A Guardians Passion (42 page)

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Authors: Mya Lairis

BOOK: A Guardians Passion
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“And then there is the matter of our cub. We don’t know what she’ll be, what powers she will have, or what strengths. I don’t know what kind of guidance she’ll need. But I want to be knowledgeable for you and for our cub.”

“And don’t forget our adopted brood in the next room. We know nothing about them either.” Fenris scooted up behind Rayne and rested his chin on Rayne’s shoulder. One pair of cobalt eyes, another hazel, looked to her for understanding. Even if she wanted to chastise them, she couldn’t.

They were in the right and both so much hotter for it, her warriors and guardians. “You two discussed this without me, didn’t you? Fucking conspirators. Going behind my back.”

Fenris gripped Rayne by the chin and turned him for a long, leisurely kiss that was hotter than hell. As always, Rayne yielded gorgeously under Fenris’s lips and snarls. Both were very hungry, fidgeting against each other. When they separated, they turned to her in unison, Fen licking Rayne’s cheek, teasing her something fierce.

Feigning irritation, she stood up from the bed. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked down at them. “You’re always pulling some bullshit, following me when I told you to stay home, putting a spy on me, trying to keep me from the fight.”

Fenris shrugged while Rayne smirked.

“Right. You have so much to punish us for,” Fenris said, not in the least apologetic. He wrapped his arms around Rayne’s waist and pulled him back to lie at the top of the bed. They were so beautiful together, and they belonged to her.

She didn’t like the idea of Rayne going one bit. With them both, she had balance. She didn’t have to worry about feeling submissive under her powerful brute, not with her yielding beta beneath her.

Rayne sighed. “We so are unworthy.”

She wanted to laugh at the obvious baiting, but the heated moisture between her legs was nothing to scoff at. A glance at the sack sitting on the dresser across the room only heightened her arousal. “Unworthy of what? Your reward? The reason why you wanted us to have some time alone? The reason why you’re staring at me with tents fucking pitched?”

Rayne pouted. “You wish to punish us, alpha? For being overprotective?”

“Eh, female,” Fenris chimed in, placing his hand over Rayne’s cock. He had released the precious vermillion length from the confines of his boxers and was fisting him slowly.

Rayne had done the same. His hand was in Fenris’s crotch, fingers curled around the girth of heavy balls. “Is that what you want?”

Hell no.

Staring at them, she wanted nothing more than to be out of her clothes and to show full-on filthy appreciation for her males. She took hold of the bottom of her shirt, lifted it about her head, and tossed it to the floor. Her nipples were already swollen and aching at the exposure. “No, wolves. I want to thank you both properly. You have a problem with that?”

Neither of them did. Instead, Fenris released Rayne, and they moved apart, making room for her to join them upon the bed.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Freya allowed Rayne a small eternity at her breasts, granting him his desires but on her terms.

He could suckle all he wanted but only slow and gentle. Given free will, the wolf could wrench an orgasm from her with the ferocity of his lust. She couldn’t allow him freedom to take what he wanted for fear of her own reserves. She wanted to last, not end up exhausted and snoring before the true fun began.

She cradled Rayne against her, her arm close about his shoulders, fingers toying with blond strands. The pull of his lips had only made her wetter, clenching tighter against the throbbing of her sex. His face was flushed with ruddy color until finally his need for air granted her some relief from the intensity of his lips. Rayne had gone into a trance, his reward causing him to wince whenever her fingers brushed against his rigid sex. He was on his knees, half in her hold, with his tight ass high in the air. In that position, she could easily spy the twitching of his cock, the glistening beauty of its angry crown, and the reddening of his ass with every smack of Fenris’s hand.

Fenris was responsible for spanking their beta whenever he forgot his directions, which was often enough. She needed only to lock eyes with her alpha for the silent command, and Fenris would deliver the openhanded crack that would send Rayne to shuddering. Fenris smiled at her, wickedness in his cobalt eyes as she insinuated the need for another slap. He took joy in following her orders, but Freya doubted it would last when the alpha’s time came.

After Rayne’s third orgasm, her beta began to show signs of fatigue. Fenris leaned over Rayne’s slender back, chuckling at the feel of the shuddering flesh. “Enough, beta. Rest a bit, eh?”

Rayne mewled out a paltry denial, but his wet lips slid off her worried nipples all the same. He looked up at her like a beauty dazed and lost.

Freya was glad of her command. Discipline had allowed her to retain some strength as she helped Rayne to the mattress. She dropped over him to kiss his milk-slick lips and caught a smile from him.

Rayne’s reward had been apt, at least for the moment.

She then turned to Fenris, his broad chest heaving with eager breaths.

“Down, boy,” she said, gesturing to the space beside Rayne.

Fenris looked to have a quip ready upon his lips but then thought better and obeyed.

Relieved, Freya gazed at the impressive length of her alpha, from head to foot, marveling at the definition and size of every muscle before settling on the one that interested her the most.

She parted his thighs and moved between them. It was time for her alpha to receive his reward. Fenris loved to see her submissive, and he loved being worshipped. She meant to do both.

On her knees, she leaned over. She took hold of the base of his cock and pulled the length to her lips. Easily she kissed her way up to the satiny head. She placed hundreds of kisses upon the ruddy crown, worried the slit for the salt and musk of his seed, which refused to ebb. She held the furred, hot balls, kneading them with a vow. They too would get her attention, despite the thickening copse of fur surrounding them and the woolen trunks of Fenris’s thighs flexing against her shoulders like steel presses, unsure of whether to remain open or closed. He pressed his hips up and down, desperate for her every teasing swipe of tongue, and while he was no stranger to having lips around his cock, Freya wanted to give him something special. Worship.

She descended over the first few inches with wet, savoring abandon. It wasn’t an easy task, stretching her lips wide enough to accommodate him, but she had learned a great deal since becoming a mated female. One thing she was certain of was how to please her male.

Freya took her time, making sure that no millimeter of his flesh went untouched. It wasn’t her intention to bring him off. Not yet.

Oh, he could come if he wanted to, just as Rayne had, but she would be the one who decided when he would be truly satisfied. Her own pleasure could wait, Freya told herself, suffering from just the air upon her dripping pussy. Her turn would come last, after she had shown her males how important they were to her, how she appreciated their concern, and how much she valued them.

Fenris called Rayne to him, but before their beta could turn and scoot over, Fenris took hold of his shoulder and dragged him forward. Rayne lay half atop Fenris’s body, still sloe-eyed and lax in his recovery. Yet when Fenris grabbed a fistful of pale gold tresses and pulled Rayne down for a kiss, her slight male was revived.

She had to give Fenris credit. He was trying to find distraction in Rayne. His hips told the tale, however, quivering with every second of her torture. An upward glance revealed Fenris clutching Rayne to him and the sight of Fenris’s hand coming down upon Rayne’s ass.

He wanted to share his sweet agony, it seemed.

She didn’t mind, as the sight and sound only spurred her to further ruthlessness.

Holding his cock prisoner against his belly with the flat of her palm, she worried the fur of his balls, loving the salt and masculine sweat drenching them.

As Fenris’s groans grew louder and his blows to Rayne’s ass came faster, Freya understood the meaning of greed. She sucked one of his orbs into her mouth and savored the play of rolling her tongue around it, pulling it gently away from its twin.

“Are you trying to kill me, woman?”

Not entirely. Freya just wanted to make an impression, and by the time she moved to the other jewel in his sac, she had. Fenris’s thighs clamped down hard around her arms, his limbs trembling.

When she used her free hand to push his right thigh farther from the left to press it back just a little more so that she could get to the sensitive muscle of his perineum between his balls and ass, Fenris went slightly mad.

She was too used to his frightening snarls, the rumbling growls, to think that she had pressed him too far.

Freya went forward, led by the press of her tongue and her fingers already slickened by his precum, driving three deep through the clenched opening of his ass. Big, strong beast that he was, even Fenris’s endurance was being tested as she lingered, giving her attention to every inch in a show of fealty and dominance.

Again he insisted with her shoulders, squeezing them with paws twice the size of normal. He called her name, as the growing length of his nails scratched at her back.

Freya’s answer was only to rise and take hold of his shaft, to give him the release she had built up within him. In one smooth movement, she took half his length into her mouth. She pursed her lips and slid down the rest of the way, giving him the clenching pressure of her throat and tongue.

The sound that Fenris made as he broke shook the room, loud enough that surely everyone in the mansion heard. She didn’t care.

Freya caught as much of her alpha’s nectar as she could, having to withdraw in order to get his taste.

She savored his seed until the fierce jets became trickles, but even then he barely softened in her hold. She took a moment to glance up at him and saw the threat of his desire barely reined in. Rayne was looking at her as well, revitalized. His ass reddened, he was more than interested. Freya winked at them both and then returned to the warmth between Fenris’s thighs. By the time she finally sat up, Fenris was just a bit tamer. Rayne was cradling Fenris’s head and stroking his fingers over a chest staggering with the simplest of functions. She had taken the edge off both males, and they acknowledged it, if only for a little while.

“Come lie down.” Fenris panted.

She found that amusing when he was the one who looked like he needed a break. His hair sopping wet, tendrils stuck in wavy patterns over his forehead and shoulders. “Why?” she asked. “Because you’re finally getting a taste of what it’s like for me?”

“Because I have a reward in mind for you,” Freya clarified. “So you’d better keep your ass there. Rayne, keep your alpha in check.”

Her beta did as asked, even as she gathered the heavy swell of her breasts in hand. Freya massaged her tits, careful of the nipples that Rayne had worried so. They still ached from his teeth and tongue. The wicked culprit clung to Fenris, but his cock seemed just as eager to have her subdued, even pressed against Fenris’s thigh.

As she had teased Rayne, she gave Fenris something to gape at as well. Dropping a hand beneath the curve of her swollen belly, Freya touched her pussy, parted folds already slick with need and lubricated for her eager males.

Fenris’s nostrils flared open before he slammed his head against Rayne’s arm.

Freya believed that her command would hold, but as her display continued, she saw Rayne’s struggle to remain obedient. Rayne glared at her panting, looking as if he wanted nothing more than to snatch her up in his arms and impale her with every inch of his straining cock.

Slowly he removed his arm from Fenris, who was already rising. Fenris sat up as Rayne moved back. They were rapt, her males, holding their distance, but for how long, she couldn’t be sure.

She guided two fingers within her body, knowing that Fenris and Rayne were hungry to be the ones sliding within her. While she pumped her fingers in and out of her pussy, Freya took more than a moment to appreciate the warriors before her and the commitment she had made to them. Her days of standing alone and of pretending to be Teflon were done.

She made sure to part her legs so Fenris and Rayne could see her fucking herself, thumbing her own clit, moving her hips to her own rhythm. She wanted to fan the fires within them, even if they were bound to dissolve her to ash.

“Female, please,” Fenris snarled, yet his head was down in a show of submission she rarely ever saw.

Rayne was fixated, his bottom lip bleeding where a fang had pierced it.

“Shhh. This— No, I am for you. Stubborn, cranky, crazed, or not, I am yours. Do you even know how much I fucking love you both?”

“Oh, yes,” Fenris replied just barely above a whisper.

Rayne said something, but Freya couldn’t make it out.

Fenris stretched out a hand over her thigh, but he did not touch her. His eyes sought hers, looking for permission and pleading all the while. “Freya. I want—”

“Oh, I know good and damn well what you want.” She canted her hips upward, pressing her fingers in especially deep. Yet not so far as either of her males could go. “Take it, Fen. Whatever you want. Both of you. I’m yours, fuckers. Handle me.”

Freya had imagined she might need to exhaust her mates just a little to ensure that they would be thorough but not too rough. Bun was awake within her and fidgeting. Her own strength was unreliable. Her intention had not been to burn out quickly but to simmer and bask.

And her mates gave her exactly that.

Without having to be told, Fenris moved between her legs, gently pulling her hand away from her pussy and into his grasp. He held it while his other paw curled around her thigh.

Carefully, he helped her down to the bed and onto the space already well warmed by him and Rayne.

She closed her eyes and gave control of her legs to Fenris. Freya smiled as she saw him lift her calves up and over to meet the curves of his shoulders. She felt his hands beneath the cheeks of her ass, lifting her, relishing the heat of his breath upon her sex seconds before he placed his lips against the aching bud of her clit.

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