Read A Hero’s Welcome Online

Authors: Lauren Agony,Jan Springer

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

A Hero’s Welcome (8 page)

BOOK: A Hero’s Welcome
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It took all his effort to stop the kiss and pull away from her.

Their gazes connected and his pulse faltered. Intimacy buzzed between them. He had the sudden urge to take her right here. Right now.

“What is that called?” she breathed.

“A kiss.”

“I could get used to this kiss.”

It took all the strength he could muster to rip his gaze from the sensual look in her eyes and the cute way her luscious lips tilted upwards in a wanting smile.

He intertwined his fingers with hers and said, “C’
, let

s go take that walk.”



Chapter Nine


They walked side by side. As equals. And it was absolutely illegal.

From as early as she could remember she

d been taught that a proper woman always walked a few steps ahead of a male. It was a sign of importance. Of dominance.

And a proper woman always led a male slave by a penis leash. If anyone saw them like this, walking side by side, no penis leash and carefree smiles on their faces, Annie knew without a doubt they would be shot on sight.

Thank heavens they were in a secluded section of the hub, miles away from the center. Surrounded by dense trees and brush that hid them from the prying eyes of the drones or any curiosity seekers.

As they walked, she

t deny the joy bubbling inside her.

The Queen had allowed her one day with Green Eyes. He had been the Queen’s present to her for agreeing to be her newest mate.

The way his face was all lit up with boundless wonder made her realize the price she’d paid to have him with her for such a short time

t been too high at all.

Green Eyes was happy and seemingly content to be here with her. That

s all that mattered.

The faraway sound of rushing water made her pulses pound with excitement and she tugged at him to move faster. “There

s a beautiful view just up ahead. I can

t wait for you to see it. It

s my most favorite spot in the whole world.”

s already a beautiful view right here in front of me.” His quiet words surprised her and she glanced back at him.

His face broke into a breathtaking smile and she recognized the lusty look in his eyes. A look that seemed to be there whenever he gazed at her. She could feel the intoxicating heat pour from his body and spill against her skin. Her heart recognized his warm male scent and began to pound with anticipation.

He tried to tug her against him, but she pulled him forward.

“You won’
t be sorry if you wait a couple more minutes.”

A few minutes later, she led him to the edge of the fern-cloaked river. Dark blue waters littered with giant grey boulders shimmered in front of them. She pointed up to her right.

He laughed with excitement when he saw the white water tumbling over a twenty-foot high rock cliff.

“It look
s fantastic!” he shouted.

Before she knew what was happening he was hauling her into the dark river and toward the crashing falls.

A few minutes later, Annie was gasping as warm falls water hammered over her head and body. Slippery rocks beneath her feet made her tipsy. The undertow tried to drag her away, but Green Eyes held her tight and drew her against his hard frame. The heat of his body slammed against her skin and his breath seductively caressed her face.

Hunger was sharp in his eyes. The yearning for her was powerful somewhere else as he pushed his promising erection against her abdomen.

She noticed his hair was darker now that it was wet. It made him look more dangerous. Sexier.

“I want to make love to you. Right here. Right now! Under the waterfall! What do you say?” he shouted.

Awareness buzzed through her and her blood heated as he waited for her response. The thought of feeling his warm mouth slide over her lips again made every nerve fiber in her body suddenly feel as if it were on fire.

She nodded eagerly in agreement.

His sexy lips curled upward into that drop-dead smile and he let go of her.

Automatically she widened her legs in an effort to keep from being pulled away by the water rushing against her body. His fingers wrenched on the hem of her drenched shirt and raised it, pulling it over her head.

Throwing it in the river, he watched it swirl away with the waves. Then he snapped his gaze onto her breasts. A puzzled little frown crossed his forehead when he saw what else they

d done to her last night.

One hand reached up and he fingered the gold nipple ring on her right breast. She inhaled at the painfully pleasant sensations. A split second later his other hand shot up and with suddenly trembling fingers he stroked her left nipple ring.

“Why?” he shouted.

“Tradition!” she yelled back through the roaring cascade.

t want to explain.

t want to tell him the truth. She wanted to make love.

As if reading her mind his large hands dropped away from her breasts and he clasped the curve of her hips.

Adrenalin soared through her veins as his head lowered to her right breast. He thrust out his seductive tongue, flicking it against her straining nipple. It beaded up like a rosebud.

His breath was hot against her breast. Hot and arousing, making her soft mounds tighten and swell with anticipation.

“You taste delicious!” he growled. “Damned delicious.”

Her blood pumped hot through her veins as his blistering mouth covered her nipple. His teeth pinched at the nipple ring until her rosy tip ached. Tremors coursed through her body as he did the same to her other nipple. When he was finished, he pulled away and admired his work.

Her nipples stood to attention under his caressing stare. Two hard stiff trembling peaks. He smiled with satisfaction and cupped both sides of her face. His mouth came down on hers.

Hot desire exploded in her
as his tongue probed into her mouth.

He tore at her shorts as he kissed her. She managed to step out of them and imagined her pants joining her shirt in the massive whirlpools below.

Suddenly he broke the kiss, leaving her mouth swollen and trembling. Leaving her mind swirling from the sweet pleasure.

Swooping down he captured her left nipple with the wet heat of his mouth once again. This time he was rougher. More demanding.

His seductive tongue circled her trembling nipple like a vulture. His teeth pulled gently on her nipple ring causing a friction of blinding ecstasy. He attacked her other breast with the same zeal.

Prodding. Poking. Sucking. Biting. He kept attacking her until she was writhing against the onslaught from the tension zinging through her
. Tension and hunger. It made her mad with want. Made her want him inside her.

“Now, Green Eyes,” she whispered.

He must have heard the plea in her voice for he stopped his ministrations on her breast, pulled away and grinned.

“I want you to call me by my real name. Call me Joe.”

“Joe?” Instantly she liked the name, but she would like it even better if he would hurry up and fuck her.

“Say it again.”




“Say, I love you, Joe.”

Annie blinked in surprise. Her heart raced with strange emotions she

d never felt before.

Love? She remembered her teacher talking about love in the history classes. It was said to be an affection between a woman and her male. A word the male used to dominate the woman into doing whatever he wanted to her.

Confusion and anticipation ripped her apart. Did she want to be dominated by this male? The answer came quickly.

Yes, she wanted Joe. She wanted him with all her heart. And she

d do anything for him. Anything!

“I love you, Joe.”

Although the words were a mere whisper, they sounded like a shout as they curled through the crashing waterfall.

His green eyes sparkled proudly at her answer and his large hands curled over the curve of her hips sending fire ripping through her very core.

“I love you too, Annie. Damn it! I do love you.” He said it as if he’
d just realized the fact.

And then he laughed. The sound came from deep within his chest. A wonderful seductive sound that sent chills of joy cascading through her.

His hot slippery hands slid over her hips to cup her bare ass cheeks and he swept her into his embrace. When she felt his naked shaft press hard against the door of her vagina she wanted him to penetrate her. To take her and quench the fire that burned her body.

Instead, he kissed her. Hard. With so much emotion that the fierceness of his lips pressing against her stole her breath from her lungs and shocked her brain.


d just told a slave she loved him. How could this be? How had he changed her whole life in such a short time?

He was a dangerous male. Exciting. Addictive. Like a drug. And she wanted him all to herself. She would die fighting to protect him from their plans.

The last thought startled her and then the realization sank deep into her brain. Yes, she would die fighting for him…

A hot thumb slammed against her pleasure nub making her hips arch into his hand. He began to rub furiously until her cries ripped free from her mouth and into his. He rubbed so hard the pleasure became unbearable and her body exploded in convulsions.

His finger fell away and his thick penis entered her wet
in one swift deep stroke, surprising her with its killing pleasure. His quick thrust threw her off guard. Obliterated all sane thoughts.

The rocks beneath her feet shook as he withdrew and pounded into her again.

And again.

Her body bucked against his, welcoming his wild delicious strokes. Violent tremors laced through her. She ripped her mouth away, gasping madly for air. Stars danced behind her eyes as a splintering orgasm ripped her body apart, turning her legs to jelly.

Grabbing his powerful shoulders for support, Annie held on tight as he continued to thrust his huge cock into her. The scent of their lovemaking filled the air. The sucking sound of his solid thrusts was like music to her ears.

She came again, her body convulsing wildly. The excruciating pleasure made her scream and the roaring water carried the sound downstream.

She could see his teeth were gritted with determination, the corded muscles in his neck thick and pulsing as he continued to fuck her. Yet during all this time he somehow maintained eye contact. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of looking at her. As if he wanted to see the pleasure enveloping her face.

When he noticed she was watching him, he fucked her harder until she closed her eyes and screamed from the ecstasy.

The man was an animal the way he pumped into her. Hard and primal and oh so deliciously good.

He drove her toward yet another orgasm. When she began to come down from it, she could hear Joe

s ragged hiss as he shot his hot seed deep into her.



Chapter Ten


Joe Hero had never been in love before.

t have anything to compare to this insane attraction he felt for Annie. Actually it was more than attraction.

Under the waterfall when he

d made love to her, he hadn’t been able to tear his eyes from her face. As he’d looked at the ecstasy shining there, something had just snapped inside him. Suddenly he’d realized he

t live without her warm soft body pressed against his. Couldn’t live without hearing her sweet voice whisper, “I love you”.

She was a beautiful woman who wanted to be loved. And he wanted to be the one to do the loving.

“What are you thinking, Joe?” she asked as she snuggled closer to him.

With one finger she drew lazy circles around his left nipple and he sucked in his breath at the pleasure she caused. He could lie here in the soft bed of ferns all day. Stare at the waterfall gushing like a thick silver ribbon into the river and make love to Annie over and over again. Just like he had been doing.

He couldn’t get enough of her. Couldn’t seem to stop himself from plunging his aching shaft into her succulent
. She was as addictive to him as a junkie was addicted to heroin.

Most of the day had disappeared and he

t even tried to look for a way out. Maybe because deep down, he knew there was no way out. He was in love with Annie. Whatever she wanted him to do, he

d do it, maybe even stay here…

“I was thinking of how nice it would be having you wake up next to me every morning,” he whispered against her ear.

Her finger stopped circling. “That

s not possible.”

“If I stay, can’
t we work something out with
and this Queen of yours?”

“The deal has already been made. It can’
t be changed.” The finality in her voice made him realize she was telling the truth. Something had been forged between the three women. And it involved him.

“What was the deal between you,
and the Queen?”

“I don’t want to talk about it with you.”

“Why not? If it involves me—”

She looked up into his eyes. He saw confusion there. Confusion and pain.

His protective instincts kicked in. Something was terribly wrong.

“I want you to leave with me.”


t answer.

BOOK: A Hero’s Welcome
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