A Hustler's Wife (29 page)

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Authors: Nikki Turner

BOOK: A Hustler's Wife
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They liked the same movies. He always commits a public display of his affection for her. He showed interest in her work. She would stay over his house. It would get late and they'd just fall asleep.

Rich also made it a point to celebrate everything so he could surprise her with generous gifts. He was very selective as well as careful of the gifts he gave her. He always made sure that the presents had some type of sentimental value to them so she would be comfortable accepting the gifts. He presented her with some Aquamarine earrings, the matching ring and pendant, along with a note attached: "Found in a range of blue shades from pale to dark, this gem embodies the beauty of the seas. It was thought to give its wearer knowledge and foresight and assist in an individual's inspiration." Any time he would send her flowers, the card would give the origin of the flower, what it means and where it comes from. He gave her a gift certificate to Custom Cruisin' to have TV's installed in her truck, so she wouldn't have to listen to the soaps on the radio.

She also would do thoughtful things for Rich as well. He was very appreciative of the least little thing she did.

They finally took their relationship to the next level. He begged her to move into his place with him, but she refused. She was focusing on her goal to buy her own condo. She'd never lived solely on her own. She promised herself that she'd never live with another man until she was married. However, Rich was very persistent so she spent a lot of time over his house. She usually spent the night regularly, and when she didn't spend the night, they'd stay on the phone until the wee hours in the morning.

One day, she'd just finished having lunch with Rich and she bumped into Amy. Amy, who knows everybody's business in Richmond, of course. Amy was going to throw some salt Yarni's way. Yarni prepared herself for Amy's negative input. She thought to herself, I swear I don't even feel like speaking to this bone carrying broad.

"Heeey, Yarni." Amy said.

"Heeey Amy, how are you doing?" Yarni said while thinking, I wonder what dirt is this toxic chic kicking today? The truth of the matter, there was nothing Yarni could do to prepare herself for the news that was about to be dropped on her.

"Girl, everything's fine with me," Amy said, looking Yarni up and down on the sly.

"It's been a while since I've seen you. I'm glad to know everything's going well for you. Tell your mother I said hi," Yarni said. Amy told Yarni,

"Girl, I heard your mother is big TIME catering all of those high society parties. Tell her I said hi."

"I will, and you take care," added Yarni. Woo, that was short and sweet. Let me keep it moving. As Yarni was walking off, Amy called out to her.

"Oh, Yarni, I thought I seen you a couple of times with the guy Rich. Yarni, thought to herself, here we go. I knew that was just too easy, being around Amy and she didn't kick any dirt my way! Amy continued. "I know my eyes didn't deceive me. Y'all were surely looking like lovebirds to me."

"And your point?" Yarni said.

"Yarni, I've known you a long time and I know enough about you that I feel obligated to tell you this.

"Rich messes with Darchelle, the one that used to creep with Bengee?"

"For real?" Yarni said.

"Yes, and he has been for a while, since Bengee cut her off."

"Thanks for telling me."

"No problem. You know I puts you down with latest, breaking news right?" Amy said to Yarni with a smile.

Yarni kept her composure until Amy walked away. She wanted to cry but she just couldn't. I can't believe out of all the chics in the town he has to be messing with that tramp. Damn the world is small! I've gotta cut him off. It could have been anybody but her.

She simply called Rich and left him a message.

"I know you mess with that dirty trick Darchelle, so you be with her."

Rich called Yarni for weeks trying to reconcile, but she wasn't having him back.

Yarni received the news that Des had been transferred from Red Onion Correctional Facility, which was a seven-hour drive, to Haynesville Correctional Center, which was only an hour away from her. She was happy and relieved by the transfer.

After the good news, she wasn't thinking of Rich because her real man was closer to her. She went to see Des faithfully. Their relationship grew stronger and stronger. His calls were cheaper, and Des called each day. She never got tired of talking to him.

He was her best friend. He always made her day. It really bothered Yarni that jail was wearing on Des. He was aging, getting a few gray strands of hair. His eyes were filled with a multitude of feelings within, some good, and some melancholy. Love, hate, confidence, fear, optimism, depression, comfort, and pain all struggled for dominance for him to prevail.



Cara and Yarni decided to go out. Cara was avoiding her live-in
Mike. Mike was very jealous and abusive to Cara.

Yarni could not stand Mike. Cara told Yarni to meet her over a male friend of Cara's house. Yarni questioned Cara about the meeting place. The club they were going to was in Shockoe Bottom. Cara lived in the historic Churchill area, which was five minutes away from the club. Yarni lived on the other side of town in Western Henrico County, which was twenty-five minutes away from town. Cara told Yarni to meet her at her friend's house, who lived in Newtown. Yarni wanted to meet over Cara's house, so when the club was over she could just hop in her car and go home from there, verses Cara having to come back over her friend's house to drop Yarni at her car. Cara insisted that Yarni meet her at her friend's house. Yarni had a gut feeling that she should've just driven to the club. Cara informed Yarni that she wanted her car to be parked at the club so if Mike drove past, he would see it out there and would assume that she was in the club. She added that she didn't want Mike to see Yarni's car outside because if she decided to stay with her guy friend then she would use the excuse that she had to take Yarni to the far West End and just spent the night over there.

Yarni agreed. When Yarni arrived to the guy friend's house, Cara introduced her to his friends. Yarni wasn't interested in any of them. They were all loud and out of order. She could tell that they had been drinking long before she'd gotten there. Once Yarni was introduced to the fellas, Cara and Yarni hopped in Cara's car and went to the club.

They arrived at the club. Cara sat at the bar the whole time with her guy friend. Yarni mingled throughout the club with different sets of people. She kept going back to the bar checking on Cara.

Gloria paged Yarni while she was at the club. She went into the restroom, pulled out her cell phone and called her mother right back. Gloria answered in a groggy voice.

"Mommy, what's wrong? What are you doing up this time of night?" Yarni asked.

"I have indigestion," Gloria explained. "Sam and I went to that new Greek restaurant, and something I ate didn't agree with my stomach. Please stop and get me some Tums on the way home."

"I'll be there soon. I am riding with Cara and this club is wack, so we should be leaving in the next few minutes." Yarni went back over to the bar where Cara was sitting. Yarni said to Cara, "On the way back to my car, I'm going to need you to stop me at the store, I need to get my mom some Tums. She isn't feeling well." Cara never looked up while she was sipping on her drink.

"Oh, I'm not going to drop you at your car. I am going let you ride back with my guy friend and his friends."

"What?" Yarni said.

Cara said, "Oh, it doesn't make sense for me to go back to Newtown when I live five minutes from here, and they're going back up there any way." Yarni was angry.

"Cara, I told you this from the beginning, I wanted to park my car at your house or drive myself. You insisted that I ride with you."

"Yarni, I'm not going up there and Mike is blowing up my pager and cell phone calling from my house. I need to get home ASAP."

Yarni responded, "Look, Cara, I don't feel comfortable about riding with three dudes who I don't even know who have been drinking, and who probably got bitter feelings towards me anyway because I haven't given any of them the time of day. Please, Cara, drop me at my car."

Cara said hastily while never looking at Yarni in the eyes, "I know them and I wouldn't send you with anyone who I thought would hurt you."

"Cara, I feel uneasy about riding with them," Yarni desperately pleaded.

"Well, I'm not going all the way back to Newtown," and Cara meant what she said.

Yarni offered to pay Cara. Cara refused and didn't give Yarni a ride to her vehicle.

Yarni's feelings were hurt completely. She couldn't believe that Cara would just leave her. She thought about just walking up to Cara and just smacking the spit out of her mouth, but she didn't. She could only think about the kidnapping. She wanted to cry because she felt stranded and betrayed by one of her dear-est friends.

She pulled out her cell phone and called Manhattan cab.

They said, it would be an hour before they could pick her up.

She agreed. Although, she knew plenty of people in the club, she didn't want to ask anyone to take her anywhere. As she waited outside the club for her cab to arrive, Stephanie called her.

She asked Stephanie to give her a ride. Stephanie was there in fifteen minutes.

After she evaluated the situation and talked to her mother, she reflected on the fact that those guys could've possibly raped and killed her. They probably wouldn't have, but three strange dudes that had been drinking. Who's to say? A real friend would have never left another friend in that kind of bind.

Her mother said, "Yarni, I know you are hurt, but let this be a learning experience. From now on, drive your own car so you are in control. You'll never have to worry about being in this kind of predicament again." Yarni never spoke to Cara again about this ordeal. She later forgave Cara in her heart, but Cara and her would never be friends again.

Two days passed. Yarni just got the good news that she'd be closing on her condo in thirty days. She was ecstatic to have been blessed to be able to buy her own condo without the help of a man. This was a triumph that she'd accomplished on her own.

Yarni was lying across her bed making a list of the things she had already purchased and wanted to purchase for her townhouse. She was distracted when her phone rang loudly. She checked the caller I.D. It was a bizarre number, a "329" number.

She automatically knew it was a North side number but she didn't recognize it.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello? Can I speak to Yarni," the harsh voice said. Yarni was puzzled because she didn't recognize the voice.

"Who's calling please?" Yarni asked. It couldn't be a bill col-lector, because they'd be asking for Yarnise she thought.

The caller said, "Darchelle"

Yarni hesitantly said, "This is Yarni speaking."

"Yarni, this Darchelle, Rich's girlfriend, Bengee's X." Yarni was silent for a brief second. Yarni then asked,

"And why would you be calling my house? We have nothing to discuss." Darchelle said, wanting to snap back at Yarni, but she didn't.

"I am calling for Rich. He asked me to call you."

"Oh, he did?" Yarni chuckled.

"Yeah, he's locked up down in the city jail, and I need somebody to co-sign to get him out because my job isn't enough. His mother is out of town in Atlantic City. He told me to call you."

"He told you to call me?" Yarni asked.

"Yeah, so where can I meet you at, or if you can't co-sign how much can you contribute to his bail?" The Nerve of this chic. Shit, the gall of him.

Yarni stood her ground. "Darchelle, you are his girl, not me.

So, that's your worry, not mine. Now, please don't call here again, thank you in advance and good luck on your mission to get your man out of jail." Yarni hung up the phone. "The NERVE" she screamed!!

Yarni called Stephanie, and Steph, called Zurri, to link them all together so she could tell them all about Darchelle and Rich.

They were all on the 3-way going on and on and making jokes on the whole ordeal. When Yarni's phone beeped, it was someone calling on her other line. She clicked over to the other line.

"Hello?" she said.

"Yarni, this is Rich. Please don't hang up." She thought he must be on a 3-way himself, because it wasn't a collect call.

"Yes, Rich," she said in a joking way.

"I really need to talk to you," he replied.

"I'm listening, Rich, and I hope it's not about me co-signing to get you out."

"Look, Yarni, they got me down in the city jail now. I already got a warrant out in Chesterfield. The computers are down now, and I need to get up out of here before the computers come back up cuz I know for a fact, they ain't going to let me go no where when them computers come back up," he said in an over worried, urgent tone.

"Well, this matter sounds real urgent to me. You better stop wasting your time on the phone with me and call somebody who can and will actually help you." Yarni responded. Rich screamed into the phone.

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