A Journey Out of Time (17 page)

BOOK: A Journey Out of Time
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"It fastens differently than mine." She paused, looking at him. "Thank you, Rowan, it is beautiful."

He took her hands & gave her a once over. "Ye are beautiful, Sonya. Ye outshine that dress!"

"Thank you," she looked down.

"Aye lass, but doona look down when someone pays ye a compliment. Hold yer head high." Sonya looked up at him & raised her head. "Aye, that's the way of it." He kissed her on the cheek.

"What was that for?"

"Are ye always going to ask me that?"

"No," she looked at him & smiled. "You look very handsome, Rowan." He wore deep green trews with a light green shirt. His eyes stood out & she wondered if Anne didn't devise his outfit as well.

He pulled her to him & they kissed until there was another knock at the door.

"I need an 'I am out' sign!" Rowan laughed & taking her hand they walked to the door. Anne looked lovely!

"Ah, I was right," she beamed at Sonya. "It does bring out yer eyes! Doona forget yer mask, deary."

"Ah, right!" Sonya went to grab it from the bed. She put it on & Anne & Rowan donned theirs as well.

"That is a lovely brooch, Sonya," Anne said. "I have'na seen ye wear that one before."

"No. Rowan just gave it to me."

"Ah, I see. It is quite lovely," she smiled.

Sonya looked up at Rowan, smiling. "Yes, it

They all headed to the hall which was already teaming with revelers. Music from flutes & harps filled the air. Rowan & Sonya followed behind Anne. They stopped before Angus, who was in a doublet of wine red & trews of black. He looked dashing with a black mask to boot.

"Ah," said Angus, "Doona we have a grand looking family!"

Angus kissed his mother & then Sonya. But as soon as the beautiful woman who had stolen Angus' heart arrived, he had eyes only for her. Mary of Monath was a vision all in white. There was a beautiful pattern of swirls on the material & she wore a white mask of feathers. Her dress did not have a chemise that showed, but long flowing sleeves & the skirt went straight to the floor with no bodice ties. As she walked forward, the dancers moved aside. Rowan told Sonya about her. She would be the new queen one day. Sonya smiled as she curtsied before Angus & he stepped down, took her hand & she rose. He led her out to dance. Sonya smiled at Rowan & they followed. She suddenly stopped as she shivered. Looking up she met Duncan's eyes. The last time she was on the dance floor at a celebration she was in his arms. The place she never wanted to leave.

"Are ye cold, Sonya?" Rowan asked bringing her back to herself.

"No, I…I am fine," she smiled as Rowan swept her onto the dance floor, making her laugh.

Watching Sonya dance in the arms of another man, even a man he counted as brother, made Duncan's chest ache. If she married Rowan, he would see her every time he came to court. She would be a princess. He would watch her have bairn & they would'na be his. Duncan didn't think he could handle that. He shut his eyes banishing the thoughts from his mind. He stood & went over to where she had been resting.

"May I?"

Sonya had no idea what to say or do. This was the last thing she needed, but she knew it would probably happen. She looked at Rowan hoping for a 'No way', but he nodded & stood. Sonya hesitated at taking Duncan's arm, not wishing to feel the current she had been without, but she did. She hoped for a fast dance, but that was not to be either.
. As Duncan placed his hand on her waist she felt a current shoot through her from head to toe & places she wish it wouldn't. Crap! She closed her eyes briefly.

"I wish to tell ye how sorry I am lass."

"It's quite alright, My Lord."

"Please, lass, doona call me that," Duncan sounded pained. "Ye never have to call me that." Sonya nodded curtly & again he said, "I truly am sorry, lass."

Please stop calling me
it may kill me!
Sonya took a deep breath. "It's okay. It is over & done with."

"Aye. I know." Duncan sounded resigned. Resigned about what? Suddenly Sonya got angry all over again!
Did I not just say it was over & done?

"I was hurt," she said angrily.


"I know, but I was
angry at you. Why did you just leave me here?"

"Ye chose to stay."

"When the hell did I do that?" she asked a bit louder than she intended.

"When they asked ye to remain."

"I flippin said
for a bit
. I thought maybe a few more days & I looked at
in hopes that
would get me out of it!"

"I did'na know."

"Perhaps if you had taken the time to say goodbye, I could have told you!"

The music had stopped.


, lass me. You were a jerk & you left me here! You said I could stay at Ronin & I told you I wanted to, several times. I missed my friends & Ewan &…"


"You, you jerk!" she hissed. Sonya finally realized they were in the middle of the floor & there was no dancing going on. She turned on her heel to rejoin Rowan, but she ran right smack into him as he had only been a few steps away from her. He grabbed hold of her.


She let out a laugh although each inch of her was shaking. "I am fine."

Rowan took her around the waist & nodded at Duncan. It was the music for the dance she showed Angus!
there is a fast dance! She loved this dance because it was fun. She took a quick drink & grabbed Rowan to dance.

Around the floor they twirled when Angus suddenly switched Sonya, leaving Rowan with Lady Mary. Then Sonya was suddenly spun & Angus was dancing with Anne, leaving her with Duncan!
was going on? She was feeling like a top being twirled. Duncan gave her a impish grin. The one where she couldn't help smiling & just now she hated herself for it. She was getting the distinct feeling this tennis match was Angus vs. Anne!

The shortness of breath, Duncan grinning & those braids in his hair & oh my goodness! Wouldn't it have been simpler if she felt this for Rowan instead? But she didn't & she knew it. She cared for Rowan, but how could she marry him with this feeling for another man? But you can't base marriage with simple hormones either! She made that mistake once & she wouldn't do it again. Sonya looked away from Duncan & tried to find Rowan. Why were they wearing masks anyway? Anyone she wanted to hide from already knew which one she wore! She saw Rowan, but couldn't catch his eye. He was having a good time & talking with Mary. The next dance would be with Rowan.

Finally able to sit down Sonya had her arms crossed & was tapping her foot on the floor. Rowan flopped in the seat next to her & took a long drink. She looked at him. "Enjoy your little dance, did you?"

"Lass! Ye are…jealous?"

Her foot stopped tapping & she looking up at him. His green eyes were shining & he grinned.
I was? I was! Ah, this was all I needed.
How much more of this emotional confusion could one person take? Rowan took her face in his hands & kissed her soundly. "I think I am going crazy," she said softly.

He hugged her. "Aye, lass, that is just fine with me." She laughed & he kissed her on the head.

"May I have this dance?" Angus bowed & Sonya laughed.

"I would be honored, Your Majesty." She placed her hands in his & thought they were doing well, right up until he passed her off to Duncan. Again. Now she wasn't a top but a darn yo-yo! She was wondering how she could escape.

"So, lass," grinned Duncan, "will ye be coming home this time?"

"Home? So now it's home is it? Perhaps you hadn't heard, but I am being courted by Prince Rowan, who wishes to marry me.
are you grinning at?"

Duncan pulled her in closer to him & she let out a gasp. "Is that what ye really want lass?"

"I don't know what I want any more," she said a bit breathless.

"Did he give ye that?" Duncan nodded at the brooch & Sonya nodded. Duncan didn't say anything further. The music stopped & she walked back to the dais. She excused herself for a bathroom break. She couldn't get herself to the garderobe fast enough! It was the first time she was happy to go into one!

Things did not improve. She felt like the gauntlet had been thrown down between Duncan & Rowan. She wasn't sure when Rowan caught on, but it was very obvious he got it.

"Rowan? When will you be back?" Sonya asked suddenly feeling very worn.

"In a couple of days. I doona leave for another day yet."

"I know. I was just wondering," she smiled & he held her tight, kissing her on the neck. She shivered & he chuckled.

Next was Duncan…

"Ye surely are beautiful, lass."

"Thank you," she said sardonically. Not once in her life had she been told that & now, there were
men who had said it.

Duncan laughed. "Have ye been to the loch lately?"

She snapped her eyes up to look into his, narrowing them. "No, I have not."

"Why?" he asked moving his hand up the back of her neck. She shivered, getting goosebumps all down her legs & arms. She felt that tightening in her chest & she couldn't breath.



"Because of me," he said in a low voice. He wasn't teasing now. He was very serious & his brows furrowed.

"Aye," Sonya said.

"Do ye love him?"

"That isn't the only thing a marriage should be based on. I have learned a great deal about Rowan & I care about him very much."

"Ye are right, lass, that is nay a marriage should be about."

"They have made me feel at home here."

"Did'na I do that as well?"

"Yes. Then you left me," she said. Duncan's jaw tightened & she let out a breath. "I don't wish to talk about it any more."

That was the end of it & that was the end of Sonya as well. She was totally done in. Thankfully, Anne too was going to her chamber & Sonya volunteered to walk with her.

"Thank you for the dress, Anne. It truly is beautiful."

Anne smiled & patted her hand. Sonya was grateful that she didn't ask her anything. Not about Rowan, not about Duncan & certainly not about what she may do.


Sonya was surprised that she slept at all. Although it took a while for her to go to sleep, she did sleep well. It was probably sheer exhaustion from being tossed about like a beach ball! She suddenly felt sorry for girls in school that were popular. There was no way that could be easy, especially for a kid! She got dressed & decided to forgo breakfast. She looked warily out of the door. The passage was clear. She crept to the stairs & just as she peered around it Rowan came around the corner.

"Sonya? What are ye doing, love?"

"Recovering from a crazy night," she said flatly.

Rowan smiled. "Perhaps this will help." He presented her with three daisies.

She smiled & kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you. I needed that."

"I came to ask if ye would like to go riding & since you are in your trews, perhaps ye had the same idea."

"I would love that. Picnic?"

"Already made." Sonya took his hand & they went down the stairs & out to the stables.

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