A Heart for Christmas (9 page)

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Authors: Lisa Watson

BOOK: A Heart for Christmas
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Moments later she ended the call.  Yvette took a deep breath.  Everything was all set.  Now if she could just stop being nervous, she would be fine.

Easier said than done
.  Her inner voice replied.


Christopher maneuvered into Yvette’s driveway and parked.  He cut the engine of his car and gazed at the clock.  It was six ‘o clock.  He was right on time.  He opened the car door and got out.  Readjusting his overcoat, he shut the door and walked up the driveway to the front door. 
You’re not nervous
.  He told himself. 

“Of course not,” he said aloud.  Seconds later, he had to chuckle.  If he wasn’t nervous, why was he talking to himself?

He pressed the doorbell and waited.  When Yvette opened the door, he was rendered speechless.  She wore a deep red dress with a V-neck and black pumps.  Her hair was swept up exposing a long neck accentuated by wisps of hair and a gold necklace with a single garnet.  He shook his head.  “Yvie, you look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”  She beamed up at him.  “Come in, I’ll just get my coat.”

Christopher stepped into the foyer.  “You have a lovely home,” he replied as he helped her into her coat.

“Thank you.

“Where’s the mun

“At the babysitters.  She l
ives a few blocks away.” 

Yvette grabbed her purse of
f the hall table.  Christopher held the door and then closed it behind her. 

As they were walking to his car, she stared at the black, Cadillac CTS and asked, “Where’s the truck?”

“That’s for work,” he replied.

He helped her inside
.  When he got into the driver’s seat, he glanced at her.  “And this is absolutely not work related.”  With a grin, Christopher secured his seat belt, started the car and drove off.

“So where are we going?” Yvette asked a few minutes later.

“Capital City Chophouse,” he announced.  “Have you been?”

“Yes, and I love it. 
The food is superb.”

“I think so, too.  Though I was hoping to surprise you with some place you’ve never been before.”

“Next time,” she said automatically.

Those two words suddenly hung in the air with heavy purpose. 


Yvette peeked over at Christopher to gauge his reaction to her brazen declaration.  She was just assuming that there would be a next time.  He did not look any different.  In fact, she noted that he had a rather pleased look on his face. 
.  She sighed with relief.  She did not want to say or do anything that would make their date awkward. 

Speaking of awkward
, her conscience reminded her that she almost embarrassed herself by gawking when he arrived. Yvette closed her eyes.  She was mortified that she had almost lost her composure, but there was no way to prepare for the totally-gorgeous-decked-out Christopher that appeared on her doorstep.  Yvette had been attracted to him from the moment she met him, and thus far had only seen him in jeans, sweatshirts and sweaters.  Now he wore a long black overcoat, black slacks and shoes, dark gray blazer, and black shirt.  That took the ‘wow factor’ to a whole new level.  His tasted in clothes was impeccable, and it had him looking all kinds of gorgeous.  Of course, it did nothing to calm Yvette’s nerves.  In fact, it merely kicked her attraction to him into overdrive.


“So what have you been up to this week?” Christopher asked while waiting at a red light.

Yvette practically jumped out of her skin at hearing his voice.

“Oh… it’s been a pretty hectic week for Lacey and I with work, school and then the memoriam.”

He glanced over.  “Memoriam?”

“Yes it’s…”  Yvette stopped, uncertain if she should go into details.  “It’s just something Lacey and I do each year in memory of her father.”

“Oh,” he replied. 

“I…look I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned it.  I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” she said quickly.

“You didn’t.”

The light turned green, so Christopher turned his concentration back to the road.   

“I think celebrating what Michael meant to the both of you is a great thing to do, Yvie
.  And I’m not threatened in the least, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

…yes…I just didn’t want you thinking that I was still pining for him.  I’m not—but it’s still hard.  Lacey doesn’t have her father in her life anymore.  That’s a loss she’ll feel for the rest of her life.  My heart aches for her.”

He reached out and squeezed her hand.  “What about you?”

She gazed at him.  “I’m coping, but this is hardly the conversation I expected to have on our first date.”

“It’s fine if you want to talk about it.”

“I don’t….but thanks for asking.  So how was your week?”

“My week was crazy busy
.  Mom and Dad are doing well at the farm, too.  I went back there twice this week.  Do you know she’s still talking about your visit?  You all made quite an impression.”

“They did, too,” she admitted. 

“Hey, I’ve got Satellite radio.  How about some Christmas tunes?”

“I’d love

He released her hand and hit one of the preset buttons on his console. 
They sung classic Christmas carols and talked for the remainder of the drive.

By the time they reached the restaurant, they were sung out.

“I don’t know how I’m going to eat,” Yvette lamented after they had been seated.  “My stomach hurts from all the laughing and singing.”

Christopher chuckled.  “I bet you’ll change your mind when you start looking over the menu.”

A few minutes later, they were sharing a crab dip appetizer.

“Tell me some
things that you like,” he said suddenly.

Yvette’s eyebrows crinkled in concentration.  “
Let’s see…I love the smell of fresh flowers when I walk past a garden.  Or curling up on the couch with my favorite quilt watching old movies, with a big bowl of popcorn that’s been doused in pepper and parmesan cheese.”  She smiled at the memory.  “I enjoy being in nature: the sea, the mountains, fields of wildflowers, seeing animals in their environments—it all makes me feel calm and appreciative of life.  I also love the look Lacey gets on her face when I do something that surprises her, or how she still curls up in the fetal position when she sleeps.” 

“You’re beaming right now,” Christopher noted.

“I can’t help it.”  She tapped his hand.  “Now it’s your turn.  What are some things you like?”

“Hmm…I’m very competitive, so I love sports.  Soccer, football, lacrosse, basketball, you name it I’ve either played it, or I watch it.  Not surprising, but I really do enjoy Christmas.  It’s a time for me to reflect on the true meaning of the day.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the whole buildup with trees, lights, decorating for the holidays.”

“You’re truly a romantic,” she noted.

“Ha.  I love the water and nature, too.”

“So you love natural beauty, too.”

Christopher ran a thumb over the back of her hand.  “I find beauty in a lot of things
,” he said pointedly. 

Yvette was still for a moment.  Their eyes eventually connected and when they did, she found it difficult to look away.  It wasn’t until their server lowered their plates on the table that the air of desire winding around them dissipated.

“What else?”  She prompted after taking a bite of food.

I think this is an amazing planet we’ve been blessed to live on, and that we need to do our part to ensure that we take care of the Earth like she takes care of us.  I like pitching in where I can to help.  I also like taking long drives; whether in a car, by boat, ATV, or riding a horse.  I use the time to clear my head or think over something important.”

She nodded.  “I can see that.”


Twenty minutes later, they were done eating and pondering ordering dessert.

“There’s no way,” Yvette lamented.  “I’m way too full to risk it.  You go ahead.”

“I’m fine,” he laughed.

Yes, you are
.  She said to herself.

As if she had spoken aloud, he stared at her with a huge grin.

Yvette stared in disbelief.  It was the second time Christopher had looked at her as if he could sense her thoughts.

“What?” she couldn’t help saying.

He tilted his head to the side.  “You know what.”

She frowned.  “No, I don’t.”

“Your eyes, Yvie.  You give yourself away—remember?”

“If that’s the case, what was I thinking, Mr. Darcy?”

He signed the bill, placed his card back in his wallet, and then leaned forward until he was mere inches from her face.

“You were thinking that you find me appealing…very much so.”



Yvette reared back as though she had just been shocked by an electric current.   This time she did gape at him.  “Okay, you’re starting to freak me out with that.”

“I can’t help if you’re easy to read.  In fact, I kind of like it.”  He winked.

“Why, because it gives you an advantage?”

“No, because these days most people go out of their way to keep things to themselves.  They hide their true feelings.  You aren’t like that and I like it…a lot.” 

Yvette shrugged.  “I told like subterfuge.  I want people to be honest with me, and I expect the same.”

Christopher stood up, and
extended his hand to help Yvette to her feet.  They walked hand in hand out of the restaurant and to his car.  Placing the key in the ignition, Christopher was about to start the engine, but then stopped.  He rotated in his seat until he faced Yvette.

“In the interest of honesty, I feel it necessary to tell you something.”

She observed his serious expression and steeled herself for bad news. 
Please don’t let it be a wife somewhere
.  She lamented to herself.  She could handle anything but that.

“Sure,” she replied, slowly.

“I’ve liked you since the first day I met you.”

Yvette tried, but it was hard not to grin too much.  “Me too.”

“No, not since the airport,” he clarified.  “Since I met you at Duke.”

To say she was shocked was an understatement.  Yvette’s eyes widened.  “What?  You’ve…liked me since college?  Are you serious?”

He nodded. 

“Why…why didn’t you say something?  You know…then?”

“You were beyond in love with Michael.  What was I supposed to say?  Hey, I like you and want you to be my girlfriend?”  He laughed.  “You would have thought I was crazy.”

Yvette shook her head.  “Not crazy.”

“Maybe not, but we both know I didn’t have a chance then.”

“Well you do now,” she told him.


The words hung in the air between them.  Heavy with possibility.  Before Christopher could stop himself, his right hand moved to caress her cheek.  When she leaned into his touch, he swallowed hard.


Her name was drawn out of his lips in a tortured whisper.  Christopher was not sure who moved first, but before he knew it, Yvette was in his arms.  His lips captured hers in a reverent embrace.

That one kiss seemed unleash the desire that was banked carefully below the surface in both of them.   Christopher deepened the kiss, and was relieved when he felt Yvette’s arms encircle his neck.  A few moments later, he released her and sat back.


“If you apologize for that kiss I’ll never speak to you again.”

He smirked.  “I promise you will never, ever hear me apologize for kissing you.   I was going to say is that I think we’d better stop before we get out of hand.”

“Ah,” she retorted.  “I agree with you.  I’ve wanted you to kiss me
every since—”

The mistletoe?” he finished for her.

“Yes,” she said with surprise.  “Let me guess,” my eyes told you as much.

“I guessed.  I would have loved to continue that kiss, too.”

With that, Christopher started the engine.  “Let’s get you home while I’m still the perfect gentleman.”

Yvette slipped her hand into his.  “You’re always that.”

As Christopher drove them home, his thoughts kept drifting to their kiss.  It was incredible feeling her lips against his.  To him, it just felt right.  The longer he was around Yvette, the more he wanted to be.  That included Lacey, too.  She was a sweet little girl and he found himself looking forwarded to knowing them both better.

In Yvette’s case, that desire was much more personal. 

An idea began forming in his head, and when he reached Yvette’s house, he had formulated a plan. 

“Are you busy Sunday afternoon?” he asked after turning his car off.

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