A Jaguars Touch (4 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #shapeshifter

BOOK: A Jaguars Touch
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“I don’t give a fuck what you do as long as you do it away from me,” he said.

She took a step closer. “This is my home, my fucking pride or whatever you want to call us. I come and go as I please.”

“I’m not sure what type of man you’re accustomed to—”

“Marines,” she interrupted, coming another step closer. “So you don’t fucking scare me.”

“That’s your mistake,” he warned. “I should terrify you, little girl.”

She laughed. Threw her head back and laughed at him, and it took all he had to keep his back pressed against the tree and not grab her.

“Little?” she questioned. “You’ve got what? Five inches on me?”

He judged her to be about five-foot-eleven, so her assessment was accurate. He nodded, and she moved another step closer to him, which only emphasized how much smaller her frame was compared to his.

“I’m not a woman who runs or hides from anything,” she said, and it sounded like a warning.

“I’m not asking you to run or hide. I don’t care what your job is. I’m sure you’re more than capable of doing anything needed. I’m just asking you to give me a wide berth.”

“I heard you quite well when you said you wanted me to stay the fuck away from you.”

She took another step, bringing her close enough that he could reach out and touch her. Instead, he fisted his hands at his sides and pressed them against the rough bark at his back.

“You heard, but you don’t seem to have listened,” Gideon snarled at her.

“No, I questioned. Is it just me or all humans you don’t want around you?”

“I have nothing against humans,” he growled. He could feel the sweat on his brow as he held onto the ragged edge of his control.

“So it is just me.” She purred, leaning in so her breath caressed his cheek.

“You’re playing with fire.”

And the hellcat moved all the way in until their bodies pressed together. Her curves fit him perfectly, as if she had been created with him in mind. Her lips brushed his when she spoke.

“Good. As long as I’m not the only one who burns.”

He grabbed her. One hand fisting in her short curls, the other grasping the flare of her hip. He meant to shove her away, but that was before she grabbed him back. Her hands clenched in his hair, gripping the strands so tightly he felt the edge of pain along his scalp.

“I’d planned to kick your ass,” she panted. “Or at least make you suffer.”

He rocked his hips into her, letting her feel the hard length of his erection. “I’m suffering,” he promised.

She caught her breath, just for a second, just long enough to make him wonder if she was finally wising up. Then she slammed her mouth on his and thrust her tongue inside. It was wild and fed into his most primal aggressions. He fought and lost his battle to keep away from her.

“Just sex,” she said when they broke apart. “We both know this isn’t a mating.”

“Just sex?” he questioned.

“I want you,” she admitted. “And I plan to have you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“But me and you? We’re just about the fucking. Is that clear?” she asked.

“Very,” he agreed and took her mouth again.

He devoured her, exploring every crevice of her mouth and coming back for more until neither of them could breathe. He turned them until she was pressed between the tree and him. He used his boot to nudge her feet far enough apart to make room for him to move between her thighs. She retaliated by pulling his hair hard. He jerked, lifting his hands up to grip hers and lost a few strands in the struggle, but when their mouths broke apart, he had her hands captured and held prisoner above her head.

“Now what?” she said, showing no fear as she licked her bottom lip and stared back at him.

“Now, we burn.”


Chapter Three




Vic was still burning hours later thanks to Finn’s untimely interruption. The cocky bastard had chuckled when he’d intruded on them. She’d have to make a point of torturing him in some way when he least expected it. Paybacks were hell, especially when wielded by her hand.

So now she walked the perimeter for the second time, trying to ease the lust that rode her hard. Which reminded her, Gideon would pay for leaving her. The prick had gotten her engine revved then walked off and left her high and dry when Finn had said Tah had wanted to speak with him. What was worse was the fact Gideon hadn’t seemed to care they’d been stopped at a most inopportune time. He’d shrugged, given a muttered
then walked away.

God, she’d been seconds away from ripping Gideon’s pants open and taking what she wanted. Just the thought had her channel clenching with need. It hadn’t mattered he’d captured her hands. She would have enjoyed the struggle to get free and gain dominance. Why was it that when she was with him all she could think about was fucking him, but when she was away from him all she wanted to do was kill him?

As she approached the house, she ran into Clara.

“Everything good?” Clara asked.

Vic almost sighed, wondering if Clara was there to say something to her about Gideon. She didn’t answer, choosing to let her facial expression say it all. She didn’t have to wait long to see. She should have known Finn had a big fucking mouth.

“Listen, I think it would be best if you kept your distance from Gideon,” Clara said.

“Don’t,” Vic muttered. “Whatever is between Gideon and me is just that, between us.”

“I don’t think you understand,” Clara said. “Gideon isn’t some human man you can toy with.”

“I don’t toy with people,” Vic said sharply, completely pissed off by the accusation. She blew out a breath as she met Clara’s unflinching gaze. Though maybe Clara had reason to think Vic was capable of toying with people.

“I don’t want to see Gideon hurt,” Clara said.

Vic shook her head at the notion she’d be able to hurt Gideon. “I’m sure Gideon can take care of himself. I got the impression he’s a…big boy.”

“Jesus,” Clara groaned. “I don’t want to hear stuff like that.”

Vic chuckled at how uncomfortable Clara looked at Vic’s implication. Clara had started this conversation, though, not Vic.

“Look,” Vic said. “I know we got off to a rough start. Me setting you up the way I did…” She shrugged. “I know I’m not your favorite person, and I deserve any animosity you throw my way.”

“I already told you I would have done the same thing in your shoes,” Clara said.

When Clara had first arrived, they’d held her captive until they could verify her motives. She’d followed Reno and his mate Amia back to Colorado from the Blane Farm where Reno had gone searching for information. He’d found a mate, instead. They’d suspected Clara had answers they really needed. Vic had set Clara up, using Amia to do it. Luckily, both women had come out of it as friends, though it had been a bit of a rough trip to that point. Even luckier, Vic hadn’t gotten the boot over it. As mates, they very well could have seen to that.

“I know what you’re worried about,” Vic said. “But there’s no need. I’m not his mate.”

“You don’t—” Clara began, but Vic cut her off.

“Gideon told me. We’re not mates.”

“Oh.” Clara shuffled her feet, looking a bit uncomfortable.

“It’s okay,” Vic assured her. “I know you’re just watching out for him.”

Clara looked off toward the woods around them. “When I was growing up, it was my dad, Uncle Thomas and Gideon. Gideon was this young lanky teen who followed them around everywhere. He became family to me, sometimes like an uncle, sometimes more of an older brother. While dad and Uncle Thomas showed me love, Gideon taught me how to fend for myself. Strength, he said, was in the ability to walk alone and not depend on others.”

“A sentiment I understand well,” Vic stated.

“It’s not only Gideon I don’t want to see hurt,” Clara added, glancing back toward Vic. “I don’t want to see you get hurt, either.”

“You’re in luck then,” Vic assured her. “Gideon and I want the same thing, and when it’s over, we’ll both walk away unscathed. Promise.”

Clara nodded. She opened her mouth, closed it then swallowed. It was easy to see she wanted to say something else but was refraining.

“Yes?” Vic asked, but Clara shook her head and turned toward the house.

“Want to grab a drink? I think I could use one after today.”

“Rough day?” Vic asked, walking beside her.

“Logan has shifter DNA,” Clara said.

Vic stopped midstride. “Just from mating you?” she asked incredulously.

“No, according to Gideon, it’s been dormant inside him the whole time,” Clara informed her.

“Wow. How does Gideon know that?” Vic asked. More importantly, how had they not known it? The Professor sure took enough blood to work with.

“Gideon’s one of the most intelligent men I’ve ever known,” Clara said. “He and my Uncle Thomas. I don’t imagine there’s much he doesn’t know or at least has the ability to figure out. I’m hoping maybe he can be persuaded to move to Oklahoma with us, but I’m not betting on it.”

Vic took that in and understood she would only have a few weeks to work Gideon out of her system. A few weeks should be just long enough. And, yeah, the fact he was intelligent as well as gorgeous turned her on even more.

“So Logan’s a pussy, too?” Vic asked and grinned as Clara laughed.

“You know, I’ll have to ask Gideon if he can tell what Logan’s shifter DNA is. I’m not sure if there’s anything in our genetic code that states what breed we are,” Clara said. “Just that we’re different.”

“So what’s Gideon?” Vic asked.

“Jaguar,” Clara said. “Know much about them?”

Vic thought for a minute. “Large cat, most similar to a leopard or panther. They like water.”

“All true, but not what I was getting at,” Clara said with a chuckle. “Jaguars are solitary predators. They stalk and ambush their prey.”

“I’m not prey, either,” Vic told Clara.

“We’re all prey at some point,” Clara stated. “Drink?” She nodded her head in the direction of the kitchen.

“I’ll pass,” Vic said. “I promised Kenzie I’d spend some time with her tonight.”

“Is she okay?” Clara asked.

“I’m not sure,” Vic said honestly, not admitting this would be the first time she’d seen Kenzie since she’d returned.

“Let her know Logan and I are here if she needs anything.”

“I will,” Vic said and headed upstairs to meet Holt and Kenzie.

She went to the top floor and knocked on the door. Holt opened it immediately.

“Jesus!” she exclaimed when she got her first look at Kenzie.

The other woman appeared like a ghost of her former self. The woman who always grinned was no more. In her place was a pale wraith with dark circles under her eyes.

“Are you sick? Have you seen Diane?” Vic asked as she crossed to her.

“I’m fine,” Kenzie answered softly.

“I can see for myself you’re not fucking fine,” Vic retorted then turned on Holt. “Why haven’t you brought Diane up to check on her?”

“Diane’s been up,” Kenzie said before Holt could open his mouth. “I saw her the first time then let her know I needed some time. She’s been good enough to give it to me.”

“What happened to you?” Vic demanded.

“I got mated,” Kenzie said.

Vic had already heard that news, but if she needed validation she didn’t plan to be anyone’s mate, this was it. It made no sense, though. There were four other mated women in this pride, and none of them looked like this. Just the opposite, actually.

“Was it consensual?” Vic demanded.

Kenzie glanced away then closed her eyes and nodded. “Yes,” she whispered, and though she couldn’t see, Vic watched her flinch and curl into herself when Holt moved away. Whatever Kenzie was dealing with, Holt wasn’t helping.

“Go get some fresh air, Holt. I want to chat with Kenzie alone,” Vic said bluntly.

Holt glanced at Kenzie then met Vic’s stare and nodded. Without saying a word, he turned and left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

“I’m not sure he’s your best choice of confidant,” Vic said when they were alone. “The man’s still in love with you.”

Kenzie laughed, but it wasn’t a sound of amusement. “He’s hurt and angry and…being the best friend I don’t deserve at the moment.”

“What’s going on? I’m not going to ask if you’re okay. I can see you’re not. Do you need me to hunt this bastard mate of yours down and drag him back here? Or better yet, do you want me to slit his throat and leave him as road kill?”

“You have no idea how much I’d love to say yes,” Kenzie said. “But hurting him would only destroy me more.”

Vic snorted. “So I won’t kill him. Just maim him a bit, help him see the fault in his choices. You’re already in pain. Let’s make him suffer, too.”

“We’re already connected,” Kenzie said softly, arms wrapped around her waist. “And I have no one to blame but myself.”


Kenzie nodded. “When he found me, rescued me, he would have walked away without mating me. But I saw the raw need in his eyes, smelled it on his skin, and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt this was the one person meant for me. He’s mine.” Her brown eyes flared a yellow gold at the claim. “I gave him no choice. As soon as he released me, I bit him.”

“So you forced the bond?”

“I started it, but once I did, he was more than willing to participate.” She jerked her shirt to the side, and Vic saw the bite that marred her skin. “He took me until I passed out from the pleasure and walked away from me. He gave me the best moment of my life then ripped it away from me. And I can’t even fully hate the bastard because we’re fucking connected. Do you know how messed up that is?”

“My offer to rough him up is always there,” Vic assured her, not sure what to say. Kenzie’s pain was so evident it made Vic’s heart ache for her.

“You know my whole life those who should love me, want me, are always walking away from me. My parents gave me away because they thought I was human. Humans didn’t want me because my shifter senses made me odd. I figured the one person I could count on to stay would be my mate. Joke’s on me. Even my mate walked away and left me.”

“This pride won’t walk away from you, none of us. All you have to do is tell us what you need, and we’ll do everything we can to help you. We’re your family,” Vic vowed.

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