A Home for Jessa (5 page)

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Authors: Robin Delph

BOOK: A Home for Jessa
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       “Honey I don’t know. They never gave me a reason why.”

       “I heard Mrs. Bedford say just look at her. Is there something wrong with the way I look?”

       “No child there is anything wrong with you at all. Please Jessa don’t let this get to you. I have to go, but if you ever need to talk just let me know.”

       “Thank you Mrs. Turner.”

       Jessa started to cry. Maybe I’ll feel better tomorrow she thought. Maybe I just need some sleep I haven’t sleep much since Aunt Beth showed up. I just need to quit thinking about all of this, get a good night’s sleep and try to move on. Jessa turned down her bed and fell fast asleep.

       Jessa’s sleep was restless. All night she dreamed of her mother, that she was standing in a field and calling out to her. But no matter how hard she tried Jessa could not get to her or hear what she said. In her dream Jessa was just standing there crying because she couldn’t get to her.

       When Jessa woke the next morning she was tired she felt as if she hadn’t slept at all. Try as she might she still thought about her aunt.

       “Jessa Mrs. Drew wants to see you.” A girl stepped through the door and told her.

       I wonder what she wants now. Jessa thought as she got out of bed and got dressed. Can’t she just leave me alone for one day? What is with this woman, it’s like she takes pleasure out of seeing me miserable.

       “Jessa have a seat.” Mrs. Drew said.

        “Mrs. Drew I promise you I never said a word to that couple.” Jessa started to explain.

       “I know you didn’t. That’s not what I want to talk to you about.”


       “Jessa I want you to know that Mrs. Turner will be here tomorrow to take you to another foster home.” Mrs. Drew explained

       “What! After everything that happened yesterday! Can’t you at least give me time to get over that?” Jessa all but shouted.

       “Ms. Parks do not take that tone with me. You need to toughen up, this kind of thing happens all the time. I cannot just up and stop placing children in homes because they need time. If I did that this orphanage would be running over with children. Do you understand?”

       “Yes Mrs. Drew.”

       “Good. Now as I was saying Mrs. Turner will be here tomorrow to take you to a new foster home. I suggest you take today and get ready. I have had you excused from all of you classes today, but you are to go straight and see Mr. Henson when you leave my office. You may go now.”

       Jessa got up and headed to Mr. Henson’s office.

       “You wanted to see me Mr. Henson?” Jessa asked upon entering the room.

       “Yes I did. How are you?” he asked.

       “I’m fine I guess. It doesn’t matter, Mrs. Drew is sending me to a new home tomorrow.”

       “So she said. How is your novel coming along?”

       “It isn’t. I still haven’t found anything to write about.”

       “You will just let it come to you.”

       “Mr. Henson can I go? I really don’t feel like talking and I have to pack.”

       “Yes you may go. Oh and happy birthday Jessa.”

       Mr. Henson had caught her off guard with the happy birthday. I have been so busy thinking about no one wanting me that I forgot my own birthday Jessa thought as she went upstairs to pack. After she was done she went to bed, with the thoughts of being rejected and the possibility of it happening again tomorrow.










                               Part Two














           Chapter Eleven



       Jessa had been placed in one foster home after another. She has been beaten, starved, abused and even raped. Every time she went back to the orphanage Mrs. Drew seemed to blame her for everything, she never listened to anything she had to say so Jessa just quit. The last foster home she was sent to the family didn’t want her but they didn’t want to let go of the money they got for keeping her every month. So they wouldn’t send her back they just told her to do whatever she wanted, but not to go back to the orphanage.

       The deal was fine with Jessa she never wanted to go back there. She liked going to a regular school and she could go to church whenever she wanted. The only down side was that she was homeless and has been for almost a year. Jessa normally finds a place to sleep under a bridge or in an abandoned house. She washes in a creek before school every morning and she gets free food when she is there. It hasn’t been easy keeping anyone from finding out she is homeless.

       There is one person that does know though, Summer Greyson. She has been Jessa’s best friend since they meet in class when Jessa was twelve. Jessa told Summer everything about her life and how she believes she is better off now than she has ever been. Summer has never told anyone and promised she never would. Jessa has even started writing her novel.

       Jessa was seating on a bench outside of the school thinking about how her life had come to be what it was, when a bag was dropped in her lap. Looking up Jessa say Summer standing over her.

       “What’s this?” Jessa asked.

       “I figured you could use some new clothes and undergarments.” Summer said as she sat down beside her.

       “You didn’t have to get me anything Summer I’m fine.”

       “Relax I know how you are. The clothes are some that I didn’t want anymore. The only thing that is new is the undergarments and socks. I didn’t think you would want to wear anything like that that someone else has already worn.”

       Jessa just smiled at her friend. Theirs was an odd friendship, Jessa the homeless girl and Summer the rich kid.
Who would have thought they would ever be such close friends.

       “Come on Summer we’re going to be late for class.” Jessa said standing up.

         “Oh alright mom will throw a fit it I get another tardy slip. She is still fussing over my report card. Can you believe that we will be graduating eighth grade in a week.”

       “I know.” Jessa replied.

       “I cannot wait for summer break!” Summer almost shouted with joy.

       Jessa couldn’t help but giggle at her friend’s enthusiasm. Summer always enjoyed being away from school even when she was here it’s like she wasn’t. Maybe that’s the reason she has a C average. I’m not really looking forward to summer break Jessa thought. I don’t know where I get any food and with Summer going on vacation with her family I won’t have anyone to talk to. Maybe I could see about taking summer school classes.

       “Good morning girls.” Their math teacher Mr. Lewis said as they walked into the classroom.

       “Good morning Mr. Lewis.” They said in unison.

       For some reason Jessa was having a hard time concentrating on her lessons. All she could think about was summer vacation and going to high school. So far her foster family had kept their word about her doing as she pleased and not taking her back to the orphanage. I hope they continue keeping it Jessa thought. I really don’t want to miss out on high school. When the bell rang for the end of the school day it startled Jessa.

       “Hey Jessa mom said you could stay over this weekend if you want to.”

       Jessa knew that Mrs. Greyson didn’t like her. She said she was not the type of person Summer needed to be friends with.

       “How on earth did you get your mom to agree to that?” Jessa asked surprised.

        “I told her what you made on your report card and she is hoping that you can tutor me this summer when we get back. The good thing is you can stay the whole weekend and most of the time when we get back. I thought it would be good for you to stay in a real house for a change.”

       “Geese Summer say it a little louder I don’t think everyone heard you.”

       “Sorry I didn’t mean it the way it came out. Anyway she is waiting for us out front.”

       “How am I supposed to explain this bag of clothes you gave me?” Jessa asked

       “Don’t worry she’ll think it’s what you brought for the weekend.”

       “How is she going to think that when you just told me today and I obviously haven’t had enough time to go home and get clothes?”

       “Well I was supposed to have told you this yesterday. I know what you’re thinking but I didn’t forget. I knew if I told you yesterday you would have had time to think about it and you would have told me no.”

       “You’re something else you know that.” Jessa told her.

       “I know and that’s why you love me so much.”

       Both girls looked at each other and started laughing as loud as they could. 









                           Chapter Twelve



This was the first time Jessa had saw where Summer lived. I knew she was rich Jessa thought but this house could hold four families. Jessa didn’t know what to say or think as they pulled in front of the house. She noticed Mrs. Greyson was watching her when they got out of the car.

       “Summer take Jessa upstairs and show her the guest room so she can put her things away. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes, make sure to get washed up.” Mrs. Greyson said once they were inside.

       “Okay mom. Come on Jessa I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.” Summer said as she grabbed Jessa by the arm.

       Once in the guest room Jessa’s jaw dropped as she looked around.

       “What’s wrong?” Summer asked.

        “That is the biggest bed I have ever seen.”

        Summer just giggled.

       “I thought I would be sleeping in your room in a sleeping bag?”

        “Now why would you want to do that, I snore. Plus I thought it would be nice if you slept in a bed for a change and maybe have your own room. This room also has it’s own bathroom so you will have plenty of privacy.”

       Jessa was almost in tears. To think she would be sleeping in a bed and have her own bathroom for a whole weekend. “Thank you so much Summer. You truly are the best friend anyone could ever have.”

       Summer gave her a hug. “Come on we need to get ready for dinner and I’ll show you my room afterwards.”

       When they got downstairs Jessa was still in shock when she saw the dining room table. That’s the most food I’ve ever seen at one time Jessa thought.

       “Summer said you weren’t picky about what you ate. So we have an assortment to choose from.” Mrs. Greyson said as Jessa sat down.

       “Thank you Mrs. Greyson.” Jessa replied.

       Summer just looked at Jessa and smiled.

       Half way through the meal Mrs. Greyson said, “Jessa may I speak to you after dinner?”

       “Sure.” Jessa replied

       Oh no Jessa though what could she possibly want to talk to me about. Did Summer slip up and say something? When dinner was over Jessa followed Mrs. Greyson into what she
called a study. When Summer tried to follow her mom told her she wanted to speak to me in private. This can’t be good Jessa thought.

       “Have a seat Jessa.” Mrs. Greyson said once they entered the study.

       Jessa was so nervous she almost missed the chair.

       “Summer says you got straight A’s on your report card.”

       “Yes ma’am I did.” Jessa replied.

        “As you may know Summer hasn’t done very well in school. I don’t understand why I have hired tutor after tutor for her, but none of them have seemed too gotten through to her. Jessa I was wondering if you would tutor her after we get back from vacation. I will pay you and you could stay over to help her some if you want. I mean if your parent’s wouldn’t mind.”

       “I would be glad to help her and my parent’s won’t mind at all, but you don’t have to pay me.” Jessa replied.

       “Thank you for agreeing to help her and I will pay you. I insist on it. So with that out of the way, what are your plans for summer Jessa?”

       “I’m going to go to summer school.” Jessa told her.

       “Why? You have very good grades why would you want to spend your vacation in school?” Mrs. Greyson asked.

       Jessa knew she couldn’t tell her the real reason why so she decided to tell her the second reason why she had decided to go to summer school. “Well as you know we will start high school in the fall and I by going to summer school it will help me be more prepared. The summer classes aren’t like the regular school year classes, you only go three days a week for a month.”

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