A Grid For Murder (7 page)

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Authors: Casey Mayes

BOOK: A Grid For Murder
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“That’s per board foot, not per board,” he said as he handed the money back to me.

“Then how much does this piece in particular cost?”

He took a few measurements, entered them into a calculator, and came up with a total, but before he would tell me, he looked at me and asked, “Do you really want this piece, or are you just making one of those points you like to make from time to time?”

“Does it matter?”

He touched the wood with reverence for a few moments. “Ordinarily I’d say no; your money is just as good as anyone else’s. But with this wood, it makes a difference to me. Botanists and foresters keep trying to bring back the American chestnut, but they keep failing at it. Our country wouldn’t be the same place it is now without it.”

“I didn’t know. If there isn’t anything new to harvest, then where do these boards come from?”

“Mostly old barns that are being torn down in the
country. If chestnut is cared for properly, this board will be around forever.”

“That’s pretty amazing.” I thought about it. “Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll come up with something special to use it for, and then I’ll come back and buy it.”

“That sounds like a plan.” Rob took out a small adhesive label and printed my name on it. “This will be in my office waiting for you when you’re ready for it.”

“You’ve got a deal,” I said as I put my purse away.

He put the board by his desk, and then Rob said, “You didn’t come by shopping for chestnut, and I don’t see any sourdough bread in your hands, so what can I do for you?”

“I need some advice,” I said.

“That I’ve got plenty of, free of charge, and worth more than you have to pay for it.” He turned to his sole clerk, a young man named Lee Thomas, and said, “I’ll be in my office for a few minutes. Call me if you get swamped.”

Lee asked, “Do you want me to start putting the barbeque grills away in the basement?”

“No, just watch the floor. You can do those later, but leave one on the sales floor.”

Lee grinned at him. “Do you honestly think anyone’s going to want to buy a grill this late in the season?”

“If we don’t have one on display, how will they know they can?”

Lee nodded, and Rob and I went into his office. It was in sharp contrast to Barbara’s, with everything put away in a neat fashion. I admired him for his sense of order, even if I didn’t emulate it myself. There was a bookcase along one wall, but there were no library books on it. Instead, there was a mass of vendor catalogues, neatly organized. It didn’t appear that Rob ever threw one out.

As Rob settled into the red leather chair behind his
desk, he leaned back and asked, “What kind of advice are you in the market for, Savannah?”

“I’m trying to figure out who killed Joanne Clayton,” I said abruptly.

As I said it, I saw Rob’s face go white, and he nearly fell out of his chair. It seemed that my friend hadn’t heard the news about our fellow resident of Parson’s Valley, and he was taking it harder than I ever could have imagined he would.

Chapter 5

the news so hard, and I felt guilty for not sugarcoating it a little, instead of just blurting it out as I had.

Some color was coming back to his face, but I could tell that he was still shaken by the news. “I’ll be fine,” he said. “I just need a second to come to terms with it. I hadn’t heard a thing about it.”

“I didn’t realize you two were that close,” I said.

“We’re not now,” he said with a sad voice, “but we were, at least at one point in our lives. I admit that it was so long ago that it almost feels like it was someone else, but the news is tough to hear.”

“Were you two ever an item?” I asked as delicately as I could. I couldn’t imagine my friend ever finding Joanne attractive—not that she didn’t have her share of suitors
over the years. I just doubted that he’d be able to take the barbed comments she was so famous for.

“No, never,” he said with a quick dismissal that I instantly believed. “She was good friends with my Becky, though.”

I knew Becky was Rob’s late wife. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize.”

He shook his head. “It’s not your fault. My wife was gone long before you and Zach moved to Parson’s Valley.” Rob put a hand through his hair and appeared to try to shake off the bad news. “I’m kind of surprised that nobody told me. When did this happen?”

“Today, in Asheville. We were having tea together at Café Noir, across from the obelisk.”

He looked startled yet again, and I worried for a moment about his heart. “Did you actually see it happen?”

“I might have,” I said.

Rob frowned at me before he spoke. “Savannah, either you did or you didn’t. It’s a simple question.”

“I just wish it had a simple answer. I was picking a few things up in the city, and I decided to have lunch across from Pack Square. Joanne spotted me, and then joined me at my table. Sandra Oliver and Laura Moon came soon afterward, and we all had some tea together.”

“Do you know how she died?”

“She was poisoned,” I said.

His face grew even paler. “Do the police think you did it?”

“I’m not sure what they think,” I admitted.

“Surely Zach is going to clear you,” Rob said. He had a great deal of faith in my husband’s ability as a detective; a belief that I happened to share.

“He’s trying, but there’s only so much he can do. I’ve got more problems than being a murder suspect, though.”

My friend looked genuinely puzzled. “What takes precedence over that?”

“Think about it,” I said as I leaned forward in my chair. “I know I didn’t kill Joanne, and I believe Zach will find a way to prove it. I’m just afraid that even if the killer is found, if it happens too late, my name’s going to be smeared forever as a murderer. If I can nudge the Asheville police and give them other suspects, they might be able to clear my name before it’s too late to do me any good.”

Rob nodded. “So, that’s the advice you’ve come to me for.”

I stood. “It was, but that was before I found out you had such close ties with Joanne, even if it was far back in your past. Now I realize that it would be too painful for you to help me. I’m sorry I bothered you with this, Rob.”

“Sit back down, young lady,” he said. There weren’t many folks who called me that, but I always let it slide with Rob. “I’ll help you.”

“But it’s not—”

He cut me off. “There’s something you should realize. Joanne Clayton was a completely different woman back then. Sometimes I think she took Becky’s death nearly as hard as I did. The woman changed, I’ll tell you that. I know it’s hard to believe now, but before, she was fun, clever, and always willing to lend a hand. When my wife died, something died in Joanne as well. She became someone I didn’t recognize anymore. She turned into a mean, spiteful, angry woman, and I gave up trying to get through to her a long time ago.” He rubbed his chin, and then
added, “I suppose I thought there was a kernel of goodness buried deep inside her to the very end, waiting to come back out, but we’ll never know that now, will we?” He slapped his hands on the desktop, a move that startled me with its abruptness, and the ringing shot of the impact echoed in the small space. “Savannah, you and I are going to find out who robbed her of that chance.”

“Are you sure you’re up to it?”

“More than you could imagine. Now, you said that Laura and Sandra were at the table with you as well. Was there anyone else around that you knew?”

“She mentioned that Harry Pike came by just before I got there,” I said, “but I didn’t see him. I know that a lot of people around here didn’t like Joanne. She burned too many bridges over the years. I don’t even know where to start with possible killers.”

“I’m afraid it’s not going to be a short list, is it? We need to write this down so we can keep track of everyone we suspect.”

I reached into my bag for paper and a pen, but he shook his head when he saw me do it. “We’ll use one of my chalkboards. Every now and then I run specials, and these come in handy to announce them to my customers.”

He put a board on a narrow lip on the wall behind his desk and started writing. I felt better already, knowing that I had called on reinforcements to help with my search. I had Zach working with the police, and Rob and I were going to tackle things, too.

It was a good start, but I knew that we had a lot of work to do if we were going to find a killer.

top of the board, I said, “If it helps, Barbara Brewster told me that there were seven people that she knew of who wouldn’t mind seeing Joanne dead.”

“You already spoke with Barbara about this?” Rob asked me as one eyebrow arched skyward.

“I thought she might have an idea about where to start. She seems to have her finger on the pulse of life around here. Barbara
to hear things in her line of work.”

Rob nodded reluctantly. “It’s a good idea. Did she happen to mention any of the people who made her cut?”

I didn’t want to answer him, but it was a fair question, and he had a right to know. “To be honest with you, I wouldn’t let her tell me.”

“Now you’ve got my curiosity going full steam ahead,” he said. “Savannah, if you asked the woman for help, why did you refuse it when she offered it to you? I’m betting Barbara didn’t take kindly to that.”

“It upset her, but it couldn’t be helped. She wanted me to swear that I wouldn’t tell anyone what she told me.”

“On the face of it, that sounds like a reasonable request,” he said.

“It included Zach. That’s when I walked out on her.”

Rob laughed when he heard that. “Now I understand. I would have loved to see her reaction when you left. She must have been madder than a wet cat when you walked away from her. She probably threatened you as she left, knowing that woman.”

“I don’t know if you could consider anything Barbara said to me a threat. She wasn’t happy with me, that was clear enough, but I never really gave her the chance to say much before I was gone.”

“Then that was worth the price of admission alone, I’d say. Seven is as good a place to start as any. Let’s see if we can match folks around town with the numbers on her list.” Rob wrote down the names Sandra Oliver, Laura Moon, and then Harry Pike. After a moment or two, he added Greg Lincoln and Hannah Reed as well.

“Why them?” I asked.

“That’s why you came to me second, right? Because of my knowledge of the town?”

I had never meant to hurt his feelings. “Rob, I was downtown, and when I saw Barbara’s coffee shop, I didn’t think twice about asking her for help. It was no intended slight on you. I promise you that.”

If he had harbored any hurt because of it, it appeared to vanish with my apology. “Don’t think another thing about it. I’m just glad you thought of me at all.” He tapped the last two names on the board with the piece of chalk in his hand, and explained, “Greg and Joanne used to date, not that they ever let anyone in town know about it.”

“If they were being so secretive, how did you find out?”

Rob shrugged. “It was purely by accident. I couldn’t sleep one night last week, so I decided to take a walk around town. Joanne was sitting by herself on a park bench, and I was about to greet her when I heard a man’s voice nearby. I recognized it as Greg’s immediately. He’s got a distinctive way of talking, and there’s no doubt in my mind it was him. What surprised me was the intensity of their conversation. That’s putting it mildly. They weren’t chatting; they were arguing about something, and he wasn’t happy when he left.”

“Did either one of them see you?”

Rob looked sheepish as he admitted, “I was a little embarrassed about eavesdropping on them, so I stepped back into a doorway so I’d be out of their line of sight. I thought about asking Greg what it was all about as he neared me, but he stormed past me before I could say a word.”

That was interesting news. “Were you able to hear anything specifically that either one of them said?”

Reluctantly, Rob said, “I wasn’t trying to listen in on their private conversation, but I couldn’t help hearing the last thing he said to her. Knowing what I know now, it really sends a chill down my spine whenever I think about it.”

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