A Guardians Passion (10 page)

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Authors: Mya Lairis

BOOK: A Guardians Passion
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Freya discovered that Ezra had arrived in the United States when he was nineteen, along with his father. They had come from northern Africa to settle in Nevada. His father was not a werewolf but hadn’t stopped Ezra when he felt the need to join a local pack. He had caught the eye of the alpha. He admitted to Freya that he had been attracted to the male’s rank rather than his personality. Apparently, Freya had been responsible for the end of that charade.

Ezra encountered the Sohons a short time after leaving his pack. He had been discovered in a bondage bar by one of the altruistic Sohons, who figured his penchant for submission would be better put to use at werewolf functions rather than benefitting humans.

Who knew they had outreach for disgruntled omegas?
Freya certainly didn’t and was about to inquire further when the sound of two women shrieking caught her attention. A tall brunette who looked to be full-term in her pregnancy was swearing up a storm, directing her anger at a shorter pregnant female with brown hair.

Freya recognized both women but knew only one of their names. Emily was once again the subject of ridicule. Surrounded by the aggressor and her friends, Emily had her chin raised high in defiance. Her chest thrust forward, Emily didn’t seem to give a damn that the other woman was showing both claws and fangs.

“Maeve, leave her be.” One of the taller woman’s friends was trying to step between the pair, but the one called Maeve was fired up. “Come on. Let’s go.”

Maeve nudged her friend aside before stepping into Emily’s personal space. “No! Why should I go anywhere? She should be the one who has to go. Jessica should be here, regardless of whether she’s with cub or not. She is the alpha, not this rank thief! The fucking nerve of her, coming up in here like she’s the head of the McTavishes. No fucking respect for order.” Maeve sneered, her pale face a picture of rage.

Freya had seen more than her share of aggression and knew the signs and smells of an impending brawl. Maeve’s blood was running hot, and there was no telling what she would do in her anger. While Freya’s first thought was to stand back and watch, the idea of pregnant women rolling on the floor was not amusing in the slightest.

Freya moved through the growing crowd. Although Emily didn’t seem afraid, it was the lack of fear that could easily bring about Maeve’s true aggression.

“It’s a damned shame,” Maeve continued, her nose wrinkled in disgust as she towered over Emily, their bellies near touching. “Sending his whore in place of his true alpha! No wonder their pack is doomed.”

“We are

“What did you say, Gamma? What did you fucking say?” Maeve snarled.

Freya prayed that Emily kept her mouth shut. While
wouldn’t have tolerated a gamma back talking her, Freya knew that at least she would have had enough sense to ignore the confrontation with a pregnant bitch. Maeve, of some proud Gaelic descent, showed no sign, inching closer. Freya drew closer to the two women, but another female stepped in front of her just as the situation deteriorated further.

“I said that we are
doomed. My pack is doing fine and will thrive even more,” Emily snapped defensively. “Maybe you should be more concerned with your own pack instead of showing
your insecurities—”

Oh shit, Freya thought, pushing the woman in front of her aside at the same time a resounding
came from Maeve’s open palm connecting hard with Emily’s face.

“You bitch! You disrespectful fucking cur.”

Freya lunged forward and grabbed Maeve’s hand before she could deliver another blow. “Hold the fuck up. Dammit!” With a tight grip on Maeve’s wrist, Freya yanked the aggressive alpha’s arm and pinned it behind her. Maeve struggled, but Freya wouldn’t relent, pulling Maeve back a few steps.

“Get off me,” the furious wolf demanded. “This has nothing to do with you.”

“And what goes on in her pack ain’t got shit to do with you either.”

“Her alpha is my cousin.”

“And? Your cousin should be delivering the ass whipping. Not you. Now calm down.”

Maeve struggled all the more. “Damn you. No.”

Freya rolled her eyes at the snarling, red-faced she wolf. Freya could have dislocated Maeve’s shoulder. It took all her strength not to. “I will knock you the fuck out, and you know it. Try me. Fucking try me, please,” she whispered into Maeve’s ear.

Maeve seethed, her brown eyes meeting Freya’s as if she were an equal, but only for a moment. “Go ahead. Take the whore’s side,” Maeve told her. “What do I care if the title of alpha means nothing to the little shit?”

“Alpha or no, Jessica can’t give the pack what I can,” Emily sneered. “And for all
posturing, being an alpha apparently means little to you too.”

Maeve bounded forward in Freya’s hold, nearly slipping free. Freya had to snatch her back, reestablishing her grip. She held the irritated mother until Maeve’s chest ceased to rise and fall as if it were a great bellows fanning an infernal flame. “Chill out. Both of you. Shit. Got me thinking I’m at a tournament instead of a retreat. Acting like hyenas instead of wolves,” she snapped. “Worse. Like fucking cats.”

Maeve snorted while Emily withdrew, looking over her shoulder as if she didn’t trust Freya to hold on to Maeve. Emily slipped to the exit, even as Sohon security finally filed in.

Freya released her grip on Maeve as three brawny Sohon betas approached as well as one of the Sohon matriarchs. Immediately the woman, a less intimidating version of Helena but no less stately, inquired as to the cause of the disturbance.

Freya gazed over at Maeve to ensure that the woman had managed to find some sort of serenity before replying. “New mothers. That seminar for controlling your hormones can’t come soonefuckingnough.”

Freya gestured for Ezra to follow her and headed for the cash registers at the front of the room. She had spent more than enough time in the vendors’ room.

* * * *

Freya had to be on time for the seminar. She wanted to blend in with the other females, choosing a seat in the middle of the large conference room, albeit one on the outside edge, and gazing up at the empty moderator’s table. She had to suppress the urge to get up and leave, ready with the excuse that she had already received much of what she had needed from the retreat. The benefits of a restful night’s sleep in cool, clean sheets underneath a warm duvet, none of which smelled like musk, sweat, or salt, was a joy in itself. With plenty of room to stretch and no distractions, she had slept until ten, nearly missing the breakfast buffet.

Mommy yoga proved to be more than useful. It was fun. Being able to enjoy stretches simply for the joy of the motion rather than as warm-up for weight work was highly relaxing. Still wearing the soft cotton sweatpants from her session, Freya pretended to browse through the program booklet. Even though she had memorized all the descriptions, locations, and times of the events, it helped distract her as the other seats filled up.

Helena Sohon didn’t walk so much as glide to the front of the room. In a conservative, knee-length salmon outfit with stark five-inch cream heels, she took a seat behind the panelists’ table. Looking over the gathering, she patiently waited until conversations died.

Freya couldn’t help but admire the tactic as she had been certain she might have to choke a few chicks who simply had to share the latest gossip or fashion query.

Helena’s gray gaze roamed cool and commanding over the group as she eventually captured both the audience’s attention and silence. She welcomed everyone to the seminar with only slightly less enthusiasm in her praise of them than she had had the night before. Sounding more like a drill instructor than a panelist, Helena gave an introduction and an outline of a session that promised reasons for and ways to handle mates from pregnancy to delivery. From the set of her shoulders to the firmness of her lips, Helena carried herself as if she were laying out a strategy for war.

Despite what she felt about the woman, Freya had to hand it to Helena; the Sohon had captured her attention on tone alone. That Helena quickly touched upon the many problems that pregnant females could expect to happen sent a chill up Freya’s spine. Although Helena didn’t look at her directly, her words were all too relevant.

“Many males tend to regress a bit once cubs arrive,” Helena said. “No matter how mature, independent, or strong they are, once there is a cub in your arms, they will change. They will worry over their importance to you in a way that often resembles jealousy. It is to be expected in some degree or other, but you have to recognize when things are getting out of hand and curb it. Your mates may be irritable. They may try to seek more of your attention and become moody when they don’t receive it. You will have to make time to address that.

“At first it will be hard. Your cub will need an attentive eye and care. However, once you give birth, it is up to you to become an expert at time management. You will need to spend as much on your main cub as with your second cub, which will be your mate. Now physically, you may not want to—you may not even be in the mood—but simple caresses, nuzzling, and, yes, massages will go a long way.”

Freya tried not to laugh at thought of sating Fenris with anything less than handjob. It was a certainty that someone would end up fucked, be it her, Rayne…or an omega.

“Don’t be afraid to seek help from matrons, deltas, and omegas, as they are the least likely to be seen as threats with your alpha or alpha and betas being in their” —she gazed up at the ceiling for a moment as if the word she sought was written there—“their awkward state. By no means should you spend your time just upon your cubs, nor should you use that cub as an excuse. By sharing responsibility for your child, you should be certain that you spend time reassuring your mate. You are in effect helping the pack as a whole by helping the pack alpha to keep his head. And thus the pack can keep all of theirs. Underestimate that duty, and problems will undoubtedly arise.”

“Yeah, like accidents.” A snickering laugh could be heard from the back of the room.

Not again
. Freya turned around in her chair and noticed Maeve and two of her friends throwing cruel, curt glances and laughing at another in their row. Seated at the far end of that row, Emily had her head lowered. The intent of the gibe wasn’t lost on Freya, but the idea of bullies set a sour taste in her mouth.

The remark did not go unnoticed by Helena. “Don’t be crude, Phillipa,” she uttered icily to the one who had spoken. “That too could be a problem when wolves occupy themselves with things outside their own den, especially when not everything is above reproach with one’s own pack.”

The smiles and mirth ceased, replaced by flushed embarrassment, specifically upon the pale features of the one who had spoken.

Don’t fuck with a Sohon
, Freya mentally advised the girl. Turning back around before she became a target of razor scorn, Freya watched as Helena recomposed herself.

“Right.” Helena sighed. “So. In the case of those of you who tend to both alphas and betas sexually, the trial may be a little more arduous—no, it will be, but it is not impossible.”

Freya listened intently even though Helena’s gaze targeted others.

“Making time for both is just as vital in fact. If you spend too much time with one, then the other becomes restless, and you could end up with fights and posturing or worse. You could have fights and discord among two who should always be in sync.

“You in effect will have three cubs to tend to, and you must! Spending time with them
is key. Maintaining and respecting both in their respective roles should be a priority. Yes, the alpha may be the father, but do not humiliate your beta in the attention that you show. He or she will be nervous enough suspecting that their place was put in jeopardy by the birth of the cub. It is all about balance, and you as the pack mother and alpha female must know how and when to manipulate all the pieces of your new puzzle.”

Taking note as Helena gave a series of scenarios and solutions, Freya thought about her males and the changes she had already witnessed in them. Rayne had certainly bucked Fenris’s authority a few times regarding access to her breasts. Fenris had developed a need to imprison her in his hold. And while they had growled at each other from time to time, she had never really considered what would happen if things got worse.

The notion that her mates could become volatile only cemented Freya in her chair as Helena outlined burdens that she hadn’t even considered in her flight from the lodge.

“But what about what
need?” one female asked.

Still overwhelmed by Helena’s first forty minutes of information, Freya wasn’t prepared when Helena acknowledged the very topic that she thought had been her reason for coming.

Helena gave a deep nod to the woman’s question before replying. “Well, the needs of the mother are extremely important as well. I am not talking about forsaking yourselves. In fact, make no mistake. Dealing with nursing, crawling, biting, and messy cubs is again no easy feat, and dealing with their suddenly clueless fathers doesn’t make it any simpler. Some of you have jobs, and some have other

At that, Helena’s gaze did home in on Freya. The contact only lasted a moment, yet Freya understood that her concern was truly being addressed.

“Anyway,” Helena continued with a wave of her hand. “We all have our own spirits, and you cannot dampen that with the obligations of the pack. If you do, you will end up resenting both them and yourself.”

“So how do you prevent that?” The question came from the front row, and like a hawk, Helena was on it with her reply.

“Creativity and dominance,” she stated as if the answer should be branded in the heads of every woman.

There was a series of whispers and confused gasps among the attendees before one bold werewolf spoke up. “What? What do you mean by that?”

Helena rose from her chair. She walked around to the front of the table and leaned back against it. She took a moment, seeming to access the confusion of everyone in the room while making sure that she had all of their attention.

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