A Kind Of Magic (28 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Magic

BOOK: A Kind Of Magic
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“Why won’t he?”

“Because I swore to myself that I wouldn’t return until I knew how to eliminate the evil that plagues Thales,” Roderick said from the doorway.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Elle jerked around to find Roderick behind her. “I understand that, but your parents need to know what happened.”

“I haven’t earned their forgiveness yet,” he argued. “When I save Thales, then maybe I can ask for that forgiveness.”

She knew better than to argue with him when he got something in his mind like this, and, in a way, she understood. He had to redeem himself.

By the look on his face, she knew he had something to tell her, so she waited for him to take the chair opposite her.

“I promised you I would never leave.”

She nodded. “Yet, you did.”

“Only because my father was dying. I thought I had enough time to go to him, explain what had happened between my brother and I, and then return to you before the harpies attacked.”

“I don’t need an explanation,” she said. And she didn’t. He had come back, and that’s all that mattered to her.

“But I need to explain,” he said, and the sadness in his eyes tore at her heart.



“I shouldn’t have left.”

“It was your father. A father you haven’t seen or talked to in years. That’s understandable. I just wish you had told me.” But something in the way he held his head let her know something was up.

“You didn’t see him, did you?”

Roderick shook his head. “I saw the harpies as Aimery took me to Thales. I demanded that he return me immediately.”

“But you went to your father first. Right?” she asked. When he wouldn’t answer, Elle turned to Aimery. “Right?”

“Nay,” Aimery answered. “I promised him I would tell his father what had occurred so he could return to you and his duty.” Elle stared open mouthed at Roderick. “You missed talking to your dying father for me?”

His eyes shifted to her. “Aye.”

She swallowed back the tears. “Is he…?”

“Nay,” Aimery said. “He is better now.”

Elle turned back to Roderick with a smile. “So, there is still time for you to go to him.”

Roderick moved off the chair to kneel in front of her. “Please understand that I cannot. Not yet.”

“All right,” she answered, though she wished he would change his mind.

“About the future,” Aimery said.

Elle rolled her eyes. She wasn’t ready to get back to that since she knew neither man would change their minds. And she wasn’t willing to let Roderick go so easily. It wasn’t every day that a girl found the kind of magic that had made her heart beat again.

“I don’t want to leave you,” Elle said.

Aimery smiled at them. “Maybe you don’t have to, Elle.”

“What?” Roderick asked. “You must be jesting.” Aimery shook his head. “Indeed, I am not. Elle has shown remarkable fighting skills, and with you and Val with her, she will be well guarded.” Elle squealed and leaned over to kiss Roderick. For a moment, Roderick just sat there, then he returned her kiss, leaving her breathless and wanting more.

“Only,” he said as he kissed her neck. “If you promise to stay away while we are fighting the creatures.”

She laughed. “I promise.”

Roderick sat back and looked at the woman that had completed his life. “Are you sure?”

She nodded, a giddy smile on her face. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

“Then it’s settled,” Aimery said happily.

“How did she do it?” Theron, King of the Fae, asked Aimery.

“She’s a woman, and Roderick loves her. I knew it would only be a matter of time before she convinced him to return to Thales.”

“Amazing,” Theron said. “Do you think I wouldn’t notice that you interfered with Roderick’s father?”

Aimery grimaced inwardly but kept his face devoid of expression. “Do what you must to punish me, sire. After everything Roderick has given the Shields, I felt it only fair to help his father’s body repel the sickness so that he could live longer.”

“Don’t be so severe,” Theron said with a smile. “If you had not used your healing abilities, I would have.”

“And if he didn’t, I would have.”

The men turned to find Rufina coming towards them. Aimery watched as husband and wife embraced before his gaze shifted to the ornate murals on the walls of the palace. The Realm of the Fae was a most fantastic place, and he couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

“I’m rather surprised at you,” Rufina said.

Aimery raised a brow. “Really, my queen? How is that?”

“You allowed a woman to join the Shields.”

“I have never been against a woman joining them. ‘Tis only been men that we have found willing and able to fight for us and Earth.”

“True,” Rufina said with a wink. The smile vanished then. “Three creatures this time. Before it has always been one. Only one.”

“He is either gaining strength or ‘twas a trick,” Theron said.

Aimery shrugged. “Either way, we must be very vigilant. We need more spies.”

“Spies, we can get,” Theron said. “Consider it done. And the matter of them knowing of Elle?”

“I know not,” Aimery said. “That has bothered me since I learned of it.” Rufina walked to a table against the wall and filled three glasses from the magnificent blue decanter. “If he knows of the women, then my guess is he will send the creatures to where they are.”

“It will make finding the women easier,” Aimery agreed.

Theron sighed as he sat and accepted the glass from his wife. “Only three left. I pray we reach them before he does.”

Aimery took his glass from Rufina and drained it in one gulp. The fiery liquid scorched his throat as it slid to his stomach.

“Aye. Only three.”

Elle wiped away the tears as she hugged Mina again. “I hate to leave so soon.” Mina hugged her tightly before pulling back. “I am sure that I will see you soon.”

“Aye,” Hugh agreed. “Once the other three are found, I’m sure Aimery will want the women moved to a safer location.”

“True,” Mina said as she moved Elle away from the men. “Thank you.”



“For convincing Roderick to return to his realm before ‘tis too late. It has made Hugh happy and in turn has made me happy.”

Elle laughed and glanced at her new husband. She still couldn’t believe the ceremony had taken place only that morning. He had surprised her last night when he had asked her to marry him.

“I was astonished that I wore him down so soon. It just tells me that he was as anxious to return as I am for us to go.”

“We’ll have much to talk about when we see each other next,” Mina said as she choked on her tears.

“No more,” Hugh said as he took her in his arms. “Roderick, get your wife gone before mine cries enough to flood the bailey.” Elle smiled and hugged Hugh before turning to Roderick and Val. Aimery waited for them just inside the trees. At first she hadn’t understood why they couldn’t say their good-byes in the bailey, but once it was explained that they didn’t want the villagers to see them disappear, she understood.

“Good-bye,” she called out to Mina and Hugh as they rode away. She turned to Roderick then.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Ready,” she said and took his hand as the three of them stepped into the trees.


Roderick stared at the once magnificent city he had called home. Buildings were burnt, most toppled nearly to the ground. Even the palace hadn’t been spared. The granite stones were crushed as if they were sand pebbles.

He felt Elle’s presence before she touched him.

“Are you all right?”

He shook his head. “This saddens me. This is what would happen to your world if the Shields weren’t there to defend it.”

“Why isn’t anyone here to defend Thales?” she asked.

“Thales is alone. Earth was blessed to have the Fae so involved, but even the Fae have limited resources. They cannot help every planet in the universe. Some are left to defend themselves.”




He nodded. “The sooner we find the answer on Earth, the sooner I can return and end it here as well. Then, the city can be rebuilt.” She turned towards him and rose up on her toes to kiss him. “Do you feel better now that you have talked to your family?”

“Nothing will make the pain of being responsible for my brother’s death go away.”

“Time. Only time, my love.”

He pulled her against him and spotted Val walking by himself among the ruins below.


Roderick jerked at hearing his father’s voice. He turned around to find his mother, sister, and Aimery with his father.

He moved away from Elle and embraced his sister first. She had grown into a woman since he had left. “Find a good man. A man that will cherish you and love you like you deserve,” he whispered.

“I will,” she said as she stepped out of his arms and dabbed at her eyes with a piece of cloth.

Roderick then turned to his mother. Where once her hair had been a glorious golden hue, it was now a tad less bright, and he knew it was because of the war waged on Thales.

He took his mother in his arms and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t return sooner.”

“You’ve done what you thought you had to do,” she said.

He then turned to his father. He held out his arm for his father to take, but his father pulled him against him and wrapped his arms around Roderick. Roderick closed his eyes and returned his father’s embrace.

“You should never have stayed away,” his father said as he stepped back. “We needed you here.”

Roderick shook his head. “You need me with the Shields. ‘Tis the only chance we have to win against this evil.”

His father sighed and gave him a sad smile. “We’re very proud of you, of what you’ve done with the Shields. I won’t lie and say I wish you hadn’t returned sooner, but I’m just glad you’re here. Now, we have a bit of a surprise.”

“Surprise,” Roderick repeated and looked over at Elle who stood with his mother and sister.

Aimery moved to stand beside him. “Come. We’ve a little time before you must leave.”

Roderick slowly followed Elle and his family as they walked toward the ruins of the once grand palace. Little of the palace still stood other than columns and a few walls that hadn’t tumbled down. Happy memories of his childhood raced through his mind as he walked among the remains.

Then, he stepped into what used to be his favorite room in the palace. Not much of the library remained other than a few shelves and columns that had braced either side of the many windows, but there stood a table in the middle of the library laden down with food. In a corner stood a group of musicians and all around him Thaleans cheered as he stood before them. No roof graced the tall walls of the library, but the bright sun raining down upon them was better than anything he could have imagined.

And what made it all the better was seeing Elle smiling at him with her love shining in her eyes.

The End

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