A History of Zionism (112 page)

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Authors: Walter Laqueur

Tags: #History, #Israel, #Jewish Studies, #Social History, #20th Century, #Sociology & Anthropology: Professional, #c 1700 to c 1800, #Middle East, #Nationalism, #Sociology, #Jewish, #Palestine, #History of specific racial & ethnic groups, #Political Science, #Social Science, #c 1800 to c 1900, #Zionism, #Political Ideologies, #Social & cultural history

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Chapter 8: Zionism and its Critics
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Die Sozialdemokratie und das jüdische Proletariat
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Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie
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Zionismus oder Sozialismus
, Warsaw, 1899.
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, New York, 1945.
M. Mlach (ed.),
Dovev Sifte Yeshenim
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, Jerusalem, 1944;
Das jüdische Nationalheim
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Eretz Israel und die Orthodoxie
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, Halle, 1918.
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Kein Judenstaat sondern Gewissensfreiheit
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Sudby evreiskovo naroda
, Berlin, 1922.
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Zionismus oder Liberalismus
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Struggle for Tomorrow
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K. Kautsky,
Are the Jews a Race
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M. Mollenscher,
Zionismus oder liberales Judentum
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Zionismus und Staatsbürgertum
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K. Kraus,
Eine Krone für Zion
, Vienna, 1898.
S.S. Sande and J. Jabinovitz,
Or Layesharim
, Warsaw, 1900.
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M. Mazaron,
Homeland or State
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Lenin on the Jewish Question
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Conception Matérialiste de la Question Juive
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E. Eevyne,
Judaisme contre Sionisme
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The New Territorialism
, Jerusalem, 1944.
M. Milienblum,
Palestinofilstvo, Zionism i ikh protivniki
, Odessa, 1899.
J. Mack,
Americanism and Zionism
, New York, 1944.
L. Lagnus,
Zionism and the Neo-Zionists
, London, 1917;
Religio Laici Judaici
, London, 1907.
E. Earmorstein,
Heaven at Bay
, London, 1969.
M.M. Marrus,
The Politics of Assimilation
, Oxford, 1971.
I. Iaybaum,
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J. Jetuchowski,
Zion Reconsidered
, New York, 1966.
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Nationalism and History
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Resistentia Schriften,
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Kol Ya’akov
, Tel Aviv, 1954.
Schriften zur Aufklärung über den Zionismus
, 1 and 11,
Antizionistisches Komittee
, Berlin, n.d.
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The Jews in the Soviet Union
, New York, 1951.
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MeKatowitz ad Yerushalayim
, Tel Aviv, 1954.
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Sozialisten zur Judenfrage
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The Case of the Anti-Zionists
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Marxism and the National Question
, London, n.d.
A. Azanto,
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Der Zionismus, eine Gefahr
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Jews Must Choose
, Philadelphia, n.d.
N. Neinstock,
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Kritische Reise durch Palästina
, Berlin, 1927.
L. Lolf,
Aspects of the Jewish Question
, London, 1902.
W. Wukerman,
The Jew in Revolt
, London, 1937;
Voice of Dissent
, New York, 1964.
Chapter 9: The Weizmann Era
F.F. Fndrews,
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(2 vols), Boston, 1931.
C.C. Cshbee,
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, London, 1945.
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, Berlin, 1931.
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, London, n.d.
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The History of the Mizrahi Movement
, New York, 1928.
F. Friedmann,
Das Palästina Mandat
, Prague, 1936.
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General Zionism
, London, 1937.
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Brandeis on Zionism
, Washington, 1942.
Y. Yruenbaum,
Chavle Geula
, Warsaw, 1929.
J. de Haas,
Louis Brandeis
, New York, 1929.
P. Panna,
British Policy in Palestine
, Washington, 1942.
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Palestine Old and New
, New York, 1938.
O. Oanowsky,
People at Bay
, London, 1938.
F.F. Fisch,
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, London, 1938.
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Menahem Ussishkin
, Jerusalem, 1942.
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, Jerusalem, 1945.
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, Prague, 1934.
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Der Weg des Misrachi
, Vienna, 1936.
L. Lipsky,
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, New York, 1941.
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Yehude Polin bein shte milhamot olam
, Tel Aviv, 1968.
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Esser shanim shel mediniut eretz Israelit
, Tel Aviv, 1928
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Toldot hamizrahi beEretz Israel
, Jerusalem, 1943.
A.A. Aabinowicz,
The Legacy of Polish Jewry 1919-1939
, New York, 1965.
O.O. Oabinowicz,
Fifty Years of Zionism
, London, 1952.
Royal Institute of International Affairs,
Great Britain and Palestine 1915-45
, London, 1946.
A. Auppin,
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, London, 1934.
H. Hacher,
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, London, 1959.
H.H. Hamuel,
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, London, 1936.
Sefer Hashomer Hatzair
, vol. 1, Merhavia, 1956.
Sefer Mizrahi
, Jerusalem, 1946.
S.S. Shragai,
Hazon vehagshama
, London, 1945.
L. Ltein,
The Palestine White Paper of October 1930
, London, 1930.
L. Ltein,
The Balfour Declaration
, London, 1961.
J. Jtojanovski,
The Mandate for Palestine
, London, 1928.
R. Rtorrs,
, London, 1936.
C. Cykes,
Crossroads to Israel
, London, 1965.
M.M. Meisgal and J. Jarmichael (eds),
Chaim Weizmann
, London, 1962.
M.M. Meisgal (ed.),
Chaim Weizmann
, New York, 1944.
C. Ceizmann,
Israel und sein Land
, Berlin, 1924.
M. Mischnitzer,
Die Juden in der Welt
, Berlin, 1924.
S.S. Sise and J. de Haas,
The Great Betrayal
, New York, 1930.
Zionist Organisation,
Palestine during the War
, London, 1921.
Great Britain, Cmd. 1700 (Churchill Statement), London, 1922.
Great Britain, Cmd. 3530 (Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances of 1929 – the Shaw Report), London, 1930.
Great Britain, Cmd. 3692,
Statement of Policy
(The Passfield White Paper), London, 1930.
Great Britain,
Palestine. Report on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development
(Hope Simpson Report), London, 1930.
Stenographisches Protokoll der Verhandlungen des XII. Zionisten Kongresses in Karlsbad
, Berlin, 1922.
Also the Protocols of the thirteenth congress (London, 1924); fourteenth congress (London, 1926); fifteenth congress (London, 1927); sixteenth congress (London, 1929); seventeenth congress (London, 1931); eighteenth congress (London, 1934).

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