A Heart Revealed (70 page)

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Authors: Julie Lessman

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Before she could steal away, he spun her back with a devious smile and a glint of trouble in lidded blue eyes. “Once I get you alone, Mrs. O’Connor, I plan to take full advantage of that ring on your finger, is that clear?”

She cupped his face, eyes tender. “It belongs to you, my love, as do I.” Giving him a kiss to tide him over, she tugged him to the door with a seductive smile that would have made Charity proud. “Keep in mind the sooner we leave, Sean O’Connor, the sooner I can give you
of my love.”

“God, give me patience,” he said with a grin, prodding her through the door as if to hurry the process.

They were met on the landing by laughter and chatter and Bing Crosby on the radio singing “Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams.” With a wink, Charity put two fingers to her teeth and produced an ear-splitting whistle that would have won Henry’s respect. “Listen up, everybody! We need to ship these two lovebirds off to New York pronto, but not before we lasso in another potential bride and groom with the toss of the bouquet and garter.”

“Uh-oh, gotta go—I think I hear my mother calling.” A lazy grin eased across Steven’s face as he stood talking to his brothers-in-law at the edge of the foyer, hip to the wall.

“Your mother is right here, young man,” Marcy said over her shoulder, patting her husband’s arm while chuckles circled the room. “Your father’s determined to trim our grocery bill one way or the other, so I suggest you belly up to the banister for a shot at the garter.”

“Mind your mother, Steven,” Patrick said with a loop of his wife’s waist.

“Yeah, Steven, just look what our garter did for Sean,” Luke said with a cocky grin, arm tucked around Katie’s shoulder while Kit slept, curled against his shoulder. “The man’s happily married to the only woman on earth capable of tying him down.”

“Excuse me,” Sean said from the landing, a possessive arm latched to Emma’s shoulders, “but I prefer to think of it as untying me from the lonely fate of a bachelor.”

“Turncoat,” Steven said, grinning up at his brother.

“Okay, ladies, move to the center of the foyer for a chance at happily ever after.” Charity waved the single women forward while Emma stepped up to the railing with the bouquet.

“Me, me, me,” Gabe shouted, jumping up and down along with the older cousins, all pink-cheeked from their romps in the snow.

“When you’re a little older,” Collin whispered to five-year-old Abby as he tugged her off to the side with a pout on her face. He swooped her up in his arms and blew a raspberry on her neck, and she giggled, while Lizzie handed Molly off to Brady with a kiss to his cheek. Glowing like a little girl at a party, Lizzie raced to join Faith, Katie, and her parents at the base of the stairs where they awaited Sean and Emma’s departure.

“Henry—freeze!” Charity’s voice rang in the foyer.

Slinking through the small crowd of family and friends, Henry stopped dead in his tracks behind his cousins, eyes like saucers and snowball in hand.

“Take that outside right now before I put it—and you—in the freezer, young man!”

Mitch cinched the back of Henry’s neck. “She’s got eyes in the back of her head, Son, don’t you know that by now?” He steered Henry to the front door. “Toss it, kiddo.”

“Ready?” Emma asked, bouquet in hand.

“Throw it already,” Bert called. “I’m not getting any younger, you know.” She slid a sideways smirk at the woman beside her. “And neither is Michelle.”

“Speak for yourself, Mrs. Adriani,” Michelle said, elbowing Bert out of the way.

Gabe spun around, arms on her hips. “Hey, no catching the bouquet if you’re married.”

“I’m a widow,” Bert said with a narrow glare. She nudged Gabe forward with the tip of her shoe. “Move it, short stuff. You’ve got time on your side—I don’t.”

“I thought you weren’t interested in marriage, Mrs. Adriani,” Sean yelled from the landing, shooting her a boyish smile that helped to soften her scowl.

“So weddings bring out the sap in me, is that a crime?”

“No, ma’am.” Sean nudged Emma’s arm with a hand to his mouth. “Is it, Horace?”

Emma had never seen Bert blush before, and the effect made her giggle. Sean nodded toward Horace against the wall, who was as scarlet as Bert, then leaned close. “Those two have been chatting it up all day—could be love in the air,” he whispered, and Emma grinned.

“Okay, here we go,” Emma said, turning her back to wave the bouquet overhead. “One . . . two . . . three!” Ribbons and flowers fluttered high along with shrieks and cheers while Gabe vaulted into the air, accidentally tipping the bouquet into Bert’s waiting hand. In a knee-jerk reaction, the little girl butted Bert’s hold, and the flowers somersaulted over Alli’s shoulder.

“Here you go, Alli,” Katie said with a quick swoop of the bouquet. “I believe this belongs to you.” She delivered a sassy smile while Bert’s and Gabe’s groans echoed through the foyer.

“Hey, no fair, Katie, you cheated!” Gabe said with a fold of her arms.

“Talk about cheating, you little squirt,” Bert groused. “You knocked it out of my hand.”

Gabe peered up, fists parked on her hips. “Oh, yeah? Well, I touched it before you did. Besides, you’re too old to get married.”

“Gabriella Dawn Smith—apologize this instant!” Marcy was aghast.

“Sorry,” Gabe said with a squint of her eyes that indicated she was anything but.

Bert matched her look, slit for slit. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” She slid Alli a begrudging smile. “Good for you, kid. If anybody got it other than me, I’m glad it was you.”

“Thanks, Bert,” Alli said shyly, nose buried in the bouquet with a gentle smile.

Charity whistled again, and the foyer went silent. “Okay, gentlemen, it’s your turn, and you know who you are . . .” She arched a brow when Steven remained propped against the wall. “Steven . . . don’t make me come down there.”

Brady and Mitch laughed while Collin prodded Steven to where the other bachelors waited. “Move it, Steven,” he said with a gloat. “Misery loves company.”

Steven lumbered to the center of the room with his hands in his pockets. “May I remind you that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink?”

“Wanna bet?” Charity said, eyes narrowing into bully mode. “Trust me, if he wants leftover wedding cake, he’ll drink.”

Steven peered up at his sister, shaking his head. “Have you no shame?”

“None whatsoever,” Faith piped up from the sidelines, prompting more chuckles.

Emma laughed along with the others, heart overflowing that she was now part of this amazing family that had reached out to her, loved her, made her one of their own.

“All right, gentlemen,” Sean said, turning his back to the crowd, “give it your best shot.”

“Aim toward Steven on the right,” Charity whispered, and he grinned at Emma before letting it fly with an arm adept at sailing a baseball from center field to home plate. The garter ricocheted off the far wall with a soft thump. Father Mac looked up in surprise when it bounced off his shoulder while chatting with Brady. Stooping to retrieve it, he bobbled it in his hand. “It’s a garter, Sean, not a basketball in a game to the death with your parish priest.” He tossed it toward the group of men in the center of the foyer, where it landed with a splat on the tip of Steven’s shoe.

All the men froze, including Steven, who stared as if it were bird droppings from the sky. With a slow and casual gait, James ambled over and stooped to pick it up, offering it to Steven.

Steven backed away, two palms up. “No thanks, buddy, it’s all yours.”

Applause drowned out Charity’s groan, and Emma’s heart took a dip when James tucked the garter in the pocket of his suit coat before shooting Alli a quiet smile.

All at once Sean looped Emma’s waist with a sturdy arm. “I told you love was in the air,” he whispered, then kissed her on top of the head. “We have to go.” With one last hug for Charity, Sean led Emma down the stairs for final goodbyes.

Patrick embraced her firmly. “We knew you belonged to us one way or the other, Emma,” he said with a chuckle, “and this certainly spares us the trouble of adoption. Welcome to the family.”

Marcy cupped Emma’s face with tears in her eyes. “Patrick and I couldn’t be happier, Emma. You’ve always been one of our own.”

Emma nodded, unable to speak for the hitch in her throat.

“You’ll love the Statue of Liberty,” Katie said with a squeeze. “Make sure you see it.”

“Oh, and try to see
Show Boat
on Broadway while you’re there,” Lizzie breathed. “I’ve read it’s really romantic.”

Faith kissed Sean’s cheek, then pulled Emma into a voracious hug. “You’re one of us, Emma, no backing out now.” She sniffed, desperately blinking away the tears in her eyes. “And as much as I love my family, somehow you make it more complete.”

Steven rattled his father’s car keys. “Come on, you two, I refuse to speed to get you to the station on time.”

Slipping Emma’s coat over her shoulders, Sean hustled her to the door amidst a flurry of goodbyes. Hand on the knob, he bent to brush his lips against hers, causing her heart to soar at the love in his eyes. He smiled while his thumb grazed her jaw. “Ready, Emma?”

She glanced back at the O’Connors, throat aching as Charity blew her a kiss.
How can this be? I never deserved this!
And yet, this was
family . . .
husband . . .

I honor those who honor me.

Sweet moisture stung in her eyes
. Oh, Lord!
The warmth of his approval embraced her and she swallowed hard, returning her gaze to Sean’s while a single tear trailed into the curve of her smile. She finally nodded, heart welling with joy faster than her eyes could well with water. “Am I ready?” she whispered, squeezing Sean’s hand till she thought she would burst. “Oh, yes,” she breathed.
For the first time in my life . . .


To my agent, Natasha Kern, and my editor, Lonnie Hull Dupont—treasured gifts from a very wise God who knew exactly what I needed.

To the truly talented team at Revell—I am privileged to work with each and every one of you. Mega hugs to Michele Misiak for her kindness and patience with CDQs like me, to Cheryl Van Andel and Dan Thornberg for their remarkable talent and creativity, and to Barb Barnes, whose name
makes me smile when it pops up in email. You guys are the best!

To my brainstorming buddies, Charlotte Vernaci and Linda Tate—thank you for always responding to my 911 calls with grace, humor, and grit.

To the Seekers, fourteen of the finest women I have ever met—I am beyond blessed to claim you as dear friends, confidants, prayer partners, and therapists on call.

To Casey Herringshaw and Michelle Tuller—not only winners of my newsletter contest to have a character named after them in this book, but two of the kindest and dearest reader friends I’ve ever had the privilege to meet. I cherish your friendship.

To three ladies who keep me on track and without whom I’d be absolutely lost—my precious prayer partners and best friends, Joy Bollinger, Karen Chancellor, and Pat Stiehr. Love you guys lots!

To my aunt Julie; my mother-in-law Leona; and my sisters, Dee Dee, Mary, Pat, Rosie, Susie, Ellie, and Katie; and to my sisters-in-law, Diana, Mary, and Lisa—thank you for your love and support. When it comes to family, I definitely “fell in.”

To my daughter, Amy; son, Matt; and daughter-in-law, Katie—I love you to pieces. Not sure what I ever did to deserve blessings like you, but I refuse to look a gift horse in the mouth, so thank you, God!

To Keith Lessman—talk about God doing abundantly, exceedingly more than I could ever hope, think, or pray. When it comes to husbands, babe, you’re a grand slam.

And finally to the God of the universe, whose unfailing love keeps me afloat. Without you, I’d be up a creek instead of white-water rafting down rivers of grace.

Julie Lessman
is an award-winning author whose tagline of “Passion with a Purpose” underscores her intense passion for both God and romance. Author of the Daughters of Boston series, Julie is also winner of the 2009 ACFW Debut Author of the Year and the Holt Medallion Awards of Merit for Best First Book and Long Inspirational. She is the recipient of thirteen Romance Writers of America awards. Julie resides in Missouri with her husband, daughter, son, and daughter-in-law.

Contact Julie through her website at

Also by Julie Lessman


A Passion Most Pure

A Passion Redeemed

A Passion Denied


A Hope Undaunted

A Heart Revealed

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