A Heart Full of Lies (13 page)

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Authors: Nique Luarks

BOOK: A Heart Full of Lies
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“What time you get off?”

“I work 6-6, but I picked up half a shift so I won’t get off till eleven.”  she sighed.

Tone gave her a funny look. “Why you pick up an extra shift? If you need something you could’ve asked me. I don’t want you working all those damn hours.”

“I can do for myself Tone. They needed some extra help, and my day is free so I offered.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“Yea, ok. Well I’ll hit you up later love. Be safe.”

“You too, later.” She ended the call just as Kayla was coming back over.

“Ok, Erin you ready to get slayed?” she joked.

Erin laughed. “About damn time.” After Kayla turned the dryer off, she picked up her purse and followed her to her booth. “What happened to the chick with the baby?” She glanced around the shop.

“Aw girl, that’s my baby sister Milan. She was just bringing my niece up here to see me. She’s always with her baby daddy so I never get to see them.”

Erin paused. “Milan?”

Kayla parted her hair. “Yea girl, her and her baby daddy Shawn are stingy with that damn baby. She doesn’t even get her hair done here no more. This nigga spoiling her and she just too busy for little ole me. I can only imagine how everything’s going to be once they buy this house and move in together.” She turned Erin towards the mirror. “So how you want it?”

              Sasha was a about to text Erin back when Michael and Malcolm came out of Michael’s office.  She quickly put her phone down and acted like she was working. The last thing she needed was Malcolm to tell her she wasn’t doing her job. Sasha didn’t know what his problem was, but he did not like her. And now that he was always here, Malcolm made it hard for her to enjoy her job.

              Michael stopped at her desk. “Any messages?”

              Sasha shook her head. “No sir. But just a reminder, Michelle will be here at four.” She looked over at Malcolm who was wearing his coat. “Calling it an early night?”

              Malcolm ignored her. “Well, I’m gone for the day. If you need anything, just call me.” He nodded his head at Sasha than made his way out the glass double doors.

              “Well if I don’t see you, Happy Thanksgiving.” Sasha called after him.

              Sasha huffed. “Why doesn’t your brother like me?” she asked boldly. She was getting tired of being treated like shit.

“Don’t take it personal Sasha. Malcolm is just being Malcolm.” When he seen that answer wasn’t good enough he smiled. “He is just really starting to talk to me too. At least he acknowledges you.”

Sasha faked a smile. “OK.”


              It was going on five and Sasha was shutting her computer down to go home. Erin texted her saying she had something urgent to tell her, so after she stopped at home she would head over there and make sure everything was ok. Knowing Erin she was trying to trap her into helping with her Thanksgiving dinner. As she gathered all her things together Michael came out his own office, talking on the phone. Sasha rushed to the breakroom to get her lunch bag, thanking God she remembered this time.

              She opened the cabinet and closed it back damn near jumping out her skin when she realized Michael was standing next to her.

              “Michael you’re alway-“

              Michael grabbed her by her face giving her a long passionate kiss. Sasha pulled away from him in total shock. She didn’t know what came over her in that very instant but she had to have him. She kissed him back hungrily as he massaged her back and ass. Michael lifted her skirt and began rolling down her stockings.

              They stopped abruptly when Sasha’s phone started ringing. It wasn’t until then Sasha realized she was making a big mistake.  Pushing away from Michael she pulled her stockings back up. “Michael, we can’t do this.”

              Michael reached for her. “Why are you fighting this Sasha?”

              Sasha grabbed her purse. “Michael, I have man. You’re my boss. This is inappropriate.”  She made her way to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m so sorry.”

              Michael gently grabbed her arm. “Really Sasha? If he was treating you right then you wouldn’t have even kissed me back. I can be more than just your boss.” His eyes begged her to stay.

              Sasha shook her head. “I can’t do Shawn like that, I love him.” She didn’t even want to turn around and look at him.

              Michael let her arm go. “I understand, but you can’t deny that it’s something between us. I know you feel the way I do. So what am I supposed to do? Just disregard how I feel; when I see you every day at that?”

              Sasha kept her back to him. “Then I quit.”


              Jeanette and Amina were the only ones left in the office filling out the rest of their paperwork. Amina hadn’t really been talking to her, but Jeanette really didn’t care. She had so much on her plate, with Erin and Kory alone. Deep down she wanted to talk to Erin. Cry and let some of the frustration out. Erin talked a lot of shit, but she was a friend and because of Kory she’d disregarded that. She was torn between love and friendship.

              Amina turned and popped her gum loudly. “So we just not talking no more? I know you ain’t still mad about that comment I made towards you and Kory.”

              Jeanette sighed. “I’m not worried about you Amina.” She started putting her coat on. Jeanette had to remind herself that Amina really didn’t know anything about her. They were simply co-workers. Nothing more, nothing less.

              Amina looked up at her. “Well, I was wanting to tell you I have an idea, on how to get Tone to be with me.” She paused for Jeanette’s response.

              Jeanette just looked at her.

              Amina grinned, “I’ma get pregnant by him.” she cheesed.

              Jeanette frowned. “What? Why? He’s not going to get you pregnant Amina.”

              Amina smirked. “Oh he’s gonna get me pregnant.” she said defiantly. “He may not try to, but he will.” she said as a matter of fact.

              Jeanette shook her head at Amina. “You sound stupid. So how exactly do you think this is going to go down?”

              Amina gave her a smug look. “Watch me work.”


              Jeanette made her way to her car, when the honk of a horn frightened her. The car stopped, but the driver didn’t say anything. She couldn’t make out who was in the car because the tint was dark. Fear sat in as she rushed to her car.

              “Ms. Marshall!”

              Jeanette stopped in her tracks. The driver’s side window came down. “Do I know you?” Still she slowly made her way to her vehicle.

              Whoever it was put the car in park and opened the car door. Dr. Hendrix got out, “Ms. Marshall. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just came back to get some paperwork.” He gave her a sorry look.

              Jeanette breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, Dr. Hendrix. It’s just all these murders have been occurring and I wasn’t trying to be another victim.” She was happy it was him, because now she felt safe.

              “I know, I do apologize again. Did you park close?”

              She pointed. “Yea, I’m just down at the other end.”

              “You want a lift there?” he asked.

              “No thank you, I’m ok.”

              “You sure? It’s dark out here.” he offered again.

              “I’m sure, thanks again Dr.” She headed to her car, with her heart racing. Thank God for Dr. Hendrix.


              When Jeanette got home and was settled, she called Skyy. Since the day Skyy called her with news about Amina jumping Erin, Skyy hadn’t really been fooling with her. She waited for Skyy to answer as she went to little Kory’s room to find him something to wear for the next day.

              Skyy answered. “Sup Nette.”

              “Sup Skyy. Where you been? Mrs. MIA.”

              Skyy chuckled. “Girl working, trying to stay my ass out of drama. You?”

              Jeanette picked out a shirt. “Same here. What you doing for Thanksgiving, you cooking?”

              Skyy sucked her teeth. “Hell no. My mom is though. I’ma bring Deidra over there to meet everybody.”

              Jeanette was shocked. “Whaaaat? What brought this on? Last time I checked you weren’t ready for her to meet everybody.”

              Skyy laughed. “Yea, I know. But Deidra said that if I’m serious about this relationship then I need to act like it.” Skyy laughed at how gone Deidra had her.

              Jeanette took the clothes she picked out and headed back to her room. “So she’s making you? That’s not cool.” Jeanette frowned.

              “She’s not making me, I want to. I want to be with her and if this is what it takes, then I’ll do it.” Skyy didn’t like Jeanette’s tone.

              “Yea ok. So all of a sudden, you wanna be all in love?”  Jeanette didn’t believe her. Not too long ago Skyy swore up and down she was not a lesbian.

              “Jeanette what’s up with you? Acting all funny and shit? First it was with Erin, letting that bitch Amina disrespect her, now I feel like you coming for me? What’s the real issue?”

              Jeanette sat on her bed, “I don’t have an issue. I just find it funny that you talked all that shit about Erin and Sasha to me and Kory, now you all up under their asses. Make up your mind.”

              Skyy became indignant. “Jeanette you know me and Erin argue all the time. If we make up, then we make up. If we don’t, then we don’t, but USUALLY we do. Just because your man decides who you can and cannot befriend don’t mean you gotta take it out on me. Take that up with him.”

              “Whatever Skyy, you want to continue to kiss Erin’s ass, more power to you.” Jeanette was over the conversation.

              “Bye, Jeanette, before I curse you the fuck...” Skyy hung up in her face.

              Jeanette looked down at her phone, “No she didn’t.”

              Erin paced back and forth in her bedroom waiting for Sasha, and with multiple failed attempts to reach her she was getting tired. She called her again, and this time she was sent to voicemail. “Shit!” She waited for the answering machine to beep so she could leave a message. “Hey Sash, this is my fourth time calling you. What’s up, is everything good? I got something to tell you about Shawn. Call me back girl, aight, later.”


              Skyy pulled Skylar’s shirt over her head. “Stay still Skylar damn.”

              “Mommy, ouch, hurt.” Skylar tried to wiggle away from her.

              “Quit it!” Skylar started crying. “I’m sorry baby, but you have to listen to mommy. Don’t you want to see grandma today?” Skylar nodded. “Ok, then you have to put your clothes on.”

              Skyy didn’t mean to take her frustration out on Skylar, but she was a nervous wreck. It was Thanksgiving and today was the day. The day her whole life was about to change. It wasn’t like she was bringing another boyfriend to meet her family, she now had a girlfriend. She took a deep breath as she finished getting Skylar dressed. “Go put your shoes on.”

              Deidra stood in the doorway, looking high as a kite. “Why are you in here yelling at my baby?” She and Skylar had become very close, and she loved her like she was her own.

              Skyy walked past Deidra. “You finish getting her ready then.”

              Deidra shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know what you mad at. If you don’t want to do this, then say it. I’m not putting a gun to your head. You’re a grown woman.”

              Skyy ignored her as she pulled her phone out her hoodie to call Erin. When Tone answered the phone she laughed.


              “Hey Tone, is E by you?”  Skyy just shook her head.

              “Yea, hold on. Baby!” Tone yelled. “Here she come.”

              Erin picked up the phone. “Hello?”

              “Damn bitch, he answering the phone and everything. The dick must be good.” Skyy joked.

              Erin laughed. “Whatever, what’s up? Y’all at your mom’s yet?”

              Skyy pouted. “No. E I’m so scared. I don’t know how this is going to play out.” Skyy rubbed her forehead. “The whole family is going to be there. What I’ma do?”

              Erin laughed again. “Bitch you gone be alright. I’m proud of you, finally coming out the closet and shit.”

              Skyy laughed. “Whatever. I’ma do it and get it over with. I’m meeting her family for a quick second too. Are you done cooking yet?”

              “Basically, I got Erica ass icing the cake. You heard from Sasha? I called her like a day and a half ago, she told me should would be on her way and then just started ignoring my calls.” Erin was starting to worry.

              “No, I’ll try to call her later on. But let me go, so I can get this over with.”

              “Ok, good luck. Later.”

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