A Highlander In Peril (Gunn Guardsman) (9 page)

BOOK: A Highlander In Peril (Gunn Guardsman)
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She held her breath as she ascended the stairs. If she had the courage to go through with her idea, she’d be chuffed until the sun rose. Frances entered her chamber and discarded her gown, went to her wardrobe, and found nothing with which to entice the hard-bodied Highlander.

She felt wicked for what she was about to do, but her desire forced her to submit to her courageousness. Frances tugged on her robe and tied it tightly around her waist. Her breast tingled with the anticipation of being touched. Brazenness wasn’t usually something she’d succumbed to, but it seemed she’d have to make the first move.

Only a few steps led her to his chamber door. She thought about knocking, but decided it was best to surprise him.

Upon entering, she saw him sitting on an overly stuffed chair. His feet rested upon the fabric of the matching stool. She stood transfixed, breathless, watching his handsome face now covered with the darkened shadows of his day-long whiskers. How she longed to reach out and touch his face, feel the warmth of his skin.

His eyes remained closed, and he’d appeared to have fallen asleep while reading a parchment, which he still held. It must have bored him to sleep. She could’ve giggled at her assumption, but kept quiet.

A thought occurred to her and she quietly approached. Even his face had musculature. She felt the flex of it as her finger moved along his jaw line to his chin.

His eyes shot open and he grabbed her wrist. The hold was so forceful; she drew in a startled breath.

“Frances!” The way he said her name lent to the tension now filling the chamber. His voice sent a thrilling tremble through her. He released her and she took a step backward.

Caught, she felt foolish and surely her cheeks flamed with embarrassment. She couldn’t back down now and instead of fleeing the chamber as she was wont, she smiled.

Frances took the parchment from him and tossed it aside. “I believe you’ve done enough work this day.”

His eyes bore into hers, the darkness of them drawing her closer, but he remained silent.

“Aye, you’ve missed supper. You must be starved.”

A quiet moment passed between them until he cleared his throat. “I am ravenous.”

“Can you attend me first, or do you wish to dine?” Frances laughed at her choice of words, but verily she didn’t want him to suffer from hunger.

“And what can I do for you, Frances?” He sat forward, tugged her waist, and caused her to step toward him. His face was at the same height as her breasts and she stiffened when they seemed to tingle and thrust outward. Sean kept his expression serene as if he were still reading the darned parchment.

She stepped backward and dislodged his hands from her waist. In one quick movement—before she had time to change her mind—she untied her robe and let it fall from her shoulders.

“Attending you can be arranged.” The edges of his lips grew into a grin.

Frances, now giddy with apprehension, giggled. Why she felt so was beyond her. “If you would rather return to your reading …”

“Hell no.”
Sean stood, causing her to take a few steps backward. His tall frame loomed over her.

For the first time since she’d formulated this plan, she regretted it. Not that she was afraid. Nor was he disappointing. As men went, he was every lady’s dream: tall, dark, and sinfully tempting.

What it all came to was her being a disappointment. And that was the last thing she wanted—to dissatisfy him.

She and Robert had never had sex for any other reason but procreation. Though she sometimes enjoyed it, most often it was over before her body responded. How she’d longed to experience something more, of what the minstrels sang, of what poets wrote, of what the ladies in court experienced.

The chill from the night air caused an upheaval of goose bumps to cover her breasts, arms, and legs. She shuttered, feeling incredibly exposed, standing close to him with nary a stitch of clothing on.

“Your mind is spiraling. You’re thinking too much, Frances. I’ll make this easy for you.” He began removing his tartan and tunic. With one tug, he stripped the fabric off his chest.

Frances stood fascinated, staring at the confines of his musculature. Never had she seen such a fit man. His muscles looked akin to the naked images of warriors she’d seen in the queen’s solar. Surely he’d be hard to the touch. As if he read her mind, he took her hand and set it against his chest.

The heat of his skin felt marvelous against the tips of her chilled fingertips. She let her hand dip lower and drew in an elated breath when her fingers caressed the hardness of his abdomen. His skin flinched at the gentleness of her touch.

Sean moaned and she quickly withdrew her hand as if she was bitten. “Did I hurt you?”

“You couldn’t hurt me. Nay, your touch pleases me.” Sean continued removing his garments until he stood naked. “We are both exposed now, do you feel better?”

She couldn’t answer that because every nerve in her body was on edge, waiting in anticipation for what was to come. She nodded.

He looked magnificent, beyond what she thought any man should look like. She’d imagined what his body looked like, and now that she saw it unclothed and in the flesh …

Frances’ in no way compared to his virile beauty. Her confidence waned and she almost laughed considering how she’d thought she couldn’t compare to Adam Armstrong when it came to dress, she was way out of her element when it came to Sean’s body. Would he care that she wasn’t as well-made as he?

“I wanted to come this night to …” She couldn’t speak the words.

Sean cuddled her face with the palm of his hand. The warmth from it radiated through her and she trembled from the delight.

“I know what you came for and I’m pleased. You’ve surprised me, Frances. You’re lovely. Have you kept yourself hidden deliberately?” He leaned forward and placed a kiss on the side of her face.

“Mayhap,” she said, almost giddy at him being so close. His scorching lips trailed to her neck, to the center of her chest, to the flesh of her breast. Frances placed her hands on his shoulders, gripping him as if she let go, he’d disappear. Mayhap he was an apparition, and really didn’t exist.

When he pulled away, disappointment caused her breath to rush forth. Frances continued to hold on to him. She didn’t want to release him and allow him to step back so he could see all of her.

“I want to see your hair,” he said, and removed the tie holding the long lengths of locks. The weight of her hair cascaded and fell about her shoulders. “Beautiful. Such a bonny shade.”

She stood still, fascinated by his words. He took a lock in his hand and massaged it between his fingers. He scooped her in his arms and everywhere her skin touched his, tingled with excitement. She so wanted this, so needed it.

Sean set her in the center of the bed and stared down with his deep, dark eyes. She patted the bedding beside her. He sat next to her and placed his hand, gently on her stomach, and a fire began to grow within her.

“I deem we should get to it. Can
we …” Frances grew more worried as each second passed.

“Relax, Frances. I would never hurt you.”

She released her breath and averted her gaze. “I’m not worried about that. ‘Tis just … what if I disappoint you? It has been quite a while for me and I …”

He flashed a sexy grin and continued to peruse her body with his hand, causing her flesh to heat everywhere he touched. “Never could you disappoint me, love.”




Sean knew he had to get her to relax. She seemed like a frightened bird ready to take flight. Now that he saw her delectable body, he wanted her to stay put, and more importantly, to love her body until the wee hours of the morning.

He glided his hands sensually around her body to get her used to his touch, trailing a light caress from the crease of her ass to the top of her spine.

Really what he wanted to do was enter her and stay lodged there forever. He’d hardened and almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of her when her robe cascaded to the floor. All he thought about was doing all the wickedly wonderful things his mind envisioned for the past few days.

How she hid such lusciousness beneath her garments, he’d never know. But her breasts were perfection: rounded and supple at the same time. Her hips curved, meeting long legs that slimmed at the ankle. He ran his fingers along her calf until he reached the top of her foot.

Everything about her body appeared perfect, much to his delight. He even liked the flesh of her hips and belly, and was glad she wasn’t reed-thin as many ladies were.

He lay beside her and lifted her chin so he could kiss her. His hand stilled on the side of her neck, and he used his thumb to tickle her throat. Beset with longing now, he tensed, knowing he’d have to take his time and not rush. Still, it would take much effort on his part not to ravish her.

Sean entwined his tongue with hers. She was an excellent kisser and he enjoyed the way her soft lips melded against his. The kiss became intense, he melted against her, and his body rubbed against hers as if he had no control. Aye, his restraint fled and left him utterly unruly.

Dislodged from the kiss, Sean drew a deep breath and noticed her pretty green eyes deepened with sensuality. She desired him. It was a good start. With that, he set his mouth back on hers and delved his hand between her legs. She was wet with longing and the feeling of it on his fingers heated his blood. He wanted to take her, and his impatient cock thrummed, taunting him to rush. But he needed to ensure she was as crazed with desire as he was.

A wild, frantic beat thronged against his chest. He slowed his harsh breath by taking air through his nose and tried to calm the hell down.

His best course of action was to keep her enthralled, and not give her time to think. He suspected her anxiousness, and yet it took courage to come into his chamber naked and intent on offering herself. A grin came to him and his lips left hers.

“You’re a bonny woman, Frances. I’m plagued with how much I want you.” Before she could shrink away, he joined her lips with his again.

Sean felt the vibration of her moan against this tongue and he reveled in the pleasure he brought her. He set his knee between her legs and continued to massage her soft body. He wanted to watch her expression and so he leaned back, and broke off the kiss. Now he could watch her eyes and assess for himself when she was ready.

He took her breast in hand and cupped it, gently
laving the textured center with his heated tongue. The nipple hardened into a tip and he heard her gasp. She closed her eyes and pressed back against the bedding.

“Sean, please …”

Sean leaned over her to repeat the gesture on her other breast, and her hand reached his head. She fisted his hair and pulled him in for another kiss. She wasn’t gentle about it either. He gave in to her silent, urgent plea.

“Frances, you’re driving me to distraction. I want you … so badly. I cannot wait.”

“Mmmm, aye, me neither,” she said, and reached out, taking hold of his erection and gently squeezed. Her passion-filled eyes grew darker. “I need you to be inside me.”

He continued the foreplay, but honest to God, he couldn’t take much more. Her fingers burned him with each touch and caused him to harden further. He liked the assertive way she held him, and the way her fingers caressed his hard length. Sean rolled between her legs and gently eased into her.

The feeling was beyond anything he’d experienced, incredulous and unmanning at the same time. She tightly encased him, and he closed his eyes and moaned at the pleasure of it. He reached between them and rubbed the nub of her vagina, hoping to evoke a climatic response.

She huffed and shook beneath him, the muscles of her legs twitching, her insides clenching his shaft with warm tightness. Taking hold of her legs, he helped her keep them in place as he slowly shifted, and entered her leisurely. He groaned, knowing if he thrust, it would lead to an experience neither would forget for a very long time.

Regaining a wee bit of composure, Sean teased her by gently sliding his rod into her body and slowing detracting. Then he hastened the pace until she began moaning and tossing her head about. He never heard anything so sexy in his life. Her voice did something to him, something that caused him to want to be wicked, to thrust deep within her, and let his animalistic nature take over.

Sean kissed her breast and used his lips to fuel her response as he drove into her repeatedly. He wanted to tell her how much she pleased him, but he couldn’t speak. Everything he
was, was lost in that moment, and all he could do was let his body rule him.

A climax so intense came over him. He shouted his release and continued to thrust, utterly lost in the thorough of it. His moans receded, but his body continued to shake from the intensity of his orgasm.

Frances gripped his arms and squealed when her body surrendered. Her legs wrapped around him, keeping him in place, tightly holding him against her as her body convulsed. Sean continued to drive into her until they were exhausted, spent and sated.

When her writhing subsided, he lay beside her, his breath uncontrolled and his body still recovering from the onslaught. Sean closed his eyes and realized the woman rendered him
speechless. Never had he experienced such an encounter with a woman before. Aye, he’d always achieved pleasure and gave it as well, but this went beyond.

When he found enough breath to speak, he said, “You have pleased me, Frances. Aye, you have.” He grinned when her pretty teeth showed beyond her flushed, well-kissed lips.

“I’m pleased to have done so.” She moved off the bed and grabbed her robe from the floor. When she headed for the door, he sat up and called out.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I won’t disturb you. I’m going to bed.” She pulled on her robe and tied it tightly at her waist.

He hitched a finger. “Come here.”

She reached the side of the bed, and he pulled her onto it, across his body. “I want you to stay. In fact, you should be here with me all the time.”

She looked at him as if he’d grown horns. “Won’t I intrude? Most husbands like to sleep alone.”

“This husband doesn’t.”

Frances reached out and touched his face. “If that is what you wish … what you want.”

“Aye, it is. A wife belongs in her husband’s bed.” Sean leaned to kiss her lips, taking her silky locks in his hands, and rejoicing at the sensation of it between his fingers.

“I never, ah, stayed in my husband’s chamber. And didn’t deem you would expect me to.” Frances laughed when he pressed her into the bedding and untied her robe.

“This husband expects it.” Sean continued to place light kisses on her face. “You surprised me, Frances. I didn’t believe you would ever come into my chamber and … I’m pleased you did.”

“I thought mayhap you were disappointed with me and so I decided I would come and try to dissuade you from such thoughts.” She lowered her eyes, a flush of embarrassment singeing her cheeks. “I have never done anything so …”

“You are not a disappointment.” To make sure she understood, Sean opened the edges of her robe and placed kisses from the sensitive area above her stomach to just under her chin. When he reached her face, he grinned at her response. Frances held his shoulders and her eyes bore into his.

“I am relieved to hear that. When you didn’t come down for supper …”

“I must’ve fallen asleep. I’m sorry I didn’t come, but I was looking at treaties for most of the day and my eyes grew heavy. It is boring nonsense.”

Frances drew an invisible line along his chest. “Oh, well you shouldn’t work so hard. What treaties are you speaking of?”

“The charter that the lords are meeting about. Which brings to mind … I must travel to a meeting on the morrow and will be away for most of the day.”

Her lips curled in a pout. “Shall I go with you?”

“I’d like that, och I’m likely not going to be well-received by the lords. The Lowlanders here don’t take too well with a Highlander present.”

Frances nodded, and continued to distract him by making circles with her finger. “Perhaps you should wear breeches instead of your tartan. Although I enjoy looking at your unclad legs …” She giggled when he drew in an affronted breath.

“Never! I will not change for these people, Frances. I will wear what I’m accustomed to. A garment does not make the man.”

“That is verily true, Sean.”

He grinned. “I like the sound of my name upon your lips. Say it again.”

She stared at him for a second or two before appeasing him. “Sean.”

“Will you be well while I’m gone? Do you need anything?” In the past few days, he’d given her space and time to become accustomed to the idea of being wed to him. Now that she was in his bed, and after what she’d done to him, he’d be sure not to leave her alone again.

She shook her head. “I do wish we can retire Davy. He’s aged and unable to attend his duties. We should find another caretaker. Anyone can enter the keep and I feel unsafe. Shall I look into it?”

“Why do you feel unsafe?” Sean stopped her hand from distracting him and now focused on her response. He didn’t like that she felt unprotected and it was his duty to see that no harm came to her.

“There have been happenings of late. My dear friend Winifred has gone missing. I fear something dreadful happened to her. I deem we should take care with our security. I think we should have a sentry protect the keep, especially at night.”

Sean studied her face and considered there was more to the telling. “Frances, I’ve been a guardsman my entire life. From the second day I arrived, there’s been a sentry on duty, day and night.”

“Oh. That is good to hear. I shouldn’t concern myself with matters of protection then. I will leave it up to you.”

Something in her tone caused him to sense her fear. It had nothing to do with old Davy’s inattention. “What happenings besides Winifred’s disappearance?”

Frances sighed. “Nothing really of import, well nothing I cannot handle on my own. I don’t want to worry you. You have enough to do with running Lord William’s lands.”

“I never worry, Frances, I take charge. If something is bothering you, you should tell me.” Sean searched her eyes and saw the dim flicker of fear in them. Something definitely bothered her.

“I’m more worried for Winifred. It is unlike my friend to leave without word and she’s gone. Many have been searched for her. Lord William even sent men to assist Lord Lombard, but to no avail.”

Sean nudged her chin to look at him. “Is Lord Lombard her father?” He didn’t like hearing the man’s name, let alone knowing he came to their keep today.

“Aye, he’s Winifred’s father. I saw him upon my return from my walk with Ermintrude. He asked questions about you. I gave vague answers because I wasn’t sure what you wanted to divulge.”

“That’s good, Frances. Lord William didn’t trust him. His name is on the list of those who I should be wary of. And your uncle thought he might want to offer for you. Did he say such to you?”

Frances scowled and shook her head. “Nay, but Winifred mentioned he was looking for a new wife and I … never gave him a chance to say anything to me about it. I expect you’ll let him know I am unavailable.”

He found a grin. “You definitely are unavailable.” Sean affirmed that statement with a deep kiss that set his body afire again. When he broke from the kiss, he clasped her hand and watched her bonny expression. Her eyes deepened with affection.

“I do hope he understands, for I wouldn’t want him as an enemy.”

“Do not concern yourself. Aye, I speak with the man. He’ll be at the meeting I’m to attend. I’ll see him there.”

“I want to ensure Ermintrude and I
are secure while you are away. Can we at least put another guard near the entrance?”

“I won’t insult Davy by replacing him. Mayhap we can find him an apprentice.” She had a bewildered look upon her face and Sean realized she didn’t understand. “If we give him someone to train, he’ll deem we’re honoring him instead of replacing him. I will ensure the apprentice is capable of guarding you and Trudy.”

“Oh, that is kind. You surprise me, Sean, for you seem to have a care of the servants and that is what my uncle would have wanted.”

“There’s more to me, Frances, than a bonny face.” He laughed at his jest.

“Aye, there certainly is. You’re very intelligent, Sean, and I find it sexy.”

“Oh, how sexy?
Sexy enough to let me have my way with you again?” He discarded her robe, tossing it to the floor. His hungry eyes took her in, lying so willingly available to him.

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