A Highland Knight's Desire (A Highland Dynasty Book) (16 page)

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She held her lips to his and savored this moment. As he’d shown her, she slid her tongue across his lips and tasted him. The bitterness of willow bark tea mixed with spicy male filled her with longing. If only he were conscious enough to kiss her back. But kissing an unconscious man must be a sin, no matter how much her insides fluttered and tingled.

Meg squeezed her eyes shut and willed herself to pull away.

Moaning, Duncan’s tongue caressed her bottom lip.

Eyes flying open, Meg gasped. “Are you awake?”

A powerful arm tugged her closer. “Mm.”

“I want to lie with you,” Meg uttered. She hadn’t meant to say it, but the words flowed from her mouth as if she were possessed. Yes, she did want him, right there and now, consequences be damned. Never in her life had she acted irresponsibly, but she wanted nothing more in this moment than to make love to Duncan Campbell. She desired to be with a man—this man—to know what it was like to be a woman loved.

Before she could speak another word, Duncan covered her mouth and claimed her with a long, languid kiss. Eyes closed, he eased Meg to her back, the weight of his chest pinning her to the mattress—not painfully, but the friction provided the pressure her breasts craved. She rocked her hips. Her entire body desired his touch, especially the powerful yearning down below.

Their mouths still joined, her hand slid under the plaid and guided his hips until he covered her. Oh glorious friction, her body was afire. When Duncan trailed kisses down her neck, Margaret opened her eyes. The plaid had slipped completely off, leaving him naked from the waist down.

He rocked his hips against her, and a smoldering need coiled between her legs. Through her gown, his manhood rubbed the spot beneath the folds that yearned the most for him.

“I’ve wanted you since I first looked into your eyes,” he purred, unlacing her bodice. He slipped his fingers beneath her bodice and swirled them around her breast.

Arching her back, Meg cried out. With a chuckle, Duncan flicked his tongue across her nipple and suckled her. She sighed, reveling in the delectable passion coursing through her blood. She shrugged out of her sleeve and exposed her other breast for him. Like a feral cat, Duncan slid across and claimed it while pulling up her skirts.

Oh yes. She’d wanted to be exposed to him. He must quell the fire he’d kindled deep inside her body. Spreading her legs, she allowed him to tug her skirts higher until cool air caressed her womanhood.

Duncan slid his hand down and touched her there. Meg nearly erupted off the bed, her tingling spasms felt so inexplicably good. He swirled his finger around her, spreading moisture from her depths. Eyes rolling into the back of her head, Meg had never known such ecstasy. Duncan’s finger slid inside. Meg churned her hips around him, wanting, needing, desperate for more friction.

When she opened her eyes, he was hovering over her, his manhood jutting from his loins like a jouster’s lance. He desired her as a woman, and she’d never in her life craved a man to take her. Trembling, she reached down to grasp him, but he slid back on his haunches, just beyond her fingers. For an instant, Meg feared he didn’t want her, until a sly grin spread across his lips. Dipping his chin, with one lap, he licked her—swiped his glorious tongue over her smoldering sex.

Meg collapsed against the pillows with a shudder. Duncan licked again, then swirled his tongue over her flesh. Unable to control her increasing sighs, she threaded her fingers through his hair, giving in to the urge to thrust her hips. The pressure deep within her body coiled tighter. Stars crossed her vision. A stunned gasp ripped through her throat and the world around her exploded in a maelstrom of pulsing euphoria.

When finally her breathing returned to normal, Meg opened her eyes. Duncan knelt over her, smiling. Brilliant white teeth contrasted with the dark shadow of his beard. He was still erect. Was he waiting for her to do something? Simply looking at his manhood filled her with renewed desire. She brushed her fingers over it. “I want you to show me how a man breeds.”

Duncan emitted a savage growl. “I want you more than life itself.” His eyes appeared glassy with the flickering of the candlelight. Slowly, his body skimmed up hers as he fluttered kisses along the way. “Your beauty surpasses that of all other women.”

Meg had no recourse but to accept his words. She molded to him like clay to a potter’s fingers. His manhood brushed her cleft, and her need became dire yet again.

Nuzzling into her neck, Duncan mumbled. Meg couldn’t make out his words, but it didn’t matter. Careful not to place her hand on his wound, she grasped his hip and encouraged him. She stopped tugging when his manhood stretched her insides to the point of tearing. But Duncan didn’t stop. Slowly, he slid inside her. Meg’s insides yielded with a sting, yet the exhilaration of their joining sent her body into a whirlwind of frenzy.

When Duncan stopped, she held very still, reveling in the sensation of being completely filled. As he started to rock his hips, the pinch didn’t hurt quite as badly. Speeding the pace, Meg grasped him, while moisture soothed the burn. She needed him to move faster, and dictated the tempo with her hand. Without speaking, Duncan seemed to know exactly what her body craved.

Tension built. Her thighs shuddered around him. More . . . she had to have more of him. Duncan emitted a deep grunt, thrusting faster. Meg tossed her head from side to side, whimpering through her ecstasy. With another sudden surge, she mounted the pinnacle of passion as if she were flying, and with one glorious burst, Meg came undone around him.

His eyes wild, unfocused, Duncan bellowed loudly and pulled from her. His entire body shuddered as his seed spurted across her belly. His eyes rolled back with a satisfied exhale. “My God, you are an angel from heaven.”

He reached for the cloth that had been on his forehead and cleansed her stomach. Wiped his seed from her. Meg caressed his cheek. Yes, it was best for him to spill his seed outside her womb. A bastard would bring ruination to her family, and though she relished the thought of bearing Duncan’s child, she would never wish for her family to be harmed by her actions.

Duncan rolled to his side and reached out his arm. “Come here.”

She crawled over to him and sank into his warm embrace, their bodies spooning as if it were the most natural thing in the world. In a heartbeat, Duncan’s heavy breathing resumed. Again, he was fast asleep. Meg closed her eyes and cherished his closeness. Had she been wrong to seduce him when he was fevered? Perhaps, yet she would remember this night for the rest of her days. God had brought Duncan Campbell into her life for a reason, and she was quite certain it was to show her what could be between a man and a woman. She would never speak of this to another soul.

Duncan nuzzled into the sweetest smelling mane of silken hair, thinking he’d gone to heaven. His dream had been so vivid. Finally, he’d given in to his desires and made love to Lady Meg. All of his prior fantasies about the lass paled in comparison. A man could live a contented life in Meg’s arms.

He nestled into the bed. Something soft and warm moved against him and emitted a satiated moan.

He wasn’t in heaven, nor had he been dreaming. He was in his bedchamber. How the hell he’d arrived there, he had absolutely no idea.

Duncan opened his eyes. Meg curled her body against him, her hair shrouding his face. He rose up on his elbow and regarded her lovely face. Had last eve really happened? He cast his gaze down past the sleek curve of her hip. Heaven help him, her skirts were hiked up to her milky white thighs.

He jolted. Aside from his shirt, not a stitch of clothing covered him either.

What have I done?

His heart stuttered. He’d made a pact with himself never to stay the night in a woman’s arms. But then circumstances had been a tad out of his control. He inhaled. Good God, she smelled like a valley of wildflowers. His cock thrummed. He slid his hips away from Meg’s delicious bottom. How was he going to ferret himself out of this? He’d just ruined the daughter of an earl. As soon as Arthur Douglas discovered what had happened, he’d not only withhold payment, he’d string Duncan up by the cods.

He reached down the bed, grasped the plaid, wrapped it around his waist and staggered to the privy closet. His head swam like he’d had too much whisky—or had been bludgeoned. Duncan had no clue which. How had they come to Kilchurn? The last thing he remembered, the ship docked at Dunstaffnage Castle and he was about to arrange to borrow a pair of horses.

He sat to relieve himself, and a sharp pain shot up his backside. He leaned away from the ache. Bloody hell. Had he succumbed to a wounded arse?
I’ll be the butt-end of my men’s jests from now to eternity.

After wiping his hands on a cloth, he reached for a pot of mint leaves. He popped one in his mouth and chewed. Though refreshing, it did nothing to satisfy his hunger. When he opened the door, Meg stood inches away, eyes wide as silver coins. “You’re up?”

“Aye.” He held out the pot. “Mint?”

She snatched a dried leaf and popped it into her mouth. “Straight back to bed with you.”

“What are you on about, ordering me to the bed? My stomach’s growling like a starved dog.”

“You’ve been unconscious with the sweat. I can request some porridge for you, but you are too weak to be up and about.”

Duncan gestured to his legs. “I’m standing, am I not?”

Meg’s cheeks flushed scarlet, and she stamped her foot with infuriated gusto. “You were on death’s doorstep b-but hours ago.”

She looked adorable when she got worked up. “Aye?” He tugged her into his arms and smothered her minty mouth. His mind blanked. Sensuous woman crushed against his body, supple breasts, wanton hips. He kneaded his fingers down her spine and growled into her ear. “The things you do to me are wicked. I cannot keep my hands from you.”

“Truly?” Her voice was breathless. “Do you remember what . . . what happened between us?”

Aye, he remembered every delectable moment. Worse, he’d also had enough presence of mind to know he shouldn’t have ravished her. “Forgive me. I had no right.”

“As I understand it, I was the one taking advantage of you, given your fevered state.”

In no way would he allow her to take the blame for his actions. “I assure you I was conscious, and I shouldn’t have allowed it to happen.”

Meg backed away, clapping a hand over her mouth. “I knew you didn’t want me. Not really.” She turned and dashed to the sideboard.

“I didn’t mean it like that, lass.” He limped toward her. “Your brother will have my hide.”

“Is that what you care about?” She kept her back to him. “There’s no need for Arthur to know, or anyone else, for that matter.”

So she wanted to keep it quiet, just as he did? Duncan liked the feisty lady more and more. “I do care about you . . . deeply.” He sauntered up behind her and smoothed his hands over her hips. He leaned forward and buried his face in her wild locks. “You drive me mad with longing.”

She sighed and leaned against him. “The hourglass has long lost its sand. I must tend your wound, then I’ll fetch you some food.”

He nuzzled her neck. “We could both go back to bed and forget about the salve.”

She scooted away from his grasp. “Your father trusted me to tend you.” She faced him with a fiery spark to her eye. “Now haste ye to the bed afore I’m forced to call the guard.”

Duncan groaned and plodded across the floor. “I’m all right now, lass.”

“I’ll be the judge of that, as will the healer when she returns.”

A sharp pain stabbed Duncan’s backside as he dropped the plaid and climbed onto the bed with his back to her. “What happened after we alighted from the galley? I cannot recall a single thing until I awoke with your blessed body in my arms.”

“You were unconscious the whole time. Fevered, too.” Meg gasped so loudly, he thought she’d cut herself.

Spinning, Duncan leaped off the bed and wrapped his arms around her. “What happened?”

“You . . . ah . . .” Her eyes drifted to the plaid he’d dropped. “Your bottom is bare, Sir Duncan.”

“We’re back to formalities now, are we?” Duncan hugged her to his chest and laughed. “I thought your ladyship wanted to tend my bum.”

“But the whole time you’ve had the plaid draped across your waist. Except when . . .”

“Would you prefer it if I covered up?”

Her gaze languidly swept down his body while she chewed her bottom lip.

He could take no more. He lifted her chin with the crux of his finger. Slowly and ever so gently, he kissed her. He wanted to draw it out, savor her, show the lady exactly how much he desired her.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Meg melted into him. She sighed, and her eyes fluttered closed as she responded to his swirling tongue, sucking, teasing. Duncan could feel no pain with Meg in his embrace. The fever returned to his body tenfold, except this time he could have won a sparring match with an arm tied behind his back. Never in his life had he felt a yearning so powerful as the need shooting through the tip of his cock. “God help me, I want to feel your center swallow me again.”

Clutching him tighter, she wrapped her leg around his hip and pushed into him. She wanted this as much as he. Duncan didn’t understand it. When it came to women, he could usually exercise self-control, but when it came to Meg, he was powerless. He didn’t even know if he could make it to the bed. Hiking up her skirts, he backed her to the wall. It was closer.

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