep whiff, I could smell my scent covering her body. I had claimed her. I had made her mine.

Pulling away, I continued to stare, but without touching her. She was an enigma, a woman who had been taken against her will and forced into a life she neither wanted nor understood. She was fearless, diving into the bastard I claimed myself to be. Ready to take on the world, if only to see a smile shine from my face.

She deserved more, better.

The thought entered my mind before I could push it away. I knew the honesty of the thought even if I refused to admit it out loud. My heart wanted her, to keep her as my own. My mind told me I was far too flawed, broken, and undeserving of someone as her. There were jagged pieces from my past that had the potential of cutting anyone who got too close.

She stirred awake, her eyes blinking open. The sun had just started to rise, and I wanted to give her a chance to rest, as there would be no controlling myself around her now. One taste of her would never be enough to extinguish the cravings she caused within me.

“Good morning,” she moaned, stretching in such a way that had my eyes gliding over every single piece of uncovered flesh.

“Morning.” I smiled, placing a kiss against her lips.

The air between us was a draft as if something was in the way. Her nose scrunched up, and lines of frustration started to form on her face.

“What’s a matter?” Concerned she may have actually realized just exactly what kind of douchebag I was.

Isabella hesitated for a moment, her mouth opening, and then slamming closed. She chewed on her lip nervously before speaking. “It’s just that last night you said this doesn’t change anything.” She seemed to be watching me, waiting for me to say something to her.

“I lied to you when I said it wouldn’t because it does. It changes everything. You might be able to walk away, you might be able to wash away my memory, but in my mind, you will always be the most perfect person I have ever had.”

The frown that marred her lips made me feel like the world’s biggest jackass for saying such a thing last night. I knew the moment my cock pressed into her everything had changed. I was just trying to convince myself it hadn’t. As I said, my mind knew the truth, but my heart still wanted her, and so I took without disregard.

“Isabella…” I let her name roll off my tongue. This time when I said it, I saw her and not the memory of my mother.

“The moment you walked through the front door was the moment everything in my life changed. It wasn’t just about unraveling you and becoming one with you. I was on my knees, and melting in your hands the moment my eyes landed on you.” My words lingered in the air between us, and before I could allow her to say anything, I needed to finish.

“I was half a man then, incapable of loving, or so I thought. You changed me, you molded the broken pieces together, you healed the scars that covered my heart, and you held me together when I felt as if I was falling helplessly into the deep end.” My words were spoken straight from the heart. The feelings that accompanied them had never been more real. Call me a sap ass, but I was falling in love, and I didn’t even care that there was a chance I could be hurt again. There came a time when you had to let the past stop defining your future.

“I…” She seemed flabbergasted as if she wasn’t even sure what she wanted to say. “I know that sex can change things between people...” She trailed off, but I lost track of her words. My eyes focused in on her, my heart beating out of my chest as I reached out to her. She was worried for legit reasons, but she wasn’t aware of the power she held.   

 “You rescued me from myself. In a way, you became my anchor. So though I might have fought against your desires to be anything more than what we were in the past, I always knew it was you my heart wanted.” I gripped her face, bringing it closer to my own. The closeness of her body was causing my cock to grow stiff again. Would I ever get enough of her? She was intoxicating, overwhelming me with every turn.

“Jared…” She said my name in a throaty moan. I was just about to flip her over and have my way with her when my phone blared from the nightstand, the ringtone one I used strictly for work.

“Fuck. Hold on a sec.” I placed a kiss on her cheek and untangled myself from her body, missing the heat of her skin immediately. Picking up the phone, I hit the answer key and waited for my boss to speak.


“Xavier.” I greeted him in the same tone he did me.

“We have a job for you. I need you to pick up a man in Shillington and bring him here to French Island.” I wanted to sigh into the phone. Of course, work would rain on my fucking parade. And just when I found the one woman who I would gladly stay in bed with all day.

“Time and price,” I asked as I got up out of bed, shucking on a pair of pants as I went. I could hear Izzy’s protests, so I shot her a wink over my shoulder. I hated I had to work, but I knew this was important. If Xavier was contacting me by phone, it meant someone had asked specifically for me as a driver.

“Thirty minutes from now. Two grand. Didn’t say what he needed just asked for you.” Xavier’s voice was firm, as it always was.

“All right, text me the details. I’ll let you know when I have him picked up.” I hung up the phone throwing it onto the bed. Izzy’s eyes were drilling holes into me as I moved around the room attempting to find a shirt. I could hear her moan, and when I looked over, I caught sight of her touching herself. She was spread eagle on the bed, her knees drawn up at an angle that showed me her soaking pussy.

“I wish it was you doing this…” she trailed off, inserting one finger and then another into her pussy. The room grew hotter with every stroke she made. Without hesitation, my pants hit the floor and I fisted my cock in my hand.

“Fuck that sweet pussy…” I urged, kneeling on the edge of the bed as her eyes drifted closed and her pace upped. The grip I had on my cock tightened as I stroked it forcefully.

“Ahhhh…” I could tell she was almost at her peak, so I went faster.

“Imagine my cock deep inside of you, drilling into you at a relentless pace, making every inch of you mine from the inside out…” My voice was now a growl as my own release lingered right on the surface.

“Fuck…” I heard her sweet little mouth say as her motions became jerky and her knees began to collapse. We kept our eyes trained on one another as I jerked my release onto her body. I smiled down at her as she gave me a sleepy grin. I have never been so fucking turned on in my life.

I cleared my throat. “Get you and that beautiful ass out of this bed and jump in the shower with me. You’re coming with me to work.” She smiled and moved from the bed slowly as if she didn’t want to move at all. We showered quietly washing each other—bodies and hair. Then I got dressed and made us coffee placing it in to-go cups. We hadn’t really spoken while showering or getting dressed, and honestly, that was fine with me. My body had said everything it needed to say.

As we made our way out into the garage and then into the Tahoe,
she asked, “Who are you picking up?”

“I don’t know. I’m never given a name or what they do for a living. I simply take them. Sometimes they might request for me to pick up a package for them or drop one off,” I said as we pulled out of the garage, down the driveway and onto the road. Heading toward the destination Xavier had sent me, I noticed the GPS coordinates were sending me to a warehouse in the business district.

“Do you like doing this?” She shot me another question, her hand reaching over the center console and landing against my knee. Her touch was causing my blood to boil. The need to ravish her was dangerously close.

“Yes, I suppose I do. I never really had time not to like it. Even my dad used to be a driver for Alzerro King’s dad actually. He would take me on drives sometimes and that was how I met Zerro. We were childhood friends growing up, and when I got older, I took over for my dad as he did for his.” I ignored her touch, which was causing my cock to rise in my pants.

“How did you meet him?” Her hand moved closer to my zipper. This woman was about to find out just how not under control I truly was.

“Alzerro used to be part of the mafia. He ran all of French Island and the surrounding areas. He was a cold-blooded killer who was hell bent on making others pay for the destruction that had happened in his life.” Her hand stopped moving as the car filled with tension.

“He killed people?” she asked. I didn’t want to tell her about the past, about the man he used to be, but she had every right to know how I came to know him. About my past. If I wanted to move forward, I needed to let go of the past, and opening up to her was the first step.

“Yes. He killed a lot of people. Most deserved it, but some didn’t. Just like myself—he wasn’t in a good place in his life. Then he met Bree and everything kind of changed.” Thinking back on it, Alzerro’s change was similar to my own. He had lost his mother and needed to find vengeance for her. I had lost my mother and the absence of her had caused a coldness to settle over me. I thought finding out Bree was my sister would help. I thought seeing my dad the happiest he has ever been would change things, but the truth was nothing could cover up the ice that had settled around my heart if I didn’t let anyone in.

“You’re a good person, Jared. You were just lost, hurting, and alone. Everyone does weird things when they feel as if the world is slipping from their hands. ” Her hand gripped my thigh hard, trying to grab my attention. The fact that she understood made my heart rate rise. She knew everything I had failed to tell others, even her. She paid better attention than I had ever expected her to.

“Just remember that when times get hard and the darkness starts to encompass me. I’m not an easy person to be around at my best, let alone my worst,” I warned.
I didn’t want to push her away, but I wanted her to know what she was getting herself into,
I thought as I pulled into the factory parking lot, noticing just how vacant the place was.

“I’ll remember and I’ll be the person to bring you out of it. You just remember that,” she whispered just as a man in a black suit started walking toward the car. His hair was slicked back, his chin held high and his eyes dialed in on the car. Each of his steps held a purpose as if it were bringing him one step closer to something he was desperately seeking. Her eyes lifted toward the man, and I saw the fear resonate with them.

“It’s going to be okay.” I soothed her, knowing how meeting new people had to be a shock to her. What she had gone through to get where she was wasn’t an easy feat.

“Okay,” she said simply, smiling. It was in that smile I knew she had lied to me. It wasn’t going to be okay. It was going to be far from okay. I just didn’t realize it right then.

Chapter Nineteen

I wanted to
laugh loudly and uncontrollably at the man behind the wheel.
This was him?
The hero of the story?
The man housing my soon to be wife, my queen, my fucking pet. I could feel the anger in me waiting to be unleashed. All it would take was a simple snap of the neck or a shot to the back of his head delivered by me. Yet as I took my seat, I knew I couldn’t do it.

I wouldn’t because I wanted him to suffer, to know who it was that was making him bleed. As I sunk further into the leather, I allowed my eyes to linger over them, eventually stopping and narrowing on the back of
head. I could see her hair and the slope of her neck. It was far darker than I remember it being. I couldn’t see her face, but from the movements she was making, I could tell she knew something was wrong. Her sixth sense telling her danger lay within touching distance.

My teeth ground together as the man sitting next to her placed his hand on hers. That one movement almost made me change my mind.

“It’s okay,” I heard him whisper to her. He had no idea just how wrong he truly was. Nothing would be okay until her life was put in my hands. He was giving her false hope, teaching her the unknown was okay. She was foolish to believe him if she did.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice,” I interrupted, not wanting them to continue on with their intimate conversation.
They were disgusting.

His eyes flashed to mine in the rearview mirror. He was sizing me up and down, and I could see the panic forming in his head. He had every reason to be afraid.

“Of course.” He cleared his throat. I continued to stare at Isabella in the front seat afraid if I looked away, she would disappear. Pulling my phone out, I knew I needed to make a phone call to my men. The drive I had scheduled was only a half hour long, long enough for me to be able to verify it was her. Having done so, I could now put my plan into motion.

“French Island is a nice place, yes?” I asked, wanting to make light conversation. It was best for people to not see you as an enemy. That way they never saw the attack coming, they never would expect you to place a bullet in the back of their head.

“Yes. Great schools, a nice small community.” Again, he was telling me about shit I couldn’t care less about, yet I played along as if I had known him the entire time.

“Have you two lived here long? My poor manners, assuming she is your special someone in your life.”

Silence met my ears as I watched Isabella fidget in her seat. She couldn’t have realized how close to danger she truly was.

“Uh, yeah. I have lived here my whole life. Isabella is my…” He seemed to linger on the word that he wanted to say. “Girlfriend, we just started dating so, yeah, she’s my special someone…” He finally got the words out, but behind them was a feeling that told me he was unsure. His eyes flickered from the road and then back to her.

“What a beautiful woman she is.” I complimented her just to get a rouse out of him. I wanted to do anything I could do to make him squirm in his skin. I wanted him weak, vulnerable.

“Yes, very beautiful.” He seemed tickled pink with love. Again, I felt myself on the verge of vomiting—that or revealing who I was just so I could make him suffer. My phone rang right on cue, as it should’ve—my men knew that if they failed to follow orders given that they would lose something.

“Sir.” Antonio’s voice sounded in my ears.

“Его онa,” I spoke in Russian.

“Confirmation is in order, moving to the next step in our plan.” He repeated the words that needed to be said back to me before hanging up. I pressed the end key on my phone, placing my hands on my lap.

Then I sat back and watched.

Their lives would be ending soon. Hers because she would no longer have freedom, and his for touching something that was mine.


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