A Heart Made New (45 page)

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Authors: Kelly Irvin

BOOK: A Heart Made New
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“You’re saying you…” Her voice trailed off. “You care for me?”

He brushed a piece of hay from her apron. Her hands fluttered, then clasped at her waist. Their gazes met. “What if the bossy man wanted to make a claim on you?”

Her face turned pink. “So you talked to Doctor Corbin and you’ve decided you’re healthy enough to court me? Is that what you’re saying? Until the next bad test result?”

“Not exactly.” David moved closer. “I told him I needed some time.”

“Time? Why? If you need more treatment, you need to start now. We can’t keep waiting. I can’t keep waiting.”

“I know that. We’re not waiting anymore. At least, I’m not.”

Her pretty nose wrinkled. “I don’t understand.”

Every bone in his body weary, he leaned against the stall railing. “When Kinsey died, Willow reminded me of something. She said love never dies.”

Annie leaned next to him. Her scent of vanilla wafted over him, sweet and innocent. “She’s right. The Bible says so. It’s wonderful that she has her love for Kinsey to hang on to, but what does that have to do with your test results?”

“I’ve been so afraid of dying, I haven’t been living.”

“I know

“I realized I don’t need the test results. I need you.”


The word came out a squeak. David laughed. “Yes, you. Who else, you silly girl?” She began to protest, but David cut her off. “Listen to me. I don’t know what the test results are. I told Doctor Corbin I wanted to talk to you first. Having the faith to commit to a life with you was more important. I couldn’t make a decision to commit to you based on test results. They don’t matter. I’m asking you to take them on faith, just as I am. Whatever happens, happens, but we’ll be in it together.”

“Together.” She whispered the word. “Always together.”

He allowed himself to grasp her soft hands in his. “Take a ride with me.”


“Get Emma to watch the kinner. Take a ride with me.”


“Just do it.”

Her forehead scrunched, her cheeks wet with tears, she scrambled from the room. Within a minute or two she returned with Emma, who asked no questions.

Annie waited quietly while he hitched the buggy and climbed in without his help. She remained silent until they were out on the road. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”


“It’s been a long day.”

“It has.”

Realizing he didn’t intend to say more, she lapsed into silence. David urged the horse forward, anxious to reach the spot. They plodded down the road, a trail of dust behind them, until they left the Shirack property. Once they made it to the highway they moved more quickly. The sun shone on the blacktop between the occasional car. The longest chunk of the journey meandered through Plank property. He pulled along the fence, finally, and stopped.

“What is this? Why are we stopping here?”

He helped her down. “We’re almost there.”

Together they climbed a small slope of a hill. At the crest, he stopped. “We’re here.”

“Here where?”

“We’re standing where our house will be.”

“Our house.” She surveyed the scene, her head cocked as if searching for something among the trees. “Kinsey would’ve liked it here. It’s so peaceful and quiet.”

“Jah. We rode here once. She asked me if heaven would be quiet like this. I hope it is.” David stared at the horizon, searching for the right words. “My brothers have given it to me to start a new life. It’s only a dozen acres, but it’s enough. Mudder wants to retire to the dawdi haus and she wants me to run the bakery full time. I’ll honor her wishes. I can always help my brothers farm if I get a hankering to plow. I’m asking you to help me build us a home so that come November, we can
marry and start a life of our own. Regardless of what the test results say. We face the future together. Whatever time I have, I want to spend it with you. The rest doesn’t matter.”

Her features softened. Tears pooled in her green eyes. He ached to touch her face. He wanted to hold that image in his mind and his heart forever.

She nodded.

He breathed again. “Say it out loud.”

“What?” Her voice shook.

He tugged on her arm so she would turn and face him. He could feel her trembling under his fingers. They clasped hands, his warm fingers wrapped around her cool ones. “I want to make sure you understand what I’m asking. I’d like you to say it out loud.”

Comprehension spreading across her face, she smiled. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you.” Her voice, always low for a woman’s, was husky. “Whatever time I have left, I want to spend it with you.”

He nodded. “This is the first of many good days we’ll have here.”

They turned and faced the tree-dotted land. “One other thing.”

“There’s more?” She dabbed at her freckled nose with a handkerchief. “I don’t think I can bear it.”

“I want to help Charisma and her children get their own place. She needs it, and it’s only fair to Luke and Leah.”

Annie laughed. “I knew it.”

“Knew what?”

“She grows on a person.”

“Like a dandelion.”

“Some weeds are impossible to get rid of, it’s true.” Annie chuckled. “Together I know we can help her. She has a job now and Deborah to watch the babies. Plus, I think I know someone else who might be interested in keeping an eye on her.”

David examined her face and saw only merriment. “Are you matchmaking?”

“You’ll see.” She slid her arm around his. “I just want her to be as happy as I am right now. In this moment. Finally.”

“Hey, it didn’t take that long.”

“Only two rounds of chemo for you and being held at gunpoint twice for me.”

“Well, when you put it that way.”

They both laughed. The sound caught and danced in the late afternoon breeze that rustled through the tree branches. The leaves created a jeweled, dappled effect like lace on Annie’s face. David turned and tugged her closer. He let his hands slide up her arms until his hands cupped her face. “Are you sure you want to be married to the likes of me?”

Her eyes, wet with tears, widened at his touch. “I’m as sure as I’ve ever been about anything in my life.”

Then he did what he’d wanted to do since that first singing so long ago. He wrapped an arm around her, brought her close, then touched her chin so she raised her face to his. He kissed her, softly at first, unsure. Her response came swiftly and held no uncertainty. The kiss deepened until he knew it must stop.

When he broke away her breathing sounded a little ragged. “David…” She looked shaken, but she smiled. “That was…I’m…I—”

“Me too.” He grinned and pulled her close again. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

The words were more than reason enough for another kiss. This time she pushed away. “We can’t keep doing that. November will come soon enough.”

She was right. Still, he didn’t let go of her hand as he tugged her toward the buggy. “Let’s go.”

“What’s the hurry?” She glanced back at the hillside. “I love it here.”

“It’s time to start our lives together.”

She quickened her pace. “Together.”

Discussion Questions

1. Logan McKee robs Plank’s Pie and Pastry Shop at gunpoint. Annie immediately forgives him and begins to worry about what will happen to him and the child he says he needs to feed. Would your first thought be to forgive him? If not, why not?

2. Logan robs the bakery because he needs money to feed Gracie and Charisma. Is it any less wrong if he does it for what he desperately believes is the “right” reason?

3. Annie not only forgives Logan, she takes his girlfriend and child into her family’s home. Many of us have served food to the homeless or given money to a homeless person on a street corner. Would you take a homeless person into your home? Why or why not?

4. The Bliss Creek community of Plain folks believes in forgiveness even in a situation where the law has been broken. Mayor Haag believes Logan must be prosecuted to keep all the people who live in Bliss Creek safe. David argues the Bible says we are to forgive seventy times seven. Mayor Haag points out “Thou shall not steal” is one of the ten commandments. Who is right? Can they both be right?

5. What does Charisma’s description of herself as “bad news” and a “dime a dozen” tell you about what her life has been like? Do you think she’s “bad news”? Do you think her father’s physical abuse excuses the mistakes she’s made? What do you think of her treatment of Logan after he goes to jail?

6. Annie and David talk about the story of Job and how God allows everything to be taken from him in order to prove to Satan that Job is
faithful. Has there ever been a time in your life when you’ve felt abandoned by God? What did you do to strengthen your faith?

7. Emma wants nothing more than to have a baby. She’s waited a long time for her first child. Then she has a miscarriage. David wonders why a godly woman like her has to go through such a tragedy. How do you respond when tragedy strikes in your life or in the life of someone you love? With anger? Or by drawing closer to God in your moment of need?

8. Can you find examples in your life of times where you know the power of prayer rescued you from a dire situation? What about times when you didn’t get the answer you wanted even though you prayed hard and long? How did you react to that?

9. Annie knows there’s a chance David will die from the Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but she says yes when he asks her to marry him. Do you think David was right to ask her to give him an answer without knowing the results of his tests? Was he right to ask her without knowing the results himself? Why or why not?

10. The Bible says, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” On days when things aren’t going well or something really terrible happens in your life, do you have trouble finding the joy promised in this verse? How do you reconcile those days with the Scripture?

11. When a loved one is sick, we pray for healing. Sometimes we pray for miracles. If David is right and being afraid to die shows a lack of faith, what should we pray for in those times when a loved one’s life or our own lives hang in the balance?

About the Author / About the Publisher

Kelly Irvin is a Kansas native and has been writing professionally for 25 years. She and her husband, Tim, make their home in Texas. They have two children, three cats, and a tankful of fish. A public relations professional, Kelly is also the author of two romantic suspense novels and writes short stories in her spare time.

To learn more about her work,


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